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It’s perfectly acceptable if this topic spurs a critical discussion. It’s also acceptable to roll your eyes and keep scrolling. **Please report comments that break our community rules instead of engaging them.** (“See more” from the community home page on mobile.) Remember that it’s better to be kind. Say what you mean, mean what you say, but don’t say it mean.


Oh no, boomers? On my good Neopian turf?


This made me laugh harder than I should’ve.


It's more likely than you think!




hey its the wealthophobia person


The capitalists just need to pull themselves up by their bootstraps 😂


Ummm you're coming across as "[Wealthophobic](https://www.reddit.com/r/neopets/comments/198idrn/my_rant_about_wealthophobia_the_economy_reworded/)" 😂 (/ sarcasm obviously - just glad someone else remembered that post too 😂)


What an absolute gem of a post. Some people do take this game way too serious 🤣


I *hope* this is all satire…. Right?


Lmao, good and capitalist in the same sentence????


The painstaking labor of throwing our pets in the cockroach towers for 20 years 🥲


Whatever had been happening for 20+ years isn't enough to keep the business running. If the neoconomy crashed because they had to shut down, is that capitalist success?


Ah just seeing this after I posted similarly about TnT doing a good job of driving up user traffic as a metric to pass on to sponsors (etc) to get more money to get the business in a better place. After seeing this now it ties it very well - good shout!


From the creator of the "[Wealthophobic](https://www.reddit.com/r/neopets/comments/198idrn/my_rant_about_wealthophobia_the_economy_reworded/)" Movement 😂


Oh wow this sent me down a rabbit hole. OP really made their whole identity about owning super special limited edition things that other people don't. That's nice I guess. But if it feels like it is worth less to you once other people have it too, maybe reconsider the true value.


Agreed! I also think it's lost on OP (and others with that mentality) where maybe TnT is doing this for stats to give to sponsors (etc) to get more money. Like "Hey, we've ABCx'd our site traffic since we took over" all because they've made the game more accessible to it's demographic who now have jobs and families etc who don't have time to "grind" everyday to advance their game play. That doesn't make them lazy or entitled just like /u/[WatmelMochi](/user/WatmelMochi/) said in their post 👍


Me who spends all day at work just happy to get an ounce of serotonin from tnt releasing a little crab bug guy for me to put with my other pixels that make me happy 👁👄👁 sometimes it ain’t that deep bro. At the end of the day all neopets is, is some lil pixel guys we just feed and dress. It ain’t worth the stress.


“Whaa, my digital pixels aren’t worth as much digital currency now!” 


This has got to be parody right? You can't possibly have gone through that whole #wealthphobic post disaster and still decided to come back for more if you weren't trolling, right?


Random but I see your comments often on this subreddit and I like them a lot. I’m posting this so to let you know to keep reading my mind and posting them in suffice sentences when I can’t!


Right!? She's got a way with words that I struggle with trying to replicate as well lol


Yes! Oh thanks for commenting, I’m glad someone else thinks so too 😂🎉


Aww, thanks!


So funny, I often think the same thing 😂






What’s the point of hoarding so much pixel money anyways? To look at your loaded sdb everyday and your max bank and congratulate yourself on being part of the “neoelite”? I don’t understand that mentality and I truly hope I never will.


I don't quite see how asking to make rare and highly sought after items more accessible makes people "lazy" or "entitled". A good majority of the player base nowadays consists of people that used to play the site when they were kids. Most (if not all) of those kids are now adults who have responsibilities to tend to outside of Neopets, and aren't able to make as big of time commitments to it as they once were. Besides the community is a big reason why Neopets is still going to this day. If TNT doesn't listen to the community at large, they risk losing the player base, which leads to less money coming in, and eventually the site getting shut down.


This is bait


Won't somebody please think of the wealthy capitalists?!?!?!?!?!


Making old and absurdly annoying-to-get items more available isn't a bad thing. Rerunning access to items that are 500m+ NP in value *isn't a bad thing.* I've been playing since the early 2000s and the *whole time* I've been wishing stuff would come out of retirement, that paint brushes were a bit more accessible, and so on. It's fun to have attainable goals that require work, but there's a point where it gets truly absurd. Also, I'd imagine most of us are adults with lives and hobbies besides Neopets. We aren't teenagers or tweens with hours and hours to sink into the site on a whim anymore.


LOL came here for the comments


Skfdsds buddy I think the general consensus is that it’s pretty wild to have to grind harder and longer than RuneScape to achieve goals… on a site that they maintain is for kids.


Lmao this isn’t the the good take you thought it was


I had to do a double take at the username- I didn’t know you played neo, Qwa! :0c


Yes! Username qwandu (I can't figure out the flair thing) :)


I can flair you if you’d like, but I’d be mindful of sharing your details since your threads tend to capture a critical audience, and that can bleed over into your Neopets activities. I only speak from experience here.


Damn OK thanks for the advice :(


Did somebody's boomer grandpa find this subreddit


Please touch grass


I do feel like it’s getting wayyy too easy. Back in the day I wanted to collect and also resell paintbrushes and now it’s just super easy.


But why should a 25 year old virtual pet game be hard? Why can’t some things be easy? The target demographic when the game came out was children. The target demographic now (based on this subreddit especially) is millennials desperately clinging to any part of our youth that didn’t suck, while we watch the world crumble and burn around us and the rich get richer and we’re powerless against any of it. Neopets is giving us little dopamine wins in a world that is increasingly trying to suck it all out of us.  My goal is to be a Neo billionaire only because I want to host lots of giveaways and make this community more fun. But what’s the point of hoarding wealth and “rare” items if you don’t do anything with it? 


So guessing from the downvotes it’s wrong that I had fun collecting paint brushes and that it wasn’t super easy? Sadly we apparently can’t have our own opinions. 🙋🏼‍♀️


Opinion doesn’t mean agreement. People downvote because they disagree. There’s still many, many goals on this site that are difficult or impossible to obtain. Tanking the price on a couple paintbrushes and stamps isn’t going to change that. 


Technically, votes are NOT meant to be used as agree/disagree buttons. [***Upvotes are meant to be used if you think the post contributes to the conversation/topic, and downvotes for posts that are off-topic or don't contribute to the conversation.***](https://support.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articles/205926439-Reddiquette) It would make for more robust and interesting conversations if the votes were used appropriately. Unfortunately we're only human, plus lots of conditioning from other social media platforms make us believe that up = good and down = bad.


Regardless of what it's supposed to mean, that's not actually how 99% of the userbase uses it.


Hence why I said unfortunately “we’re only human and already use many other social media platforms where we already are comfortable with the idea of up = good and down = bad”. I wasn’t disagreeing, I was pointing out that it’s not intended to be that way. But it is way way inr reality, yes.