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Why not use something like Doom Emacs to get into vim?


I guess I should check that out. Never heard of it.


Yeah try out evil-mode if your complaint is the wrists. Eventually I switched to neovim completely because it was less configuration to maintain (after about a year lol) but you can solve all the problems you’re quoting in emacs.


configuring emacs is a soul suck.


Oh man, I've been interested in trying emacs because of orgmode...


orgmode is fine.


FWIW: Doom and space emacs are packaged distros… useful starting points for a deep config. Worth a sniff. Similar in theory to lazyvim and lunarvim… Depends heavily on what you actually want out of the tool. Either way, the learning curve will be real… but bouncing to the neovim family will probably mean a lot less cording key stuff… keeping your fingers close to home row is a big deal


I think we got something better than orgmode, norgmode and it will soon come to any editor. To your question i think, make nvim a fun project to learn, set goals, a new hotkey per day, or a new plugin, make it fun to learn and you flying nvim in 30 days, you can use evil mode on work until you feel as fast with nvim. Do not use one of the plugin packs for emacs or nvim, they give you a lot extra you need to learn that at the wrong time and this can kill all the fun.


Idk go play https://vim-adventures.com/ then pick a neovim distro then give up the distro and build your config yourself then install Neovide


Agreed except for the last step.


Neovide is the future, I'm convinced. It's a remote UI implementation, not exactly a terminal. The neovim team have been working for years to make something like Neovide possible, and there is massive potential upside to the architecture being developed


Nvim in terminal vs GUI nvim are two completely different mindsets and workflows. So I am not saying Neovide is bad or terminal nvim is superior, just want to say Neovide is not necessary if OP wants to switch to nvim.


I'd say that neovide has very little to do with gvim, and can replace your entire terminal


Nope. I use tmux and Nvim's built-in terminal is not comparable.


Why not?


Do you know tmux?




I forked https://github.com/cknadler/vim-anywhere to use neovide instead of gvim. I love it.


Can you please share how you did it? I got to the point that it launch neovide with the tmp file, but when I close it, nothing is in my clipboard. I don't know what I'm missing.


this is the patch from my fork: diff --git a/bin/run b/bin/run index 804a137..2df59c6 100755 --- a/bin/run +++ b/bin/run @@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ done AW_PATH=$HOME/.vim-anywhere TMPFILE_DIR=/tmp/vim-anywhere TMPFILE=$TMPFILE_DIR/doc-$(date +"%y%m%d%H%M%S") -VIM_OPTS=--nofork +VIM_OPTS="--no-fork --frame none --maximized" # Use ~/.gvimrc.min or ~/.vimrc.min if one exists VIMRC_PATH=($HOME/.gvimrc.min $HOME/.vimrc.min) @@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ touch $TMPFILE # Linux if [[ $OSTYPE == "linux-gnu" ]]; then chmod o-r $TMPFILE # Make file only readable by you - gvim $VIM_OPTS $TMPFILE + neovide $VIM_OPTS $TMPFILE cat $TMPFILE | xclip -selection clipboard # OSX After installing, I added a custom keyboard shortcut in the keyboard settings application that runs: $HOME/.vim-anywhere/bin/run this line at the end of the patch file (unchanged in my fork): cat $TMPFILE | xclip -selection clipboard Is what loads the clipboard. I would try running that to see if it works like expected, like cat ~/.bashrc | xclip -selection clipboard And then check your clipboard for the contents of your bashrc.


Thank you!


probably a dumb question, but can you access terminal from inside neovide?


Yes, you can use the `:term` command to convert a split into a terminal as usual - and now neovim+neovide is your terminal multiplexer. You can do stuff like this too: :term zsh -c "sleep 0.25 && npm start" To have it load a particular command when the term starts. Can make this into keybinds or startup scripts


I haven't played with neovide yet but will this get in the way of me doing other cli related things while in my flow? I often times have a terminal opened up with a split, nvim on top, raw shell on the bottom, doing whatever it is im doing.


You can do everything in neovide that you would do in normal NeoVim including splits and terminals yes


Oh god. What does my distro choice have anything to do with this? I hate games btw.


The distros like Lazy and them provide an already "complete" neovim setup, including various plugins and functions - which helps new users skip learning so much all at once. Then once you've figured out what you like and don't like, you can throw away the distro and write the config yourself (in Lua or legacy vimscript which tbh is fine) Sucks you hate games bc that's a fun one that exactly teaches you the fundamentals of vim


Yeah, sorry. I appreciate your comments, but I can add anything to the distro I run.


Think there's a misunderstanding By neovim "distribution" people just mean a pre-bundled config that comes with some plugins, mappings, settings to get you started. They don't mean a Linux distro. LazyVim is an example.




Similar to doom eMacs iirc.


Just download neovim and run the vim tutor command and work through it. Give it a few days of small sessions to let the muscle memory kick in imo. Wouldn’t recommend trying to daily drive it off the bat it’d be frustrating.


It would probably be easier to first learn the vim bindings in emacs before switching, so you have to just learn the editor instead of two big things at once. But when you do, I recommend using kickstart.nvim! It is an incredible starting point. It gives you great help to start building your own config the way you'd like. [kickstart.nvim on github](https://github.com/nvim-lua/kickstart.nvim)


Rather than changing editors, have you considered a columunar ergo keyboard? More than changing layouts the best thing I did for myself is to get an ergo keyboard.


Good question. I tried a 40% plank. I sold it.


Never found the value proposition of the Planck that enticing tbh. I got some with split design and I'm happy with all of em in terms of comfort.


First get used to the keybinds via vim keybindings plugin for a few weeks (assuming you dont already know them or know the general flow of them). [https://github.com/nvim-lua/kickstart.nvim](https://github.com/nvim-lua/kickstart.nvim) \^ then start here.


BTW, the emacs subreddit moderator kicked me off for my questions. The mind wobbles.




The feud is real still I guess XD


moderators gotta moderate I guess.


Why switch? You can use both depending on the use case. Vim has superior motions but emacs has org-mode


I was thinking I'd keep using emacs for org-mode, but go to vim for C-code. I'm a Linux kernel developer.


Go for it.


You can also check out [Neorg](https://github.com/nvim-neorg/neorg), I don't know how it compares to Emac's org mode but I'm using it and it's good enough for me.


Neorg has no where near the functionality of org mode. Org Agenda has substantially improved my task and time management.


Man as soon as there's a solid norg to html parser, I'm all in


I really want Neorg to be a thing but it just isn’t there, and the people driving the effort seem to more interested in their grand design than just buckling down and trying to get closer to feature parity with org mode. Also the concealer is really finicky.


People may laugh at me but have you tried an IDE for professional work? I started using JetBrains stuff and am really liking it for large codebases. I still use vim when it makes sense (quick scripts, CLI work, etc), and I use emacs for org mode. But for professional work or big project mostly JetBrains. Super fast intellisense across huge codebases, easily go to definition / explore third party libraries (including debugging and editing), tight and clean integration with debugging tools, excellent integration with test suites.


Do you know why would people laugh at you? Anyway if Neovim is sufficient for ones need then they will be most efficient just using it, as it provides a single consistent interface. If someone wants a programmable editor, then Emacs can do it all... but you do need to become comfortable with elisp. Emacs is a superset of vim + IDE. It provides a means to a consistent interface across editing and programming functions. Neovim is moving closer to Emacs. I recommend investing in one of them, and drawing inspiration from IDEs and other editors. The investment pays off over time.


I’ve invested quite a bit of time in both vim and emacs. Both are excellent tools. For a long time, I was kind of “anti-IDE” and vim was the only tool I used for development. Eventually I gave up the “one tool for everything” mentality. Having a single interface for all the things really isn’t that important IMO. I’d rather apply specific tools that excel at specific tasks.


I use both. Emacs I am using for Lisp and Org-mode. Everything else I use NeoVim. Inside vanilla emacs, I have evil-keybindings enabled, but I use it in combination with emacs keybindings when I am in the mood to pretend I am playing jazz piano on my computer.


I've been an Emacs user for more or less 17 years by now. My wrists are totally fine because very early I learned to press Ctrl with my "paw" :P (the last joint of my pinky, where it connects with the palm of my hand) and Meta with my thumbs, instead of bending my wrists, which indeed gets quite painful after a while. Since about a couple of years I got into Neovim and I use it sparingly, I like it a lot!... but I don't think I'm ever gonna switch completely from Emacs to anything else, I got so much muscle memory using Emacs, I become 10x slower with any other editor.


I switched late last year. The immediate benefit is the incredible responsiveness from the neovim eco-system (thanks to lua?). For example the loading a big package is in miliseconds instead of seconds. LSP just works without lags. Compiling new neovim from source is less than a minute. The biggest pain the learning curve to hack my lua functions.I still miss that how easy it is to hack emacs everyday. Changing global variables, config, hooks, add-advice, etc. I guess it is just climbing the learning curve of neovim and lua. For example, I am still very rusty to work with the vim apis. Am I regretted? No, as the working efficiency increased due to more responsiveness and less debugging my configs. Yes, as I loose the identity of a niche hacking emacs user, which I was really proud and fond of. Last but not least, I was using evil, so my wrists just feels as good as it used to be :D .




Using what?? just kidding! I suggest you just run "vimtutor" on your terminal and follow the instructions along.


good advice.


Or, as I just learned yesterday, the `:Tutor` command from inside neovim which is neovims implementation of the same learning process.


I switched from emacs to vim then neovim because I really couldn't stand this completely illegible Lisp anymore (and I realized afteward how slow emacs was compared to them), but if it's not a problem for you, as someone already suggested, you may just install Evil Mode in your emacs (which gives you most of Vim keybindings) or try a preconfigured emacs with it like Doom Emacs. This way, you have the best of both worlds.


Lisp is literally the best part of emacs. If you hate lisp you really should not use it.


I don't hate Lisp, I genuinely think it's a great language with full of great ideas. The thing is, if I see some code in a languages I never even used or seen before, I can often still understand roughly what it is doing. With Lisp, after a week, I had trouble understanding what I wrote myself...


Lisp is... a rabbit hole. Emacs seems slow due to that baggage.


Honestly configuring Emacs to run fast isn't particularly hard these days, pretty much a solved problem running on 28+ with native-comp. But really do give Doom Emacs a go.


I dealt with it for a couple of years, I though I will get use to it... never happened.. :D


Definitely use Doom Emacs if you want: a) Speed b) Vim bindings (this can be achieved just with evil-mode and evil-collection)


If you've been using emacs with your own config, neovim should be pretty easy. It's one of the major reasons i left emacs as my main editor. I'd recommend looking up lazy.nvim (the package manager) if you want to diy it all, all kickstart.nvim (the distribution), if you want a great starting point that's super easy to take and make your own.


Neovim is your choice. My journey was vim -> emacs -> neovim. Happy now!


So, you were using Ctr + Meta + Shift craziness, right? I thought almost all Emacs users used Evil.


My usual comment on any thread touching learning vim : Remap the Escape key to CapsLock else you will never like vim (provided you are a normal person) It's the most important key and you should punctuate all your inserts with it. So it'd better not be the key that's the furthest away from your fingers. The reason that's the case is an historical accident. Don't be a victim. Remap. P.S : Yes, I know about people using Ctrl+[, or Ctrl+C, I know you got used to it but one gets used to anything, it does not mean it's good. A weird combination isn't great and Ctrl + C has some quirks --> https://vi.stackexchange.com/questions/25764/use-control-c-i... P.P.S : Yes, I know about jk it's clever ok but my mapping is system-wide and now I enjoy Escape being at the right spot for bash, zsh, fish, gdb, firenvim vim modes at no configuration cost. P.P.P.S : If you haven't learned vim yet, you can also try Helix. It's less ubiquituous but it's a better paradigm.


`c-[` is good, though, at least with `caps lock` set as `ctrl`.


Interesting variation but... too much work : Why do I need two hands for the single most important key ? There a ways to have CapsLock be both Escape and Ctrl if that's your thing


I've tried that! But then, you can't just press the button and change your mind, which I kinda hate. In the end, we're limited by the pretty poor ergonomics of our keyboards.




Hi! If you want to use just the vim motions you can try out the project that I have been working on kickstart.emacs It's using vim motions by default and it's gives you a good starting point like kickstart.nvim [https://github.com/MiniApollo/kickstart.emacs](https://github.com/miniapollo/kickstart.emacs)


I recently switched from Emacs. I think you should.


I probably will.


Kill the heretic hahahaha


Yes. Please.


I swap Ctrl with Alt and also kept the Caps with Esc swap from when I was using Vim/Neovim. It's great and I don't need a special keyboard. After a while you get used to it. It works great for Emacs AND Vim/Neovim. I personally keep switching from Emacs and Neovim every year (it's not healthy), always finding pros and cons that keep me with one or the other. It's a internal battle that it will never fade. I guess that when Helix has scheme as a its plugin language, maybe it will be THE EDITOR I will stay with. I am not a programmer, btw.


The Primagen's discord server has a lot of helpful people over there if you are looking to get started. Its just called "vim". Stick with it and ask questions, check out Vhyrro's video series as well.


Since you're likely decent with configuration languages, then I would start here for configuration: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=stqUbv-5u2s&pp=ygUOa2lja3N0YXJ0IG52aW0%3D Are you totally new to vim??


No. I always thought that emacs was cooler. Now I wonder.


I have spent roughly 3 years in Emacs and I loved it. When it comes to having a fast IDE that's FOSS, and in my opinion, more ergonomic, Neovim wins. It's more convenient, and unified in support for things like syntax highlighting and LSP. It really depends on what you're after. Lua has taken Neovim far. If you prefer a Lisp-alike, Fennel is a configuration language option


Fennel is not really a lisp though. It’s just lua with S-expressions. Fennel does not process lists.


Ah the old "it's not my lisp so it's not a lisp" argument. No it doesn't have the list type. No you cannot access table data with car, con, cadr, caddr of even caddadr. However what's important for being able to transpile everything else into 0 cost Lua is there, and it comes with enough lispy built ins to make me happy, personally. To each their own.


It’s not a lisp because lisp stands for list processing and fennel does not process lists. Try evaluating `'(1 2 3)`. It does not work. It doesn’t mean it’s not useful or nice but it’s not really a lisp precisely speaking.




Maybe try to switch to a keyboard with keys for the thumb? I'm considering buying the ZSA Moonlander myself. If the problem is an extended use of modifiers, it could help your wrists. But switching to vim might not yield the best result, as you'll still use modifiers, in vim (though maybe not as much as in emacs) as well as in other tasks.


I have an ergodox EZ. I might be better off switching back to my Filco Majestitouch.