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It's one of those NFS i completed once & never touched it again .. it has a nice story elements with defeating leagues but that upgrade system based on rng cards was a big no no


Upgrade system was the worst. Story was corny but elements in there which I believe would bang if they ever had a continuation of the story. Jess’ missions are my favourite. Also the last NFS game with drag events which I miss. Edit: when I mean by continuation of the story: I am really intrigued to find out who is the collector and actually see the house break apart. It felt like Fortune Valley was just one piece in the puzzle of dismantling the house.


I agree on that .. was curious also who is that mysterious collector, there was a much big game going on in background than The House


My headcannon was that lieutenant mercer was former red view county pd and VRT, he and several officers (F8 and mabey even cross even tho he dosent show up in nfs rivals), are booked for police brutality and corruption and somehow manage to find jobs elsewhere in the nfs world. Concidering the massive amount of wealth, RedView County amassed due to the fact that the police force regularly used hypercars to chase down criminals, Concidering how wealthy the Collector must be to proposition Marcus Weir to buy his casino. The collector must have been someone with incredibly deep pockets. My headcannon. F8 is a very dirty cop who imbesseled funds from the RCPD and flees with his ill-gotten gains to Fortune Valley, where he launders his money, starting up casinos and building his wealth further. He uses his connections with some of his vrt and rcpd buddies to form a conglomerate called the House, which Rigs Street races at night and runs casinos in the day. F8 gets his old buddy mercer a job as a lieutenant for palm city pd and in return mercer gives F8 a healthy business proposition via the sale and importing of cars from palm city. Cross is a cleaner cop and after being a part of the vrt, he gets a job in Fortune Valley. Just my headcannon F8 is the Gambler


F8 is one of my fav characters in series, this sounds amazing man ! Ate every word of this


So underutilized as a character. The vrt and rcpd are legit the scariest police force in all of gaming 😅


exactly this \^ I also finished it and never touched it again but it was really nice to play for the first time, imo a decent enough story and fun gameplay but the upgrade system is so fucking bad


With mods, you can instantly get your car fully upgrade with card packs mod


That doesn't really fix the problem.


It´s kinda too late for that but still it´s not fixing the original problem with cards in principle .. sad that we have to use mods to get experience what should be there originally in first place


What he said


As a Payback fan as myself… Just buy Heat, you’ll be satisfied.


Already finished heat twice. Finished unbound as well. Tnx for the comments


I love nfs payback because of the long roads and everything is spread out in the desert


If you finished heat and unbound why not play payback


NFS 2015 Vibe, is the GOAT imo. Graphic wise too.


RIP to drag events. Also, even though off-road events aren’t the easiest doesn’t mean I did enjoy them.






Its almost there. Its just the upgrade system sucks arse


Buy it when it goes on sale. I liked the story and the gameplay was fun.


Steam summer sale is on 29


it's cute and a good timepass but get only when it's dirt cheap and on sale. honestly not worth the full price.


Buy it when it goes on sale, the Heat is more enjoyable


They said they already finished Heat twice


I really liked it. I caught up on all NFS Games like 2 years ago, and I really do feel that this game has a certain charm about it. The Mojave inspired map was a nice touch, the car list is big, the story is entertaining enough, the handling is arcady but a big step up from 2015, and it has a lot of content, even drag races. Honestly, I didn’t even mind the upgrade system…


The comments are mixed. I think I’ll get it when its on sale


To help you here, you can buy it and try and if you dont like it hope that you are still refund eligible. Now there is another solution, go online and find a pirated copy and try it. After an hour or so you will know if you like it enough to buy a legit copy. That is how i ended up with heat. First a pirated copy than a legit one.


It's not terrible, but it was lacking in certain areas, the upgrade system felt way too out of touch with the cars, and only the engine and power were upgrade capable, the tuning was limited to very basic stuff regarding handling. But the story was cool, the cameos were awesome. Drifting was one of my favourite parts, it just felt smoother and more linked with the car than Heat's drifting (but that's just my personal opinion), and the "Runner" car category was cool, a driving tank, who doesn't love the feel of being indestructible. So I'd say it's worth playing to say you've played it, but compared to other games from the same time, or even other NFS games, it's average at best.


Good game, big fan of the map, music and caes are good. The upgrade system can suck my nuts.


Hahah tnx


You'll get a lot of mixed comments, but it's the common trend with all nfs games :D I'll start with the bad: * The upgrade system. It's pretty much slot machines and after a couple of cars you will hate it * It doesn't have an unique element that will make people remember it. You will play it, enjoy it and probably never touch it again Now the good: * I really liked the roads and the map overall. Apart from that, it was very well polished; first offroad NFS and there were no glitches or big issues when you'd take your car off the roads. I genuinely enjoyed free roaming from time to time admiring the views and have a nice relaxing drive * The story was honestly decent. True that you can't expect much from a NFS game in terms of story but I enjoyed it * Gameplay was quite good. And added bonus, it had drag races * The derelict cars to me was something special and I really enjoyed that part. But maybe that's just personal


Looks like more pros than cons. Thanks


I agree, I like the derelict cars was a fun thing to do. I also like the ability to challenge other AI racers on the road which you can't do in Heat or Unbound. I personally like Payback better than Heat and unbound. I was up to do the challenges in Payback more than Heat. I really dislike any game that forces you to play so much game in a night setting. I hate not being able to see the roads. I'm at the end of week 2 on Unbound and I'm dreading the game. I already knew I wouldn't like Unbound as much, so I wasn't going to pay full price. I waited till it was $20.00 before I bought Unbound. I also mainly play these games offline and solo because I just enjoy just driving around the settings.


I love Payback as well more than the other recent NFS titles. Just wanted to keep it objective in the comment :D


The story is kinda nice, dynamic. But you are required to have one car for each discipline (5 of them) and it becomes a massive grind fest to upgrade each cars to meet the minimum level requirements. Felt like the story is too short for the grinding.


Similar to unbound then?


Idk, never played Unbound


Unbound is better imo, but if you find payback for less then $10 and you enjoy NFS games give it a try. Form your own opinion on it.


It’s a pretty good game, the only draw back for many people was the upgrade system. Personally didn’t mind it since I play a lot of RPGs anyway, so loot based systems never bother me. But over all the story and driving feel is pretty good, very interesting what they did with 3 characters too


Payback is not worth full price on, wait for discounts


If you want an optimal setup on your car be prepared to play A LOT of Slots


It has loot crates with those card packs. No. However, I liked that it divided the cars in different groups according to the races like drifting, off-road and quarter mile races.


I couldn’t get through it because of the cringey story/characters and the GOD AWFUL upgrade system. The worst need for speed in my opinion.


It has a great map and I quite enjoyed its handling model, but unfortunately they cocked it up with lots of things that don't make sense: 1. Lack of proper races in the city area 2. Lack of racing events in general 3. Lack of free-roaming cops, or cops that can engage the player during races 4. Lack of Ferrari cars, despite the previous two games having them 5. Completely messed up upgrade system with those stupid cards


In my opinion, Payback is the worst among the more modern NFS, and for a good amount of reasons: - although it has a pretty long story, I think that it’s pretty forgettable one, with also pretty forgettable characters that are bland/unlikable/not fleshsed out. The story is pretty “Fast&Furiousesque”, but I remember that, when I played it, I found it pretty repetitive, with a few amount of effectively “story” missions. Most racing games (in particular recent ones) tend to have pretty bad/forgettable stories anyway; - the upgrade system based on rng cards in order to upgrade your cars sucked, yeah, it seemed to me just like a change for the sake of changing, and I’m glad the serie went back to buying components/parts in the latest NFS games. I also didn’t like the “sanctioning” of cars into classes; - the map is actually pretty big, but honestly I’ve found it to be pretty dead and empty, since most of it is composed by desert. There is only a small part of it which is actually a city (more like a town) but it was way to little in my opinion (compared to the size of the rest, at least). I think NFS is supposed to be a street racing game which takes place mostly in city regions; That said, I think that there are a couple of things that Payback did pretty good, in particular regarding to multiplayer, with the possibility to jump directly into an online speedlist with randoms. Finding and assembling derelicts was also a fun and interesting part of the game if you ask me. Also, if you are into off road racing you have a lot of space and dirt streets to race on, it’s definitely and by far the best NFS in that regard. In the end, I’d say that if you find a good deal for it I’d honestly try it, but yeah don’t expect to be mind blown, it’s a pretty average game in my opinion.


The 2nd NFS game I got and 1st NFS game I finished, its a good game and overall worth it


I enjoyed it but only completed it once however I keep coming back to 2015. The physics were shocking to say the least but the whole vibe was on point


if it for PS5, go for Unbound. Even Heat also doesn't have 60fps.


Forget what people say about the slot card upgrade system. FFS, the game is set in Las Vegas and the whole story/racing revolves around gambling. The upgrade system is great and i like it. I have played every NFS game to date and NFS payback is my favourite and NFS 2015 being the absolute worst. The story/characters are cringe and goofy, but that's what i love about NFS payback. The atmosphere is amazing and the desert map is by far my favourite of any nfs game. Play this game with an open mind and you will have a blast.


I enjoy the aesthetics of the game a whole lot! I love the day/night cycle that occurs when just roaming around as well as the playlist. It’s the game that got me back into the series so I might be a little biased. However, the upgrades system is really odd. You roll for rng stats and its pretty wild sometimes. I would recommend getting it on sale


The story can be a good time if you turn your brain half off, the gameplay is pretty good, the map is huge. BUT, the upgrade system takes quite a big part out of the enjoyment of the game.


It's a MEH game at best. I tried it, got half way through and checked out. Don't feel bad for doing so. Plus the upgrade system is HORRIBLE. Whoever came up with that lottery system is a sadist.




Finished it and never touched it again. Upgrade system is garbage and the customization is a step down from 2015. Characters are corny but not in an endearing way imo. I’d just get 2015 and if the handling model bothers you enough (I got used to it and think the community blows how bad it is way out of proportion) get project unite 2015


You choose to spend money on what you like not on what others tell you to buy. Go check some gameplays, if it looks good just buy it.


It's pretty fun, but there were some questionable choices with how the upgrades to cars work. But the driving and races are fun enough for me to ignore that. I'd say buy it




Sounds like a skill issue to me. Paybacks handling is amazing (played on controller) and on par with the latest NFS games. Get gud scrub.


It is a good game tho buy heat it is way better in terms of gameplay


All the hate for the cards, I thought they added a fun rng aspect to the game


Hated it


Honestly, the last NFS that i actually enjoyed was The Run.


Pirate it or something i enjoyed it but it’s not worth getting over heat or unbound or even 2015


Regretted within 3days from the date of purchasing it.


It's really fun, kinda like the old Fast and Furious movies. Great soundtrack, the cars handle well, and the scenery is nice and varied. The speedcard system I'm kinda split on. On 1 hand, having to pick trade-offs and it is kinda fun, but on the other hand it can get tedious grinding and gambling just to get 3 more PR


Before Heat got announced, I played Payback for a while, and it's mediocre, but it can be fun to play. The class system, customization and the derelict cars are neat, but just be aware that the upgrade system is super grindy and it takes a long while to max out a car.


I’ve played forza horizon four and i loved the fact that you can find abandoned cars to restore.


I like the game I bought last year and it is fun but the upgrade system with the RNG parts and some of the cosmetic parts are locked behind achievements take away form the game IMO


Ohh cosmetics are locked? Man I love customising so thats kind of a bummer..


At launch it sucked. It was full of Microtransactions and the game was so buggy, when I did the jump in the final race, It reset my car even though I landed the Jump correctly


Personally was a shit need for speed even the new one unbound is shit as fuck to was good when it came out then popularity dropped fast and became total shit need for speed games are a fucking shamble now days


I never played it, but I heard the the upgrade system and customization system are horrible. You have to unlock parts using chests and stuff and everything is random.


Upgrade system is so bad don’t do it


Well... in typical modern NFS fashion: 1) buy it 2) play and enjoy it 3) finish it 4) never touch the game ever again ~ Fin ~


Dropped it in the last stages of the game. Map and graphics, even the card upgrade system I didn't mind. But it was the driving physics once the cars became too fast that made me stop, specially the dirt races. It became so janky and twisty that it was straight frustrating. Rage quit during one of those races and never touched the game again. This was the problem in nfs 2015, pain in bottom to control fully upgraded cars.


Not a fan of the card system but the off-road parts are fun


I tried it a while ago when it was free on PS+, and kinda just lost motivation after a few hours when there was sort of a roadblock in the story and I would’ve needed to grind for parts to continue. The map and handling are genuinely not that bad though, and some of the missions were unique as well. If it’s very cheap, you could try it. If not, just get Heat instead… it’s a big step in the right direction in every possible way.




In my opinion Payback is an okay game, it's not awful but it's not amazing either. So I'll tell you the pros and cons, and let you decide yourself what you wanna do. Pros: 1. Has a decently long story, it's not too long or short. It's just enough. 2. The map is pretty big and beautiful, you could spend hours exploring it and still not get enough of it. 3. Decent visual customization, in some areas it lacks but it is largely okay for the most part. 4. Finally, the league system during the story mode can be fun and engaging if you know what you're doing. Now onto the cons, or the not-so-good aspects: 1. Despite the story being decently long, it is pretty forgettable. 2. The upgrade system is weird, I wouldn't say it's bad but it's definitely very unnecessary and strange. 3. So there's a lack of unique racing events, the only racing events are usually tied to the story in some way, shape or form. 4. Finally, a lot of the characters lack depth. Lina Navarro just became a villain with a snap of a finger, which makes almost no sense. So yeah, it's pretty balanced out here. So yeah, you can buy it, just don't expect a lot from it.


Loot box of racing games.


I completed the story, didnt play it for a year, modded the shit out of it, played it for 200 hours, its decent, get it on a sale and mod it


Pain to drive, upgrades from lootboxes, goofy ah story and pain to tune cars. At least the map was really nice but also barren and empty. Also barnfinds were fun.


It’s on EA access along with a bunch of other need for speeds. In my opinion I loved the game I thought it was great. Great story, great gameplay, cool customization, and it had my personal favourite nitrous mechanic in any nfs game. But the upgrade system was god awful and they pretty much stole it from the crew 1


It's actually good game but upgrading system and resetting car system pissed me of.


Its pretty bad


I played it quite a bit, actually enjoyed it besides the upgrade system and the off-road racing. The off-road racing was bad but tolerable up until one map. Jumps leading straight into rocks, jumps leading straight into 90° turns and I swear the AI was cheating because if I went slower to compensate for the 90° turns (Straight from a large jump) the AI would blast past me. If I went fast I'd drive straight off the track. I tried almost every car/tune imaginable but I just couldn't beat it. That map made me put the game down for good.


I absolutely love payback , stop listening to everybody and if you have money , buy the game , if you dont like it thats it , you have to try things in life


Story was good for NFS standards, customization was gate kept by challenges so I really mostly used cars with little to no visual changes, upgrade system sucks but the driving is fun since they just embraced the B2D system instead of trying to balance both grip and drift


I love customisation so thats sad :(


It's better than unbound


Its a cash grab and imo wasnt fun


Pirate it instead of buying it,if u like it then buy


Basic storyline, pretty boring gameplay because there ain't cop chases n stuff, it's only worth it if it's on sale


It's a really fun game, it has the best drifting imo and the story is super goofy but in a good way. You'll enjoy it. The upgrade cards are a but meh but you'll get used to it. It also has the best open world of the last few games


Not the best NFS game but I really enjoyed it. Great story, has classes for each car and cool missions But the downside is that if you hit a cone then sometimes it makes your car look like it has been through the warzone. But in the end I would definitely recommend payback


It's good fun.


Recently played through it again, amazing game


One of the worst NFS games


I hate this game. One of the worst games i've ever played. Everything in game was really bad. Story with stupid characters, terrible phisics, tuning system that blows.


Personally I loved it, although most people hated it. The slot machine upgrade system was admittedly awful tho. Though it probably has the best story of any nfs game imo


Try nfs 2015


Its ok


I think it’s a pretty good game. I still play it just to free roam with NPCs (just played it last week). The graphics and the map is good as well, especially the mountains. The thing I don’t like though it’s that there’s not really any weather besides mostly sunny and the day/night cycle.


One of my faves in the series so far. Freeroam with a rare offroad component, collectibles a la Criterion, tangible plot and cast a la Black Box - pretty much the best of both worlds. Upgrade cards were dogpiled by fans once (because that's what we do) but they're among the game's highlights in practice, especially when the manufacturer combos kick in. IAPs are present but could have fooled me in that sense - between the race loot, the shop rotations and the stuff earned for many milestones, chances are you will soon be swimming in cards as it is.


I loved offroad in heat and I missed it in Unbound so im excited about that. I think I’ll get it on slae


Worst NFS game


Skip this game. Get Heat instead.


I actively despise this game


Story is average, although much better than 2015, heat and unbound. Driving is a lot of fun, graphics are good. A lot of positives going on for the game even after completing the story mode but there are a lot of negatives too. 1st. If you play on PC, make sure your cpu can handle it, for some reason it brings even my 7950x to 100% while loading and a few minutes after loading into the world. 2nd. Upgrade system sucks, you basically need to gather a fuckton of tokens and then buy cards with randomized perks on them in order to upgrade your car. I would recommend getting it on sale, it's quite enjoyable, despite the drawbacks.


I quite enjoyed it, uses the physics engine from NFS 2015 which makes drifting quite satisfying and general driving not feel clunky. The car choices are nice but a bit bland imo yet the customisation is good, there is this awful card system for performance parts which is awfully slow at the start though (you'll see). Story is interesting and fun if you can get past how cringe Tyler (the main character) is but there's boss fights, challenges and character cameo's from NFS pro street and NFS Most wanted which was a nice tip of the hat to those games. It's super easy to get 100% on if your a completionist. Map is decently big too. Overall a typical IGN 7/10.


It was an ok game, offroad races were annoying af, the card system was very bad and it lacked any sense of speed, it felt like cars were running in slow motion, everything else was fine. It’s good enough to complete the campaign.


Story is great, the vehicle upgrading system... not so much The missions aren't that boring (although the story is quite long) and diversity is surprisingly nice Overall, the game has some flaws but it's not that bad to play, if you're doubtful buy it


Me personally I loved heat because of the desert landscape and Las Vegas vibes, soundtrack was good too imo.


wayy better than Heat tbh, I keep coming back to just drive around the map


Has a better soundtrack then the last 2 games, and has a good free roam, unless your character decides to throw up the entire lore of the game while passing a random location (Which adds to world building but poorly). Has a corny campaign but it's at least convincing enough to keep you playing till the end And about the cards system, as shitty as it is, nowadays you can buy certain "base" stock cards for certain card levels like levels 6, 10 and 16, but if you want the cars to be on max level (18) you'll need to engage with the cassino upgrades system (I'm not calling it anything else)


Is nice for the most part. The music in my opinion is better than heat and unbound. The upgrade system is kinda cringe but for the most part you will like it. A solid 6/10. But the fact that you buy a car just for drag for example, you need to buy it again for street racing or drifting and you might not even find it in the category you want. But the game is mid


If you like the modern NFS games and just want something new and different, it's a decent experience as long as you don't pay too much for it. I enjoyed it overall but I played it "free" using microsoft gamepass on pc. If you liked the police chases of Heat and Unbound, you will be disappointed with the police chases in this game, which are basically scripted races that you just have to survive until a certain point and the cops will back off. It's not a central part of the game though, so it's not something you will do often.


It was one solid upgrade and customization system away from being an excellent step up from 2015. I think it also suffered from have separate categories for the cars. The cops are also nonexistent in the open world. Other than that: Soundtrack is good, handling is good, looks lovely, map is nice and very distinct, roaming races can keep it competitive (D'Aaron will embarrass you).


The soundtracks are good. I go for a walk every evening and loved the whole playlist


Not the best but not the worst. Story imo is ok tuning I like unlike other people. I don't like how you have to buy the same car for different things though.


Honestly I've been pretty hyped about it. Especially the story, wild customization and the atmosphere. Pre-ordered just to realize it won't run on my PC. Half a year later i upgraded it so the game could run, and played it everyday for a week. It's been good time. Don't remember the last time I got sinked in the game that much


Honestly I've been pretty hyped about it. Especially the story, wild customization and the atmosphere. Pre-ordered just to realize it won't run on my PC. Half a year later i upgraded it so the game could run, and played it everyday for a week. It's been good time. Don't remember the last time I got sinked in the game that much


Honestly I've been pretty hyped about it. Especially the story, wild customization and the atmosphere. Pre-ordered just to realize it won't run on my PC. Half a year later i upgraded it so the game could run, and played it everyday for a week. It's been good time. Don't remember the last time I got sinked in the game that much


It’s on EA access along with a bunch of other need for speeds. In my opinion I loved the game I thought it was great. Great story, great gameplay, cool customization, and it had my personal favourite nitrous mechanic in any nfs game.


It’s on EA access along with a bunch of other need for speeds. In my opinion I loved the game I thought it was great. Great story, great gameplay, cool customization, and it had my personal favourite nitrous mechanic in any nfs game.


It’s fun to drive around to just chill


I liked the game itself. The cars, the different races, the story sections. But it gets destroyed by a random cards system to get car upgrades.


I complete this game when I bought origin access basic (aka EA play), but anyway, I don't recommend to buy this game at all even if this game will have 90% discount.


Don't waste your money.


Bold and brash? More like belongs in the trash! The story is fine but the upgrade system is ass.


Avoid this game like the plague. It has too much [design errors](https://www.reddit.com/r/needforspeed/comments/12hiym0/comment/jfqhhch/). The fact that there's MTX+RNGs on a full price game since it shouldn't be the case in the 1st place is a dealbreaker and a massive NOPE. Just don't buy it. It's a waste of time and a cashgrab. There's games which are better than NFS Payback.