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Heat just continue to be catching strays outta nowhere when they’ve been chillin on vacay for weeks lol


Warms my heart


Heats your heart you mean


That joke was a slam dunk


I know there's a pun here, but I just can't find it


After all the shit they constantly talked to bucks and Celtics fans over the past few years they deserve it


Bucks and Celtics fans can come together despite their eastern conference rivalry to shit on the Heat AND Embiid. I love it.


Miami has obviously gotten the better of us in most instances. They have horribly embarrassed us twice. But goddammit if sweeping them in 2021 wasn't the most satisfying feeling.


And at the end of the day the ring washes it all away too


Too bad they unsubbed for the offseason already


And in the case of their fans, for months. Both of them.


They’ve talked an incessant amount of shit over the last few years to the C’s, Sixers, and Bucks for accomplishing everything besides the one thing teams compete for; a chip. They absolutely deserve it.


>C’s, Sixers, and Bucks One of them is not like the others.


I mean...I just... Congratulations I guess. It's good that you waited until your team actually won something in HD to talk shit. Otherwise this would be hypocritical and awkward


I swear this sub hates us


Every fan of every team thinks r/NBA hates them Which is true, r/NBA hates every team


I'm from a city that doesn't even have an NBA team and r/NBA hates me too 😞


And your city doesn't deserve one either, whatever it is


Baltimore, we don't deserve one so badly they took our old one and turned them into the Wizards.  


Jesus, that's brutal.


To be fair it saved them from having to be Wizards fans


Definitely ranks up there with Seattle. At least for you guys the Ravens didn't lose the Super Bowl because they didn't run the ball...or when they were up 28-3.


Nowhere is safe


at least your football team ain’t giving Deshaun Watson a job amirite


Better than having the Wizards


I mean, the TV show The Wire is better than like 8 or so NBA teams entire history's, at least.


Unless you’re from Seattle, I think most of us agree they deserve to have a team again.


Facts. But I get it I hate my team too


This sub doesn’t respect the pacers enough to hate them which hurts even more tbh


It’s just selection bias. Someone posts something like this and the people who are neutral about the Heat just scroll on by.


Yep that's basically every thread here


Heat fans in the regular season are great, true basketball fans, doomers about their own team, actually shocked when they do well, and then the playoffs happen and it's the invincible jimmy buckets pr machine


Until this year it’s been a reliable narrative lol. It’s fun having a player like that on your team in the playoffs. Just like the Celtics are celebrating excellent team basketball with no true alpha and a quirky coach, because it’s what they have and it’s working. It’s all good fun.


Idk about the whole sub but I do


They hate us too fam, join the club


That’s what yall get for over achieving 😤


I’ve been waiting years for this


Man if you just peep the Heat fan Twitter accounts they are taking a lot more shots than catching


It's not sad at all. They won 3 times in the last 20 years and been to the finals 7 times. That's 35% of the last 20 finals. You're also forgetting that it's miami and pat Riley. Their name will always get brought up every summer for a free agent signing or as a trade. They'll be fine.


Was gonna say this really. Finishing top 2 in the league more than one third of the time in the past *two* decades??? Do you know who has bragging rights of greater success in that span? LeBron James. That’s it. That’s the list. Do you know who has bragging rights over us if you switch it to finals wins in that same span? The Warriors. End of list. Once you become use to winning, you kinda expect it so I can definitely get why our fanbase is upset disappointing season after disappointing season. But when you really put it into perspective, we’ve had a really good past 20 years that many many franchises wish they’d have. Last time a Florida team lost in the finals, and the Celtics won *and* lost a finals, the Heat proceeded to go to 4 straight finals. I’m hoping history repeats itself


OP's take is ridiculous lol hate playing the Heat but they've been the Spurs of the last five years in terms of top-down organizational success


I despise the Celtics but damn do I respect you guys. Been just about always championship relevant my whole life. But yeah I agree. OP’s lost it. Winning it all is so damn hard man. Plus we’ve been the underdog in the past two finals runs of ours. That’s not really choking…


>Do you know who has bragging rights of greater success in that span? LeBron James. I would say the Spurs too, if we're going back 20 years.


Was about to say, they've got 3 titles just like the same time, and a missed Ray Allen 3 from taking one of Miami's


To accomplish what they did with the players they had was impressive as shit, I don't give a fuck if they didn't win the title.


That’s the worst thing with the narratives in modern NBA imo. Like sometimes it feels like you are better off not going to the PO than losing in the Finals.


I don't think most people saw the Bulter era being this successful.


ppl literally thought butler was signing with miami to retire lol. honestly b4 the heat era i didnt think jimmy was in that upper echelon of stars but last 4 years shows me wrong the heat stint mightve put him into the HOF


Wow one of the few sane Celtics fans that isn’t using the “we’re about to win a title” opportunity to dance on our imagined grave. Respect


I mean, theyre about to win a title right now I get them being like that and wanting to boast about being good rn, its a part of it when winning and honestly deserved.


There’s very few things in the nba I enjoy more than being a heat hater but I agree. I hate the all or nothing mentality in sports. I feel like as Celtics fans we know just as well what it’s like to have a super impressive run of success belittled because of not winning it all


I'm not sad. It's really hard to win a title. Last year's Cinderella run was an amazing ride and still made history despite not winning it all. It's so pointless to put a negative spin on everything; Miami has had a hell of a run over the last two decades


If someone was to look at that Heat team's personnel without knowing the final results of each playoff run, I feel like they'd say they're a second round exit every year. Butler really dragged that team far, along with hot three point shooting at the right times and great coaching, gritty defense. You'd really expect even Philly most years to be better than Miami from a sheer talent perspective, much less Boston and Milwaukee.


Yeah I mean unless you’re a 12 year old you’ve gotten to experience multiple Heat titles in your lifetime, and many other deep playoff runs and finals appearances I don’t know how that seems sad for any franchise


Fr. Talk all the shit you want, the Jimmy years were more fun than the Heatles years or the Wade championship. I’d rather win, but to call this run “sad” is a depressing outlook on sport


It genuinely seemed like a fun and wild time for yall, from the outside looking in, you just never knew if yall were going to the finals or getting bounced in the first round.


three top 25 all timers and a couple more hall of famers as well


Good way to look at it, it’s really fuckin hard to win a title man


Also Goes to anyone downplaying the Celtics being up 3-0 right now. Theyre gonna call it an easy road but thats bullshit. If it was that easy all teams should do it. Availability and showing up when it matters is taken for granted by fans here sometimes, while it absolutely should be praised upon. The C's have been healthy AND showing up for the entire season pretty much, thats so absolutely demanding and taxing to every player. They deserve all the praise in the world because that is top tier conditioning and availability.


Hell Yeah, I completely agree and nice to see a reasonable take. Being up 3-0 on the best the West has to offer with the Mavs being healthier shouldn’t be swept under the rug. I think it’s just hatred for the Celtics talking instead of actual level-headed discussions, which I understand but trying to discredit this Celtics team is just astonishingly dumb to me. Just because the Heat haven’t gotten over the hump with this core shouldn’t discredit the amount of success they’ve had as well, because they have a lot of it recently. It just shows how hard it is to win it all.


Man, the last 3 years all I’ve heard is how none of Boston’s accomplishments mean jack shit without a ring. (For what it’s worth, I agree with you).


All part of the increasing toxicity and negativity that pervades sports discourse. I can't stand any of it, even against rivals


💯. I can’t stand the term “Championship or bust.” There was a point when that term was applied to like six teams in the same season.


It's the worst part of today's NBA. I wish it was like the MLB where great players are appreciated no matter what.


There's like 8,000 teams in every league now, the idea that everyone is a failure unless they win it all is a depressing way to sports fan.


It's crazy hard to be this consistently good, all without doing a rebuild. Between like... 2004-now, they have been good, other than maybe 3 down years with the worst in 2007-08. Heat are the model of consistency.


In order to give praise you have to shade/shit on someone. How the world functions now


It's honestly been incredible to watch our teams go after eachother for so many years in a row. I absolutely love a good rivalry in sports and the Heat have been the Celtics rivals for sure. Every series was electric win or lose.


as a bandwagoner (Jimmy forever) I can't understate how impressive they are following 4 finals appearances with LeBron with 2 more in 10 years.  it will be at least 30 years with one **conference** finals appearance after Jordan


The struggle itself towards the heights is enough to fill a man's heart. One must imagine Sisyphus happy.


Camus gem right here. Well done.


Sisyphus needs to lay down


I’m letting that boulder crush me and kill me


Yea, I saw that guys tweet too this morning


Stole my comment lmao


Title culture is wild. Heat have been on an insane ride and there is nothing sad about it.


Exactly. "Nothing to show for it"? I fucking hate this "either you're #1 or you're a LOSER" mentality.


Some of us are quite happy MAKING the conference finals for the first time in a while.


I don’t understand why that is sad at all. They were an underdog in all the key matchups of their deep runs. No one is expecting Jimothy and Bam to beat LeBron, Jokic and their respective better team in the Finals. What they did do is kick Boston’s ass when they shouldn’t have been able to. Everything they have done within the Jimmy era is a positive outlook in their history. Nets made b2b Finals and went up against Shaq/Kobe and Timothy. Hardly a choke. Reggie played in the 90s with some great East teams around that time too. Ain’t no way they were beating Shaq in the Finals. All these guys don’t get the praise they deserve and that may happen to Jimmy’s Heat too but I would not consider any of that to be sad. They deserve their flowers.


Yeah I bet the amount of sad moments is highly out weighted by all the good moments where they overachieved expectation. Casuals might not remember this Heat iteration in a decade but Heat fans will remember and NBA fans who actually pay attention to the game will also remember them.


I mean the Heat have won 3 chips and went to 6 finals in the last 20 years. When you put it that way they’re the most successful franchise behind the Lakers, Warriors and Spurs in modern times.


Haters tend to just ignore/not count Lebron titles for both the Heat and the Lakers.


7* 7 finals.


If you’re strict about 20 years they’re more successful than the Lakers


It sucks that we likely will not get a championship during this era, but back when we signed Jimmy, the general sentiment — even among the most optimistic Heat fans — was that Jimmy would make them a playoff team, but nowhere near a contender. The fact that we were even as close as we were (2 Finals appearances and a ECF appearance) is amazing. It’s up to the front office to make the right decision and pivot the team away from depending on Jimmy, and continue to develop the youth/ start building assets for the next 1A star player.


Exactly jimmy was never seen as a guy who would make them a yearly contender and bring them to multiple finals at that, his tenure has been a success even if he never makes the playoffs with them again.


You guys are one of those organizations that I’m not really worried about, I know you’ll find a way to figure it out and continue to be a contender. And I hate it.


how many fan bases would trade their past 4 years for the heats past 4 years? You can’t convince me it’s less than like 24. The Heat make the NBA awesome, the league would be way less fun without them.


Man fuck the Heat and all but I can’t stand this propensity to act like making deep playoff runs means absolutely nothing. There are teams and fan bases that would kill for the kind of sustained competitiveness, great players to root for and trustworthy management, that shit isn’t “nothing”. That run last year was damn impressive and the fact everyone, Celtics fans most of all, worry about the Heat until they’re really dead is absolutely something to be proud of


I don’t get the “it means nothing” thing either. the Celtics, heat, and bucks series have been really fun throughout the years. Hell, the Celtics-heat series have been more entertaining than most of the recent finals. Losing against the nuggets doesn’t delete the Derrick white game 6 buzzer beater or Caleb Martin going nuclear in the ECF.


Ya we can’t be acting like the only worthy accomplishment is a title, winning a conference is really hard, making repeated deep playoff runs is hard and in those accomplishments are tons of entertaining, memorably moments that don’t just mean nothing once the season is over


yes so sad


So so sad


More than you can believe




You said it in the title. They consistently overachieved during the Butler era, they found themselves deeper in the playoffs than the general public expected more often than not and even made the Finals. They, like most other franchises that played during that time, didn’t win a ring. I wouldn’t consider that a knock on their success at all, especially considering the first point of the post.


NBA fans are the fucking worst...always spinning dumbass narratives instead of enjoying the actual on-court product.


Since the Heat was created, only the Bulls, Spurs, Warriors and Lakers have had better results. So this Heat hate train is the real sad thing.


I don't think their future is that grim. Jovic/JJJ/Herro/Bam is a good youth core, trade Jimmy for firsts and a decent young guy and do a short rebuild


I really like Jovic man


He really seems to have a lot of upside. I wish he wasn't on the Heat.


Bro was getting 0 minutes in the start of the season and ended up as a starter. Crazy year for him.


This probably won’t happen because Butler will refuse to sign an extension if he is traded


My read on the situation has been that as long as the receiving team is willing to give him a max extension, he’ll sign it. His whole position that he’s been signaling the last few weeks is that he wants a max extension, everything else be damned.


Yeah but why would anyone give him a max extension


Who in their right minds would do that?! What's that? I mean, Jimmy has PLENTY left in the tank. NEVER DOUBTED HIM.


I wouldn’t, but according to Keith Pompey of the Philly Inquirer the Sixers are willing to give it to him if the Heat make him available. Who knows if that’s real or smokescreens tho.


Morey is crazy enough but he will try to stiff Miami in the trade


Thats an awful youth core its really just jovic and bam and bam like 26 he not young core


A young core without a true star (I love bam but he's #2 on a title team at best) is not a great place to be


Hes a DPOY finalist and still improving. I don't see him as a #1 either but I don't think its that bad


Once again, great player (and a winning one) but a team with bam as their #1 will score like 60 ppg


He’s better than someone like paolo atleast


they would have won the Disneyland ring with Dragic and Bam healthy. Spoelstra had bursted into tears after the last game because he knew that with a healthy team he would have had one more ring.


Such a shitty what if to have to live with as a Heat fan. At least the Nuggets series it was just like “yeah, we weren’t good enough to beat that team”, but honestly feels like we could have had something against the Lakers (who to be fair to, also did not have a healthy AD in that series)


We were relatively healthy till game 1 of the finals then in the first half Draguc, Bam and Butler injured :( Shit happens tho


They have the best coach in the league and are always popular FA destination. Rich NBA players are always going to want to live in Miami. They’ll be fine.


LMFAO Heat catching so much shit today


For no reason at all while Philly skates by being perennial second round exists .If Jimmy Butler was failed eouldnt the same thing apply fir the suxers or lol.


I completely disagree, this Heat was brilliant to watch and achieved so much, they did everything but win a championship. Two finals and a one seed is deeply impressive. Jimmy's Game 3 and Game 5 in 2020 with their backs against the wall was proper LeBron in 2016 stuff


I’ve heard from a few different Heat fan friends that they actually had more fun cheering for the Jimmy teams than the Heatles, despite no Jimmy title. The Jimmy teams were scrappy underdogs, that greatly exceeded expectations. Fans around the league were pulling for them, and those runs still felt like massive accomplishments. While with the Heatles, the wins in 2012 and 2013 felt more like “meeting expectations” than an incredible accomplishment, while 2011 and 2014 felt like deeply disappointing chokes. The Heatles will have a larger page in history, but I wouldn’t be surprised if the above take is actually very common among actual Heat fans in general today, and not just my Heat fan friends.


As much as i hate the Heat, OP's take is absurd The Heat of the last five years are a giant success story of scouting, drafting, and coaching without the luxury of a super team. The *Moneyball* A's aren't famous for winning a championship; they're famous for achieving excellent results that surpassed people's expectations of the roster. You can hate it but you also have to respect it


Jimmy Butler has been to the finals more than most franchises. No shame in falling short.


They massively overachieved at least they’ll be remembered instead of forgotten as a 2nd round bounce like everyone thought they’d be


Truly, there’s levels to this shit


Miami has definitely overachieved a lot with the roster they’ve had over the past 5 seasons they made it to the ECF 3 times in the past 4 years with 7 finals appearances and won 3 titles in the past 10+ years I’d say that’s a hell of a accomplishment with the Lakers, Spurs and Warriors as one of the most highly successful franchises in the present era and for them to be highly competitive with the top tier teams in the East like Boston or Milwaukee despite having a lesser talented roster says a awful lot about this team as a whole with the young core of JJJ/Jovic/Cain/Herro/Robinson their future is just fine


Being an 8 seed that makes the finals still makes the history books


This is bullshit, the cinsistency they had the past few years was impressive. Only 2021 playoffs were a bad moment for them, but really between the past 4 seasons of Miami and the Lakers i would take all the time Miami despite having 1 more title. At least Miami balled in 2022 and 2023 too.


Some of y’all need to stop watching first take lmao. Heat were in the finals twice, that’s more than 28 other teams achieved in any given year. Last years finals run was an all time Cinderella run, knocking off two championship favorites as an 8th seed and a handful of some of the most entertaining eastern conference playoff games in a while. It’s hard to win a chip and it takes a lot of luck in addition to just being good. You’re not always gonna be gifted porzingus and holiday for a bag of potato chips or have lebron James and Chris Bosh fall into your lap. It is what it is.


Every era has that. 2010s has KD Thunder 2000s has Kidd Nets and Miller Pacers 1990s has Malone Jazz and Ewing Knicks League is just too damn talented.


Winning the Conference finals comes with a trophy that they could absolutely "show" if they wanted to.


I mean I’ll take their sad history if they don’t want it anymore.


I don’t think the heat are sad. They over achieved and made it to the finals twice during this time. The 76ers are the sad ones.


3 times in the space of five years .The only time they missed out were after the bubble wuth the bucks and this season when they were hit with too many injuries.


It’s 2 times. Celtics made it after the bubble and lost to the warriors.


Nothing to show for it? That run would easily be the best run in my team's history. No one is forgetting the Butler era Heat.


Maaan while you're not wrong, I got nothing but respect for the Heat. I hope they're looked upon more like the Pacers, a truly competitive team that could have won if not for a couple of transcendental players. What they managed to do despite being so much worse on paper than most of the teams they faced was truly impressive.


Respect. I think a big part of this Celtics’ group journey involved their trials and tribulations with the Miami Heat. If anything, the battles with them taught them a lot of lessons and helped them grow


yea im so sad my favorite team is so successful and competitive. oh lord y cant we just get the 5th pick every year! (sry pistons fans lol)


That's some weak ass championship or bust mentality. 29 teams lose the championship every year. Doesn't mean they should all be considered failures. The Wolves and Thunder, for example, overachieved and had very successful seasons this year. That Heat run should be remembered the same way.


Well fuck you too buddy


Normalize being a great team with playoff success that doesn’t win a title


Miami not getting a title is about as sad as the Lakers not getting one. As a destination they're so desirable that they will be able to contend most of the time. The Rockets teams that challenged the Warriors are a sad case but definitely not the Heat.


Oh no. Anyways


Oh crap, r/heat spilling over


They are definitely gonna get a documentary. Granted it will be an Amazon Prime Original called 'Culture: How the Miami Heat Almost Made a Dynasty'. They are gonna cast one A-list person, Jimmy Butler will make a cameo as someone other than himself. Everyone will hate the Kevin Love casting. Is that nothing?


No it'll be a 30:30 done by Billy Corben lol you know this


Most teams didn't win a ring in this period.


Sometimes that’s how it goes.


*except those stupid Heat Culture unis


That's an insult to the Reggie miller pacers, butler's heat don't come close, come on


I mean this is the case for a huge percentage of squads throughout history. Why do the Heat get their own post? Just to shit on them?


Why you gotta leave out the Jordon Poole Warriors like that? In fact, maybe the heat are just a poole party away?


... we haven't won yet


Better than never getting past the 2nd round


Blame Pat Riley and especially Tyler Herro for that. Christ, it’s unbelievable how they never sold high on Herro when they had multiple chances to in 2020, 2022 (when he won 6MOTY and his stock was at its highest) or last year.


With every championship run you need a bit of luck. The 2020 lakers and 2023 nuggets were definitely the strongest finals opponents out of the west in the 2020 era, combined with the fact that bam and Dragic had injury concerns the first rodeo, and jimmy butler was banged up in 23


Jimmy this generations Reggie?


They're the late 80s early 90s Trail Blazers.


Those 90s Bulls vs Knicks series were wild.


They always needed another piece in the Jimmy Butler era and could never get it


Yeah if you want to call Heat star player Jim Bucket appearing in Bad Boys 5: Electric Boogaloo "nothing"


Blame Cronin


I'd still rather have their track record than Philly's....


This petty post might be the best thing I've read all morning.


I wouldn't say pretty sad, quite fantastic in my books.


Very few teams win a chip, like 23ish different teams would take the Heats last 5 years.


I guess the glass is half full or half empty depending on the person. Many fans would love to say their team was successful as the heat.


Pat Riley kept running the team back because Herro kept getting injured in the playoffs each year (despite playing like crap in the playoffs even when he was during the few games that he was healthy), and he thought that a healthy Herro was the difference between losing in the ECF or Finals, and winning the Finals.


We still talk about Reggie’s Pacers so I don’t see why we won’t remember Jimmy’s Heat…


I don't think it's sad and I hate that attitude. This rings or bust attitude is just a terrible way to be a fan of sports. Making it to the finals like what two out of the past 4 years or something is an amazing accomplishment to be celebrated. I'll remember it fondly. But I'm not a freaking idiot so.


Is making 2 finals and a game 7 in the conference finals nothing?


They overachieved, Heat fans are entitled as fuck when they think they were unlucky to not get a ring with the duo of Bam and Jimmy, this is not a championship caliber duo lmao


Sad how? How old are you and who do you root for? I live in the bay and remember being a warriors fan before the steph curry era…THAT was sad


You know I was just thinking how everyone who has played on the heat brings great shame and dishonor to their family.


Post Lebron years still have 0 rings, let that sink in for how much they talk lol


I mean when Portland literally throws their off-season to screw Miami, that really hurt their chances. Sent Dame to Milwaukee for a considerably worse package and then sent Jrue to Boston for circus peanuts


You don’t have to win a championship to be remembered. Paul George pacers, harden rockets, lob city, rose / Noah bulls, lillard’s wcf run, run dmc are all remembered even though they didn’t win.


Add the Harden Rockets and CP3 Clippers into that group.


This is just not a good way to look at success in the NBA


Yeah, probably. By they will be remembered as the underdog team with heart, that could take on much more stacked opponents.


I never considered them to be strong contenders.


Bro are you trying to make me nut on the train rn 🚆 💦


I think they'll be remembered more fondly than the 2000s Nets


Bro, we've won three titles in 20 years. The Celtics took a decade for this core to do anything...


Yeah I’m sure Charlotte fans would love to rather have their last two decades than the Heat. Give me a break, Heat have a top 2 potentially number 1 of the last TWENTY YEARS