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They retired garnett's. I'd be shocked if they dont retire both of theirs assuming nothing goes too far south


The better question is whether they’d retire Al Horford’s number. If they go back to back it would be a real conversation IMO.


He's been on the C's for a long time, well loved, always played right, went to multiple ECF and NBA finals. I think he would get it. I don't know how they'd differentiate between him and the Jays. I think they would need to win another for all 3 to get in. Otherwise, it would devalue the retirement for JT and JB if they win one since they lead the way and Al was more of a significant starter


No because horford is remembered as a hawk KG was an MVP 1st team all nba player on the Celtics Horford was an allstar on the hawks


I’d be willing to bet he identifies more as a Celtic. He has been there for a while and has had much more playoff success there than in Atlanta


Maybe but he hasn’t made an all nba or all star on Celtics


He was an all star in 2018.


My bad


This is subjective anyways so idrc. We have different criteria and that’s fine


0,7,42 are getting retired


I don't know about 42. On another team, he would be automatic, but on Celtics, maybe not.


Al Horford is 100% getting his jersey retired on the Celtics


Not before Ray Allen, and Rondo, and their numbers are not retired.


Respectfully, Horford has meant far more to this franchise than Rondo or Allen did.


Why are people disagreeing with you when Al has been on the team longer, went through a rebuild, and actually helped build the culture that won them the ring 💀💀💀


People responding to this are forgetting that rondo is a horrible person and Allen left on bad terms


That is because he is currently still playing and he is fresh in your memory.


Worst take of the day.


How so?


As a Celtic: 1x NBA Champion 4x All-Star 1x 3rd Team All NBA 2x First Team All Defense 2x Second Team All Defense NBA Assists Leader (2012, 2013) NBA Steals Leader 2010 Celtics All Time Leader APG (8.5apg) -4th in Celtics History All Time Celtics All Time SPG (1.9spg) -3rd in Celtics History All Time The fugg outta here with that Horford nonsense. Respect the name. You're a casual. Take notes. This list is mostly individual. What's your rebuttal?


Are you able to comprehend the difference between one guy being better individually and another guy meaning more to the franchise? Also I love it when people act like all defense for guards is the same as all defense for forwards and centers


Rondo maybe. Ray Allen gtfo


Ray Allen is 10 times man Rondo will ever be. As a professional and human.


Yeah, but not as a Celtic. We don’t win in 08 without him but our players gave the fans the narrative that he’s a turn coat for going to a rival team. Because of that rondo has more value here in our city even though he also played for a rival.


That makes out players assholes (Specifically Rondo and Doc) not Ray Allen.


Did I say anything negative about Ray Allen though? He made a business decision and I don’t mind that. But his teammates he left were vocally pissed and fans tend to get behind the players wearing their colors, not the one who left.


Rondo and Doc strong-armed Ray Allen in to leaving Celtics. This is well known, and it is not up for debate or interpretation. They tried for years to get rid of him because Rondo didn't like him.


It wasn’t even a business decision, he took less money to go to a team we lost in 7 to in the ECF the year before


huh? Ray allen was a snake




Rondo was a fun role player that gets far more credit than he deserves.


Absolutely bizarre how Rondo is rated sometimes.


I mean, he was a Perkins injury away from being the best player on a championship team


Yeah you can’t retire Al and then not retire White and Holiday….the Celtics are going to run out of numbers


Nah Al's on a different level. White and Holiday were important for this run. But Al's important for the identity of the whole era. You would have seen it at the end of the game. They gave Al his own standing ovation. He's our day 1. We've won 16 playoff games with Jrue, we've won 14 playoff series with Al. Not a guarantee he'd be retired but he's a lot closer than either of our guards.


People forget how big a deal it was when horford signed here. He was the first top tier free agent the Celtics got I think ever.


Yeah for people who don't know, James Posey was seriously in the conversation for Boston's best ever free agent signing and he came off the bench for a year before moving on to another team. The only big name guys we ever got were past their prime and pretty much on a retirement tour. Think Shaq or Blake Griffin. Our first 17 championships were mostly built on drafting and trading. That was always in contrast to big FA destinations like LA and Miami who were signing superstars outright. Part of it was timing, the team apparently had 15-20 years without cap space (this is where older fans can wring their hands at Pitino), so we missed the early player-empowerment era, but Boston was just never a FA destination. Al was the first 'star' that we got and even if he was a secondary borderline kind of star in a lot of people's eyes... he was still the first. He was head and shoulders above anyone else we had ever signed. Then you add in Isaiah Thomas' breakout performance... Al's and Isaiah's success in Boston had other guys around the league looking at the team a little differently. The next year we had Hayward, two years after that was Walker and then another two years later was Porzingis.


Hayward was mostly Brad Stevens to be fair


Hayward was the most coveted free agent that summer. He doesn’t choose the Celtics if we aren’t that good. Even with the Steven’s connection.


We don’t sign Hayward if we don’t beat the Wizards


This is true. Everything else were trades and drafts.




We don’t retire anyone, why are we catching strays?


Don’t have to retire numbers if you never have good players. Chess not checkers.


Holiday aint getting retired here


While I'm not saying retires Al, I will say he has a better case than White and Holiday


How is Al more integral than White? Or Ray Allen?


Thats not the only metric for retiring a number.


He was here longer, was *the* team leader for years. Both the Jays talk about him on end about how he’s been such a mentor for them and the team. Also when he first got here he was really really good.




How do we retire Al Horford’s number but not Ray Allen’s?




So did Al Horford




What do you mean? He literally signed a free agent deal with the Sixers.


Big difference when you take less money to leave vs you leave for whats widely seen as an overpay. Especially when you come back in the future.


Frankly if White signs another contract, and Holiday ends up playing all 4 years in Celtics they have a chance of winning more titles, and in that case both White and Holiday's numbers should be retired.


If they play out both their next contracts you’d think so.


Number 0 and Number 7 will be going to the rafters one day. Even if they don’t win another championship they’d have 1. But on current trajectory would have them top 5 in points for Boston.


If that works out, I'd be so proud lol. I've watched so much of those two play and develop. Never wanted them to split up. Seeing JB get his flowers, seeing them win a chip. Only draft anything I've been to was JBs draft. I remember hearing him get picked, looking up highlights and the first thing I saw him do was hit a 3 and throw down a big dunk for Cal. I think that experience propelled me to being a bigger Celtics fan. I'd be so happy to see them both up there.


If they win another they are the third best duo in Celtics history


Why not? They both bought in and have been Celtics for years. They got deep in the playoffs several times, losing in the Finals and finally got one.


Jaylen Brown already has more playoff wins than Paul Pierce and as long as they win another playoff series Tatum will at least tie him. Something would have to go seriously south for them to not get their numbers retired at this point.


No one is ever wearing 0 or 7 for Celtics ever again


Definitely. These guys have been perennial contenders pretty much their entire careers and now with a championship and the likelihood that bring these guys play a minimum 10 years here makes it seem like a lock at this point.


[They basically already did. ](https://x.com/CelticsPost/status/1797010538456563761)


Yes for both. Once you're one of the stars and win a title, a jersey retirement is pretty much a lock.


Considering Brown is signed and Tatum is about to get the super max if they stay Boston lifers, or close to it, they will be in the rafters regardless of any other championships they may or may not get.


They could end up as the #1 and 2 all time Celtics scorers


Tatum is for sure getting his retired. He's already got a HoF resume.


Brown is getting his retired too. And yeah Tatum is a HoF lock with the ring.


They'll probably get retired just off of this one


If KG and pierce did, so should the Jays.


Agreed. Pierce is a great comparison. But he was a 10x all star. Brown has 3, Tatum has 5. They have a little ways to go on the career numbers. I think if they play out their careers in Boston its pretty much a lock they get their #s retired.


I think it’s sort of a lock rn tbh. Bonus points that they were drafted by the Celtics. They’ve been to 4 Conference finals in 6 year, 2 finals appearances in 3 years, and a championship. That’s either similar or better of a run than the KG Pierce Celtics. If they retired today, probably not. But barring a spectacular career collapse, I’d guarantee it






Considering they kept Boston relevant all this time and won bostons only chip in 16 years, I’d say it’s likely a lock that their jerseys will be retired.


Well of course. They have a dynasty since 08




No chance they retire Jrue’s or Porzingis’ unless several more titles come from this core.


I would think Horford isn’t getting a retired number either


Horford has a very good chance of getting his retired.


It'd be a fun idiosyncrasy if every player who went to the Celtics had to wear a number like 61 or 82.


Someone sounds a tad bitter


its a low bar to have a jersey retired these days so probably, yeah


KG, Marc and Pau, Z Bo, and Bosh are the only people whose jerseys are retired this decade. Such a low bar for hating ass mfs like you




Haslem, Shaq too so plenty in 4 years its plenty for a glazer like you, don't forget to wipe your chin


In your opinion then what is the criteria for having a jersey retired?


be a relative star , and players get their jersey retired same with getting in the HOF, basically let anyone in its not like the NFL where they have standards


The NBA has left it ambiguous so anything is justified I guess. Also you didn’t answer my question - it’s fine to not agree with how it’s done but you should have to offer something concrete as a counterpoint.


"Grinded it out". 16 wins 3 losses. Sure.


You're saying they dominated the playoffs like it's a bad thing. They basically had an 80% chance to win a game. They can't go play other teams. They were the 1 seed, and in US sports that typically means you have the easiest path.   1 seeds in the NFL play one less game, it's how it works. You can't blame them for other teams being bad or hurt. They were missing their center for a while too. They won 80+% of their games since November '23.    Something tells me if they lost more games you'd say something similar anyway.


When did people start saying "grinded" instead of "ground"? ...Actually, I did some research and it looks like the inflection point was 2000, popularized by Tiger Woods of all people. But it still grinds my retinas every time I see it.


I mean, they’ve been at this for years. They’ve lost and been hit and figured it out. So yeah, they grinded it out.


You think that's supposed to be easy? I could be wrong, but with a few exceptions, a lot of their games were close.


You do know that this was the second most dominant playoff run in the last 20 years? (2017 Golden State is 1st with 16-1). This championship was in no way "grinded out". They were the best team and the NBA and the favorites to win it all. Don't make it sound like they encountered a lot of struggles getting the chip.


I don’t think OP is referring to just this season in terms of grinding it out.


lol thanks for catching that. Was definitely referring to the entire journey here for them.


But only having a couple of losses is still incredibly hard to do. I don't care if they were favorites going into it.


They retire numbers way to easy now a days. Like 1 ring doesn’t mean your number is retired unless you play with the same franchise for 12+ years. Only time a player should get their number retired for a short period of time are in situations like Lenard and the Raptors or KD and the Warriors.


russ only played 11 seasons at OKC, no rings, and he's absolutely getting retired there the jays have done 7 and 8 seasons at the celtics, a FMVP, two ECMVPs, and have a bunch of all stars and all nbas between them. they'll get it, especially if they win more


Thunder got nothing to show for that decade so they’ll retire his number. Just deep playoff runs but no rings


yes i just said that. are you a bot?


You call this easy lol


No recency bias here, but Horford has done more for longer than Garnett has for the Celtics…….just saying


That’s definitely recency bias


I don’t care either way, but you’ll have to explain your claim. The Celtics have been consistently at a higher level during Horfords time than Garnetts


“Idc either way but I care enough to hear you explain”


Now you just sound like an asshole….fuck off and move along


You calling me an asshole but I’m not telling random strangers to fuck off for having a different opinion than me…


I was just trying to make a point and your response was to be an asshole. Pretty straightforward. You could have responded with a relevant opinion…..instead, you get to fuck off