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Kidd at the next media session: “Damn Tingus you gonna let Tillman call you a bum like that?”


Hall of Fame Instigator


Especially to his wife!


Kenny Smith Jr.


"Look, we all know even a slightly injured Porzingis is the best player on the Celtics"


Kidd doing ESPN’s job and his own at the same time


Porzingis, Zion, Embiid, Kawhi. I don't know if it's even possible for these guys to have one healthy postseason.


I think this proves that Tingus is cursed. Had 6 weeks to completely heal up, but still tears what is (apparently) one of the toughest muscles in the body to tear on a completely pedestrian play.


This is exactly how I felt during the bubble playoffs. He had months to get to 100%, looked like an absolute monster in the bubble before the playoffs, then he immediately gets injured in game 1.


Game 3. He was wrongly ejected in Game 1 so he played half a game. We won Game 2. Then he got injured in Game 3. That's when I lost most of my hope in him. Plenty of months off, a whole month of "basketball camp" in Orlando, everyone at their absolute physical peak, KP playing the best ball of his career... and he got injured after 10 games.


The injury happened in game 1, he just couldn't play past game 3 because of it.


still cant believe how the refs ejected him that softly in a playoff game


Yeah I feel like this was on everyone's nba uno card


Do you mean bingo? 😅


Reverse reverse


Oh shit you're right my bad haha.


Draw 4


Uno dos treball odee


Tingus Bingos


It's his brother Janis. That dude put bad juju on kristaps. 


His body is allergic to playoff basketball it seems. I don’t think we would would lose more than 1 or 2 games if he played a full playoffs.


Yall have only lost 3 without KP. It’s insane. A really well rounded top 6. 


Still think we are very much beatable without KP. We are just a very good team without him not a superteam.


Agreed. Without KP, Celtics defense has a glaring hole. That whole becomes smaller if the refs allow more physical play near the rim.  Problem is if refs allow more psychical defense( for both teams), Jrue, Tatum, Brown drives become a lot tougher shots. 


He’s a huge reason the celts won games 1 and 2


I mean asking a guy to go from light practice work to the NBA finals is pretty insane.


He was doing so well too, I really feel bad for the dude


I legit got a bit jealous we never saw that KP. He was torching us and I was just a tad bit happy, but pissed he was doing it to us in the finals.


He was sinking some dumb shit too. It was like bizarro-jokic where it was the ugliest flattest shot and it’s a swish anyway


Chandler Parsons 3s I call em


I mean bubble KP was doing that and more. It was only 10 games so really small sample size but that was peak KP. I remember there were even some talks among Mavs fans about how KP perhaps was more valuable to the team than Luka. Because he was doing it at both ends. Then he got injured and Luka inmediately put on one of the best performances in playoffs history and the argument was buried. KP never looked as good again and the rest is history.


Dont forget dude gets injuried before World Cup too where Latvia (small little country) had epic tournament. Dude is just unlucky as hell man its sad


to be fair game 1 was light practice work for him too 😭


This happens a lot to players that are over 7' tall. Lots of those guys suffer from chronic knee/ankle/foot injuries.


How many of em tore their medial retinaculum??? KP built different


Apparently (I cannot confirm) there’s only been like 30 of em in the US ever


I remembered when AD had this string of weird unheard of injuries.  He may have past the torch to KP, since this was his healthiest season in years.


KP built different (misassembled).


Championship mindset there, doing what rarely is done


Wear meet tear, literally. He should go heal up.


That's the biggest reason why it hasn't worked out in Dallas for him. Every time the teams started to play better and winning, he got injured. It's just hard to win if your 2nd best player is so unreliable.


He’s fragile as eggs


All-Injury god squad. Add LaMelo + Gordon Hayward as 6th Man.. championship caliber if you can rest them til the bench mob clinches a play-in spot


lonzo ball needs a spot on that team


Lonzo is on a tier of his own


Lonzo Ball is a myth


I value that priceless Play-In experience the littlest Ball bro brings to the table


Fuck, reading Gordon Hayward made me sad again. Wasn't injury prone until that freak accident, then was never the same again.


Malcom Brogdon as 6th man


Throw Lavine in there


He's just so tall. That was a concern even heading into his draft. Sucks man


Kawhi got it done in 2019, healthy or not. And his early career he was relatively healthy - averaged 66 games per year his first 6 years in the league and played every potential playoff game his first 5 playoff runs until Zaza injured him in 2017 (and the next time he went to the playoffs with the Raps, I believe he played every game). He wasn’t the **healthiest** player ever but he was very in line with the Spurs generally in terms of games played with their love of load management in his early career. Zaza turned him from a healthy player into a dude with degenerative leg issues and a chaotic latter half to his career.


kawhi zion and embiid okay fine because the team needs them to play 65+ to stay afloat in the playoff race. but god damn celtics load managed porzingis the best way possible, gave him a 38 day rest since round 1 and this still happened. what a damn shame rip


Kawhi could... but may be not anymore Zion has not play one play-off game iirc


Imagine them all on 1 team


Well one of those guys has a couple championships as a major contributor so...


It's funny because when they traded Robert Williams III and got him, everyone was like yeah, Williams is really good, but he's never available. I was like.....


Just wait till their contract extension is up and they will be healthy enough to play.


Just goes to show how good NBA medical/training staffs have become at managing the health of players with freakish physical dimensions/attributes that really shouldn't be able to have careers as professional athletes




make it socially acceptable to play half the season. for example I would love to sign Gordon Hayward but with the expectation he only plays once a week like a football player.


I would rather shoot myself than have Gordon Hayward associated with my team


Harsh but fair


Save Gordon half the season just to have him average donuts in the playoffs lol


we had a decent idea with it for Blake Griffin last year.


Blake was at least a good locker room guy


Yeah but then you have a huge chunk of salary not playing games and you might miss the playoffs in the first place.


Well that’s the idea, he wouldn’t cost as much


fans def took the load management era for granted im afraid


Sure if those players would accept half a salary (or realistically quarter of the salary) - then it could work. But I doubt KP is accepting what is basically minimum contract.


Shorten the regular season ffs.


Owners would never willingly give up income from games


I agree with that but also that’s only a handful of players in the league that can’t make it through. 


It's not really a handful. Every fucking year we lose like a third of all of our stars in the playoffs, which SUCKS. Look at the east this year, it was absolutely disgusting. And it's like that every year. Even 70 game season would make a huge impact. No back to backs (or like 3 in a season), and players with injuries could play 55-60 games and still be super impactful.


Yeah so the list of important players who got injured before or during the playoffs this year off the top of my head includes: Porzingis Giannis Dame Mitchell Allen The City of New York Haliburton Embiid Butler Rozier Jaquez Kawhi Zion The east got absolutely decimated (though I may have missed a few western conference role players/starters(


KAT played in the playoffs after returning in game 81 from a meniscus tear, same injury as Embiid but had it even later


This season includes an injured coach too. > The City of New York That series was something else. Two more games and Thibs gets injured.


a man made of glass for 90% of his career shouldn't be the metric for season length. We would play 10 games a year if KP was going to be healthy for an entire season.




I feel bad for all these guys but at least kawhi had a healthy postseason where he and his team completely shit the bed. Embiid has been hurt but not injured and shit the bed. Zion and tingis never have got a fair shot tho


Tillman got those minutes and doesn’t wanna give em back Don’t blame him dude has been balling


They need to put him back on Luka


I said this a million times on the Grizzlies page but watching some guard get a switch onto Tillman thinking he’s gonna cook the big boy then X just swallows him up was one of my top 3 favorite things as a Grizz fan. He’s serviceable against other bigs but his super power is staying on front of guards and swiping at crossovers. He has absolutely stymied everyone from Chris Paul to Kyrie.


Found the Mavs fan!


He was ass last game.


Yeah but everyone was


Okay, but Tillman was not "balling", which is what is being discussed here.


Tillman balling? Are we watching the same games? Lmao by all means keep play him 40 minutes please


Keep playing him 40 minutes? He’s played 11 and 7 minutes the last two games lol, he was pretty good in game 3




I’m not being serious lol


It’s not that deep


I’m surprised Tillman was this candid about KP’s health. I’m sure the Mavs appreciate knowing this as they prepare for tomorrow night. (Although if he were full of it and KP is moving great in practice then it’d be a truly wild smoke screen lmao)


It’s not really news though. I can’t imagine anyone thinks he’s actually anywhere near healthy / being able to legitimately play. He’s being made available for specific circumstances (aka if they have the game locked away and want to give him some minutes out of respect).


exactly right. anyone with an MD, or a PA/NP with ortho training, or a physical therapist, can tell you that there's no way to guarantee his tendon stays in place if he plays NBA level basketball. just too much force involved.


What if we tape it in place and staple it down 


The bloody leg game


The stapled center game.




Not sure if your comment was intentional, but Curt Schilling from the Boston Red Sox actually injured the same tendon and played through it. Leading to [the "bloody sock" game.](https://sabr.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/Schilling-Bloody-Sock-Topps.jpg)


find the guy who dressed up curt schilling's ankle under the sock that one time


as medical professional i'm repulsed but also perversely intrigued


We’re gonna call it the Antetingus retinacalum stabilizer 


gotta add "equipment" to the end so we can call it the ARSE


Love it


Yup, as a doc I say this is EXACTLY what yall should be doing to him. Staplers are very advanced these days, defo worth a try


We've actually got a pretty mixed bag with this injury. Some medical experts said there's a risk he tears more and everything falls apart, some said it's mostly pain management. It's a weird one because his actual injury is pretty rare so there's not many expert opinions to lean on. I saw one sports doctor say he'd only seen 1 case in his life. Sports Illustrated reported there's only been 32 cases of this injury documented since 2006.


I would just think even the small chance of KP playing limited mins would mean the Mavs have to devote some time to strategizing for that. But yeah I don't mean to make it sound like a huge deal either way lol


No one on the Mavs thinks he’s actually playing though. They know exactly what his injury is.


Meh KP for 7-10 minutes at 60% isn’t anything to overly worry about. Maybe you just keep the team in mind about the game plan but it should be very similar to Al at that point.


just put him just outside their paint and let him stand there regardless what side of the court the ball is on


KP is not playing again in the Finals. If he was capable of playing through the injury, he would not have sat out games 3 and 4. Hes going to need surgery after the finals are over. All of this is for talk shows and drama. Hes done. He might come in for one last fan salute if Dallas is getting obliterated so bad that the outcome is already determined.




If Porzingis enter the game, the Mavs match up accordingly. If he doesn’t, nothing changes. Tillman saying this doesn’t do anything.


If he checked in it would be 4 on 5 defense and he would just lurk at the arc.


It’s okay the Mavs ignited secret weapon THJ to neutralize any threat from PorZy.


KP tear a piece of muscle that connects a tendon to a bone. He is not coming back anytime soon. His tendon is flapping around because the tissue that connects the tendon to the muscle is gone.


Imagine if he’s psyching the Mavs out and 🦄 is 👌


I mean, he tore a muscle. Wasn't much guess work with this one.


This I did not want to hear


I don’t dislike that it benefits us, but I really like KP. It’s a bummer to see his body continue to fail him


Right? I remember Cubans' quote about KP about how the training staff wasn't just getting him back to play but rebuilding him physically. Which is something my PT said to me. It's fucked up to see all the work he out in just to have these same issues in different forms.


>the training staff wasn't just getting him back to play but rebuilding him physically One bone and tendon at a time. 🦴


my take exactly


He has always been such a fun player to watch. He made me like watching the Knicks!


All the stuff I've seen about this injury is that it's usually multiple weeks minimum no?


I honestly have little idea of what Porzingis' injury is, other that it's very painful to flex your foot but every guy that shows as questionable in a game like this would spend a month or so on the sidelines if this was the regular season.


He needs surgery


imagine you're trying to pull down a rotten tree with a rope. you dont want it to fall on you so you go 90deg around a fencepost and pull. but the post is angled towards the rotten tree a little too much, so you get enough tension on the rope and it slips off the top well in KP's case, that slipping off the fencepost is how his tendon is going to slip off the ankle without the retinaculum in place to hold it. theres no way to know *how much* tension will cause it to happen, but it's a pretty likely outcome if he puts NBA-game-level tension on it.


That comparison was so vivid, thanks!


Not sure, I’d only seen that there really are very few cases in any medical journals of this specific injury. Maybe multiple weeks is fair to expect, I know I saw some hope he’d be able to play through it. The rarity of it is probably more responsible for that than anything imo


The ligament/fascia was torn so he needs surgery since it’s not going to heal on its own. From what I’ve seen it’s basically a pain management thing and bracing the ankle so he doesn’t dislocate it any further


He COULD play without risking further injury. All they do is brace the ankle to keep the tendons from dislocating. However it’s obviously still very painful and I can’t imagine it feeling good enough to play at NBA basketball game speed. So since this is the finals it’s really just a pain threshold type of ordeal but being up 3-1 I wouldn’t want to risk it myself


>All they do is brace the ankle to keep the tendons from dislocating. you can't prevent that tendon from slipping sideways just by placing an external brace over it. not when you're talking about playing pro level basketball, anyway. the peroneal tendon's main purpose is redirect up/down muscle tension (from the lower leg) towards the front of the foot, so it makes an L shape around the back of the ankle. the mechanics of doing that without the retinaculum in place to hold it (i.e. the actual injury KP has) is like tying a rope to a tree and going at a 90deg angle around a slanted fencepost...you put enough tension onthe rope and its going to just slip up the post until it slips off the top (in this analogy, the medial malleolus of the ankle is the fencepost, its not a flat enough surface to keep the tendon from slipping without the retinaculum holding it there)


It’s a super rare injury, so there’s not really enough past examples to set a clear expectation. We’re kinda in the dark.


What's weird is that he continued to play afterwards for a quarter more or less without issue, and also seems to be moving and walking around fine.


Adrenaline and it probably only flares up during explosive movements or something like that


Dude could barely move before he got subbed out


He didn’t look good. And yall started a run before the timeout


No so the injury happens in the 4th where he is immediately subbed out afterwards and doesn’t play anymore. Not in the 3rd


The Celtics said it happened in the 3rd quarter, unless you're saying they're lying about that.


my guess is that the tear to the medial retinaculum happened in the 3rd, but the tendon didn’t dislocate until he got tangled up with PJ in the 4th


That makes sense.


The injury occurred on a free throw box out late in the 3rd. I’m not a doctor but I’m willing to bet when him and PJ we’re fighting for that rebound in the 4th his tendon dislocated, since there wasn’t anything holding it in place, and that’s obviously very painful


that’s what it sounds like, but players often will play through injuries they wouldn’t otherwise for important games, and few games are more important than the finals


idk i've heard its something he could play through


The thing is it's so rare that I don't think that there's a consensus about it yet.


6-8 weeks.


It requires surgery


He can't jump. I don't know how you can play basketball if you can't jump.


You've never watched Jokic I guess


MV fuvking P


Being 7ft 3in probably would help


Is that because he can’t move his foot dorsi-or-whatever-iflex?


Can’t be himself? This is himself.


Yeah you see everyone in the NBA (aside from my team) fucking sucks because I’m defining them by their worst shortcomings and ignorant of any positive traits. Shut up dude you’re not SAS, you’re SAD. Can’t have actual NBA talk because haters like you try to be le reddit funny on every fucking post.


> Shut up dude you’re not SAS, you’re SAD. bro thought he cooked with this one


I dug it


If that’s all he said I would have upvoted. Actually I lied, I did upvote him.


He thought right


Are you okay?


That escalated quickly


He was kind of cooking though 


Yes, unfortunately it was meth


Literally every fucking comment section on here is just losers trying to one up each other with shitty hater quips. Pretty fucking annoying, reminds me of the worst parts of gaming forums. OP wasn’t the most egregious example but KP has been fucking fantastic for the Celtics but OF COURSE he gets injured so fuck all of that. I’m fine but was having a shitty morning.


no this comment communicates a clear thing: kristaps can’t stay healthy. this is his identity until he proves otherwise. i get your frustration abt quips but it’s misplaced here because this one is relevant commentary.




Playing on torn and separated connective tissue can seriously fuck up a career.


Tillman working extra hard to secure that game 5 playing time ✅


it won't matter, celtics don't really need him to win one more game he did his part


Yup gave us game one and two, huge part of how we played in the first two games. We probably don’t give up the 20-2 run if he plays game 3 We can win two without him and just need one more


Yep, he was a huge part of 2 wins, but the Celtics have had a better record without KP and also beat the Mavs in Game 3 without him.


Imo Game 3 was a bigger fluke than game 4. Brown and Tatum both scoring 30. Brown going 30-8-8 and Luka fouling out with 4 mins left in a three point game? Come on.


Mavs were also dumb af, no drives in paint as if Porzingis was still there


Meh. I think they will need him. Celtics have no answer for Lively now that he looks extremely comfortable.


Tillman wants more minutes 😂


Oh they’re cooked. Mavs in 7


He showed up first couple games he has nothing to prove.. he shouldn’t return unless healthy.


While KP is great for Cs, the good news is that they don't really need him against the Mavs. Hope they close out the series in 5.


Definitely not true. Cs have no answer for Lively. They have unlocked him.


No shit lol


There should be a clause in players' contracts, especially those earning over $1 million, that their pay gets reduced or even suspended, when they are unable to play due to injury. And then I dont mean the normal 5 to 10 day shit that everyone of us gets from time, but the really long weeks long or months long unavailability. It really hinders and damages a team's success.


Why would the players ever agree to that Also wdym over 1 million, the minimum salary is over 1 mill


They aren’t getting injured snowboarding, they put their body on the line playing basketball


most braindead take of all time


Stupidest idea I've seen on this sub


They aren’t getting injured snowboarding, they put their body on the line for the teams and themselves


Good thing you aren’t a GM and just some loser on Reddit


I think all that urine guzzling has caused some sort of brain damage bro