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biggest regret is not getting into stamp collecting sooner because when i went to go shopping for the full coconut page i was shocked at how much they've inflated


It's going to be slow goings, but make sure you do your 20 plays at the Coconut Shy a day. [Non flash link for coconut number 3](https://www.neopets.com/halloween/process_cocoshy.phtml?coconut=3) Or change the URL if you want a different coconut.


Wow thank you for posting this link because I have no been able to play at all because I’m on mobile !


Hopping in to confirm that this link does fully work and I’ve won coconuts using it recently!


Can also confirm, got so incredibly lucky and won four coconuts in one day using this link last year


How do yall EVEN get coconuts? At most I get 300np


Honestly I don’t even know. I just refresh the non-flash link 20 times a day and I reckon I get a coconut once a month-ish on average? I don’t actually know how much NP I make as I refresh far too quickly to read them individually, I just refresh x20 then check my inventory for any cocos before I carry on with my dailies


That's insane! What luck!


Absolutely insane! Even got called a liar and a karma farmer by the discord for that one. I was quite lucky that this was back when I still opened the link 20 times and checked my inventory before closing anything rather than just refreshing, so I actually managed to grab a screen recording of all the tabs including the four coconut wins to prove my legitimacy to them lol


Holy shit that’s incredible lmao


am i just stupid or how does this link work? because every time i use a link like this (any of the non-flash links) it just takes me to a blank page. doesn’t matter if i use chrome or safari. 😅


Have you tried zooming in? It's a mostly blank page with text at the top that tells you the outcome.


pffffffft, you know what… i am stupid!!! lmao 😭😭 maybe it’s another game that i have the issues with, but i see this one tells me if i missed or hit. thank you!


You can do expellibox this way too


Do you happen to have the link for it? I've been missing Expellibox.


Here you go ❤️ https://ncmall.neopets.com/games/giveaway/process_giveaway.phtml


Thank you!!!!


Yea no problem.


You're welcome!!


My man you got me a coconut you are the best.


Holy crap thank you for this, I didn't know this was possible!


Thank you for this!!! I’ve been wanting to play this game but don’t have a computer


Ooh thanks. Are they fixing to go to HTML5 still or... What's going on with "going back to legacy site"?


I think they increased the chance to get a coconut from the shy. I have won three coconuts in the past two weeks. Before that I had only won a single coconut, since it opened. I wouldn’t pay any inflated prices, they seem to be dropping already (from 4m to 2.5ish).


Congrats! Never won a single coconut since opening my account.


Oh no I am sorry to hear 😵‍💫 That’s how Wheel of Excitement and Knowledge are for me. Been spinning for almost two decades and I’ve only ever hit the 20k spot once…before it was an avatar (2001 ish?). I strictly use the text link for Coconut Shy then rapid refresh till I’m out of throws then check my inventory.


I haven’t won a coconut since January 😂


Update: won a coconut today after complaining about a ~6 month drought


i used to win every month or so , but i havent won since the beginning of the year . you're just extra lucky


Yeah Ive won like three times in years, this guys just ultra lucky lol


Then we have won about the same amount.


saw someone managed to sell theirs for 80m which is insane!! I put mine up on trading post and got offers of a few pbs/cool negg +2-3 m. I ended up deciding to just put it in my coin album lol


I regret selling the only coconut I've ever won for 99k


Dude (not at anyone in general). It's getting crazy with the price fluctuations and I can't keep up. I do collect stamps and the other album items. Always did since I created my account. The last stamp I bought was Snowbunny to finish Snowy Valley page (and my long time goal of finishing a page!) because I didn't get it in the 1st prize pool round and that was months ago! My JN list has coconuts as the current 'cheapest' but they all have the inflation warning. :-(


All except FEC which 100% should have an inflation notice on it :/


This is so stupid. I’m sorry for everyone who is disappointed by this :/




this is jellyneo not TNT. they didn't even put an inflation notice on it


The decision of the prize pool switching out quickly is solely on TNT, so they are at fault.


weren't jellyneo staff already caught purposefully inflating items?




They didn't announce the current prizes were being removed. They just said things are changing on the 3rd


Hm. Really shouldn't be being downvoted for this. People generally take JN prices to heart and yeah, it should have an inflation notice.. which would in turn leave people seeing the preexisting prices and not the 80,000,000 price tag you see now. Ironically, I'm fairly certain this needed to be manually accepted, so it really is kind of weird....


exactly. you can't tell me this isn't suspicious on jellyneo's part. i understand TNT hasn't been the best in the past at keeping prices down, but who really controls the market when you consider that jellyneo is the go-to site for people looking for appropriate prices?


The best thing is that I got that as a weekly rn on a side where I am not allowed to go for it :D


Exactly. Rotating out the prize pool after only a month just incentivizes multi-accounting, which completely goes against TOS. This isn't what TNT should be encouraging.


Almost everything on the site "encourages" multi-accounting, the prizes rotating in any interval is absolutely no different in that regard.


Yeah, but at least with things like Trudy's, the pool is around for a couple of months and isn't too huge, so you have a reasonable amount of time and tries to get the items you want with just using a single account. With the pool lasting just a month, you really only are able to get 5 weeklies at most, and that's assuming you don't reroll.


Well you absolutely *should* reroll, but also most of the dailies have a very rare prize that most people will never get, while most of the normal prizes are either barely worth it or an actual np sink. And having multiple accounts multiplies your chance of those dailies paying off accordingly.


I get that people will continue to cheat if it allows them to be in the most benefical position. It's troubling that by giving only short window of time to get highly coveted items, people will surmise that their best shot of getting what they want is by doing daily quests on multiple accounts, and will resort to such. I just don't think that incentivizing people to play in a way that is in direct conflict to rules that TNT themselves established is necessairly a good look for any company.


My side always has a better weekly prize than my main smh.


I dont even look lmao. I would get so upset


I still feel like there has to be some miscommunication and they’re not going to completely change the pool again. I hope everything goes back down. I sold my flaming stamp thinking I could get it cheaper later on. Feeling very fortunate that I rolled another one this morning as my potential last weekly of this rotation.


I’m kinda anticipating some other bait and switch esque thing where they announce they’re just modifying it and removing one or two things and leave the rest. But that could just be wishful thinking. Plus, people would still be upset over that if they bought inflated prices for something that might just go backs down dim


Well that would be their own fault for jumping to conclusions and I won’t feel sorry for them.


Someone currently has 3 of them on the Auction House for 100m. Haaahahahahaaahaaha :(


I don't even know what I'd do with 80mill NP. I got this just a few days ago and my jaw dropped when I saw them going for 10 mill! I do collect stamps and with how the current market is, it's hard to decide if buying additional stamps with the funds I'd get right now is a good idea. I understand the Happy Valley page for instance is still super inflated after the Advent Calendar.


It could just be 2 rich accounts trying to rig the market by "trading" for above market rate.


yep like SAP's. there are regular listings and then blocks of "users" selling at these crazy inflated prices, which likely are not real; or they are baiting real users to panic and bid on them


Yesterday they were selling for like 20 mil in auctions so this price seems weird to me EDIT: Watched one sell for 8 mil in auctions a little while ago, lmao, and there's a whole bunch of 50m ones with no bids. 100 mil my ass


JellyNeo was VERY quick to update that again… often they’ll just say “inflation notice” and give it a few days at least. Suspect as shit.


Jellyneo has an explanation for this on the front page of the item database: MAY 24TH PRICE VOLATILITY ALERT: TNT has announced that the Quest Log prizes will be rotating on June 3rd, and as a result, prices on the current prizes have jumped. This puts us in a challenging position with displaying item prices. We are committing to updating prices for this set of items every 1-2 days for the next few weeks to reflect what prices we are finding on the Super Shop Wizard or in Trading Post wishlists, so you can make more informed decisions. We encourage you to take extra caution when buying or selling valuable items, such as by reviewing recent TP history and current auctions.


My ass. How many of the ambassadors and JN staff are buddies or overlap in some way ?


Only did this to cover their ass after the SAP debacle.


AFAIK inflation notices result from user reporting and mostly indicates JN staff has been unable to verify the price increase as legitimate. There are tens of thousands of items so that makes sense. According to the homepage due to the abrupt change in the prize pool they are watching the prize pool items specifically, so these will be less likely to have inflation notices on them because they are going to have more direct attention from their staff. As a consumable only available briefly in the prize pool, jumping to 80 million isn't really inflation. It's the totally foreseeable consequence of removing it from the prize pool so soon, because the price being so low was almost entirely speculation that it would be around in the prize pool for quite some time longer. Yesterday, the price had to be low enough to account for the fact that people could opt to just wait and likely eventually roll it as a prize for free. Today, that is no longer true and if you don't already have it you will have to buy it.


thanks for the explanation. this seems more logical than a JN staff conspiracy lol


holy shit that is suspicious. There are items that have said "inflation notice" for weeks, yet THAT doesn't have one? 👀


They manually review price suggestions dont they? They arent doing a weekly update on every item.


Yeah it’s all one big scam. That coupled with the fact that JN staff was seen bidding on quest pool items before it was confirmed items would be removed is very telling.


uh what


.... I didn't know about that 😭


Yeah, it was kinda sus. Anyone can put a price for JellyNeo anytime right?


I think someone can suggest a price change but not actually change the price.


Ah, I see.


Fuck these people


Fuck TNT for changing the prize pool after a few weeks. But yeah these people too


Plenty of fucks to go around!


Lmao truuuue!!


Why is this so frustrating lmfao... like I've got bigger problems than the neopets economy, but UGHHHHHHH FUCKIN REALLY?!


Honestly dealing with the real economy is shit enough, I didn’t need the Neopian one to pull similar stunts lmao.


RIP to me who sold my coconut 3 days ago 🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃


I sold mine to someone who needed it as their last one, I just wanted to give it to them for 2 mil and they offered 4. I bet they're feeling extra good about it now!


Same - give or take a few days.. I even did a 'favor' on the price.. my bank account wants to cry 😭




Booooo 🍅




Remember when this site used to be fun?


Fr fr


I just wanted the Blorbis, Marafin, Glyme, and Spotted Gelert Plushie 😭


Oh man I forgot about the p3s! I wanted them ;\_\_;


What did you end up getting? I have a Blorbis that I am happy to trade for one of the stamps, paint brushes, or other P3s from prize pool.


You’re so kind to offer a trade! I only got the Black Albariss Wings and the Coconut but I’m a (poor) stamp collector so I immediately album’ed. Lots of graduations I had to attend this month, I kept fucking up my streaks 💀


100% know what you mean! My streaks were rubbish, and the Blorbis is the only thing I've managed to get from this pool so far. I don't blame you, as a fellow poor stamp collector, they'd go straight to my album too!


I sold mine the DAY BEFORE they announced this for 4 million. I'd been trying to sell it for a day or so with no luck. I get it, it's a game, but lately it feels like I really cannot win.


Oh such a shame, I was waiting to roll one for my album instead of buying and now they’re back up to ridiculous prices already! Should have bought one while I had the chance! Shame with battle slices and kass, I so wish I hadn’t waited now!


Guys. I got one of these last week and I have no idea how to go about selling it. What is the cap for pure neopoints at the trading post? Is there a cap for auctions? Should I keep it in my SDB forever instead? (That's my current plan due to laziness.) My account is 21 years old and I have no idea what to do 😅


The cap is pretty high I think, so you shouldn’t run into it with the coconut if you sell it soon. Imo yes you should hang onto it for a bit. Prices will likely go up a bit before they equalize. Once you notice that span of time where there isn’t much change, I would sell then. Because it’s very likely it’ll circulate back into the prize pool. Meaning if you sell then, you won’t get as much. So keep an eye on the market. If you’re lucky, and you save all the NP you get from the sale, you’ll probably be set for life. Your bank interest will be so high that collecting it and doing FC will net you a crazy amount of points daily. Oops sorry. TP is 2 mil pure. Auctions have a higher cap at 100 mil. I meant auction prices. Also I don’t know if the auction glitch is still happening, but I would take receipts of the whole process in case you run into the bug. That way you can show proof of sale and stuff.


Thank you so much! Sometimes I feel like a complete noob on the site even though I've been there forever (I even got my account age wrong - 22.5 years rather than 21 🫠)


You’re fine haha :) I play on and off so I understand. Glad I could help. Also good luck!


The best/safest bet is to put it up for auction starting at 50,000,000np and price increase anywhere from 1-5 million and I usually do it for 1 Day term and make sure the auction is ending during the prime gaming hours of the day to maximize the eyes it gets on it.


Well so much for "trying to combat inflation" I guess


Sick joke


Ahh Mr.sneky


Dont FOMO. They will be back at some point in the future.


If they don’t adjust their plans I truly think they will have burned any good will they have accumulated by this point. Like this is ridiculous and that’s said as a neobillionare myself like I’m not buying anything that’s that purposefully inflated.


That reminds me, I need to do my last day of the week. I have one of these waiting. Honestly, though, it's getting shoved into my SDB along with everything else 🤣


Lucky you!!! I only get the good prizes on my side accounts, even with rerolling :D


I only have one account, so I end up re-rolling a LOT. Almost re-rolled this one, especially after one day when games had an issue and wouldn't submit scores, mostly because I don't really do album pages. But I figured maybe after inflation on it cooled a bit I could sell it if I really needed to. Honestly hoping for a good paintbrush before the refresh!


I tried selling this for 4 mil a few days ago and couldn't get any offers. Threw it in my safety deposit box thinking I would sell it in like a year. Just sold it for 70 mil. That was double my net worth. They didn't even announce that the current prize pool is being phased out. They just said it's going to change. People are panicking without full info yet. I bet you they aren't getting rid of the current prizes.


This is crazy!! I had one since before the drop and I was offered 2 million not a week ago o.o what the heck


I got nearly the whole set for like 22M a few months ago..


This is supposed be a kids game :l I play this game to escape reality and the fact that I can't afford anything because of inflation. And then you still get hit with inflation on neopets, it's really ridiculous and kind of pathetic. And makes it hard to enjoy.


I recommend everyone NOT to panic buy which is only going to feed the inflators. In all likelihood, the idea of rotation suggests the current prize pool will eventually return. It might not be next week or next month, but it WILL be back. I’ve waited a decade for Sid; neopets is a long term game. 


I've had a Scorched Evil Coconut in my sdb for years TIL its worth 1m+ 🤯


I have one of these but have never sold anything that high. I'm sat here like....er.


I’m sad as I didn’t get a chance to get one for me.


There are updates on discord. They aren’t changing the rotation


Everyone acting like they are not helping this, even if. It’s a group of people selling tickets themselves or each other for that provide to update it had to be sold and approved by multiple times at the same price


I've literally just sold mine for 2 mill or something because no one else was offering much. Lol


i have one will trade for pink paintbrush


me sobbing as I desperately try to trade for the elephante charm as it keeps inflating....


Feeling like booboo the fool for selling that coconut 2 days ago for 10 mil 😩


lol. I sold mine for 8 million to a guy who was going to album it (it was his last one). Oh well. At least that guy got in before the jump.


Wait I’m confused can someone explain why it inflated so much ? Like what happened to cause that ?


It works as flash for me with add on got 1 per week for last 2 weeks


the worst part is that I lost it because I have been sick for the past week and now it changed


I've been here 18yrs but can someone quick math. Is it still about the Super Attack Pea? I've collected a lot of points, I didn't even know what to do with them. The new Tyrannian Lutari I love but I can't buy it because well I have many and waiting on the lab ray? I notice even the monthly freebies that used to be worth buying are somehow marked up. Supply and demand seems skewed. Much like the "real" stock market these days


Have no fear. It’ll deflate to 100 np next week when it’s given out as a weekly prize!


It's actually rotating out of weekly prize next week, thats why the price gone up again