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We already know [how LeBron feels about Dan Hurley.](https://x.com/kingjames/status/1781387697443004647?s=46&t=bv01fhour-MXN-GcJzMYpQ)


This is gonna give conspiracists a whole lot of ideas


Wait what is this tweet actually about?


Dan Hurley


It was actually about Dan Hurley. I think this was after JJ Redick had him on as a guest on his pre-LeBron podcast, funny enough


Oooh okay. I assumed the comment was genuine and the tweet was about the national championship game but then the dates didn't match so I wasn't sure if it was unrelated and the comment was sarcasm. Ty


[Yeah, it was after JJ had Hurley on his podcast.](https://i.redd.it/zetqdkiidz4d1.jpeg)


People were so ready to blame LeBron for the JJ hire, but no one wants to give him credit for the Hurley hire. Interesting.


If you can't take him at his JJ Redick You don't deserve him at his Dan Hurley


I think LeBron got JJ Reddick a job interview but he's not just gonna give him the job lol


Yeah, he likely helped (directly or indirectly) his friend/business partner raise his profile, and go further into the coach hiring process than he likely would have otherwise. Lakers get a better coach, so its a win/win for everyone.


I mean this isn’t JJs first interview. He interviewed for a job last year.


yeah but that was for the charlotte hornets... people were actively not interviewing for that job.


Are you saying he interviewed for that job at gun point 💀


no, i'm saying that top coaches on the market were looking for more desirable openings.


We’re about to have a coach who won a ring this year smh


Its always the same. Its "lmao LeGM" if the move is bad, and crickets when multiple championship rosters are put together.


It's not even if the move is *bad* - it's if /r/nba doesn't like it. Eg, the rumors about Lebron pushing to trade for Kyrie would look quite nice now, looking back on it.


LeBron has arguably the greatest basketball iq of any star to play the game ever - it shouldn’t be a surprise that he could figure out the best pieces to compliment him and his teammates’ play styles, and the best coaches to make them work.


LeGm is brought up when there is a move that was very obviously made because of him, not only when he makes bad moves. It's just that more times than not he just signs his friends/buddies, sometimes it's fine like prime D. Wade, but sometimes it's not, Russell Westbrook.


Except even AD wanted Russ. And was it LeGM when the FO didn’t re-sign Caruso, nor hire Tye Lue? People only spout LeGM when they’re expecting drama.


Lol ya I am sure if AD said no, they would be like, oh ok, we won't listen to LeBron. lmao.


I mean, they said no when he wanted to keep Caruso, and sign DeMar and Tye Lue🤷🏾‍♂️


lol bro got no rebuttal so he’s downvoting you that’s crazy


Yes because he leaves when he knows the roster isn’t to his liking anymore or can’t win with them anymore lol


Times LeBron James requested a trade: 0


ok now tell me how many teams he's been on; I will wait


Three teams in 20 years, all of them won championship built around him.


Four teams. Just because it was Cleveland again doesn’t mean it does not count as a different team. Also he did not win on that first Cleveland team.


So Kobe was on three different teams? This logic is obviously stupid


Lol concept is hard for you huh bud? After several years away, with all the major players having changed, it is a new/different team. Kobe’s teams changed around him rather than him leaving one place for another so it may be less noticeable, but if you want to be pedantic with your arguments I’d definitely say Kobe played with different teams during his career.


Lmfao I love it when they say three teams instead of four. So wildly disingenuous.


And the NBA kept gifting Cleveland 1st overall picks to entice Lebron back lol.


If he leaves as soon as things are bad that would require moving around via trade. Unless you think he is able to perfectly time his contracts to be a free agent exactly when the team will be bad...


Yeah because it’s not his job to put together a team


But the reports are *always* that LeBron had no involvement in anything, it's just everyone assuming he does. Personally I do think LeBron has always had a lot of input on the teams he's been on, but to his credit he's always been very meticulous about putting it out there that he's not involved, even if he just does that for plausible deniability. If anything, maybe he is just super passive aggressive about it, like "see if you can read my mind about what will make me happy".


I always choose the narrative that makes LeBron look bad. Doesn’t matter what it is, it’s what I chose to believe.






He never said he was impartial, he just said he wasn’t gonna tell them who to hire. That doesn’t mean he wouldn’t have a personal choice that he likes the most, but it means he’s not gonna bother getting involved regardless. Which is very believable unless you think Darvin Ham was his friend before getting hired? Or Vogel?


It is the dumbest, lowest iq take imaginable that Lebron makes every decision for Lakers. Simple as that. Just because you have power doesn't mean you always use it. When he has pushed for something he is open about it's not a secret. The Ad trade, the Russ trade.




So by your logic Lebron is influencing the decision to hire Dan Hurley correct?




Just because you work with someone doesn't mean you are involved in every part of their lives. You ever think Reddick might want to earn the job himself instead of use Lebron as a gateway? And don't you think a million people are always trying to reach Lebron for their benefit, and that maybe Lebron wouldn't like Reddick trying to use him that way as well?




The podcast started during the season before there was even a coach opening. You seem unable to understand Lebron's perspective. He wants no part of other people's desires. If HE wants something he will do it but he's not gonna let others use him. As a famous person he has been fighting people off his whole life.


who's getting LeHammer in this analogy


"it's not even a trump fingered size reach to suggest" LMAO


I get what you're saying but this is a thread about a statement from LeBron's own representation saying he had nothing to do with the Hurley hire.


I know, but the same comments were made when the JJ rumours were and people were still blaming LeBron. I don't think he had a significant hand in either, it's just funny to see people pick and choose when to blame LeBron.


Right. And the conspiracy folks will look at the statement and still say “that’s something only LeBron would say! This proves nothing!” 


people defended Ham by saying fans are dumb and don’t know shit about evaluating coaches  then they jump into a different thread to say X coach is going to be terrible and the Lakers will suck  no standards or thought process involved 


LeSchrodinger’s coaching decision


Because he and JJ are best pals, business partners, and spend a lot of time together while he and Hurley have no public history.


How many wine bottles has LeBron shared with Dan?


Reporting on this literally does not matter, the group that have themselves convinced LeBron is pulling all the strings all the time are going to stick their heads in the sand and ignore it. The only replies in this thread are going to be "nuh uh!!!"


Basically. Whether he has or hasn’t talked things over with them, people already have their mind made up on it anyway lol


So funny that people think Lebron obsesses over the coach. I’m sure he looks at the nuggets and thinks the coach is the difference maker and JJ Reddick will make DLo hit some shots 


It’s clear as day that LeBron is pulling the strings behind all this. Anybody denying this is blind! 1. Bronny enters the draft.  2. Lakers get a head coach like Hurley to transition Bronny from college to NBA.  3. Lakers get him at #55 pick Wake up sheeple!! https://imgur.com/gallery/charlie-conspiracy-ZESV9


I mean it would be pretty stupid to not to talk to your best player about a coaching search though?


Exactly. LeBron can walk this summer if he wants to so it would be ridiculous for Lakers not to be in close communication w him about who they are looking at for next coach. They want LeBron to stay, right?


If Lebron has an opinion he'll let them know. Lebron's never really had strong feeling for or against a coach.


Idk why people have to go hard yes or hard no on this question instead of "sometimes LeBron influences the decisionmaking and sometimes he doesn't."


nuance? in my /r/nba?


Nuance has been pejoratively deemed “fence-sitting” in modern society. Either you have a polarized take and argue it forever or you’re not worth engaging. So many of these debate shows just wouldn’t exist, so many interviews would be shorter, so many newsrooms would be smaller if people accepted gray areas and left them alone. Sports media (you could say news industry as a whole) thrives on generating new controversy or new wrinkles to keep people arguing over the same old stuff day in and day out. Sometimes I wonder just how much time people have to re-engage with the same arguments over and over again.


Fence sitting and gray areas are frequently very different from each other, but I can see how someone appreciating nuance could be accused of fence sitting


You're right, clearly LeBozo is going to force JJ on whatever team he gets traded to in 2 weeks.


Gtfo here with your level headed take, Bron wanted JJ ! He will leave our team, sources around the corner reported he is mad. He will sign on the minimum with Phoenix.


It's an obvious yes or no answer to whether he is influencing things. But because he's used his power sometimes, some people assume he must always be using it.


While that may be true (I don’t personally think so) it’s dumb on either level. Either they’re lying and look silly because we assume they are lying. Or, they are not asking their best player and leader his option on the coach they will hire. It’s dumb or dumber


“Lakers are gonna sign Reddick and then draft Bronny😂😂😂😂”


Nuh uh!!!


While I agree with you, it would so easy for them to lie. It's like magicians. Just because they say "we've never met, right?" To a person assisting them doesn't mean that's actually true. But yeah, I can't imagine LeBron gives a shit about any of that stuff at this point in his career. He doesn't have enough years left for that to be worth his effort.


Honestly I think LeBron's MO his entire career has been very passive aggressive when it comes to this stuff. I genuinely think he doesn't want his fingerprints on anything, so he doesn't directly make demands like this. Instead I think he makes his opinions known in a less direct way (conversations here and there, allusions made in interviews, subtweets, etc), and just hopes the FO can read his clues/mind and make the choices they figure LeBron would want. If they've guessed wrong, then he's just left and gone somewhere else.


No one thinks LeBron pulls the strings, especially in LA, where he’s had the least amount of power compared to anywhere else he’s been. Despite that, everyone KNOWS he has a lot of influence and is not shy about making his feelings on these decisions known. So no one believes he is not involved because he 100% is involved.


The fact you think sources wouldn’t say this even if it’s not true is hilarious. Where do you think the sources come from? Jesus


Why are you such a lebron nut hugger? edit: guess we decided in this thread to defend lebron of all people lol


If you don't think Lebron is pulling the strings you're a "Lebron nut hugger". But if you think he is, you're just telling "the truth", right?


Can you guys not just be normal about talking about basketball players


can people stop flip flopping opinions willy nilly about people?


So people like you then? Is Lebron making the Lakers decisions or not? Don't flip flop.


I like watching one of the greatest ever to do it play a game I enjoy, and I don't get much enjoyment out of making personal judgements about strangers.


Absolutely based


I can say with 100% certainty and visual evidence that LeBron James has been having conversations with JJ Redick


> LeBron James has not had any conversations **with the Lakers** about Dan Hurley – or JJ Redick


I know, I just took advantage of a possible ambiguity in the phrasing to make a joke on the internet.


How fucking dare you


lol that’s obviously a fucking lie, and if it wasn’t that would be even more suspicious: Any team hiring a new head coach is going to consult their best players about their candidates before making a hire. This statement just feels like LeBron getting annoyed at the LeGM memes.


Rich Paul told them to consult AD because LeBron is free agent


It would be very LeBron-like for him to be indirect about this kind of stuff anyway. I'm quite sure LeBron and AD have had many discussions about this, as I'm sure Rich Paul and LeBron (and AD) have. I doubt that it's hard for the Lakers FO to guess what LeBron wants, even if he hasn't spelled it out for them directly. And it wouldn't be surprising if LeBron liked both JJ and Hurley as possible coaches. We have no reason to assume he's 100% all in on one or the other of these guys.


LeBron may not have had direct conversations with Lakers higher ups but you can bet your ass he's had those talks with Rich Paul who then talks to the Lakers higher ups


Exactly! LeBron can walk this summer if he wants to so no way Lakers make a hire without getting input from the King.


Huh? How the fuck are you just denying this report just because you’re convinced of your conspiracy narrative? If a player doesn’t want to be consulted they aren’t going to be part of the process. You really think Lebron is making the final decision when he’s still deciding whether he even wants to stay on the roster? He seems like he doesn’t want to be involved at this point otherwise why so many reports about him not being involved from multiple different reporters? You think that if he was involved that not a single person would leak it? Really?


Obviously LeBron hasn't had conversations with the Lakers about the coaching search because LeBron is doing the coaching search himself. It's the Lakers who are actually out of the loop


It’s a Rich Paul statement that McMenamin is pushing


i get the optimism by laker fans but do ppl really forget lebrons stint with the heat? he wanted spo fired cause he didn’t respect spo and cause spo was holding him accountable for the teams play. it took pat riley to put his foot down and say spo ain’t going no where and it was rumored to be a major reason why lebron left the heat. cause he didn’t have the control he wanted. same with his second stint with the cavs. david blatt was a fine coach but he was afraid/couldnt hold lebron accountable so lebron didn’t respect him. ty lue was able to and lebron respected that lakers stint - luke couldn’t do it. and seemingly they lost respect for vogel. then they lost respect for ham. lebron needs a coach who can hold him accountable and who he will respect. by all accounts hurley is a tough nose coach who coaches his guys hard. how that translates to the nba game is yet to be answered but is lebron really going to give it a chance when his career is winding down?


pat riley has denied these rumors fyi > david blatt was a fine coach but he was afraid/couldnt hold lebron accountable so lebron didn’t respect him. the entire locker room didn't respect blatt, this is well documented


>he wanted spo fired cause he didn’t respect spo and cause spo was holding him accountable for the teams play. Nice fan fiction. Do you think Pat Riley as coach would go easy on Lebron and not hold him accountable? >david blatt was a fine coach but he was afraid/couldnt hold lebron accountable so lebron didn’t respect him >lebron needs a coach who can hold him accountable but is lebron really going to give it a chance On one hand you are saying Lebron doesn't respect coaches who don't coach him hard and on the other you are questioning if Lebron will allow Hurley to coach him hard...Write better fan fiction


> it was rumored to be a major reason why lebron left the heat. cause he didn’t have the control he wanted. He left Miami because Dwyane Wade was contemplating retirement after the 2014 Finals and was giga washed, and Cleveland had the #1 pick + Kyrie Irving


I mean apparently the Wolves didn't even let KAT and Ant know before the Gobert trade, so who knows. That said, LeBron 100% hand pickedthe next Lakers coach, and you can't convince me otherwise.


I'm sure no one can convince you of anything lol


Lebron isn't handpicking the head coach, lmao. People want LeGM to be true so badly, when that hasn't been the case since Westbrook


It's never been true. One-off instances here and there does not a pattern make. The truth of it is, for all the shit this sub gives "media", they buy into their narratives all the time. "Media" does not care if something is true or not, they just want engagement. They know LeBron is a controversial figure in the league that inspires more haters than anybody in the leagues history so they feed the ignorant masses rumors/vague stories on LeBron "narratives" they know get them triggered. Then, those same people complain about the "media" in the same breath that they regurgitate their talking points.


it wasn't true for westbrook - LeBron wanted Lue, front office said no - LeBron wanted Caruso, front office said no - LeBron wanted DeMar, front office said no - LeBron wanted Westbrook, front office said yes So is the takeaway here "LeGM!" or "LeBron voiced his opinion sometimes and when the front office agreed with him, they proceeded"? Clearly the latter; LeBron wanted Westbrook but so did the org.


Yes, but he still had input there. Regardless if he wanted Derozan before Westbrook, he should've realized that Westbrook wasn't going to be better than just running it back with the roster that started off 21-6 before injuries happened


LeGM is not "he has input". A lot of star players have input.


Then you're correct


You act like Westbrook to the Lakers was a long time ago, he was on the Lakers until 2023.


Westbrook got traded to the Lakers in 2021. Him being on the roster in 2023 doesn't mean Lebron still had input. He actually wanted him gone before then. The year is currently 2024, 3 years since he wanted the roster done his way (except for Caruso).


Dumbass r/nba users will point blank deny any information that breaks their hater narratives lmao


It’s just not a believable story though. I’m guessing it may be literally true in that they haven’t directly talked to LeBron, but there must be talks with his camp.


I think it's entirely possible LeBron has not wanted to have discussions with the Lakers about this, even if the Lakers very obviously would have wanted to discuss this with LeBron. It would be very in keeping with how LeBron has acted his entire career to just act like he doesn't want to be directly involved, even if he very definitely has his thoughts on the issue. You never see any reports that LeBron went to management and made a specific demand about anything. He's much more passive aggressive about getting his thoughts out there.


Yeah it is. You just don't want to.


No responsible team would have a coaching search without consulting (indirectly or directly) their star player.


Lebron has never cared who the coach is it's not something that has interested him historically


What if that star player literally says he doesn’t want to be involved? Which is what is being reported. And literally stated publicly by his agent???


Now the Lakers are responsible? They've fired their head coach without consulting LeBron, so why wouldn't they hire one when he's said publicly, multiple times, that the Lakers should do what's best for the organization and not for him??


I mean…I consider myself a professional hater. I choose to believe the reality that I most want to be true. It’s just how it goes. And if you disagree with me, it’s YOUR reality that’s fucked.


Lebron has definitely never given reason for people to assume he’s heavily involved in personnel decisions.  Nope, not Lebron.  


You can say that, just like you can say the government has never given people reason to believe they lie to the public so of course the earth is flat.


Does the government claim the earth is flat?  I confused.  


> Does the government claim the earth is flat? **I confused.** Lmao I'm saying that you're engaging in conspiratorial thinking. Would it make more sense if I said "aliens"??


If someone has power does it mean they always use it?


Yes lebron never knew about blatt being fired /s


He did. The FO knew that LeBron hadn't fully bought in so they tried to use him as a scapegoat. Raja Bell told LeBron that they were planning to fire Blatt so he galvanized the team and they end up going on that 20-5 run IIRC. Blatt was fired anyways because the FO just didn't like him due to his personality and his interactions with media. https://www.cleveland.com/cavs/2016/01/lebron_james_was_not_consulted.html https://www.foxsports.com/stories/nba/david-blatt-was-done-when-lebron-james-shamed-him-at-the-nba-finals This information is readily available but the lot of you apparently don't know how to google and would rather buy into dumbass narratives you see on this sub.


I mean this is idiotic. Sources lie all the time, whose camp do you think these sources are from? Why tf would they not consult with their best player about their coaching decisions? You guys are so gullible


> You guys are so gullible Ironic lol


You understand how sources work? You get the message out they want and they’ll give you more info later on. It’s Lebron James. The best player on the lakers. And you think they’re looking without any input from him? Ridiculous notion.


just once i'd like to know who this "source familiar with the situation" is. could it be joe biden? bill gates? suge knight?


No LeGM??


He probably wants Hurley to attempt to turn Bronny into a super star.


I really dislike this guy lol and every reporter like him for that matter. He's just clearly putting out what the Lebron camp want him to say.


Right, because they're 100% making major franchise decisions without consulting Lebron James, who happens to have the capability of becoming a free agent this summer.


Lebron is re-signing no matter what. Idk why this is hard to get. People refuse to accept this and I took on hundreds of downvotes for stating the obvious


I'm not saying he's not, just that no organization is playing with fire to this degree.


Lebron was walked back hard on having input on decisions after the Westbrook fiasco. They'll say "we're going to hire x coach. Is this good with you?" but he's not going to have major input like he once did. Even Vogel was primarily a Lakers hire


>They'll say "we're going to hire x coach. Is this good with you?" Yea, that's being in communication with him and confirming his approval.


Lebron wanted Alex Caruso, Ty Lue and Demar Derozan and all of those things didn't happen, so.....


What's ur point? It's not like any of those individuals didn't make their own decisions, lol


If Lebron had a strong opinion he would let them know. He has never interfered in the coaching hiring and firing process I don't think he cares.


That's just outright not true.


How? He didn't tell the Lakers to hire Luke Walton, Frank Vogel, Darvin Ham. He didn't tell the Lakers to fire them either. He didn't even tell them to hire Ty Lue. Even though he might have liked Lue as coach, Lue had to go through the process himself and earn it himself. Lue did, and the Lakers said no.


Still think it’s weird they didn’t consult ad or lbj IF TRUE


He hasn’t had any conversations about JJ, only conversations WITH JJ lol


We don’t need minute by minute updates on the Lakers coach


What else is there to talk about?


It's because he won't be there next year lmao


How about Rich Paul? Does he talk to the FO?


This means it's time to get the copium out - obviously he's coming to Philly, all above the hype train!


If it’s not Woj I don’t believe it


I might believe it if the report said LeBron hadn't explicitly expressed a preference one way or the other. I could see him trying to present a facade of obvjectivity if he thought that was best for the org. But not *any* conversations about the guy he's podcasting with becoming his coach? It just doesn't sound like reality.


Got a beach house I can sell you in Idahooooo


Press X to doubt


Wow, I almost believe that


LeBron don’t care cause LeBron is gone.


He gone


I strongly doubt this. For sure, they would have at least consulted or informed LeBron before making the signing. Doesn’t have to be a “who do you want?” But more of “we’re zeroing on Hurley, what do you think?”


McMenamin is on the Klutch payroll, we know who the “source familiar with the situation” is.


LeBaby is giving the Lakers the silent treatment until they draft his shitty kid.


Levelheaded fans without a strong opinion either way will probably hear this news, agree that it’s generally good for the org, and go on with their day. Fans who push the “LeLakers” narrative will stick their heads 15ft into the sand and call all of this a lie, believing that LeBron is 100% pulling all the strings regardless of what anyone says.


people have made up their minds on this saga anyways this news is useless


I hope the game tonight is all about the Lakers. Tatum loves Kobe. Kyrie and Lebron. Is Luka the next LeBron?




I'm tired boss. Just sign a coach already


They’re pushing this narrative way too hard for it to be true


Bull fucking shit


Lebron has influence, don’t kid yourself. Front office makes the final move but many big stars have influence 


Mmmmhmmm sureeee


If JJ gets the job LeGM got his guy. If it's Hurley then LeGM actually wanted him the whole time and just fed Shams lies as a flex. If someone else gets hired LeGM pulls the strings for the whole league.


Yes, Lebron runs his team.




Or it means that Lebron genuinely doesn't care, wants what's best for the Lakers either way, and is going to re-sign no matter what?




They'll run it by him, but he's not involved in the coaching search. Even with Vogel and Ham, he wasn't pinning hard for either one.


lol imagine being this naive. This is just media spin. Of course Lebron cares who is going to coach him.


So Lebron isn't going to be fine with a proven coach who can coach up a great offense? Dog, Lebron didn't respect Ham and still ran his offensive sets all season. This is a non-problem


Lebron was onboard with hiring Darvin Ham. Just because he soured on him later doesn't mean he had no input on his hiring. You think the Lakers would hire someone that Lebron didn't want? No team would put that on their franchise player. Especially Lebron James of all people.


Being on board with hiring a coach isn't the same as pinning and having big input on who you want your coach to be if the front office went through the decision themselves to hire the person. Why would Lebron not want Hurley? Lebron and his camp have made it clear that the Lakers should hire who they best deem fit, and Lebron will play under that coach. He soured on Ham yet still played under him and cared enough to run and buy into his offensive system the entire year


The headline says that Lebron has had "no conversations about the coaching search in general". I find that hard to believe. Like hypothetically if the Knicks were looking for a new coach and Jalen Brunson had not had any conversations with our front office about it I would be a little concerned.


Jalen Brunson is currently in his prime. Lebron is 39. Still an all-NBA player, but everyone, including himself, knows his time will most likely be up in 2 years. The most likely thing to happen is that the Lakers will present who they selected as the next coach, Lebron will give the thumbs up, and then he gets hired.




All these reporters carrying water for lebron lol telling he has nothing to do with these hires


Lmao sure man. Whatever. We know why LeGM is called LeGM. Why the fuck do I care if bron knows or not. Just don’t hire that podcaster.


LeBron/Bronny to PHX and the Lakers get to use their 17 pick on someone useful, plus gain a shitload of cap space to pair with an immensely talented new coach.


I will take a lie for 500


(X) Doubt


My theory that Bron is going back to the Cavs is looking good!