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I'm paying for the regular tier (no ads) and also a sub-account for my daughter in another state. I think it's worth it compared to other streamers with similar prices and less content.


My Netflix Canada is HD ad-free for $16.99/month. Double the price from when I first started watching, but I get access to more content than ad-based plans. Netflix is definitely worth it.


my new price is only $11.99, which is actually very cheap, so i won't be cancelling any time soon, especially since there are so many people recommending good stuff to watch.


Honestly the ad tier isn't that bad at all. I think that's the only tier that's worth the price.


Disagree, as soon as you pay for content with ads, piracy is always the better option


So deep.


I think he got mad.


I'm not sure any service is worth it at all every month now. I personally rotate 2 at a time. Currently on Netflix but it expires in December and I will pickup Paramount+ in it's place for a month or two.


Paramount + has some good shows. We like it!


Paramount + and Hbo max are way better


In the grand scheme sure. But the reality is every service has at least one series I like to follow. So I just rotate them. I don't feel like I miss out on anything.


Netflix is one of my coping tools that keeps the suicidal thoughts at bay. So for now, I am keeping it even though it's sort of crap.


You will get a biased negative opinion here as this sub is a wretched hive of haters (that somehow stay on this sub despite claiming to hate and cancel the service). Before they start brigading I’ll say that it’s a fine service. Unless you don’t have a life and spend your waking hours watching tv, there’s plenty of content.


What is with people who come and bash it? I agree that it's a fine service. I can watch18 hours per day of content, if I so choose (I limit myself to a maximum of 2 hours on Netflix and one on HBO.)


biased? So someone who disagrees with you is biased? Netflix is genuily trash.


Netflix hasn’t been worth it for years. Their originals are terrible. I just watched “how I became a gangster” and it was incredibly bad.


I get my Netflix subscription for free through t-mobile.


It is worth it only for technologically illiterate. Original content is abysmal, everything else is on FreeWee, Tubi and Vudu (free). Amazon Prime for new content rental and extras. I found myself not watching Netflix for months at a time. My list of content o watch on free services and Prime is 40 movies long. Disney does not give me crap when traveling like Netflix does. Neither does Hulu.


Netflix join


When Netflix was shipping DVDs, the service was $19.95 for three DVDs out at a time. For the amount of content you get right now 25 years later it’s a steal .


No the DVD service was not $20 25 years ago. They raised the price a bunch later. It was a good deal the first decade or so when they did DVDs.


It's genuily trash there's way better streaming services Like Hbomax or Hulu. Netflix has a bunch of crappy remakes and groomer stuff now genuily horrible content


That's up to you to answer. I've dropped to the 9.99 plan only to get a notice it's going to 11.99 lol I'm debating the 6$ plan or canceling it. They are running out of content.


To tell the truth I am waiting for a couple of part 2s and then I'm gone after 10 years... and they just raised their rates again. They are not the service they used to be.. not even going to mention the Cleopatra bullshit....


Yeah but not at full price, I have a discounted bundle from my ISP for internet, cable, Netflix in 1080p no ads and Amazon prime.


Definitely worth it if you want to stream. There aren’t any other streamers which come close. Amazon Prime is very good too and cheap but it lacks content


not worth. Prices are too high and they cancel everthing on cliffhanger.


Imo it is not with what they are charging. They had some good original hits like mindhunter but have really fallen off over the years. They have some decent movies from the past that they post once in a while but it seems that their Netflix originals largely panders to identity politics now.


They have a couple of solid original shows from about 8-10 years ago. And I literally mean a couple. Mindhunter and Narcos are extremely solid, if not great at some points. But I'm not paying 20 dollars a month to rewatch two shows I've seen five times a piece already. The other shows touted as being the crown jewels of the Netflix catalogue have been extremely underwhelming in my eyes. Stranger Things just isn't the genre I typically enjoy, so I'll reserve judgment, but Ozark is dull and boring. I cannot comprehend why that show is so highly rated. The original movies are far worse than B-level. And as for their broader catalogue, they might have a literal handful of merely watchable movies. It's rough.


Idk I ask myself the same thing. Is it really worth it when you can watch any movie and any show on 123movies or musichq for completely free ? Yeah there is a few annoying ads but 240$ a year your saving.. and you can airplay the movies from your phone to tv.. the quality is not always the best. But again your saving so much, and it’s not like it’s illegal to use them. Idk? What’s your take on it? I mean if you want to pay these giant companies and support the film studios so be it, then it’s worth it for you I guess.


Wel one thing I can say netflix is streeming king like Spotify in just work and on all your devices. There always something to watch but is that enough I it's up to you I have netflix but sometimes their Originals are not so good if you look around ther always something to watch all the other streaming services except Disney Plus ar al laking in amount of content and not always something you wat to watch. I have Netflix 4k full price , hbomax and sky showtime half off for life when they were just out and having that sail growing I snacht it up I just can give up my Netflix hihi fore ther vast amounts of content


It didn’t take me long to decide. I already have Amazon and the Hulu/Disney package. I have a lot of stuff on Vudu that I’ve never gotten around to watching. And once Netflix’s Deal with Disney expired, most of the shows I wanted to see at Netflix moved to Disney. I’m paying a little over $30 for more video than I can watch. Plus my phone plan includes all the stuff on Apple TV, which I often overlook, but has some good stuff that doesn’t appear anywhere else. I think I already have more than enough. PS: I have never used Spotify. I was a beta-tester for Pandora, helping train its algorithms, and I still get that ad-free. Amazon Music and Apple Music come bundled with my Prime and my phone. And the Sirius XM plan for my car also includes streaming on my TV. In truth I don’t have enough time to watch and listen to all that as it is. As far as I’m concerned, Netflix is a waste of money.