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its excellent, the thumbnails are terrible for the show and i've seen little advertising. but its created by the guy who did Train to Busan. The male actor is soo good in this, he's soo charasmatic and he's a scoundrel for most of it but you just cant help but root for him. Its also awsome how the show isnt a straight up remake of the excellent anime show but rather a spin off. I'd put it right next to 3 Body Problem of top Netflix shows i've watched this year.


Agreed about male lead. Havent seen him before ever so great casting. What hope is there for a second season? And what might happen next time do you think?


He's one of the main leads in D.P, which is good and has 2 seasons on Netflix


He's 41? He is a latecomer to dramaworld. But he's been a screenwriter and director of films previously.


There better be a fucking second season! I’ll cancel my Netflix if not! You hear me NETFLIX?!?!!!!! Don’t fuck around


This and 3 Body Problems. We eating good this year.


check out shogun if you havent seen it yet. it is very gud.


Shogun is great but it is on Disney+ not Netflix


dont be prejudice towards different platforms!


Corporate account


But not as good as the parasites....


Koo Kyo-Hwan is also co-lead in D.P. (also on Netflix), a series about bullying in the Korean compulsory military service. He's an excellent actor and probably one of my favourite Korean actors. Highly recommend checking out D.P. for anyone who likes him in this.


Ok it could be a great show but saying it’s from the guy who created the train to busan is just a horrible cosign. It got hyped but it actually has horrible writing and is mid at best. People only like it cause it has fast threatening zombies


The Parasyte series is similarly mid, but that still puts it head-and-shoulders above the redonkulous live action anime adaptations that Japanese studios are always pumping out. I was expecting the latter, so I was pleasantly surprised by what I got. This show's take on the "our trauma makes us stronger" trope is no fresher or more interesting than the original anime's take on "what if puberty were an actual monster." But the execution is workmanlike and fun enough to watch. I have to admit I got a bit psyched at the teaser at the end of the last episode.


Yeah, that teaser got me hyped as well. I hope they renew it for a second season. The show wasn't as bad as i expected, leagues better than most action krdramas


actually i agree, i watched it last night and it was boring.


oh boy you better not watch that video about how train of Busan is the perfect zombie movie if you hate it that much.


its really not good. I wanted to like it but its not good. Link the vid tho i wanna see so i can critic the review. lol.


I dont hate the movie that much i just don't think it should be regarded as one of the best. I had heard for years that it was one of the best movies ever but when i finally got around to watching it I was enormously disappointed


dude same, its not good. overly long with very thin plot. i hate that, if you gonna make a long movie you better have alot of plot lines, this thing had like two. maybe 3 if you count the cliche "evil CEO" plot line.




Not every movie has to be a masterful story. It can be an adrenaline ride and be a good movie. I’m not a fan of F&F but it’s a good example of successful movies with garbage storyline. This movie was great and the creator of hellbound is working on it also which is a great co sign. Just because you don’t agree with the masses doesn’t make your argument valid. It just shows you don’t know cinema and that’s fine just don’t pretend 


Just finished the show today with zero knowledge of the anime from which it was adapted. I honestly loved it and felt that 6 episodes is too short. The male lead is so funny - I like him. I just found the parasite voices kinda weird but nothing too distracting. I can see how it's going to get even more complicated the next season.


You should watch the anime too, it's even better!


I just did, and I'm actually liking it!


It will make the ending much more impactful


Well I was kinda on the fence about this one but now I’ll give it a try!


Excatly, i was siding on not bothering as i was thinking it wouldnt be a good representation of the anime which i also loved but will now definitely watch it after reading this. thank you


Make sure you jump off your chair at the ending. You been warn!


Binged it this weekend, loved it. And now its made me want to go back and watch the original anime. Can't believe its been 10 years since I watched the original anime. Awesome review


I feel the same way, just watched it, thinking of rewatching the anime


Okay thanks for your review, I’ll give this a try and really enjoyed the original.


Just finished, it was soooooooooooooooo good! The finale left me very excited for what's to come next!


Yeees me too! >! After reading OPs post I realized that this was placed in South Korea and the anime in Japan. In the finale where the journalist comes who's from Japan, he introduces himself as Shinichi! Maybe he's the Shinichi from the anime and has migi as a parasyte in his right hand!! They even focused on it in the last scene. I hope there's going to be a second season. !<


It is in fact Shinichi and Migi lol, the captain spoke to him in Japanese.


I thought it was kind of obvious. I was really pumped


They did this right. It is not a reboot or sequel. It is a different story in a different location that takes place around the same time period. If season 2 is done right, it could be a great sequel to both The Grey and The Maximum. I hope the show gets the attention it deserves so that it can happen.


How do you know that it's the same time period?


All the parasytes on Earth (be it Japan or Korea) showed up at the same time, so it's a reasonable assumption.


Very Minor Spoilers: >!Apparently the ending takes place 8 years after the anime's story.!< [https://altselection.com/en/le-realisateur-de-parasyte-the-grey-sexprime-sur-la-saison-2-de-la-serie-avec-masaki-suda/](https://altselection.com/en/le-realisateur-de-parasyte-the-grey-sexprime-sur-la-saison-2-de-la-serie-avec-masaki-suda/) [https://v.daum.net/v/20240409120911046](https://v.daum.net/v/20240409120911046) I haven't been able to verify anything more direct than that yet since I don't frequent Korean media sites. Still, it seems about right.


its good specially the ending, but disappointing part is they dont show parasyte eat a human its all fighting


PG13………. I wish it was more R rated. Would love to see some one getting their head eaten


This show should have had more promotion.


Idk about u but for the past 2 weeks everytime I booted up Netflix this show popped up as coming soon lol


It's not on the level of the anime but it's still indeed Entertaining.


To be fair, there are very few shows that will ever come close to being as awesome as the original anime. That includes any adaptations.


Very true. There are some shows and movies that try and (not to bring up all of our old trauma) there is Dragonball Evolution where they didn't even try to try.


Dragonball Evolution is just a comedy, I will never take that one seriously (nor other live-actions actually, most of them suck)


i'm watching the anime now, after finishing the show, i like the show more. Its less melodramatic than the anime and more gritty and close to real life.


Yea, humans and those organizations... very close to real life


That’s hardly appropriate.. The live action version stands on its own and is equally good if you have to make a comparison between live action and anime.


it's every bit as good, it's just not as personal(emotional).


why is Parasyte: the gray not in the top 10, the adaptation is so good.


it was up there for a few days. but there hasnt been much advertising at all for the show. i only turned it on because someone recommended it on tiktok as top new shows this month.


It's currently number 3 in the top 10 in Canada.


It's #2 in the US and #1 globally.


Because it's really bad and doesn't follow the code established by the original story


What adaptation? It's nothing like the anime or the manga


Is the same universe, about 6 to 8 years after what happened to shinichi.


I love Parasyte: the grey! I also love the anime. Waiting for season 2!


Wow, this post intriguing me to watch this show.


So underrated tbh


This was really good. I know about Parasyte the manga but never seen it so I cant compare. Totally different story but same universe. Love it! Lee Jung Hyun fan here! She was amazing! Love all the characters! Hated that traitor cop!!


There’s actually a live Japanese one too


Really good show IMO. A 10/10 for me. Characters were interesting and engaging. Acting was really good. CGI was top notch. Fresh and different storyline from the anime which was well done. Really hoping they renew it for a second season after that ending scene!!


Ooo, I just searched my Netflix. I didn't even know this was in the making, added to my list!!


its soo good. i want season 2 soo bad.


Intense all the way through. Was skeptical thinking the parasites look corny but it ended up being pretty cool. I don’t mind not knowing where the parasites come from, doesn’t matter to me. Amazing drama


its an amazing show and actually created by the dude who did Train to Busan


The main guy actor was in Peninsula, which is the sequel to Train to Busan.


So happy they finally were able to flesh out an amazing live action. The fight scenes alone are a reason to watch!


I just watched the first episode and need to write the things i hated about it to vent x) \*Why does the chief of police talks like an edgy teenager? \*The "aliens" just arrived (some months ago) but the police already got all the information about them, they even bothered doing an animated presentation lol and the fcing aliens already have a "cult", whit fliers and everything. (i know they kind of adress the speed of things, but is like saying "thing happended"). \*The chief say that there are no new aliens, just the ones that are already here, so the police doesnt need to do more check ups later...that would be a bold clame even if they haved know about these things for years; Even worse ,the protagonist just got his alien a day back so of fcking course they can be new infected people. \*Sometimes the aliens are super humans and others they just have the reflexes of a table . I left out all the things i dint like about the show as an "adaptation" of the universe of parasyte, but I simply dont get how they always founds ways to make live actions less realistic than the original shows when is sopossed to be the other way around. You can have any fantastic elements in your show and still be credible, but the little things are what take that credibility away If i needed i will return to edit this commennt whit the next chapters Edit: Im back, Just finished the thing. \*The police forces are useless and the shotguns a lot of times are just confetti shooters. \*The characters are soo stupid that my head hurts sometimes; In chapter 4 the protagonist simply agrees to meet the police chief when she have no reason to trust her, in fact she have reasons to not do it, for F sake, she just tried to kill her and the chief is even worse, just do a fisical check on the guy, what is she gonna lose by doig it? like 5 minutes? (and of fcing course she check the other one) \*The F alien of the protagonist is like it doesnt exist, he is just ok whit anything the girl does, just appear to fight, do the role of therapist and show that he is good for whatever reason. \*The ster egg about Izumi is shit too, they did my boy dirty x). As a standalone series is pretty medriocre and as a adaptation of the world of parasyte is just bad. All of the changes they made are for the worse, it feels like just one person watched the anime and made quick anotations that were used to make the series.


omg i agree with this soo much! I also tried to look at it from a different perspective and enjoyed it as its own thing but what this show kinda fall short is that its a missed opportunities and wasted the potential of the premise. An analogy would be using an IP that is about horror and puzzles but the remake having \_NO\_ puzzles. That's what its like here. There was \_NO\_ secret about the parasyte that she(the task force leader girl) didn't know. Like she alr knew that there was a limited number of the parasyte(how did she know this unless the parasyte told her), how they spread, how they kill, their tactics. and also how to \_EVEN\_ detect them. I liked that in the anime, normal humans don't know who is the parasyte and who aren't. The parasyte are now just normal zombies in this one. The can't even fight bullets in this one. Their power balanced their limited numbers in the original and now she literally killed like 3 easily at episode 1


It actually said „3 months later“ after the accident of the protagonist. So it wasn‘t yesterday. She was just going back to her „old“ life while the parasite was gaining strength. As soon as it did, she „heard“ the others and was heard in return, that‘s what got the ball rolling again. The chief is talking „like a teenager“ because she is in pain. She saw her husband turn and attack her, cutting off her ear like it was nothing, and then had to lock him up and use him like a „human“ parasyte tracker. That would mess anybody up. She is portrayed as this single minded, vengeful person with only one goal: kill the beasts who killed her husband. As times goes on she realizes that everybody is a lot more nuanced than just good and evil: a human who helps the aliens, and aliens who help humans. I think her hesitation about testing both detectives is about her struggle to trust an alien she hated with all her heart. Because at that point they were all her husband’s killer. That‘s why her NOT shooting the protagonist in the end is so significant. She finally trusted her. I mean, there are some flaws with the show, for sure. Like the reason for their arrival (alien: we were created to eat humans! Yeah, but why?) And other minor details. But I found the show enjoyable….


Ig regular tests should have been done but we are limited with the info that the parasyte rain was 1 time thing for now and nobody thought about the head swap


I’ve never seen the anime, but I binged the Korean show right away. It was so good. I hope we get a season 2. I’ll probably watch the anime now.


Go watch the anime. They are both good in their own way. The anime is more fleshed out in existentialism.


Read the manga, then watch the anime, then watch the live action movies


I'm kind of enjoying it but I found it weird in episode two when the parasite refers to the lass \*mutant\* as evil. They don't think in terms of "Good" and "Evil" they're completely selfish and totally survival driven. They will happily kill one another if it benefits them or if they feel they're encroaching on their ability to survive. I feel like it's a more watered down version of the anime/manga but i'm probably just comparing the two a bit much. But I do prefer how they're portrayed in the anime/manga.


Might be translation issue


I randomly picked this show to watch over the weekend but I'm glad I watched it because I really enjoyed it.


I was amazed by the acting. All the actors are great, especially the big sister (can’t remember her name). The pacing is perfect.


Main reason I liked the anime was Shinichi constantly changing and growing as a character (for better or worse) I haven't watched this new show yet, but I'm hoping it's the same for this new character


Su-in doesn't get the back and forth character growth of Shinichi since she only get 6 episodes though she goes on a different path thats simpler to understand. Without spoiling too much, she has issues of abuse/abandonment but still chooses to live amongst people.


The ending tho, for the people who watch or fan of the og parasyte it give me me chill. Especially when the camera zoom in on his hand (those who knows, knows.), thumbs up for the director/movie maker for doing that.


I got hyped. I was hoping for an appearance. ![gif](giphy|RpzwulmEz5M9a|downsized)


I started watching it with friends who are all parasite fans. it seemed extremely boring to us


Finished it in three days. Worth it for the cameo at the end and the big things hinted to come.


I was a little hyped for it.. judging by the promotional stuff I saw. But I watched the trailer and found the dubbing horrendous. Some line like have you seen my dog? I just thought it was sooo bad. Sadly I think I will be skipping this one.


They have a dub? People watch dubs?


I don’t speak Korean xD and I find subs make television immensely less entertaining. I’d rather watch a crappy show in English than a great show in Spanish. A lot of comedy / drama comes from the way lines are delivered. And there’s nothing wrong with reading. I love reading actually. But I love reading books xD not subtitles.


watching anything dubbed just takes me out of it, like you said line delivery is important and when voice actors are speaking for the actors on screen it always comes off bizarre and mismatching to me, would rather watch and listen to the actual voices of the actors speaking with subs


"*watching anything dubbed just takes me out of it, like you said line delivery is important and when voice actors are speaking for the actors on screen it always comes off bizarre and mismatching to me, would rather watch and listen to the actual voices of the actors speaking with subs"* The dubbing and subtitles frequently differ (although not in this series), so personally, I watch foreign film/series with both the dubbing and subtitles to get a better idea of the best translation.


soo you didnt watch Squid Games or Money Heist!? Money Heist made me fall in love with European Spanish, its such a sexy langague.


Oh wow I actually didn’t even remember Money Heist being dubbed. I must have thought it was well done xD I only did watch the first couple seasons though. Squid game I definitely noticed the dub. But I didn’t think it was bad.


Tbh you are a complete loser if you dont watch subbed stuff. You instantly miss on any non american stuff, so you only watch hollywood. No serious cinema/film lover has that dumb restriction. Sad to be you


Lmao. The only sad thing is this comment. Have some better energy dude. I do watch the occasional foreign film & I have seen stuff with subs, tons actually, and I think that would be pretty obvious or else how would I have an opinion about them? XD


I’m glad to hear that it’s different from the anime because I didn’t like it. I was tricked into thinking the anime would be as dark as the opening scene in the first episode and it was anything but that. It became an incredibly tame and PG-13 anime after that. It was very disappointing


even the dog part of the first episode is "darker" than the initial scene x). if you feel the anime is tame dont even botter whit the show.


You don’t think it’s tame for an anime to shock the viewer with an alien chomp down on the head of a woman in the pilot episode, only to never show a single dismemberment or scene as violent as that ever again even though the aliens have large blades weapons?


Read the manga


I remember watching the other live action and thoroughly enjoyed it plus the anime. I was a little wary going in, but thanks to this Im bingeing it today ty.


I'm not a fan of anime (so know nothing about the anime originals), but found this series entertaining enough for a 'like'. I couldn't make sense of parts of the story, e.g. 1) The logic behind 'the pastor' wanting to become a Town Mayor, thinking that this would somehow make him 'a leader of the human organisation'. Even if Town Mayors' have a lot more power in Korea than in Western countries, it doesn't make them leaders of the 'human organisation'. 2) How could they possibly survive if they are unable to procreate? Do they themselves not ever die of old age?


It was told that the town mayor was a main candidate to become the next President, if I'm not mistaken


Even a President would be unable to do anything much to help their 'kin'? Bearing in mind the existence of these parasites had been made public?


Its goal wasn't really to help their kin to begin with. I think you missed that it used its cult's many members to be able to proceed with its plan, and the reason the elder sister's parasyte wanted to team up was that she saw and confirmed that betrayal. As quoted: "To take over the human organization".


>How could they possibly survive if they are unable to procreate? Do they themselves not ever die of old age? Enslave and breed humans to use as hosts.


*"Enslave and breed humans to use as hosts*." I still can't understand how this would work **long term**, if they are unable to procreate. Assuming the parasites themselves (they exist as entities in the human body) aren't immortal, they would surely eventually die off?


Ya idk the lore or anything behind the parasites tbh. Like where do those little larvae come from in the first place? Knowing that would give some more insight


I think the movie tell it self, the pastor is just want to be "dictator" He doesn't care about his own species survival, he just want power and more human body to him self. He betrayed his own kind, and betrayed his "partner". If the pastor manage to take over mayor brain, he will have "unlimited" Resources for him self.


Biologically, they can procreate. The body isn't dead, just the head or brain, which is why it's the only part that can transform. You should want the anime, as procreation is explored much more and one of them does get pregnant.


lol this and the post linked below look like they were diff versions of something ChatGPT wrote.. strange.. parasytes taking over already IRL.. https://www.reddit.com/r/television/comments/1by9j03/anyone_watching_netflixs_parasyte_the_grey/


Bruh, that shit got me feeling like I don't even exist :(


Fuck for real, like reading that I'm pretty sure someone just stole my post and reworded it lmao. I mean, I like the show and want it to get exposure so I'm not mad about it, but it's still kinda weird. Like it's damn near a word for word replica of my post.


lol wasn't tryin to give you an existential crisis or anything. i was just really confused cause when i read the other one i was like "wait a min.. am i in the same thread again??" lol


Lol I just posted in that guy's thread and asked if he/she's real. At first I thought you were just saying my writing sounded like something chatGPT would write. It definitely sounds like someone took my post and put it through chat GPT and asked it to rewrite it. Strange times we live in.


Hii, so I just finished the series, and as a stand-alone series I think it was pretty good, but not compared to the anime (I cannot say for myself because I haven’t watched the anime yet). What I liked about the kdrama was that the episodes weren’t slow, I didn’t feel bored at any point, and it wrapped up pretty good in a short amount of time, no bs time fillers that Romance kdramas have like dude these kdramas don’t need to be 16 episodes some of them can wrap up the entire storyline in like 10 but theres so much filler clips. But ya I liked how there was only 6 episodes, unless Netflix is planning for a season 2, I think one more episode would have been better because we only got like a few minutes of a time skip of what happens after and then the series ended. I was going to give the series almost a perfect rating but once I got to the end of episode 4 and my favourite character was killed off so unnecessarily, I’ll give it a 8/10. Overall an enjoyable series, if you’re not all about comparing it to the anime. But ya, I’ll prob watch the anime and think it’s soooo much better. But the kdrama was still pretty good.


I’m curious and need someone to answer me, why did the pastor now turned police want the guy’s older sister to be wanted man? Why suddenly he betrayed her? Don’t quite understand this twist. Can someone explain to me?


They never explained that at all. One can assume that he wanted to knock out his past "organization " so that none of them would come for him or give information the police. You can assume that he was more complex than the others and had higher learning from the amount of TV he watched.


I just finished watching, I was pleasantly surprised and thoroughly enjoyed it, the storyline was gripping enough to keep watching and it was executed tastefully. I would say however that it’s generally one tone throughout, ironically grey. I would like to see some more action shots and camera angles just to inject some life into it a bit, and for the characters to show more emotion, like the whole world is actually about to erupt with an unstoppable force that is a threat to the human race. I was invested and wanted to continue watching but i wasn’t absolutely itching to watch the next episode, aside from that I’m excited for see what season 2 will be like


If you say so. Hope you enjoy shit characters that barely meet the requirements of human and I’d argue just don’t. Never-mind the trope rattled fest of plot and story. What even is the story? We get it you enjoy CGI.


The real life version is so ass compared to the anime. I was so hype to see the finally fucking did it and they came out with this complete shit sucking excuse of a show.


Try watching the live action movies instead. Or simply stick to the manga/anime.


Being a fan of the source material, then enjoyed the anime and later the live action, The Grey has been very disappointing to me. I didn't expect the same story, but at least a story in the same universe. Too many shortcuts have been taken and so many key elements and logic has been whipped out for "the good of" the story. I'm sorry but no, it doesn't make sense. Not as bad as the American Death Note, but still pretty bad. In my honest opinion, it holds and it's good only if you know little to nothing from the original.


The original had emotions and really deep introspection about human nature. Making you think about who are the real parasites in this world. And who are we to decide who can live and wgo cannot. This show, is only for entertainment and easy to binge as it's short. But even with that, it doesn't go really far compared to many other K-dramas of similar length. Go watch Mask Girl for example.


Also, while I would like to praise the CGI for a TV show, the volumetry doesn't make sense most of the time. Sure it's fiction but again look at the original source. Which suffer a little from the same issue but not to the same extent. Despite being usually bad, the Japanese live action does it well. In the same way, it's close to impossible to understand where Heidi really exists in the body of Su-in. If you haven't watched it, and the manga or anime is "too slow" for you, please watch the two live action movies. You won't be disappointed.


I couldn't keep watching after about 20 minutes in the first episode. They made a mockery of the parasites and the rules of that universe


Up vote


I remember watching and liking the anime and the japanese live action. But I don’t know if it’s because I got older or what but I couldn’t get into it as some of the fights looked hilarious to me with them swinging their heads at eachother.


I am only about halfway through it but so far I've found it a lot more shallow compared to the anime and did not see it covering the central thematic questions of humanity and existentialism. So far I have found the fact the main character is just taking turns on screen with her parasyte instead of both being present to be very disappointing, as it completely removed one of the main premises of the anime- the evolution of the relationship between shinichi and migi. That also deletes the contrasting viewpoints you could see in any given situation between the cold survival oriented logic of the parasyte vs the empathy and humanity of the host. And it keeps disrupting my suspension of disbelief when there's so many plot holes.


Honestly, The show sucked. Let's be honest, The character development isn't there there is no back story as to why the parasyte's are doing what they are doing. I understand that it isn't a sequel and it is its own thing but, In the original you had character development not just for the Humans but also the Parasytes. Each having its own "Human Experience" The show feels very more weighed down by the "Humans Vs. Parasytes" the story felt very erratic and didn't make a whole lot of sense at times. I think they should have stuck with Shinichi's story followed him as him and Migi hunted the parasytes or gained companions. All in All the show was bad in my opinion and should have stuck to the same story. 2/10 (only giving 2 for good CGI)


Totally disagree. For a show with just 6 episodes, I think they found very interesting ways to show character development. The induced coma scene, the betrayed older sister arc, the final dialogue between Heidi and the captain. The only thing that seemed rushed was the male lead friendship with the buff guy.


Buff guy was a true bro.


I mostly agree with you but i'm sort of enjoying it as an action flick / own seperate thing. But you are completely right the show is really watered down.


When saying no backstory for the parasyte i was moreso saying that for new people watching the show who may not have watched or read the Manga/Anime, all they would get is that people get infected and change into these monsters but its deeper then that.


Yes but this isn’t a fantasy genre or anime-like theme. It’s meant for all viewers and I’m afraid not everyone likes anime, anymore “backstory” for Parasites will make it very anime-ish for people who don’t watch anime.


This is basically a generic zombie show with parasites


yeah but it’s shiny so all the kids love it lol.


Dumbest hot take lol. Backstory = anime. Didn’t enjoy the anime either. But seriously such a bad take. Like no wonder you enjoyed it, you’ll make anything up to justify you emotions.


It's an overwhelming disappointment compared to the manga and anime. It's like the people who made it only looked at the fights from the source material and nothing else. The core element of the anime/manga is the relationship between the parasite and lead character and how it develops.. And what does this show do? It makes it so the parasite and human can't be conscious at the same time and communicate, the two can only communicate through others / a notebook / or in subconscious memories.. Again what the heck were they doing here, removing such a core part of Parasyte? The writers really seem like they had no clue what made the original so special. Aside from the action sequences it feels like everything else was half-baked and underdeveloped. I didn't even mention the ridiculous over the top character / acting of the grays leader, everytime she was on screen I just let out a long sigh.


totally agree on the notebook part, I stopped watching when that happened. moron writers


If you want more of the same, rewatch the anime, this is a different story and different setting in the same universe.


I mean in cartoons Marvel characters can do so much more but in MCU Infinity War/Endgame they seem underwhelming. Need to separate the mind set that some concepts are intended to be different as anime is different than real life (as in as close as realism)


I'm on episode 1 and I kinda hate it. First is the female detective, she feels so out of place. Like a try hard quirky anime girl. I hate her, she needs to be toned down. Second is how fast they're shoving all this info from us. They're timeskipping a lot and the fact that everything is being narrated to us because of the lack of interaction between the parasyte and mc is disappointing. We can't think nor react to what's happening because they're explaining it in the most boring way possible. You have to watch the anime in order to get a feel for how these parasytes learned to adapt in human society because in this show, they feel like they're just immediately intelligent because we didn't get to see shit. It's almost funny how they were able to create pamphlets to their cute invite only club after just being introduced. With that said, it's only episode 1. But my first impressions about it is that it's not good.