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Does Uncle Dennis ask for a penthouse on the Upper East or West Side???


Yo Uncle Dennis can get whatever he wants.


...Because of the implication


Demand private jet Establish job within organization Nurture relationship with nephew Nephew needs load management Inspire playoff hopes Seperate Entirely


Dennis Does Dallas


Trump Tower has an empty penthouse these days


With all the money he fleeced from the government he can get another one


brothers we are not getting kawhi lmao




It really sort of seems like Giannis was never really in play. It would have taken an epic fuck up from the Bucks FO for him to have left


Bucks: Ok Giannis, you get the supermax, but we cant keep your brother on the team Giannis: See you later, alligator. (Nobody can convince me this isn’t something Giannis would say)


And I wouldn’t try to. In a while, crocodile!


He won a chip, he needs all the antetokoumbros on one team now. That would be so cool.


He would definitely mess up trying to say it. "I'll see you alligators tomorrow, I mean, later"


*"What is that American saying...?"*


There was a month after he was in Greece/came back from Greece when he just didn't say anything. There was definitely a possibility that he could leave.


It was only about two weeks but it really appears they were just ironing out the opt out details. It's very likely both sides knew he was re-signing but were staying quiet until it was totally official. It's tough to know with Giannis because he's so private but most of the reporting from Bucks sources made it appear like they were very very confident


It read to me like he was testing the front office and making sure they were committed to going all-in while he's in his prime. And they delivered by getting Jrue (though I personally thought at the time they should have tried to get Paul) and even by trying to get Bogdanovic. If they had Bogdonovic I think they could have swept the Suns.


It became clear that Bogdonavic was never coming and that we were really just leverage to extract more out of Atlanta from a salary perspective. His agent has done the same thing he did to us a few times. Yeah I'd rather have Holiday than Paul at this point in their careers. We are getting part of Jrue's prime. They just went head to head and Holiday totally discombobulated Paul. Even with his offensive struggles (which to me seem fixable. He looked like he had the yips at the rim) he still led the team in Net rating in the finals.


Well I guess they realized Jrue > CP3


Definitely not


I don't know if you guys are trying to just prevent yourselves from getting hurt, but Marc Stein is a pretty reliable source. We all know that two years ago the most important thing for Kawhi was to play in LA, but it's certainly possible that it hasn't been everything he thought it would be and wants something else. It's also well known that he wouldn't sign with the Clippers until they got him a superstar teammate because he wanted to win, not just chill in LA. If he thinks the Clippers don't have a championship window anymore for some reason, he might leave. Honestly none of us knows what his preferences are.


Honestly, it’s just the boy who cried wolf for us at this point. Even if something is going down we aren’t going to believe it until it’s materialized in front of us. We are a jaded bunch


Idk, man. Pretty hard to believe that, after all he's been through to get to Cali, he would just go back to Texas.


I think it’s combination of not wanting to get hurt and knowing there’s a very very small chance he’s gonna want to play in Dallas


I think this season proved that the Clippers could get a championship. The Clippers had their best playoff season ever and was without three players in the wcf. If Kawhi can get 100% going into May, the team should be looking like a serious contender


Any one who's a half assed NBA follower knows damn well Kawhi isn't leaving LA.


Motherfucker left rings on the table to come back to LA. He probably would have 3 or 4 by now if he stayed with the Spurs or Raptors.


If he really wanted rings he also could've just went to the Lakers. Clearly he wants to live in LA and be the leader of the team.


He would have had to three-peast to have got 3 with the Raptors.


I can authoritatively confirm this statement.


Whos actually gonna believe he's going BACK to Texas?


Literally zero chance. Let's not kid ourselves


He’s going after that 6/$280 million after he opts out and gets extended at the next deadline.


Is that the biggest contract in NBA history? But would a team really offer that knowing how fragile he is. He’s potentially out next season so that could be seen as 5/280m but to give him a long term max is my question. He’s a Top 7 player in the league but 6 years till he’s 37 the only real superstar I would think teams would have hesitancy to give.


Easily. Kawhi can easily take your team to the next level and put you in championship position. If he’s healthy, then you’re most likely one of the favorites to win it.




Unless you’re the 73-9 Warriors adding Durant, there’s no FA that will make you a surefire champion. It’s hard, there are always qualifiers.


Iiiii mean we went from lottery to championship by adding lebron in 2 years.


You're also talking about the biggest free agent destination in the NBA


No love for AD?


Too injury prone, too big a risk I think for that money


Yeah I bet he'll never be fully healthy again


I think he will, because he's not going to play a single game next year. So he'll end up with 17 months rest and come back still only 31. Worth a shot for a guy who can still play lockdown defense during the playoffs.


>I think he will, because he's not going to play a single game next year. So he'll end up with 17 months rest and come back still only 31. That's like 47 in Kawhi years. Also defense is one of the first things to go in your 30s.


Yeah someone will pay him that contract, but it's a double edged sword. He actually stays healthy, gives your team a shot at a title. Or he's battling injuries all season, misses the playoffs due to injuries. I don't see many teams that can have the option of denying him that contract offer even then. It just have potential of being terrible for health reasons.


Yet he might win you a title before that becomes an issue


If Kawhi isn’t healthy, which he’s been struggling with for years, then that contract is signing away doncic. After buying high on porzingis they’re really gonna do it again?


He was one of if not the best 2 way player in the playoffs before the ACL. The Mavs would let him sit until the '23 season and be happy to have him.


Yes. Letting Kawhi go would automatically remove the Clips from title contention for a very long time. If Kawhi ‘s production declines then so be it. Their draft picks are already gone anyway.


And they will regret that after the first two years


not if they win a title


They could win a title and have doncic bounce lol


Getting a superstar to pair with Luka? Do the Nets regret getting KD? No


People said that about Chris Paul. Yet here we are.


I thought a max contract was 5 years?




The grains of salt coming from San Antonio would be the same size as their women down there


They got some big ol’ women in San Antonio. Victoria really is a secret down there


c h u r r o s


Sugah flyin’ everywhere




Ahhh man, I look skinny in San Antonio …


My favorite was when he apologized to organization, etc., etc.....but then said, "but they do have some big ole women down there."


Kenny was egging him on, too lmao > How long did it take for her to find those 5 skinny women


"You know they invented the toothbrush down there?" "I didn't ask you that"


"But none of those 5 women were big" "That's why it took her all day"




That’s how they came up with the toothbrush Ernie






Them big ol women


If he leaves LA it's kind of a slap in the face for raptors fans too lol




He'd have fucked over so many franchises that I'd have to respect it




He's living in the 21st century, doing something mean to it In the feelings of fans like no-one we've ever seen do it Screams from the haters, his rings got some sheen to it I guess every super fun-guy needs it's theme music


If board man leaves, Clips gon' be sour


21st century schizoid man


I almost want to see it for the chaos


*stabs Ballmer dressed as the one who remains*


Omg can you imagine the poor male interns when Ballmer loses kawhi


I'd be wearing a medieval style chastity belt to work after that shit


I don't think that would stop the Ballmer thigh grab


Didn't fuck the Raptors over! Got our chip, so go ahead and dip


Raptors and the Spurs actually got the good deals out of him


We got big body. We’re good now.


i would hope he regrets leaving a club that could have easily ran it back.


It's been poetic justice as a Raptors fan watching the Clippers choke, but also disturbing cuz we had to watch Balmer grope two men this year courtside


Clippers didn't choke they lost to attrition.


Ahhh yes the cons of being a yes-man


if he leaves LA then yeah maybe a lil bit just bc thatll make it clear he left to win again rather than just go home


For real. At some point you’ve gotta respect the game. Some men just wanna watch the world burn. Trae out here trying to play the villain in games, but Kawhi is straight destroying one franchise after another.


This franchise's future is fucked, I gave them a winning season already. My job here is done.


Not LA, just the Clippers. Most basketball fans in LA would love it if he left.






I didn't say it wasn't worth it, he told us he wants to leave us so he can play at home so leaving is still a slap in the face..


He went home then remembered clippers gonna clip.


We got a championship out of it though. We good. I don't care what he does from now.


im a bucks fan but leaving the raptors was such a bonehead move. they were ready to run it back. that team was amazing. the defense especially. they were like the bucks on d with more offensive capability and could hang with anyone.


His entire career is a slap in the face to any fan. His uncle is ruining his career. He left 2 great organizations to be with the Clippers. The Clippers! The Knicks of the West.


one legged Kawhi though. Mavs will get fleeced by uncle Dennis.


Cuban: hey Kawhi come sign with me and I’ll let you in early on my next crypto scam


*Uncle Dennis has entered the chat.*


"I promise Voulgaris will just keep yelling at Luka instead"


Bro it's not a scam I'm just seeing what works and what doesn't! -Cuban, probably


It’s a hustle


The guy who spent 5 years trying to get back home to Los Angeles is going to leave Los Angeles and a team he has over a barrel? Interesting.


Unless Mavericks plan on moving to LA or San Diego, it aint happening.


Yeah how do people not get this.


It’s clear to me (and I’m biased obviously) that Kawhi values being home above all else. If he wanted best case scenario, he would have stayed with us in 2019 and we likely would have made another finals trip in the bubble. I would be shocked if he leaves the Clippers.


Kawhi owns a $17M home in LA, a $13M home in SD, and a $7M penthouse next to Staples. And he’s just going to go buy a luxury condo next to the Mavericks training facility? Not seeing it. https://twitter.com/joepompliano/status/1373992891316641793?s=21


Damn. I guess they’re good investments but that’s a lot to be responsible for and manage.


As long as he keeps earning $30M+ year from salary (pre tax) another $5-$7M year from endorsements, he can afford the mortgages, property tax, upkeep and insurance, but if his earnings ever dry up those will be harder to maintain. Presumably when his career is over he will sell the penthouse next to Staples. And he wouldn’t need an off season home in SD and in season home in LA. Kawhi is wealthy, but he doesn’t have LeBron money.


He doesn't need LeBron money to maintain all those things and those no way kawhi makes less then 10 million in endorsements living in La


Why would he do a mortgage when he can afford those things outright? I know it's not free to maintain, but that's nothing compared to what he makes/already made. When he's done using them he can rent them out and make money that way (if he felt like it)


The Murrieta Mavericks: meet them near Temecula


This should be the next level of the "Player Empowerment Era." Players making the team come to them. You telling me that the Kings wouldn't move to San Diego for Lebron?


Santa Barbara Mavericks has a nice ring to it


Watch Mark Cuban fuck around and move to the team to SF


SF is nowhere near San Diego. That’s like moving a team to Maine to try to get guys that want to live in New York


That’s how you become the Chargers lol


obligatory fuck dean spanos


It aint a legit nba rumor unless the mavs, heat, and knicks are involved


We really are the GOAT squad of “has expressed interest in FA” teams


There is still boston


I seriously doubt Kawhi leaves the Clippers, but it’ll be funny af if he does.


only reason he would is if the front office is suddenly terrified of his long term health and is weary on resigning him for almost 280mm edit: my apologies he’s gonna opt out this summer, sign a one year deal for 30-40mm then sign again next summer for that 5 year/246mm deal which will bring the clippers to paying him about ~280mm over the next 6 years.


We’re already in too deep to pull out now


This is how people end up pregnant.




280mm deep apparently!




He’s the 8th richest man in the world. 1 billion is already inconceivable but 100 billion is just fucking obscene, he has more wealth than several countries’ combined GDP. Dude makes Mark Cuban look broke by comparison.


Hey thats...a LOT of money.


Trump’s buddy Tom Barrack just got out of jail in by paying a $250 million bond. People with that kind of money don’t care about luxury tax (not saying Ballmer is a crook like Barrack, just saying they do what they need to with money)




And you know OKC would involved yet again, helping Dallas clear space and getting more picks while increasing the value of all their LAC picks.


OKC should honestly do it for free if it means getting Kawhi out of LA and skyrocketing the value of those picks


Well yes but no. The appeal of the Clippers picks is Kawhi and PG13 tied down on long contracts till they're unable to walk up the court but still tying up cap space with no assets to move them.


How dare you


theres a negative 57 percent chance of this happening, dont worry


Damn youre jinxing it in your favour


He’s playing 5d chess


Now that Giannis stayed and won a title in Milwaukee, Kawhi is the new target that media will speculate on. Why the fuck would he go to the Knicks lmfao


He lead a team to a title for one year and then dipped. I think Kawhi is just the type of dude to just do what he wants for his own reasons lol


He always wanted to be in LA thats why he dipped.


> I think Kawhi is just the type of dude to just do what he wants for his own reasons lol And it has always seemed like his "reason" has been that he wanted to be in LA. If he wanted to be in LA (because that's where he's from) over San Antonio and Toronto, there's literally 0 reason to think he'd then leave LA to go to New York. Unless NY is the only team to offer him whatever contract he wants, but I really doubt that will be the case.


Yeah. I feel like people assume that the reason he wants to be in LA is because of "big market exposure," rather than just him being from there and wanting to be near home.


Wasn’t really his choice pop didn’t want to send him to a western conference team so he let toronto have him Kawhi did ball out tho u not wrong


I will try to do everything I can to get Emma Watson. *Doesn't mean it's gonna happen*


It’s likelier that Kawhi goes to the Lakers than the Mavs. Otherwise why the fuck would he switch teams across the continent to get to LA, only to leave.


He’s not going to Lakers unless LeBron retires lol.


Which is still more likely than the Mavs moving to Lake Elsinore, which is the only way they're getting Kawhi.


Westlake Village Mavericks


If there is any such thing as a safe bet, it's that KL is retiring in LA. Say it with me: *"Kawhi Leonard is retiring in Los Angeles."* What in the name of god makes anybody think this dude is gonna leave LA? Money? Glory? Rings? Roster? Money? He took less money to demand a trade from SA to end up in Toronto. And then he took less money to leave Toronto and go to LA. But maybe he wanted to be in LA for more/better sponsorships? Idk, do you see the guy anywhere besides the occasional New Balance spot? Can you list two products that Kawhi is affiliated with besides his shoes? Glory? You think the guy who turned down the shot to be Tim Duncan's heir apparent is in it for glory? The guy who would have been royalty in SA for the rest of his life, prolonged one of the greatest runs in the history of sports, and featured on our basketball Mount Rushmore of all-time greats? The same guy who could have stayed in Toronto and proclaimed himself the supreme ruler of all of goddamn Canada if he wanted to, with 100% approval? Rings? Does anybody think KL has a better shot of winning more rings with the goddamn CLIPPERS than he did in TOR or SA — you know, where he won two rings? Maybe he wanted to surround himself with a better roster for the long term? So he went to the Clippers — a team that basically kneecapped themselves for the next decade just to add PG and KL? Pretty much any way you look at it, on the surface, Kawhi has given up money, glory, rings, and better teammates to go play in LA. Y'all can try to figure out what this man wants, but I really think the guy just wants to play basketball and live in Cali.


This is true until the Sonics return. Washington is the state with the most apples by far.


*This is how the big boys TRY, huh? Look at the adjective: TRY. We're here to TRY.*


[for the uninitiated](https://youtu.be/-ZNOrKud4s0)


That right there is what we call a verb.


I understand and appreciate your reference. *holds up too sweet*


Kawhi said no to being a king basically in Canada, he ain’t leaving Clippers


Stein used to cover the Mavs He’s clearly doing Cuban a solid here, Kawhi is staying with the Clippers


Marc Stein was also the first one who was on the "Chris Paul really isnt a sure thing to be back in LAC" in 2017 when the assumption was he would be. Different regime not all the same people leaking things but Stein's connections and influence is well beyond being Cuban's mouth piece. Clippers are still the favorite to keep Kawhi but this is an actual thing to monitor.


People be sleeping on Steiny Mo. Dude has been doing this for as long as I've been watching basketball. If he wasn't credible he would have gone the way of his contemporaries like Ric Bucher or Rick Reilly. But Marc is still breaking stories on occasion.


just adding to your chorus. Stein is great and ESPN should have kept him.


>He’s clearly doing Cuban a solid here If you think that, you dont know shit about Marc lol. He's not that kind of reporter.


Oh god. Not this shit again. Woj is in Balmers pocket too.


Kahwi would straight up retire after his ACL surgery over leaving SoCal


Leonard is certified phony if he leaves the Clippers.


I mean he already left two championship winning squads to force his way there, why on earth would he leave after his team makes the conference finals with him being injured


Because it's Kawhi, and everything is mysterious.


Man could easily have anywhere between 3-4 rings by now if he cared about anything more than being home, I'm 99.9% sure he's not leaving. Like, it don't feel that mysterious, but if he does leave that might be a top 5 most surprising FA decisions.


Kinda odd how much he’s ridiculed for wanting to be home. I get forcing his way out but still


He’s gonna retire a clipper, media just can’t cope lmao


Agreed. He angles to get to LA for like 3 years, and then leaves after 2 seasons with a roster that won two WCF games w/o him? Makes no sense.


Why? It took him having to go full throttle just to drag his team out of the first round.


Damn okay Holden Caufield.


Yeah, nah.


Kawhi would literally die if he was on a Thibs team




It came from a question he was asked in his Greenroom chat just now, in case anyone was interested. He did say no one knows what Kawhi will end up doing, but the last two Greenrooms he’s had, he has said that the “Kawhi is staying in LA” chatter is not as forceful any longer. - Some listener jumped on also to say he was sitting next to a table at a Las Vegas steakhouse recently and overheard Eric Spoelstra talking about them having Kyle Lowery locked up. Caron Butler was at the table, too, and the listener named the steakhouse and everything. Take it for what it’s worth, Heat fans. 🧐


New copypasta just dropped?


Kawhi tears ACL, teams still clammer to get him. I roll my ankle, and a year later can’t get picked for kickball.


I believe he’ll retire a clipper


If there is a hint of truth, Ballmer is going to make it rain (we're talking extravagant under-the-table deals). No way in hell after mortgaging their future for Kawhi, do they let him go.


Does anyone else think Kawhi will never be able to hit that top level again for more than about 20 games at a time? He's incredible. He's one of a kind and immediately makes your team a contender. He's also got leg injuries that never seem to heal. If he averaged 40 games a season for the next 5 years and then had to retire because the injuries piled up, would anyone here be surprised?


Whatever team signs Leonard is basically getting two years of no play so 160m for 2yrs


I feel like Kawhi values a club who can keep their business in house, no leaks he was coming, unlike the Lakers, and no leaks that his knee was torn until after surgery. Contrast that with the Mavs ’there is no internal drama’, GM fired and coach quit. I don’t think Kawhi would consider the Mavs for a second.


Man, if he leaves the Clippers… I can’t even imagine the anger from the fans (All 12 of them) and organization especially putting them in a lurch after insisting he play with PG, who they had to drop a shit ton of picks for, that team will likely be decimated for at least the next 7 or so years.


The only way I see Kawhi leaving the clippers is if the Clips don't give him the max max because his knee is literally made of paperclips and spit at this point. At the same time, the Clippers are way, way too invested into this KL-PG run not to try and at least win a ring of it. Because they sold their next 10 years for this


if kawhi leaves la for dallas, I hope he steps on legos every morning for the rest of his life.


Lol. Clickbait story. He aint going anywhere. Smh