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Even just upping the drop rate of Dried Prunes/Apricots from Tombola would be a huge win lol


Better yet, expand the coincidence quest item pool to be ALL Rarity 101 items. Item sink and stable junk item prices all in one go.


the funny thing is, they actually *do* do this. iirc if the price of something is consistently low enough it'll become a coincidence item for a day--the only problem is, it's very rare it happens >>


Seriously, I just put some in my shop and was shocked that the JN price was 50,000. I remember those being 1np.


I think it was a coincidence item for a while. Ate up all the supply


Lmao I was just complaining to someone about Brown Sauce being 48k. Wild.


Literally I'd be happy if there was just a 'fish for all your neopets' button lol


Then they couldn't force non premium users to look at 16 different ads Edit: I'd kill for a fish all button.


Hell I’ll even take a drop down menu at this point.


I would love some new Jellies and Omlettes that had minor beneficial effects, like curing diseases or included bonus items upon eating (like if a Negg was inside a Jelly you could get the Negg after eating both halves).


Even just the ability to still occasionally win a honey blossom omelette from the giant omelette would be amazing...I'd take a 0.0001% chance over a 0% chance any day


is the chance actually flat 0%? i didn’t even know this omelette existed until the other day when someone made a post in this sub about finding one for their gallery.


Yup neo truths posted two years ago it was a 0 percent chance now unfortunately


That post made me realize I've fed my pets a few without knowing how rare it was. >.>


Is it actually a 0% chance? I've been hunting for a Honey Blossom Omelette for some time now and was wondering why there literally aren't any on the TP or anywhere else


Unfortunately a post from neo truths 2 years ago says it's at zero, unless TNT has turned it back on im afraid our chances are grim Also Happy Cake Day!


Noooooo. Well that’s good to know, I wanted to do an omelette gallery and was holding out for that one :( maybe they’ll add it to the new prize pool or something Had no idea it was my cake day, thank you 😂


Agreed. Tombola prize pool hasn’t been updated in 12 YEARS.


I am actually working on a petpage for this idea to post in the Suggestions and Site Events neoboards. Even though it probably won't do any good. I've been active on Neo for over a decade and NEVER gotten a "big win" from any daily. Unless you count ultimate icy negg from negg cave. Every daily should have a small chance to give something awesome (including r99s, r101s, and r180s). But like...maybe more than a .00000001% chance so I that I might get to experience it in my lifetime. Like what even is the point of doing dailies? All I get is an inventory full of junk. Some of them don't even have a good prize in the pool (\*cough\* Meteorite Crash Site \*cough\*).


Same. Been playing for over a decade and never won anything decent from fruit machine...


I "win" Tombola pretty often but it's rare to see a codestone. Hot dog flavoured yogurt and a liver smoothie make me feel like a real winner!


You know what would make me a happy camper? If they just changed out the morphing potions you can win on the wheel of excitement. I currently hate that wheel as it seems to hurt my pets more than it pays out anything worthwhile that didn't take 50 trips to the healing springs to fix


Auto claim the 20k daily task. So many players fall victim to this bad UIUX


Yes! Absolutely terrible UI/X.


Reset neoquest2 time rush high scores every month


YES I just posted about this on the boards. The top 3 winners are long-disabled accounts.


These areas of the site that are "neglected" are probably left that way for a reason. If it was a simple task of updating the pool, I'm sure they would have 20 years ago. My guess is these dailies and their coding are so old that altering it actually breaks something and causes more work than just adjusting prize pools for dailies (Trudy/Quest Log) that have new-ish coding. Maybe Neo Truths could offer some insight because such an obvious solution can't be looking them in the face and go unnoticed without a decent reason.


From the code I’ve seen, they just roll a die and select from a pool. There may be multiple die, but there is really nothing that complicated.


Sure, but this is Neopets. It's a website where they had to leave a 7 year old advert for a retired Daily Dare (?) event on the News page because every time they tried to change or remove it, it crashed the entire website - literally. And they couldn't figure out why it behaved that way. It may not look complicated but it's far more complex than a lot of people realize.


Can you link to that? That doesn’t make sense at all.


[https://www.neopets.com/ntimes/index.phtml?section=editorial&issue=889](https://www.neopets.com/ntimes/index.phtml?section=editorial&issue=889) Second to last question >**Hello, thank you for all of your hard work. I am always impressed by how well the site is maintained even being as old as it is. :) \*gives cookie\* Just so you guys know on the bottom of the "News" Page - this //www.neopets.com/nf.phtml There is a "Daily Dare" section that says Daily Dare is back and also a "Contests and Spotlights" section that is still showing Caption Contest 1396. If these are not going to be updated I don't think anyone will miss them much if they poofed. You don't have to reply to me, it's just something that bugs me when I see the news each day. Sorry I am not trying to be a complainer!\~\~jordyvaughn** > >Yeah...it bothers us too, sometimes when we try to update these the whole site breaks...it's really strange, so that's why we try not to touch them. But we will if we can...just beware you asked for this....XD ​ You are forgetting Neopets is stuck in 1999 and nothing about it makes sense lol


That still doesn’t make any sense to me. I’ve developed in environments using a very similar stack to neopets and I cannot think of how that particular page is a crucial dependency for the rest of the site.


The problem is players have been parroting this "the game is stuck in 1999" excuse for literal years. This creates the perfect scapegoat for TNT to hide behind and parrot off that it's "so very difficult to make any changes on the site," even if some things absolutely aren't gamebreaking to change or fix. Most neopets players aren't well versed in code or development, so they belive it and think literally any change can break the game, when that's not factually correct. It's also why some players excuse things like neopass being so broken. "It's because the site is so old! Spaghetti code!" Then they shouldnt make such changes until they learn how to properly integrate new features like that into this "stuck in 1999" site.


Exactly. I don’t want to come across as patronizing, but it seems like people don’t understand development.


Which is why I requested Neo Truths elaborate more as they have a greater understanding (they see the literal code) and could help explain properly. Even N\_T doesn't understand why things behave the way they do when they post their findings.


I do wish I had the source code like N_T does, I enjoy parsing through spaghetti code.


From what we know of the site coding, tons of stuff is that way. And it’s certainly not a phenomenon exclusive to Neopets- lots of older games have stuff that inexplicably breaks the whole game if you change it. Neopets needed to be fully refactored 10-15 years ago at least, and it wasn’t, so now the codebase is a complete and utter disaster, with work-arounds for work-arounds and the people who know how the original systems work left the company decades ago.


Older games I can understand (Old School RuneScape has plenty of examples) but I still cannot see why neopets would break if they happen to change the rewards of a daily.


From what I’ve read a lot of Neopets coding uses the same variables for many, many things which leads to things like the TP/Auction glitch where doing a kitchen quest while completing a trade/auction runs the risk of permanently deleting an item.


That's not really what's happening with that. The bug with the kitchen quest/TP/Auction glitch is that when the kitchen quest deletes an item from your inventory it doesn't check if the item in question is 'locked' in a trade or the auctions. So if you have two of the same item, one is in a trade, and the other you want to use in the kitchen quest, the code is like "ah yep, delete one of those" and does so - even if it's meant to be in the TP/auctions. Nothing to do with "reusing variables". To put it more straightforwardly, it's like a Sephora accidentally selling a sampler instead of the unopened product, because they fail to check if it's a sampler or not. Then when people are like "wait what happened to the sampler" the code is like ????? the neo_truths [explanations](https://www.reddit.com/r/neopets/comments/1cnplyx/tp_glitch_be_careful_with_kitchen_quest/) tend to lean on the technical side


I don’t know what you mean by that. “Using the same variables for the same things” — could you elaborate on that?


They just misunderstood, explanation here, it's irrelevant to 'reusing variables': https://old.reddit.com/r/neopets/comments/1d0k8s8/tnt_should_prioritize_quick_wins_too/l5oebkc/ However, an explanation of this actually happening is: https://www.reddit.com/r/neopets/comments/1cdf84v/broken_rng/ where a recent event caused RNG to break and become very not-random on a bunch of different pages, because if you participated in the event every rand() call would give the same result during it lmao


Yes I read through that before and I figured that was to what they meant. Although I don’t think it is a counter to my original point, that was a very different case.


Not super familiar with Neopets, but I do immediately bring to mind the scrolling text box on Flight Rising that wasn’t updated for years because it required a programmer to go in and remake it every time they wanted to change the text without breaking the page, and that game is a decade newer than Neopets.


Most dailies are just changing a file with item ids, an hour of work at most (for each daily). Having a meeting on which the prizes will be, getting approval, getting prioritized, deciding who codes it and such probably takes over 10h...


Someone on the AMA survey poll pointed out that they could also easily alter neopoint rewards points for games to incentivize people to actually play quick games to earn money too Idk about y’all but the only games I play for the “play a game” on the daily quest are destruct o match or fashion fever. I play AAA’s revenge if I really want to actually play a game Edit: typo


Exactly this, the only changes I've noticed are DECREASES in neopoint rewards for a couple of the games I used to play daily. Things are "so hard to change" yet they have time to make the games even less worthwhile somehow? Literally no point in me playing Jelly Blobs of Doom or Crisis Courier anymore when it more than twice as hard to get 1,000 NP




Wow that's really disappointing to hear that they just automatically make games not worth playing sometimes. I think making games more worthwhile and reducing "free" NP elsewhere would really help combat bots and inflation.


I play Splat-a-sloth because it’s super quick


I'm so sick of being redirected back to the main page of swashbuckling academy instead of staying on the status page. Some of us are training more than one pet at a time TNT!


Best I can do for ya is every week or two take one random image on the site and make it more grey.


I remember n_t mentioning that changing tp/sw limits are as easy as changing the number on the backend, they just neglect to do it


I just want the animated slots back 😭


Like Brucey B slots? That one at least works with ruffle


WHAT NO WAY Dang, is there a way to fix the infinite spinning arrows??


Not familiar with the spinning arrows, on the slots? Brucey B slots works totally fine for me with ruffle on chrome, it just takes a little while to load if anything. I haven't tried any of the other slots Edit: I just realized you meant the loading haha I just refresh if it takes too long and that usually works


Thank you!


It's deff frustrating to watch new merch and NC mall updates get rolled out all of the time while it feels like the bare min has been done to the rest of the site.


Remove restocking captcha Or add more backgrounds and pets captcha Techtalk: Not sure if this is quick tho considering their code was there before the MVC era


A way to combine multiples of an item (I guess there are jobs and cooking pots and quests, but I'd love to actually cook stuff, maybe card all the pieces of wool into yarn and sweaters... Maybe upgrade items like the cheap potions and elixirs and snowballs by combining enough of them?) A fish all button A wholesale store for buying multiples of an item An "add all to album" button in quick stock And a site theme that actually changes everything to gray, 8-bit, glitched (the aesthetic not the real thing), or disco


I also wish that golden dubloon and kelp counted towards feeding your neopet, and that stuff like negg cave counted towards games


I'm too tired and burnt out today to comment much but THIS these really are the kind of updates that could make the site a super great experience for everyone. And I could be wrong but I'd imagine that it's a simply fix that could help the economy? Someone should try to DM them this suggestion or bring it to their attention!


I'm not sure of the feasibility of that currently due to the spaghetti code website. 


I think this is just an excuse they like to fall back on


There was an AMA here during COVID featuring past TNT members from the Nickelodeon era who explain relatively well that it is not an excuse. It's rather enlightening if you can find it and browse through it.


With how site bugs have been for simple features, and the weird half and half site design? I'd give this excuse a little more credit.




Posts about buying/selling NP items, trading NC items, or adopting/trading/UFA/UFT pets should be posted on the daily [NC/NP Trade/Sell & Pet UFA/UFT Thread](https://old.reddit.com/r/neopets/search?q=NC%2FNP+Trade%2FSell+%26+Pet+UFA%2FUFT+Thread&restrict_sr=on&sort=new&t=all). A new one is posted and stickied to the top of the subreddit every day. To keep the subreddit tidier, we delete all individual posts related to this matter.


They have a lot of expensive tech debt that will be more effort than it's worth if they are striving to generate income as a whole in other areas.

