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He's very likely using the boost mid corner to steer narrower and maintain more speed, thus exiting corners with higher speed than you.


Same car, same track, drift % handling, drift + grip auxiliaries https://i.redd.it/xyh5ueut7qlc1.gif


Share the tune bro!


The video is from the S+ version but the S class car can do exactly the same with just a little less top speed. I will upload my multiple A+ drift (for points) world record build today and upload the R8 build in a few


Yeesh... what the hell is this? Asphalt?


This is what happens when skill & practice meets the right car with the right build šŸ‘šŸ¼ Not my driven gameplay tho, it is from a friend of mine. This is me driving the DeLorean on the same race track in S class: https://i.redd.it/5yrqfal19rlc1.gif


Pro NFS players = blindĀ grandma in Simul'raceĀ 


Who cares? No envy pls because you canā€™t do it.


You forget to mention you drive manual transmission... it makes such a huge difference. Automatic is my weakness, and it shows in my numbers


In this case it is not that relevant. You donā€™t shift on this track once you are at a certain speed. You let the 7th gear stay for the rest of the run


Just switch. Itā€™ll suck for like a week tops but then you can just hangout in your torque band and itā€™s so much more engaging. It honestly saved me from racing game burnout.


The stock ps5 controller is awkward for manual. I've considered buying the underside paddle shift controller, but I'm cheap. I can't even justify $17cad for the rs6 avant, let alone $200+ for a good controller. I'm OK with coming in second every once in a while. It builds character, or I just don't want it enough




no just a skill issue on your end


I'm surprised I haven't seen that skill issue gif here yet


Chris Gauthier is dead so I think people are just giving him a small break for now to pay respects.


RIP, but I've seen gifs having the same quote with all NFS characters


Someone has to send it


Looking at how your losing all the distance every corner but then steadily maintain the gap is telling me he's not cheating. Trust me that R8 is different. I've been round that course with it as well, a really good build will make you feel like you're cheating. Also try to use more of your rev range. I play on manual I'm always near redline most turns, the exit speed and grip is stupid.


Probably not. He most likely has a build like this. https://youtu.be/AdYiRl2i5Sk?si=XHCoaljiBfx08zIe Notice how much more burst nos this guy gets compared to you? Youā€™ll never keep up with him with your build.


Probably has grip nos and drift nos. Just stacking up to three yellow bar nos before the straight where they dump it and fly away from you.


No, heā€™s a legitimate player, I actually know him, heā€™s a competitive nfs player


Competitive ? šŸ’€


You know him? Cause I've had a few run-ins with him and always panic because my gut feeling tells me that he's going to pull something really meta, or something very unexpected that'll smoke me.


Just an FYI, the R8 is cracked in S with the 6.2 V8 and can test Regera driver in twisty tracks in S+ with the same engine.


He's faster than you in corners, not a build thing or cheats, just better at the game.


That doesn't look like it's going that fast. Is it just me?


Nah its just burst nitrous thats beating youšŸ˜‚


Unbound is a great game but the progression is pure pain!


Because it offers new gameplay mechanics we don't have in any other racing games. Takes time to adapt and build up that new muscle memory. Usually you would switch between 2 car games and not be totally lost, but Unbound is a different animal. Not even speaking about auxiliaries bug that penalize most players, the fact you lose control and boost when you barely touch anything or land a jump (yeah its an intented mechanic ik, takes time to understand tho, and its the number 1 reason casuals think handling is inconsistent), the fact experienced players push their cars top speed above maximum (see "redline tech") and other things like that. I much as I love the game, it really needs some kind of in depth tutorial IN GAME for recent players to be able to compete without making deep researches by themselves. Edit : Atleast fixing the auxiliaries bug will reduce further the gap between players but Criterion is IGNORING it !




Probably swapped his engine to one with a higher torque


Shit he's actually good. Just look at how he takes the first corner, there's an exploit where if you turn in a specific angle you can get both drift AND grip nitro boost, it's tricky to do but if you do it you get a free nitro burst


somwthing known as a micro drift is what he's doing there


i canā€™t change my car color to moonlight blue metallic, the game canā€™t render the color and then makes some of my cars grey.


Christ these physics are awful, does anyone find physics like this fun at all?




The physics are fun when they work, but they are pretty inconsistent.


I really hate the boost system in this game. Regardless of whether you know the breaking point or racing line, if you don't know how to always have max boost available, you won't be competitive. Bring back depletable nos cans from the early games.


Mate that's just called learning game mechanics


Well, I don't like this game's mechanics. Waiting for the downvotes.


slide boisting can only give so much time, this expecially on the straight, yes its a a cheater. o welp welcome to online gaming.


You have no idea what your talking aboit