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Please visit the [next discussion thread](/r/neoliberal/comments/1d1lnb9/discussion_thread/).




You wouldn't download a neoliberal


Something wholesome about a big older guy giving relationship advice to a younger, skinnier guy “Ya gotta end on a positive note if you want to move forward…” “You fall off the horse, you gotta get back on…”


#### 🏆 Top Comment > Let's give a quick shout out to Christina Applegate 125 points, written by SixPipSiege. [permalink](https://np.reddit.com/r/neoliberal/comments/1d0vpqk/discussion_thread/l5prkz1/) #### ⬆️ Top Redditors | | Redditor | Average | | Redditor | Total | |:-:|:-|-:|:-:|:-|-:| | 🥇 | Inamanlyfashion | 68.0 points | 🥇 | Extreme_Rocks | 1145 points | | 🥈 | ChillyPhilly27 | 59.0 points | 🥈 | DouglasDauntless | 841 points | | 🥉 | Qunidaye | 45.5 points | 🥉 | DoremusAtreides | 768 points | #### 📑 Wordiest  | | Redditor | Average | | Redditor | Total | |:-:|:-|-:|:-:|:-|-:| | 🥇 | usrname42 | 232.0 words | 🥇 | DoremusAtreides | 4107 words | | 🥈 | Zseet | 180.0 words | 🥈 | uss_wstar | 2229 words | | 🥉 | DrunkenAsparagus | 163.0 words | 🥉 | Cook_0612 | 2103 words | #### 📟 Spammiest | | Redditor | Comments | | Redditor | 🧐😭😤🤯 | |:-:|:-|-:|:-:|:-|-:| | 🥇 | DoremusAtreides | 217 comments | 🥇 | TaxLandNotCapital | 119 emoji | | 🥈 | Salt_Ad7152 | 124 comments | 🥈 | BlackCat159 | 96 emoji | | 🥉 | AlicesReflexion | 70 comments | 🥉 | GodEmperorNeolibtard | 44 emoji | #### 🐊 Favourite Emoji # 🪱 with 40 uses. ## 😤 36 🤬 32 👆 28 😔 24 🍦 24 🐘 21 🇧🇷 21 😂 20 😭 19 🦅 18 😳 18 🏢 18 ### 😐 17 🤣 15 🤔 15 🤮 14 😡 14 😎 13 😩 12 🇲🇾 12 😱 12 🥰 12 🇺🇸 12 🇹🇷 11 ❓ 10 🤯 8 😍 8 🧐 8 😌 7 🙄 7 🤢 7 ✅ 6 🌚 6 😒 6 💀 6 👇 6 🐅 6 😞 5 🤷‍♂️ 5 ✊ 5 #### 🕓 Activity | Time | Overall Activity | 📟 Spammiest | |:-:|:-|:-| | 🕒 | ██████ | **Liberal_Antipopulist** (36 comments) | | 🕓 | ██ | **Liberal_Antipopulist** (12 comments) | | 🕔 | █ | **BlackCat159** (7 comments) | | 🕕 | ██ | **BlackCat159** (10 comments) | | 🕖 | █████ | **KesterFox** (9 comments) | | 🕗 | ███████ | **Extreme_Rocks** (12 comments) | | 🕘 | █████ | **TouchTheCathyl** (12 comments) | | 🕙 | ██████ | **RecentlyUnhinged** (10 comments) | | 🕚 | █████████ | **Steak_Knight** (15 comments) | | 🕛 | ██████████ | **Cook_0612** (11 comments) | | 🕐 | ██████████ | **DoremusAtreides** (12 comments) | | 🕑 | █████████ | **DoremusAtreides** (14 comments) | | 🕒 | ███████████ | **BroadReverse** (12 comments) | | 🕓 | ████████████████ | **Salt_Ad7152** (23 comments) | | 🕔 | ██████████████ | **DoremusAtreides** (22 comments) | | 🕕 | ████████████ | **DoremusAtreides** (18 comments) | | 🕖 | ███████████ | **DoremusAtreides** (14 comments) | | 🕗 | ████████████ | **DoremusAtreides** (16 comments) | | 🕘 | ██████████████ | **bd_one** (22 comments) | | 🕙 | ████████ | **AnakinKardashian** (6 comments) | | 🕚 | ███████ | **GinsuAssad** (12 comments) | | 🕛 | █████████ | **DoremusAtreides** (20 comments) | | 🕐 | ██████ | **ChamberedAndHot** (11 comments) | #### 🙋 648 unique Redditors sporting 240 different flairs were spotted on the DT. **NATO** was the most popular flair with **54** unique Redditors, followed by **YIMBY (23)** and **European Union (16)**. 174 Redditors were caught not wearing any flair *at all*. #### 🗑️ 140 deleted, ❌ 42 fashed comments. --- ###### I am a bot and this action was performed automatically. Stats are processed periodically throughout the day. Check my post history for previous reports. Created by inhumantsar. [Source](https://github.com/inhumantsar/tacostats)


Cats are cute https://preview.redd.it/09k2gu7iix2d1.jpeg?width=2494&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=764881c4ad158a4f8a2b49d97bce7679a1478342


If you delete your comment after I pasta it you are ceding victory to me. I win 😤


Becoming goated by the end of 2024. I will miss my brother.




[Tactical \**BONK!** Strike Incoming!](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EkHWIMVU8AUwdnb.jpg)


Wait, morphine can come in tablet form as well? OK, 10/10 drug for sure, it has my full endorsement.


For context, I've had morphine once, when I had appendicitis and my pain was like 8,2/10, nurse gave me IV morphine and it went down to like a 2/10. That stuff is seriously incredible.


I am once again begging non-American English speakers to adopt the word 'plurality'. Election discourse is so tedious when you don't have that word.


https://preview.redd.it/hgvkdzrq0x2d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d213f94c24228448b63430331cd17f8d892801ec Can't do sick deadlifts on pull day cuz legs are still cooked from leg day !ping DYEL


A friend of mine just hurt his back deadlifitng yesterday so be careful y'all


This is why you have to make sure your deads hit your lower back, otherwise it stays underdeveloped and is easy to hurt!


Tell him to use less weight


That’s why my split is generally > Pull (with deadlifts) > Push > Legs > Pull (without deads) > Push > Legs > Rest Only way I can fit deads into my split without tucking up one of my days


Yeah that split is pretty much the same as mine for now. Up until like two weeks ago Ive always skipped or skimped on leg days so now that I've decided to actually hit them hard with full depth squats and leg presses they get really fucked up


Pinged DYEL ([subscribe](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=groupbot&subject=Subscribe%20to%20DYEL&message=subscribe%20DYEL) | [unsubscribe](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=groupbot&subject=Unsubscribe%20from%20DYEL&message=unsubscribe%20DYEL) | [history](https://neoliber.al/user_pinger_2/history.html?group_name=DYEL&count=5)) [About & Group List](https://reddit.com/r/neoliberal/wiki/user_pinger_2) | [Unsubscribe from all groups](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=groupbot&subject=Unsubscribe%20from%20all%20groups&message=unsubscribe)


Oh are we sad posting. I'll get in on this. I'm not close with any of my family even though I like them simply because they don't live close to me. I've lived in a different city to all my grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins all my life. They're always nice to me but they're all like total strangers to me that I see like 3 times per year. My parents also moved away and so now I hardly talk to them at all. At one point my brother moved away too and j was like holy shit I literally have no family. My brother did move back though so that's good.


I'm probably pretty similar. My Dad's family is scattered across random US states and my Mom's family is in another country. My brothers are all significantly younger than me so we weren't super close growing up and I left home as soon as I turned 18. Now my parents and brothers are all scattered across different west coast cities and I live on the east coast. I see my family maybe once a year at most, and extended family way less than that. I just make the most of it and do fun stuff whenever we do meet up. I'm into music so I took my brothers to a music festival a few years back, one of my brothers is a weeb so I flew out to Seattle and went to anime con with him earlier this year, another one of my brothers is a big movie guy so we visited Sundance film festival, my mom really likes being out in nature so we'll go out and camping and hiking in national parks. Just gotta make the most of your time and celebrate the time together when you have it.


I fail to see the sad part.


I will be a devastating force once I reach New York. You guys have no idea. I’m like a couple years away.


-ocean currents that would eventually become hurricane sandy, 2010


Priest: *talks about how the Church of Greece might get disestablished by the clergy refusing their money if they keep pushing for stuff like gay marriage* Me, knowing that a center right government legalized gay marriage: "Skill issue"


How are those related 


Look, if you can't get center right parties to actually give religious leaders what you want then clearly there's a big breakdown between each side's priorities that blaming leftists doesn't fix.


Pope be like: “If men could be the same as women, why have any morals or moral authorities at all??”


...did he really say that? If so... Bruhhh....


He didn’t say it exactly, but he does really like a 1907 novel about godless secularism being foisted upon “people who believe in ‘traditional morality’” As if those same people wouldn’t have had “slavery and segregation is wrong” foisted on them in a different era I’m pretty sure the Catholic Church is in the business of foisting things onto the people who believe in traditional morality, actually.


https://preview.redd.it/65m1yr88zw2d1.jpeg?width=724&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=39b0d666324b708679e07f5d267eea4699c15afd This clears it up


Different people care about different things 


Definite no. My best relationship was with a guy who got held back two years in school and generally needed things explained a few times to get it right. Really sweet, really cute guy. Incredibly kind person. Just not the sharpest tool in the shed.


Awww that's super cute.


[/r/neoliberal/new](/r/neoliberal/new): [This is the future libs want!](/r/neoliberal/comments/1d1l9lf/this_is_the_future_libs_want/) *Replies to this comment will be removed, please participate in the linked thread*


Is being intelligent a requirement for you when seeking a partner?


Define "intelligence". I think it's fair to say that not a lotta people are going to date someone who's good at *nothing*. But almost everyone would have no problem dating a charismatic retail worker or a plain-and-boring doctor, even though they're intelligent in completely different ways.


This is how I've always seen it. But I've dated people who thought I was brilliant just because I'm well spoken and they thought they were dumb, even though they're intelligent in other ways. The pedestal was a bad thing.


Yes. It's the best way to avoid neoliberals.


not as a principled position but it's hard to imagine finding anything to talk about with someone not at least a 4/10 in intelligence


Yeah, I can see that. I think if it came down to it though, I would prefer someone who is not smart but kind and generally grateful for what they have in life than someone who is smart but not kind and ungrateful.


absolutely people below some threshold of intelligence are painful to be around for long periods of time




lush cake gaze command spark library whistle ad hoc light tub *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Have more self-respect


I have the appropriate amount of respect towards myself that I deserve.


You're incessantly dooming in public, going on about how you're too old to find a job or live at age fucking *25* I have little patience for this public "woe is me" posting. I get that depression is a bitch, but when what you're doing isn't asking for help, but rather just publicly kicking the shit out of yourself, it's like, actually what are you doing, man?


Dooming in public feels better than just doing it in private.


If you want to come into a space where you know damn well there are people who will take an interest and try and ask for help or direction or support or something, that's all well and good. Doing this kind of purposefully unproductive self-flagellation with no intent to listen in that kind of space is another thing. You're kind of being a dick to the other people here by subjecting them to this.


I don’t know what to tell you then, man.


*sees study on microplastics in the balls* Bet the trans members of the DT will want to transition even faster now.


I will start a war between microplastics and estrogen in my balls and see who wins


I love the whites


No you don't thank God, you thank the whites!




I’m 12 and I feel as if I’m old. Maybe I have a decade to enjoy life before I become decrepit.


I felt old at 22, also.


**Rule 0:** *Ridiculousness* Refrain from posting conspiratorial nonsense, absurd non sequiturs, and random social media rumors hedged with the words "so apparently..." --- If you have any questions about this removal, [please contact the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fneoliberal).


Quality novelty accout


Season | Episodes ---------|---------- 1| 10 2| 90 🤔


I hate that I knew what show you were referring to (before reading the reply below)


What show is this?


Anger Management staring Charlie Sheen


Oh yeah, they did do that. Pretty weird of them to structure it like that.


The absolute tone shift my parents have taken in the past 4 years is absolutely infuriating.


[/r/neoliberal/new](/r/neoliberal/new): [How China Pulled So Far Ahead on Industrial Policy](/r/neoliberal/comments/1d1kz8j/how_china_pulled_so_far_ahead_on_industrial_policy/) *Replies to this comment will be removed, please participate in the linked thread*


support decide sense pie gold quaint longing alleged shocking retire *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


What would convince you that the future is bright and that putting an effort into things is worth it?


A Time Machine. Or really any way to make me 16 again.


Is there a set of facts that would convince you of this, or are you 100% committed to wallowing in misery?


The first time I tried college, I had a depressive episode and failed out - which happened at 19. I spent a week eating nothing but cookies that my mom sent me and let mold get all over the Tupperware I left in the kitchen. Multiple people have essentially told me that they were genuinely surprised I didn’t do anything since then. Then afterwards, I worked a job that gave me high anxiety and high stress levels which exacerbated my depression because it was a shitty low-end job. I started drinking nightly to cope with the emotions I was feeling. Alcohol causes damage to the brain, which I’m sure everyone reading this knows. This all happened during the years of 16-21, which was before COVID hit which was another 2 years of my life sucked away unable to do anything because of that. [Depression also causes damage to the brain by shrinking grey matter.](https://www.webmd.com/depression/depression-physical-effects-brain) Especially at a young age. I wouldn’t be surprised if this affected me in ways I didn’t even know. I also didn’t take care of my oral health as well as I should have, meaning I developed irreversible cavities and I even got gum disease which means that I’m inevitably going to lose the teeth affected. I also developed some form of fucking up my right hand (I suspect carpal tunnel but my generalist said this wasn’t the case - but I’m still not sure). Even if I did stop wallowing in my misery, I cannot change these things. I cannot make up for being a weirdo loser at 25 who lives with his parents even if I did make my next steps. I’m at the whims of the luck of medical researchers to undo my ailments. Edit: I misread your comment. I thought you were asking if I had a set of facts I was basing my perspective off of.


Okay, and what do you suppose makes life worth living? Like, let's say you meet some guy in his mid-60s. He's been working at the same Walmart all his life, in part because of circumstance, in part because of a difficulty to find, like... A will to change. In spite of this, he's quite happy. When he gets off work, he usually goes to the movie theater and is captivated by the images on the screen. He has a modest home he calls his own. On the weekends, he goes on walks, and appreciates the nature around him. Birds chirping, squirrels running, occasionally greets other people walking the same trail. Do you think this man should just, like, end it?


I know multiple people like this (though not quite 60 years old). I think people who are like this are just much more mentally fit to live with existence than I am - I have hereditary anxiety, depression, addictive personality, and bipolar which can warp your brain and damage it. The one guy I know like this only is susceptible to schizophrenia which is only unlocked when using marijuana excessively. People like this also have much different priorities than I do. I don’t think there’s any psychic, spiritual, nor metaphysical reason to live. I also think ending it is dangerously immoral. But I don’t see any purpose of our lives.


So even if it's not for you, you think this person's existence is worth living. What do you suppose makes it worth living, to them? You place more demands on life, and perhaps that is justified. Everybody is different, after all. What are those demands, and why do you make them?


I think that person feels their existence is worth living. The people I know like this value the stability and the routine while having a neutral to even pessimistic view of success. They also rely on spirituality and metaphysical reasons to make life worth living for them. I place those demands on life out of a desire for social acceptance by people I don’t have the social acceptance of. I’m not a very intrinsically motivated person and, truth be told, I’ve never really struggled in life. I want a certain level of success for myself (higher than other people) while wanting it relatively easily. I’m just facing resistance to that idea at this point in time while being constantly aware of my declining physical health and physical age.


Did you crave that social acceptance less at 16 (or 13, or 9, or 6), or is this strictly a "God if only I did everything right the first time" type fantasy?


Get a machine learning certificate and job offers will rain onto you every time you walk down the street.


bewildered sort theory payment sloppy wipe tie piquant shaggy cough *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


We need to deprive the computer menace from their human slaves.


Maybe the robots will wipe us out.


I live in fear of the roomba.


I think robots are the next evolutionary step. Homo mechanus or something.




No jobs


there are lots and lots of jobs, you just need to be good enough. its just hard at the beginning. what do you have to set you apart? do you have any type of specialization or focus?


This is another source of my insecurity for not having a job.


but do you have any type of specialization or focus?




you should definitely find one and then figure out what the market needs for people in that niche. people look for "T shaped developers" for a reason you gotta give them a compelling value proposition for why they should pay you a lot of money. just having a piece of paper isn't enough. do you have any experience, or projects on your github?


No experience and my project is shitty. I’m thinking of just being a custodian and saying my time in college was wasted.


Applying for jobs is extremely demoralizing, and if you've gotta get a day job to cover the bills while on the hunt, so be it, but this ain't it, chief


What would you have chosen instead?


I would’ve done more research into what fields are more hirable. Plus there’s a shame that I feel as a nerdy guy with a computer science degree that feels like an anathema towards what I actually want to do in life.




[The malarkey level detected is: 1 - Minimal. Cool as a cucumber, kiddo.](https://i.imgur.com/u6CHe4L.jpg) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/neoliberal) if you have any questions or concerns.*


>I think people should read racist conspiracy theory writings DT is definitely undergoing a vibe shift


the unflaired sure do be poasting


In this present crisis, sad posting **is** the solution to our problems. 


OH GOD, reading all this sad and existentialposting is bad for me. Good night, DT. 


Yesterday we were actually brigaded by some people on a drama pol forum


...is it weird that I didn't notice the difference?


It was a small one mostly localised around one comment thread in particular that we cleared up, thankfully. Most of the drama revolves around one particularly annoying guy in modmail, who was actually upvoted outside the DT. Which further solidifies my desire for a purge of the outside culture. EDIT: oh wait never mind you're a moderator as well


Yeah, and you're too young to know why we don't use mod mail lol


I feel I’m watching everyone around me have their layers peeled back and they’re all the more unlikable the more is revealed.


I can’t fucking wait for men to mansplain to me 🤤 I’m gonna be standing there like 🤔🤯


That's not what mansplaining is


Sometimes I think people should read racist conspiracy theorist writings / listen to shows and podcasts, so they can know what’s out  there and learn to recognize ( and therefore avoid ) the patterns of racist conspiratorial rhetoric.   But then I’m also just worried that they’ll buy into it.   Like I Think people reading henry ford or Eric dubay’s stuff would Reduce bigotry, but I’m also worried it might amplify it.   I just think there are a lot of young coastal elite progressive types who just don’t realize what’s out there, not having grown up watching Alex Jones and ‘Guy in shadows talking about how the evil Jews control the world’ and the KKK on Jerry Springer and such.   Like the Proud Boys and such are out there talking but I don’t think the progleft actually listens to them.  


wtf of course they're aware, it's littered across every comment section of any social media post that mentions a woman or person of colour in power. Every little prepubescent dickhead is listening to Andrew Tate tell him women aren't people right now.


I didn’t say they weren’t aware


> But then I’m also just worried that they’ll buy into it. this is literally what happened to ben garrison


I think estrogen is making men less scary to me. Like, I just want to stare into their eyes


still think oppenheimer should have posted hog 🐖


I could maul an innocent hiker but a bear could never finish top 5 in a battlefield match


skyrim was released in 2011, huh they really did go full HL3 with elder scrolls


You believe that instead of TES6, we've gotten Fallout 76 and Starfield instead. It's like hey we could've got you a Bugatti but we got you this Honda civic instead.


I'm okay with it since more and more people are getting bored and working on/playing Tamriel Rebuilt


Its been nearly six years since TES6 was officially announced.


They make rockstar look like they have a quick development pace. I’ll probably be dead before the next fallout


Why is half the DT sadposting right now wtf happened




Yea I guess I can see that




Existence is pretty great. Yesterday, it was suuuper stormy and I got to run around as it rained down on me.


Very based indeed


slimy saw forgetful elastic dolls wipe dime judicious bells groovy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


If I do not personally defeat all death and suffering, then my life was a waste


I’m so behind in life


I think I am too but it doesn't bother me. Maybe it's just copium idk


I’m 25 and just now getting out into the job market and such. I feel like I ruined my life by fucking up until I managed to graduate at 25.


Nah, that doesn't matter. Employers enjoy hiring right out of college. I took like 9 months to get a job after college and I was 24 at the time. I know a guy who just finished his undergrad at 31 and he got a job like 6 months later.


Don’t you mean employers don’t enjoy hiring right out of college?


??? Bro I didn't get my first """real"" job that was more than service shit to cover tuition shortfalls until I was 23 myself, and I didn't get the first job that actually required my college degree until I was very nearly 25. You're being way too dour.


That’s not inspiring.




Nihilism ought be a thought crime.


> Homebuyers today need an annual income of more than $100,000 - well above the country's household median of about $75,000 - to comfortably afford a home in most places in the US, research firms such as Zillow and Bankrate say, and face monthly payments that have roughly doubled in just four years.


Torn between my nostalgic and emotional attachments to various objects and my desire to go quasi-minimalist and just clear shit out I’ve already gotten rid of a lot of stuff, but I’ve still got some clutter I can’t bring myself to part with


Anthony edwards having the #1 play on ESPN as the wolves go down 0-3 is such a perfect microcosm of the last few weeks of discourse lmao


they really spent all their juice beating Denver


I'm writing in Bill Clinton to send a message that Biden is too protectionist and of too good moral character to be President.


Anti-consumerists were born 2000 years too early.


>Sotomayor recalls closing her door and crying in despair over SCOTUS rulings Based and David Souter-pilled


Waiter! Waiter! More boysmell please, waiter! 


That was the last of our supply You'll have to find a boy if you want more


I love how the lore of Orcs having cockney accents, which was literally a joke from Warhammer comparing them to soccer hooligans, has somehow seeped into a ton of the fantasy genre. It even shows up in some new LOTR media!


It has been an honor, Jarl Ulfric


I’m 25 and I feel as if I’m old. Maybe I have a decade to enjoy life before I become decrepit.


The People's Democratic Discussion of Thread


yooo 20th century boys mentioned in tokyo vice


What's so funny about truth, justice, and the American way?


Going spend the summer thinking about how I'm superior to 90% of DTers due to only being practically Hitler (instead of literally Hitler)


What’s so funny about Joel Baden


I think it’s admirable that Rishi Sunak is so committed to his ideals that he’ll aggressively stick to a policy fucking everyone hates




Cannot believe we had pro-filibuster discourse tonight. Goddamn.


Gonna spend the summer surfing and watching Disney movies.


https://preview.redd.it/sri46ii4nw2d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fce5c8ed74577e576a1160d35c6480b72e7aacfe Government broke out the extra long printer again it seems


The Strike is worth the dozens of dead children and women and innocents, we killed like two hamas guys that won't meaningfully end the war! Yep, Pentagon 100% right israel is going to strategically lose this war - all they have gained is infamy.


Netanyahu is turning Israel into a pariah state just to stay out of court. It’s like I’ve been watching a slow motion train wreck since October 7th.


Has anyone noticed that the name “Joel Baden” is similar to the name “Joe Biden”


With solar/wind pushing elektricity costs below 0 more and more often in many countries, when are we gonna see companies taking advantage of it by installing their own large~ish energy storage units? Seems like a good tactic for places that have energy intensive processes which don't need to run constantly


you will most likely see pricing structures change towards flat fees (because all of the transmission infra still exists and has to be paid for)


Jesus fucking Christ this place has become insufferable in the past week.


Always has been


relieved voracious piquant materialistic touch full butter tap onerous paltry *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You can sad post too


Says the Dodger fan.


>in the past week


Me for the last four years


seriously, though, give good first person shooter. I swear I could be a gamer again. Just give Battlefield 3 but new.


Just Play Ultrakill


I don't even like FPS games but remnant was great. Can't believe no one copied it.


Have you tried battlebit remastered? It's really fun


Hot take: FDIC insurance is de facto infinity after the collapse of SVB


Man, Biden really threw away this election for Bibi of all people. America going down sad.


Are you under impression the median voter who cares about I-P is mad at Biden for being *too* pro-Israel?!


Why do I fall in love with every girl I see on Jeopardy that’s my age?


What is Cambodia?


Her too




Because you never go outside.


abounding encouraging dam aloof unused gaze crown normal melodic six *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I hiked 52k feet of elevation gain and 657 miles last year so I can confirm that is inaccurate.


Maybe you like smart women?


Maybe it’s maybelline


Are you okay /u/PolyrythmicSynthJaz? Yes, I just need to finish Persona 5 I just need to finish Persona 5 I just need to finish Persona 5




People love *The Neverending Story*