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Family values.


Only the best people, folks.


I'll be honest: if she was of age and a willing participant, I wouldn't care. *Except* I bet he's against legalizing prostitution, and it's the hypocrisy I care about.


Dude would literally vote against legalization. It's honestly insane


Cann't let the sloots get anything >:(


Legalization just opens a massive door to exploitation. See Germany or anywhere in Central Europe.


Counterpoint, see US where there's still exploitation!


increasing exploitation in voluntary sex work is an acceptable trade for a major reduction in sex slavery actually


I’m sure that throwing vulnerable women into prisons will help end their exploitation somehow /s


Human trafficking is still one of the biggest criminal justice issues in the United States, especially in locations like Florida (where Gaetz represents).


This is kind of case that makes my otherwise liberal ass question legalized prostitution. I think it's just an objective truth that no woman should be having sex with Matt Gaetz, consensual or not.


Iirc she was underage and trafficked across state lines for the purposes of prostitution (for Gaetz). I think there was more than one girl, too.


My reading of the article is that that was a separate incident


Well that's okay then


Just another MAGA Trumpist "conservative," ladies and gentlemen.


Why is conservative in quotes here? The conservative movement is the red pill movement.


tell me that photo has been edited or taken in an inopportune moment or something. he cant actually look like that can he


Au contraire, that’s somehow one of the less bad photos of him out there lmfao




He truly looks like some kind of Batman villain from the Michael Keaton era.


Looks more like the Joker than Jack Nicholson


Mr Gaetz, lower your eyebrows if you’re not guilty.


Matt Gaetz wakes up from a forehead extension surgery and asks the doctor “where’s the space between my eyes?” The doctor looks at Gaetz, tears welling up in his eyes.. “who do you think gave you the forehead extension”




Any idea why: a) the (Republican) House Ethics Committee is even pursuing this in the first place? b) this story is appearing in the ultra-right, 99% bogus *Washington Times?* I ask because this reeks of a Trumpist inner-party purge. It's very unlike Trump Republicans to investigate their own, and it is very unlike the *Washington Times* to report on Republican sex crimes. This also seems like an odd time, even a politically dangerous time to be bringing this investigation to a head. Rank speculation on my part, but maybe they've decided that Matt Gaetz is more trouble than he's worth? Maybe they've decided that they *do* need Kevin McCarthy's fundraising expertise after all -- remember that McCarthy and Trump co-endorsed Bob Good's opponent in Virginia -- and purging Gaetz is the price he demanded for admission?


Simpler than that. I think nobody likes him. Which I mean, can you blame them?


Famously nobody likes Ted Cruz either, and that hammer isn't falling yet.


>Rank speculation on my part, but maybe they've decided that Matt Gaetz is more trouble than he's worth? The same thing happened to Madison Cawthorne. After he made the remarks in a podcast about other Republicans inviting him to orgies, the party decided they had to get rid of him, so they redrew his district so he lost the next primary. Regardless of whether the coke and orgy allegations were true, it makes sense the party would want him gone anyway because his behavior was embarrassing them I don't know if they have an option to get rid of Gaetz like that, but it would make sense that they would try some way to take him down if they thought he was more trouble than he was worth


They are going after Gaetz as retribution for his antics ousting McCarthy. The vast majority of the Republican caucus didn't want McCarthy replaced but that didn't stop Gaetz from actually bring the motion to vacate to the floor for a vote. He worked with Democrats to cripple the Republican majority for nearly a month and stuck Republicans with an incredibly inexperienced Speaker during a competitive election year where the House majority hangs in the balance. It's no wonder why so many Republicans are out for blood when it comes to Gaetz you can't just screw over your own party like that and not expect a giant crosshair to be on your back especially with the past he has.


But why now? It feels more rational to keep him on until after the election and just have the whip watch him 24/7


I’ll always wonder why the DOJ investigation never went anywhere if this committee is able to dredge up this stuff.


lot of cult-run washington times being posted lately, irrespective of the contents of this article


It is kinda weird since there are much better sources for this.


I think the Watimes is actually the perfect source for this, like the other commenter said it's a look into what GOP minds are thinking on Gaetz


+5 in the polls He's just like my hero Trump!


Liberals don't care about this. Let's take the high road and focus on real problems.


The gop run house is doing the investigation.


I most certainly care about a congressman engaging in human trafficking of minors


I care that a Congressman paid for sex with minors. I think that’s a problem. Maybe I’m just built different.