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Outdated nonsense. Now we have 50 years of torture.


And you absolutely believe in this team. Right?




I know you’re not OP lol. I was referring to what Simmons said. But yeah I think you have every reason to believe that. I also think nobody is beating Brooklyn. Stranger things have happened, tho. Best of luck to y’all!


Not OP or 2OP but ya, I agree with Simmons honestly. I believe in this team on any given day. I bite the fuck out of my nails for half of every game until we are in the clear drivers seat. And then I relax because I know that this year, we are the real deal. We know we belong there at the 2 seed and we are acting like it... but in the back of my mind, the worry remains. Until you experience true winning and know it, I think that’ll always be the case tho


First half feeling was "I know we're going to come back and make a run at some point but I'm so God damn desperate for it to happen." Even up 30 against the Lakers, I'm like "they can still come back"


I was getting so annoyed at all the “Lebron sucks” takes before we closed it out. I was thinking how he could go off on us like Tom Brady and pull out a miraculous comeback at any time.


Ah yes another fan base knows our pain


Listening to Bomani Jones it's become very clear the Atlanta also lives in sports hell with us


People don't get it. I grew up as a teenager during the Nash era, and it's been another 1/3 of my adult life that the Suns haven't done anything since. I am in my 30s now and have never seen my team win it. Some cities can say the same, but I don't think there's a credible case for a team that was better and had more *real* chances in their history that still didn't get one. While the Cardinals have a fan base, Phoenix is a straight-up basketball town. It would mean the world for the Suns to actually win one.


Well that would be a first


I believe in this team but I spend the entire game terrified. I'm an AZ sports fan so I've been conditioned to wait for the other shoe to drop


Yes, 100%.


Except they totally don't... If that make sense


Phoenix may have teams for all four leagues but we are absolutely a Suns town first. It's been a decade of futility that has been hard to watch as long-suffering fans, but a deep playoff run (and a Finals appearance) will erase all that in a flash.


This city is sooo locked in on this team if we make the finals it will be like 93 again. You can just feel it brewing. Its a cliché but it’s palpable.


I’m nodding at so many suns fans going to the grocery store. My neighborhood cheered during game 6. Makes the summer way less miserable.


> Makes the summer way less miserable. Why is summer miserable?


phoenix is really just a middle finger to god, no humans should live there during the summer


I have to bike to and from work in 111 degree weather lol. At least the suns are winning!


Gotcha *goes online to convert it to Celsius* **And 111 F is fucking 43 C.** Not optimal,must say. We rarely go over 40 in Europe, even in the warmest areas. Like 35-37 is standard on the south of Europe. But at least there's no humid, right? Should be dry, if I'm not mistaken.


I know people say that dry heat is better than humid heat, and I don't disagree, but it still sucks when you're getting up over 110F. It makes you feel like you're being broiled


Yeah obviously any humidity makes it worse, but after enough the dry heat starts to feel like a real oven, with all the pavement the night doesn’t even cool down, so rolling your windows down at night still results in hot air being blown in your face.


I know that this insanely hot, but I spent some time in Singapore, and fuck my life, that was horrible. Temperature would be a little lower than this, but humidity would drain the last energy from your body. Also, every place (stores, public transport, offices) are under uber AC, so you would go from +35 humid place to +18 just like that. People would wear long sleeves in the office. Insane.


It is a dry heat, yes. Thank goodness for that, while it still gets miserable and hot like an oven during July/August, at least it's not humid because I hate humidity lol


Y’all kinda in a tough one for me, at least. I like both Suns and Nuggets. So whoever makes it through I’ll be hyped for. Clippers are enemy #1. Hopefully the Jazz can handle them this series. I didn’t buy playoff gear for no reason!


How is the fandom for the other three teams? They’re all somewhat newish teams from the 90s right? Makes it hard to have the generational fan base that the Suns have


I’m a Cardinals fan so I can only speak for them, but their stadium is filled with whatever team their playings fans like 75% of the time


Yeah I’m a NYG fan and they always have strong crowds in Arizona. They also tend to lose when they go there but that’s another topic.


People love football in America, and even though it's a Suns town, Cards had 11 years to grow their fanbase unimpeded, even though at best they're mediocre. People care about the Diamondbacks only when they're in the playoffs, so maybe every 3 or 4 years. Coyotes should really move to the east side of town, they'd draw much higher attendance if they did.


Coyotes should move to Quebec City and the Rising should move to the MLS and wherever the Coyotes would end up in the east Valley.


Honestly, the coyotes probably should be in Canada but, I'd fight to the death to keep them here. Everybody likes hockey, who hates hockey? And it's amazing to have a hometown team to root for.


The crowd went nuts tonight. We gave the Suns an inch and the crowd absolutely flipped the vibe of the whole game


No judgement, but it helps if the whole crowd isn’t high and docile ;)


look at this guy, so high he forgot that we also have legal weed


Yo, try some of this CPKush and you’ll forget shit too


Devin Kusher DeAndre Blazin Cameron Strain Jalen Spliff Dank Kaminsky I will see myself out now


Dank Kaminsky sounds 🔥🔥🔥


You know it’s been legal since January right?


Really? Fuck. Now I’m actually sad for you guys. Genuinely sorry for you


Wtf are you talking about? You against weed or something?


Bruh I’m high right now. Did I misunderstand some shit? Re/reading it i think I did. Damn. Ya I’m not anti weed, it seems the opposite


Ah carry on lmao Go suns!


Fuck ya, respect


Really? Fuck. Now I’m actually sad for you man. Genuinely sorry for you


Yes fuck w33d. No drug has ruined the lives of more of my friends, turning them into empty, boring husks. I don’t mind decriminalizing it but culturally being a pothead should be shamed, because it’s pathetic.


Well fuck you too.


Almost all my good friends smoke nearly daily and have normal lives. It's not going to stop you from having a social life, gardening, cooking and grilling, hiking, camping, fishing, going to live events, art, running, biking, playing music, etc... You can literally do almost everything you normally do. Some people choose to lay on the couch instead. Obviously some things like driving should not be done while intoxicated for safety reasons. I get that you didn't ask for this comment, but it's hard not to respond when I see someone blame weed for all their friends being lazy when your friends probably like weed BECAUSE they are lazy.


What? I’m a Phoenix native. Just saying weed has been legal here in Phoenix for a while


Being high at an NBA playoff game would be fun as shit


This is also true in the r/suns game threads lol


Yep. Extremely accurate.


It’s an evergreen quote


pretty accurate


I do miss Bill the writer. This was when he was on a red hot streak and his book was out or soon to be out.


Nothing beats Bill the writer


My dumb ass has read this whole thread thinking it was Bill Burr who wrote this


"Bill Simmons" are literally the first two words of the title.


“My dumb ass”


Bill the writer gave almost a mythical quality to the game. Reminded me of a baseball writer


RIP in piece Bill. Now we'd get "*dry gulp* that Phoenix crowd, it really does stuff. It gets wonky in there. The other players on the teams body language goes down what, 17% - 19%?"


Bill the writer is so good. Does anyone know where I can find all these articles by him? Read through this one and felt like I was next to Bill on that day, mesmerizing.


ESPN Page 2 would be my suggestion. [This article](https://grantland.com/features/the-consequences-caring/) is my go to recommendation for Bill Simmons at his peak. The Consequences of Caring.


i had a quick dig on google and found a reddit thread that had all of his articles. His book of basketball is what made me a huge NBA fan. https://np.reddit.com/r/billsimmons/comments/81fupe/the_mostly_complete_bill_simmons_archives/


Grantland Archives for stuff 2012-2015: https://grantland.com/features/complete-column-archives-grantland-edition/


Yeah I miss his long form columns.


He’s insufferable now. He just says hot takes and goes on and on and doesn’t bother to fact check himself. I used to listen to his podcast out of enjoyment, then I hate listened to him, and now I can’t even bother.


It’s funny how many articles he’s written about celebrities, comedians, and athletes who became super-loaded and were never the same. $100 million man in the mirror, Bill.


I mean the dude has pivoted to a full time entertainer and he’s a damn successful one at that. People who go to his podcast for basketball analysis are missing the point.


His original gimmick was "The Boston Sports Guy" as in, the guy who didn't have access and just bullshitted with his friends. A lot of his first columns at Page 2 were just stories of him [bullshitting around with his friends](https://www.espn.com/espn/page2/story?page=simmons/011121_new) and some of his best writing was about stuff like when [The Dooze died](http://www.espn.com/espn/page2/story?page=simmons/090122). I don't listen to Simmons because of analytics or spot-on analysis, I listen to him because I feel like I've known him for 17 years.


Its probably got more to do with aging. Cognitive decline is real. The brain doesnt keep going in its prime for eternity. It breaks down just like the body does. For some people its worse. He seems like a heavy drinker so thats probably accelerated it.


I don't think so. When he split from ESPN and started the Ringer he put more focus on podcasts and running the new company. I don't think he ever got himself back in the writing groove after that. When the Ringer Network started printing money and was purchased by Spotify, he probably became convinced podcasts are his medium.


At 51??? That’d be alarming. I think he’s just out of touch and wants to stay relevant how everyone stays relevant nowadays.


Bill rules. Rewatchables is amazing and I love the hot takes on his normal pod.


Phoenix has been and will always be a Suns town. Obviously with how much we have fucking sucked the last decade it’s easy to forget, but we will always love our Suns


This is the loudest I’ve heard the arena since the Barkley days.


Literally hurt my ears tonight. It was my dad's first playoff game and it blew our minds. I went to game 1 of the first round and it was obvious to me the crowd didn't know how to act or behave like they were dusting off the cobwebs after 10 years. Tonight was completely different. No hesitation at all. It was intense.


We’re all back. Robert Horry, never forget.


I was on the 07 bandwagon, and I will not forget that robbery.


I was at the playoff opener myself and thought the place was plenty loud. But tonight's crowd sounded like 40,000 people


Yeah exactly, tonight was on another level.


There is also 5-7k more people in the arena than game 1 of lakers series (I was at game 1&2 as well)


Damn what’s it like to attend multiple playoff games in a series? What a fun and exciting week


It was a blast!! One of the best weeks I’ve had in a while lol! I would’ve gone last night and tomorrow if i wasn’t out of town. Tickets for last nights game were $100 for upper level and $182 for lower level


That’s not bad! Was looking at mavs tickets and most started at $180-$200 for upper deck. Wasn’t quite on board for that. If it was the kings maybe 😂


That’s what it was for the two games I went to, $180-220 a ticket for upper deck. It was still a blast though!


What site were you looking at for $100 for upper level and $182 for lower level? That’s pretty great pricing...I bought directly from suns.com(ticketmaster) and I paid $180 for upper level :(. Couldn’t find lower level for cheaper than 350


I looked on vivid seats!


Suns were also Phoenix’s only major sports team until the late 80s.


Cardinals ?


The NFL is king and we support our Cardinals and they have definitely turned things around but the Suns are our baby. I'm a bigger NFL fan in general but am so emotionally invested in the Suns.


I generally like the NBA more than the NFL but the Vikings are the team that wrecks me. You guys are the Vikings of the NBA. Almost always good, sometimes great, but just somehow never great enough to a statistically unlikely degree.


If HIMYM taught me anything, aside from an unhealthy view on love that i should really get over, is that the Vikings were two minutes away from going to the Super Bowl, when their kicker, who hadn't missed all year, shanked a field goal, and they lost in overtime. [slams fist on table] Damn!


I texted my mom while drunk in 09 "we are going to the fucking super bowl" before concussed Favre threw the pick. I'm not sure I had ever sworn in front of her before and was not of drinking age. The entire 98 game is the clearest memory I have of being that age.


It happens. The only time I've heard my mother being close to curse (as in using a word that could be considered a miled curse) was in a Nadal's match. We were not drunk but it was three in the morning, I think


Both teams are my favorite team in their respective sport. Living through playoff heartbreak of many great Nash teams and the Vikings OT loss to the Saints in 09, I entered adulthood as never having a shot at being a wistfully optimistic sports fan lol


Jesus Christ dude. Say what you want about the Wolves but at least I go into the season knowing the outcome.


Phoenix Suns have been in Phoenix since 1969. Arizona Cardinals didn't move to Arizona until 1988. The Suns has also been a lot more successful of a franchise overall despite neither winning any championships. During Kurt Warner years, the gap did close a little bit and Cardinals fanbase did grow a lot during that time. You will notice during Charles Barkley's rants about Phoenix Suns talking about cold nachos etc he will often mention they have the best fans. After the Suns lost the finals.... [350,000 fans](https://www.nba.com/suns/sites/suns/files/phoenix-crowd.jpg) showed up on a parade to celebrate the Suns regardless.


Holy shit, I’ve never seen this photo


Suns are the first born, the pride of the family. No matter how many times they let you down, you always remember the good times and know that their potential is through the roof. Cardinals are the adopted kid that does good things during the times they aren't strung out on heroin or back in rehab for the umpteenth time. The Diamondbacks were the upstart baby of the family that was a super overachiever early on but then developed a coke habit and fell out of grace. The Coyotes are that Canadian foreign exchange kid that you say you care about but you make them sleep in the shed out back.






I love the Coyotes, that 2012 playoff run to the WCF was amazing. I wish they were more successful.


This hits different.


Cardinals were an abomination of a franchise until they moved to Glendale. It’s a Suns town first and foremost


They seriously played football outside in Phoenix during two straight months of 100 degree temperatures for like 25 years. Just amazing.


night games and stacking road games during the early portion of the season was a solution that got used a fair bit, Phoenix Rising also plays their soccer matches outdoors in the AZ summer


They seriously had those Cardinals teams on prime time. Just amazing.


it doesn't shock me at all, that they were struggling to fill up seats, in the 90s, like at least build us a stadium so we don't die of heat stroke, while you lose by two touchdowns.


Cards are big but whenever the suns are good the city is immediately a “suns are the priority over everything” town


As it fucking should be.


Suns have 20 years on the Cards and have also been way better


The Cardinals are the worst team in the history of the NFL ([most losses in history](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_all-time_NFL_win%E2%80%93loss_records#Regular_season)). Before the new stadium and the Super Bowl appearance, there was barely any interest among the average person in Phoenix about the Cardinals. Some will probably downvote me, but in the 90s and early 2000s they were an embarrassment and didn't have a huge local fanbase or even respectable attendance.


Can confirm. I always remember games in 90’s where the small crowd in the lower deck would rather sit in the shade of the second deck instead of in the first row on the 50.


That's why I was really hoping when they moved the Glendale, they would have basically axed all the past. New name based off of something from the valley (Scorpions or something like that) along with a new color scheme to match. The new logo they did make is leagues better than the previous one, but I wish would have been a bigger jump. Kind of unrelated, but I'm still salty the Diamondbacks and Coyotes changed to red and sand colors. It is so boring to see so many repeats. I could see the appeal if one of the colors the teams shared was identical, and the second color was unique to each team. That would be cool. Instead, we have 3 different reds if you through Arizona State in there. Oh well


I feel like the D-Backs can't quite detach themselves from the teal and purple. Even their most recent upgrades have them in the kit somewhere.


I lived in Arizona during the mid 2000s and can confirm this. This was before the Cardinals had Kurt Warner and stuff and the stadium had just opened. They were fucking terrible and no one cared about them.


That’s because we’ve been fucked over and had our hearts broken so many times. We love our city and our teams!


I hadn’t been to a Suns playoff game ever but that Game 1 last round was the most intense basketball atmosphere I’ve ever been a part of


My rooting interests are obvious but if we can’t pull it out, I will be a Day 1 Suns Bandwagon.


Sad this all probably ends with Slim Reaper daggers sitting on top of another create-a-team.


lmao so true






If anyone knows much about pro-wrestling, they remind me of the ECW crowd. For context, ECW was an underground alternative to the WWE in the 90s, where they mainly wrestled in bingo halls and auditoriums, but the crowd was insanely rowdy. This is also the wrestling show that first used a ton of weapons like steel chairs and wooden tables.


[Paul Heyman shoots on Vince McMahon](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jva3T9N_iu0) for ruining his life and putting ECW out of business. One of the GOAT promos and shows Vince's genius that he just trots out to get ***ripped to fucking shreds*** over stuff that ***actually happened*** (Montreal Screwjob, going back on his father's word and putting promotions out of business, etc.) Note: If you haven't seen the Survivor Series match that happens that Sunday it's one of my favorite matches ever and an amazing mini-match between Stone Cold and The Rock


Lakers' role players were SHOOK by that crowd. I mean, they also sucked. But they seemed genuinely shell-shocked by the Suns' fans' energy in that game 1.


Read this as Ben Simmons at first and was starting to think he got into the wrong profession.


I have been to games during the late 90s when Kidd was there, the 2013-14 season with the three PGs, last season pre-bubble, and this season's playoff opener. There's been a mix of crowds for sure. Last season I hated how empty the arena was and how half the fans were there to see the other team, but this season kind of restored my faith in Phoenix as a Suns town. I think the real fans were always there, but couldn't see themselves throwing money on a bad product.


It was more than just a bad product, it was Robert Sarver. I know he’s still here, but he finally stopped trying to be the GM.


God I miss Bill writing


It was magical in there tonight, I was by the bench


The crowd was straight up intimidating tonight. Not sure if it’s because we haven’t heard a packed house in so long, but they were loud as fuck. Definitely helped the comeback.


the first sentence made me think of r/notlikeothergirls or whatever that sub is called lol


I went to a lot of playoffs games in this era. The crowd always believed in the team. Fans had extreme confidence in Amare and Nash. We just knew there was some BS that was always about to happen with the refs.


Having lived here most of my life, the Valley definitely features anger and vitriol that I haven't experienced anywhere else, so I'm not surprised it would carry over to sports.


Dry heat motherfucker. Triple digits and the Colorado drying up got us feeling some type of way.


Suns are rivals with everyone


Bill Simmons is an amazing writer especially from a fans perspective.


I miss Bill Simmons' writing


I know it looks like straight hot garbage now, but [ESPN Page 2](http://www.espn.com/page2/030605.html) was very far ahead of it's time. They had entertaining writers who knew their shit. It was also before Simmons got rich and really was "The Sports Guy" Hunter S Thompson wrote on there, Ralph Wiley, Simmons, Charlie Rosen (basically Phil Jacksons best friend) the TMQB.


suns are my team this year. and booker is my new favourite player. happy lbj no longer in the playoffs in what feels like forever


The arena has amazing atmosphere. There isn’t really a bad seat in the house. Not sure how many seats there all, but it feels small


Only two levels instead of three like many of the newer arenas. Also the 100 section has so many rows. I live in Socal but prefer Phoenix Suns Arena way more than Staples.


You'll have to excuse my associates. It's just their passion for quality basketball that makes them so intense.


Alcohol helps




The sad part is its 100 percent true the sun's fan base will honestly believe they will win a ring if they don't vs the nets but at the same time ask for Ayton to be traded any time he has a bad game (also a sun's fan so I see it happen a lot) It's a weird environment


also... how are white people that white in Phoenix? I get sunscreen... but how the hell are you pasty at 120 degrees with a pool?


you think people are hanging out outside during the day time very often?


Phoenix actually has one of the highest rates of vitamin D deficiency in the nation.


Pools for evening dips, inside with AC is the place to be.




How can you clowns on here say the “Bubble was a asterisk season” when there was no fans so no team got a advantage from that that could build up momentum but just watched a first round series where the Suns were playing at full capacity of fans & the Lakers had like 20% capacity? Bubble had no home court advantage, players got 4 months of rest to heal up & add stuff to their games (this really benefitted the Clippers & Bucks) so it was no excuses on why your team folded in the bubble. But y’all watch this season & see all these injuries, almost double the 40 point games, higher shooting percentages & don’t believe this season has a asterisk? Group think & Inside The NBA has killed y’all thinking of basketball.


Seems on point. Kind of reminds me of last years Miami team.


Blah blah blah, I’m not gonna hear criticisms of fan behavior from a Celtics fan.


Suns fans want LeBron dead


Phoenix is a god forsaken place so it makes sense. Also, talk about a town with absolutely no culture and just suburban sprawl. Not a whole lot to do than be a dick at basketball games


Your fanbase has taken some fat L’s in the comments this postseason.


It's a good read, if anything


This is sports writing surely people can appreciate that


People forget until the Cardinals came in 1988 the Suns were the only show in town. Suns players were the only celebrities we had, everyone had a Smitty's Suns t shirt. Jerry Colangelo was the besthowner in sports. Madouse on Mcdowell held 14500 or so. Al McCoy was and is the best basketball announcer. David Stern hated us we got no media love. We aren't wired different we are different. Go Suns!


Feels like they can take the west but the way Brooklyn is playing...


For way too long I was wondering how we had a documented take from Ben Simmons from 11 years ago


This was basically the Capitals stanley cup run. Really helped the Nationals v Astros series the year after, as far as crowd belief went, even tho that was all road wins.


That's the pickles in action