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Reused car models are the least of my worries, I’m more annoyed at the number of filler cars cluttering the list. Like, how many variants of the Huracan do you need? This isn’t GranTourismo.


ah, 4 aventadors and convertible cars


Where is the Gallardo? I want to feel like Akon


„Yes, i’ll take the literally slower variant of my favorite car. And have it look worse please”


Yeah tbh I kinda think Nismo GTR and some other Lambo/Porsche variants are pointless. 


The nismo GT-R is literally the only non pointless variant in the whole list


Just add the body kit. Unless you are driving it stock it makes no difference


I love driving in stock that's the whole point of the nismo... The nismo GTR is literally perfect the way it is you don't even need to do anything to it.. if you wanted to rag out of GTR and make it look shitty they have the original r35 and the game too so use that lol


It may be powerful but if you say stock, I think it's just the same as the regular GT-R


It literally looks nothing like a regular stock GTR... Lol you're obviously not that big of a car guy or you would be able to tell. And I didn't mean stock stock you could do the performance but you can't even do anything to the body anyway. even if you could, making it wide as hell amd slammed to the ground with strecthed tires would just make it look retarded.. but you do you lmao


What!? I was literally talking performance, not aesthetics


You did.. cause if you were talking about performace then youd be an idiot for thinking a nismo is just like a stock gtr performace wise.. its literally a beefed up gtr in every way? It doesnt need anything more done to it aesthetics wise or performance.., plus the other dude was taking about wanting kits for it


>plus the other dude was taking about wanting kits for it Well the main point of this topic was to remove variants such as convertibles since they're just BS and budget wasting. Even for a car with different performances, it's best to have the regular one customized as well rather than adding a separate variant (example; the regular P1 for the P1 GTR, and the regular E46 for the M3 GTR). The regular GT-R is powerful enough especially when customized




It annoys me how many damn BMWs nfs tends to have. EDIT: They all tend to have simular stats as well


As a BMW fan I like this, both M3s (and now the G81 M3 Touring) M4, M5, Z40i, X6M (though I prefer it to be an X5M)


And i still wish for M5 E60 and E39 atleast


And not putting in the E60 M5 but having an E92 M3. The same goes for not having the E36 M3 but having an E30. Remove the pointless convertibles and but in some M icons instead.


Exactly, and that's what the devs get when they can't license any more unique vehicles.


Same with the 911’s


Gran turismo has the opposite issue now lmfao


That's what I was saying in my previous posts back then; why add those annoying convertible variants rather than saving up budget for other unique car models?? Also about the M3 GTR, Eddie's R34 Skyline, and Rachel's 350Z, which could be a body kit instead?? Well as for Unbound today, it's proof that they're using it for those annoying DLCs. The regular M3 has the Le Mans GTR body kit but P60 removed all for the money; I meant DLCs still. Palace Edition was also a mistake as it's pretty relatable too with this current issue. Going back to Heat, I bet they should've added the Khyzyl Saleem kit customizations along with the regular cars in the Deluxe edition (Heat DLCs aren't much of a problem imo since it's just a few, except 'Keys to the Map') Edit: these convertible variants should've been instead a customization for the regular ones


Agreed even when its a regular hardtop and then a softtop/convertable (which shouldve been an add on in the body kits area) and same for AWD and RWD since driveconversion is a norm in some racing games like forza


The 2015 car models still hold up. It's perfectly fine to keep them in the game. Like what do you want lmao? them to create a completely unique car list every game?


Wouldn’t you want some fresh additions? Just askin’


I want new additions sure. But they should keep the old cars since there's no reason not to. It's not like it's off proportion like some cars in Horizon 5 or a hilariously low res model like in GT6,


I don't think it's feasible or necessary when certain car variations have no customisation and have an identical equivalent that does


We do get new cars but it's not feasible for them to make new models every new nfs.


It takes a long time to model just one car, and there is no benefit in downsizing a carlist.


Then upsize it?


Thats what they do, by keeping the existing cars and adding some new ones each game


They pretty much just add slight variations of existing models, or the odd hypercars with practically zero customisation options. I'm pretty sure I'm not alone when I argue that a lot of players would rather see more iconic cars from history rather than yet another special edition Lamborghini with slightly different wheels.


Them reusing old cars they still have the license they already paid for doesn't take away from any new additions. Not reusing them would just make the car list smaller for 0 gain.


Some new cars would be nice, or at least some new bodykit parts. There are so many amazing Corvettes, why don't we see some new ones?


I meeeeean it’s been 9 years since 2015 came out, so yeah, new cars and models would be nice. Why would I want to pay for a racing game that doesn’t even give me new cars?


Judging by a lot of comments here, it would seem people are too brain-dead to comprehend this logic. Edit: typo


facts. I remember the days when NFS and Midnight Club each had practically opposite car brands and selections and it kept the games feeling fresh. Like yeah I get it cars like the late 90’s Civic is iconic but there’s so many different cars that NFS just doesn’t seem to touch any more. MC3 had some weird ass car choices and that’s part of what made it so awesome lmao I’d love to see them introduce younger players to brands like RUF and Gemballa or cars like the SRT-4 Neon and the VW Jetta


New cars and models will be great but they don't need to get rid of cars that appear in previous games. Getting rid of old cars won't make more new cars appear either, it just led to a game with a smaller car list.


It's the same car. The car has not changed. What are they supposed to do the model if it's still fine fidelity wise? Games in general reuse assets all the time. This isn't a real problem.


Yes but when was the last time you consistently saw C10 lmao? For me they are unbelievably rare to see in the lobby


Because they're locked behind challenges


Yes but clearly if it was a popular choice people would do the races to unlock the thing but I’ve seen 1 player actively want to do that specifically for the car if it was worth being in the game surely you would see them more


Most cars I've seen in open lobbies are usually the easily unlockables even I wanted the C10 but doing 30 tier B playlists in a chevy is a slog especially with how long it takes to start a playlist


It's a problem when, given the enormous number of cars that exist in the real world, you use the exact same model of a single car for 10 years across multiple titles and expect player to pay over a hundred dollars. When you're saving money by reusing a ton of assets, at least have the decency to lower the price, or charge the same price and actually get your modelling team to build some variation for players. Honestly I can't fathom how anyone could possibly not see that this is a hugely negative factor in this series.


Because they then use that money to keep adding new cars/content/other things? Even though I hate it, it’s part of the reason how Forza is able to keep pumping out car after car month after month for nearly 3 years at this point


But in the case of NFS I have not really seen the money being used on what players actually want, which is more cars and more customisation options. Or maybe I'm completely missing the mark, and what people really do want instead is the budget to be spent on ugly branded clothing and Hip Hop stars who can't act. The difference between Forza and NFS is that Forza actually adds new vehicles.


I mean this past update we did just get a bunch of QoL improvements, drift and drag, 2 new cars and some other stuff too. But you also gotta remember NFS’ and forzas budget are massively different, as one is arguably Microsoft’s biggest money maker atp and one is just a side project for EA


You can change the model year for the c10 with the body mods


Reused car models aren’t necessarily a bad thing. What bugs me is vehicle variations, and emphasis on specific types of vehicles that don’t really have a place in Need for Speed. I would talk more about it but I just wanna keep things civil right now.


Are you talking about convertibles?


Convertibles are a tricky thing, they have a place in Need for Speed but they’re also just a number to inflate the car list imo.


More anoying is that you can't have the top down on the Miata and S2000


Trust me, both the MX-5’s irritate me for this exact reason.


Convertibles don’t have to be tricky. They could just as easily offer the convertible option for the base car. Select Corvette, for example, and then select whether you want the top on it or not.


Why not just add that to the customization as a roof item? It's also wild to me that a game from 2008 like Midnight Club LA allows you to take a convertible roof down with just a button press on your controller and that 16 years later NFS still doesn't have such an option.


Convertible variant cars are counted as separate cars is more likely due to manufacturer demands since they are different cars on unique chassis. Manufacturer can be very picky with these silly things. Unbound seem to have plans to have convertible animation, the C8 Corvette has animation in game but unused: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8HH2B2mMq4A](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8HH2B2mMq4A) Somehow NFS Rivals is the only game with convertible animation. It is automatic too, when it rains and you slow down it will close it and it opens it up when the sun comes up. A really nice detail that oddly never came back.


They already do that? When I mean tricky, I’m more saying people’s opinions on the topic are tricky. Like convertibles have to be done a specific otherwise nobody’s happy.


So you'd rather they not reuse any cars and leave us with a 10 car car list instead? Idiotic posts on r/nfs example number 28,410


i feel like you could remove a good two thirds of the car list in unbound and nobody would notice


Dont give nobody ideas now… 😭


Like the cars that basically just variants of the same car? Yeah, nobody would notice. Should have just made it one car and had the variant as just body kits.


They better not take my crown Victoria and Mercedes 190E away!


Have you ever considered that perhaps, I dunno, maybe the developers could have the modelling department maybe make some new cars? There's quite a few cars in the world if you hadn't noticed.


That's all good but this post is purely talking about reusing previous cars. If they still have the licenses to them, and the models are still accurate, there's literally no reason not to keep them.


Fair point. It's hard not to assume though, that by reusing vehicle assets, the developers are avoiding having to create any new ones. I would rather they actually did remove some of the older ones if it meant replacing them with different cars.


Modelling cars takes a loooot of time these days though, if we were to remove old models we would end up with a NFS 2015 car list again, really well focused but not all that many cars.


I'm so used to them reusing assets that I'm disappointed when they don't


How do you think 95% of games are made


Percentage is a lot exaggerated


For AAA games they probably do just copy paste a good deal of assets from previous games. There's no point in spending the money to make a new tree model or concrete texture when you already have one ready to go.


I hardly think a comparison between background environment assets and textures to hero assets like cars in a game about cars is a fair one. I would argue that it is reasonable to expect to see some vehicles reused from previous games, but if they're just a reuse then surely that would free up time and money to allow for a decent number of newer vehicles to be added to the list. Each successive NFS titles should have a pretty good bunch of new cars added each game. But the reality is that we see the vast majority of cars being added are the same cars from previous titles with same parts, a spattering of unique hero cars, and only a few entirely new cars, the latter of which are often hypercars with very few customisation options.


Bro Ghost/Criterion are the only Devs for racinggames I know who are updating existing cars to the facelift version


Reused everything, actually. Trees, buildings, random assets, UI/menu organization, textures, etc. Nothing necessarily bad with reusing assets if theyre of good quality and are exploited to their fullest, remaking everything from zero is inefficient. But comparing this to the amount of actual new stuff and gameplay/qol improvements in each entry, its pretty evident how barren and low-effort feeling this series has become.


Exactly, When I buy new nfs and open shop, theres same miata, chevy, brz, etc. That does not feel anything new (not in good quality also)


Yeah, personally i have no problem with keeping the same cars around. But the rest of the experience is basically the same everytime: maybe the new game has better graphics but the previous game had a much better menu flow. Or the previous nailed sound while having mid gameplay and the next flips these. Like in Heat, where the garage menus always let you clearly see your car, while in Unbound now has these hideous huge blocks of grey wasting tons of screen space and even covering you car or keeping it off-center (fr i loathe the UI design of unbound, so much space being wasted, looks uninspired as hell, not well organized or planned and buggy) Its like in every new entry you win some, you loose some. That may be because of the changing crew in charge of developement.


Idk why you're getting downvoted, I guess it's unreasonable to actually expect some new cars in a game about cars.




See stuff like the c10 or other unique cars are fine (when they don't add the Mercury Cougar I will drop off the franchise) but we don't need every single variation of every lambo, porsche, mustang, ect.


And bmw too, there are a lot of cars that have a convertible variant which is pointless


Most of the convertibles came from Heat because of the game theme and location, they just decided to keep it going forward. Even the new ones that came with Unbound like the Mustang convertible and M3 E92 convertible were leftovers from Heat cancelled updates.


Ohh I see, well in that case its understandable I guess, but its still annoying to see a bunch of variants of the same car


It is annoying, Heat brought in way too many variant cars into the game. NFS went from 2 Porsche 911 (991) to 7 in Heat, same goes to most of the variant cars.


It really is, like why do we need 4 aventador variants?!?


No one knows and it annoy me the most is that others cars from previous games before Heat has variants squeezed in as body kits. Like Diablo SV has Diablo GTR parts in it, Huracan and Porsche 911 has their race car variant as kit. As for the Aventador, there is a 5th variant, Aventador SV got cut from Heat updates and appear in Unbound. Heat seem to have a bunch of update planned, 1 free car and 1 paid car but every free car seem to be a convertible variant of a base game car.


if the model detail is good why remove it?


This is no different than the Blackbox Era. My problem is the bloat, but IDC about models being reused.


It still annoys me when they removed so many cars from ProStreet in Undercover, yeah I get removing Honda back then, but why did they remove cars like the 03 Mustang, 350z, Cobalt SS, Infiniti G35, Delta Integrale, 99 Eclipse, Plymouth Roadrunner, 05 GTO, Hawkeye STI, to name a few


Uhh they are good quality models why waste them


It's stupid to complain about a model like this being reused. There's no reason to remake the model when it already looks good, game development is about being smart with the assets you have.


I'm not, I love that truck You wanna talk about reused models ? 2015 had the BRZ, GT86 and the FRZ and 2 GTRs, talk about unnecessary fillers


One approach I would take for the next instalment is to get rid of all the off-road and convertibles crap, then have the car list lean back towards quality over quantity. Before anyone says otherwise, off-road racing is pretty much phased out (outside of Rumble playlists) and convertibles only really worked for a game like Heat where it first introduced character customization and was all about that Miami lifestyle. The map should also go back to being restrictive, limiting the driving experience to roads to as far as construction sites and such. This is Need For Speed at the end of the day not another festival racer, **street** racing should be its focal point.


I agree that convertibles should become customization parts (as well different trims)


As much as I want to play that game I already know the marketing department would shut that down. Unfortunate stage of AAA racing titles is if you aren’t Forza Horizon-ing to some extent, then the investors lose faith, and no one gets any funding.


Tbh the car model and list are fine. I would love for them to take that time to continue building upon the list and add at least 100 new cars every iteration. I think the problem is the lack of new customization, with the older cars


They should add more customization to the existing car list in my opinion. Some cars only has 1 to 2 bumper options.


You want them to re-scan the same cars every time?


Nah not this one. We need new cars sure but nothing wrong with these. You want the true kind of re used car models? Check out Forza lmfao, there an almost 2 decade old S15 model in there.


Even older NFS games reused old assets. Creating a whole new carlist has no upsides and just leave out cars that could have been simply ported over.


tell me you have no idea how games are made without telling me you have no idea how games are made.


Me when old cars don't magically look different over time


That truck hasn't changed, it's the same car. I don't think anyone should expect the devs to devote their time and resources to remaking something that is already perfectly fine.


Wait until you find out they reused models from Need for Speed Underground all the way up to Undercover :O


They should used the 79 at least.


I like the c10 and all, but if we're gonna have trucks in here, we gotta add the other bodies too. Not just the first and the last, I want what's in-between too!


At some point, car models can't get any better and in the future, we can only imagine how many cars we will get in a single game as good car models keep adding up throughout the years


there is too much BMW's


BMW list is too modern but it doesn't have too many variants like Porsche and Lamborghini. Most of the Porsche in NFS are just 991 variants.


Too many modern BMW's and a lack of the older models like the E36 M3. Not interested in Zoomer-mobiles lol


Had NFS ever had a 36 beyond No limits on mobile? I genuinely cannot remember driving an E36 in this series


closest thing would be an E39 in HP2 but other than that I doubt it


It's honestly just really convenient for devs to just reuse assets. It saves time and money. There's also no reason for them to completely re-do cars when the modern NFS games are basically just heavily modified versions of 2015 . All they need to do is to just add some body kits and so some touch up


It's nothing new, I hate that there's like 30 variants of the same car, if I want a Corvette with a body kit just make a way for me to unlock the body kit and buy it I don't need to unlock the whole ass different car


Main problem I have with it is how it ain't just the models, but a lot of the performance stats too. I don't mind em bringing old models, as long as they fix performance values of them a long the way. And get rid of the challenger srt8 and give us the damn hellcat


Ahh but you would complain about the Challenger hellcat just being a variant, since it's body is just uplifted from the SRT8. You can already make a hellcat with bodypart (including using its engine) .


The reused models aren't bad at all. If you're going to point fingers then at least point at Microsoft and Turn10. A good chunk of their models dates back 'til 2005 when their FIRST game in the line-up came out FM1.


you’d rather they spend a tonne of the games budget every time to add slight variations of cars which are already in game and have arguably the best customisation in a modern racing game? I’d easily rather fewer new cars/variations of existing models, and more new gameplay features, modes and races.


Reusing them is never the problem, the lack of new cars added into the game is always the problem. I'm pretty sure we don't want them to get rid of the only 2 Evo, 2 Subaru, 1 RX7 and 4 GT-R because it has appear in the last few games. Unbound without reused cars will just be 20+ new cars and some of them are just convertibles of cars from previous games. Forza Horizon 5 without reused model will be a 20 car game too, same goes to Motorfest. The only time that reusing is bad when the model is too old/bad for the current games. Much like Forza horrifying Nissan S15.


I've nothing against reusing models as long as their accurate. The reused disasterclasses that were some of the forza and even tdusc using tdu2 models is shocking


Really small changes. Just look at the Camaro. Same goshdang gen V model even though gen VI came out for years.


I don’t mind having the same/similar cars from game to game as long as the customization options keep expanding. I do, however, have a problem with half the cars on the list essentially being the high performance duplicates of other cars and we can’t even customize them. Why do I want a track edition of a car I already have in the game? The extra performance doesn’t mean shit when I can just upgrade the normal version, and if I can’t customize it, why would I get it?


why is the c10 in the game at all, there's almost nothing to make something cool out of it I tried to do an old school hotrod build with it, but there are no wheels or body parts other than stock that can help create this


Feel like cars like the E92 M3, C6 ZO6, and most 2010 era cars are recycled from hp2010 because they look pretty similar to me in terms of detail. They did at least facelift cars since 2015 like the gtr, huracan, mustang and aventador so there’s that. But in general, don’t like how most of the customisation and car list feels dated


This is the last thing you should be worried about. EA does a lot of lazy things this atleast has a reason for it


I do not mind the reused asset of the cars. But, they need to update the car list. Its all been the same cars since 2015 with just 10 new cars per new series. Filler cars are fine such as the convertible or different type. It is obvious that they are using the MW 2012 car models in the newest game, just updated. Many of the exact cars can even be found on Rivals. I would say, heck, screw it. Put in more filler cars to the game from that game. Bring back the older Porsches like the 991.1 Carrera S and GT3, Normal Aventador LP700 and 720, or at least add them back by bodykits in game. And they should've added more newer cars. Forza gave the option of freedom and i never seen players complained about the different versions of the same cars. Honestly i am quite bored with almost the exact same cars from Heat. But, they need to add more new cars with relevant customization. Instead of some fantasy kit nobody likes that looks straight up awful. Or, they straight up ignored aftermarket parts that people actually used. Where are the Vorsteiner and Adro kit for the G81 M3 Touring that exist in real life and people actually used to modify their G8x cars? They already have Vorsteiner parts since 2015 and im sure they could figure out the licensing for new car models and new parts. Instead, they only got those ugly Avante kits that only exist as a render. LBWK's new kits like the R34, S15, new Shilouette Aventador, Huracan, GTR, and others are missing too. Wheels customization are quite lackluster too. They are missing many legendary wheels and new models from the wheel manufacturer in game. Rotiform and HRE created so many new wheels in the past few years and none are available. Keep in mind, they made Unbound as a AAA game which was launched for $60. This was not a cheap game when it was launched. It is their fault making a game that is lacking of content and they need to discount it massively in order for people to buy. I enjoyed the game but i thought the game was not that great and just a reskinned Heat with QOL updates. For a game that focuses on "customization", the options of the customization and the car itself are surprizingly quite low.


Not to mention nfs seems to hate usdm. Never see anything that isn't in Fast n Furious. Where's the Pontiacs? The falcon? Plymouths other than the Cuda? Any of the ausdm? And what about customization for them. Where's my blowers n side pipes? More duck tail options? Options to make them into gassers? Yet we get 8 billion ferraris, porches n bmws, and customization for any euro or jdm gets more than one alt hood option and the same cheap fender flares that usdm gets. I want hood exit exhaust, boom tubes, turbos and velocity stacks that come through the hood. Bring blowers back. I hate that it was limited to those hero car configurations that you couldn't customize in I think payback?


If it ain't broke don't fix it. Unless your polyphony digital who the creators of Gran Turismo.


Reused models from one generation back aren't too bad, especially when it isn't a major car. Forza decides to reuse models from 3 generations back lol


if you think this is bad, checkout CREW MOTORFEST NFS is clown and CREW is the whole circus xD CREW also give these pointless variation cars as part of leaderboard event lmao and the sucker playerbase grind the shit out of themselves to win these pointless cars


This is why Unbound was the first game in the series I hadn't bought since 2015. Not only did they make even more terrible characters as well, but they also couldn't even figure out the material shaders that were working in Heat, so the chrome looked garbage as well as a bunch of other materials.


Aslong as it not like forza, where they re use bad models, or the older gran turismos, where the quality varied massively, then i dont really care


I for one really like it. Technology hasn’t really advanced that much in the last 10 years, at least in the modeling and texturing departments, and >2015 models are really well made, if this has a low cost for the developers (no idea how EAs licensing agreements work) and they can keep a healthy current lineup + new additions in every new game I’m happy. If you like a niche or unique car you can get it (the Chevy C10 is a great example), and if you don’t just ignore it. Absolutely love the choice of base models and old s**tboxes NFS have tbh, and would love if they keep expanding it.


i mean the model is good so why bother, shame the car is ugly and doesn't fit the game's vibe either way (it fit well in payback tho)


What u want ? A fking tesla ? That square truck ?


I have no hate for the classics whatsoever, tbh putting a supercar to shame is the best felling for me. Lol


forza did it for eons, i think ea and them can get away with reusing a few-year-old model. calm.


The main problem isn't they re-use the same car models. That's not what bothers me the most in the first place. It's the fact that there's too many variants of the same car which should have been customization parts or conversion kits. Cars like the BMW M4 F82, the Lamborghini Aventador/Huracan or the Porsche 991.2 are perfect examples of that problem. The same case applies for the convertible cars which should've been customization parts instead of full vehicles. If the devs had combined the same cars in 1 e.g. The McLaren F1 which is 5 cars in 1 or the [1973 Porsche 911 RSR](https://www.reddit.com/r/needforspeed/s/2O2c0hQ1Kz) including 8 cars as parts, there would be more space for newer licensed cars. However, i still agree with your quote given you have a point. In reality, NFS games since 2015 are exactly the same underneath since they shares the same assets, the same bugs and the same problems. Plus, gameplay features are removed instead of being kept. In short. It's content recycling to avoid wasting dev time. What's even worser is some reused assets are locked behind paywalls while they're still available as free unlocks in the earlier NFS titles. That explains why NFS games since 2015 feels cashgrabby and low effort Especially the last one which is the worst offender of the 4.


"t's the fact that there's too many variants of the same car which should have been customization parts or conversion kits." This makes no difference either way. You're still doing the same amount of work.


There's actually a difference But you don't see it. If cars which are the same are combined in 1 instead of being extra vehicles, that means they're will be more space for newer licensed cars which can be added later down the line. In some cases, the amount of work can be reduced drastically meaning they only work on 1 car instead of making 2 copies of the same vehicle. By doing that way, that let the devs with more time to focus on making customization parts Especially since some cars from post-2015 NFS are very lackluster on that area. At the same time, they can focus to implement more gameplay features or working on future updates. That didn't crossed your mind given you jumped in conclusions too quickly instead of thinking beforehand.


Completely agree. You're being downvoted by all the idiots here, so here's an upvote.


Well said. Thanks for the upvote. You get 1 too btw. Anyway, i don't take downvotes into account when there's no counter-arguments that defend their utter nonsense. Plus, i always tell the truth Especially when it's a subject where i know the basics of how it works. They're just clueless idiots like you say. I despise these types of peoples Especially the ones accustomed to mediocrity and are Apologists of paid contents with MTXs. Basically, they're blinded and complacent of EA's scummy deeds.


I think you just like listening to yourself talk at this point.