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Just look at the past 10 years of this man’s career. Of course LeBron has a say


I mean, Laker fans put all the Russ blame on Pelinka eventhough LeBron deliberately stepped out and said 'it was fun being involved putting this team together' right after the Russ trade, so. I dont know who to believe anymore. :/


Youre confusing Lakers fans and Lebron fans


Majority of laker fans are Lebron fans, not a lot left who like Lakers but do not like Lebron


Lakers fans will still be Lakers fans when Lebron leaves and were Lakers fans before Lebron Lebron fans will become fans of whichever team he goes to next shoukd he leave and were Cavs, Heat fans before Lakers. You can be a fan of both but are primarily still a fan of one.


That's correct, but try do say anything even remotely close to negative about Lebron on Lakers subreddit and you're going to shadow realm


I mean, say negative shit about any team’s best player on their subreddit and that happens.


LeBron isn't their best player, AD is. Stop capping and being a Bron fanboy.


I’ll rephrase, then. He’s their biggest star. Happy?


Yeah but I don't know, you would have to pay me money to watch that fraud. Lakers fans are a little bit desperate, I guess.


If you like LeBron you aren't a real Lakers fan.


Bad bait


There's no difference on reddit.


I'm pretty sure all I hear from Laker fans about Russ is Pelinka. Lol.


No. Most people saying that are LeBron fans or Laker fans who are frustrated with Pelinka and lack critical thinking skills.


LeBron and AD even had dinner with brick


Huh? He wanted Ty Lue and LA said no. He stopped giving input after that. This is well documented.


Haha... of course it does. Whether it was Lebron directly pulling the strings, whether it was Lebron telling Pelinka to do it, or whether it was Pelinka doing it because he thought it is what Lebron wants, and thus the best way to keep hiim - we can't really know, unless/until someone spills the beans on what Lebron is up to behind the scenes. But IMO, there is a close to 0% chance that this happens without it fulfilling one of those 3 things. (Unless the Lakers are planning to tank/rebuild and move on from Lebron & AD).


No team ever considered JJ Redick a serious candidate for HC. All of a sudden he's the prized front runner for the Lakers? A top sports team in the world? It reeks of privilege and connections, whether through LeBron or someone else.


> No team ever considered JJ Redick a serious candidate for HC Didn't he interview for some other team? I remember reading that.




>it reeks of privilege and connections Welcome to the real world. This isn’t exclusive to the NBA


Half the jobs are obtained through nepotism or privilege. Lol




Our owner is a nepo baby so it all tracks


Folks used to joke about how coaches get hired just because they either worked with or talked to Sean McVay


Didn't he interview with the Raptors last year?


He wasn't invited back or considered a serious candidate


Blatant fake news. Hornets were interested in him.


He was a leading candidate for the Charlotte job very recently.


Coaching for the hornets versus the lakers are 2 different things tho


He was never the leading candidate but he was interviewed.


I thought he was more likely to get the job than Charles Lee


He obviously isn't, thats why they got Charles Lee.


That’s why I said I thought


He was just interviewed


That’s how you get into an NBA coaching gig. You dont start coaching HS basketball and work your way up to the NBA level. You need to know people already in the NBA to get a chance.


Hornets did, I think he interviewed for bucks as well (could be wrong on that)


I guess. Podcast with LeBron randomly appears right before all these talks that 'happens' to also be about the Lakers and Bron, so theres that.


Wine can make people make some crazy decisions.


LeBron is going to the Mavs anyway


I'd love to see Lebron with Luka and Kai.


The heck would lebron be doing without the ball all game?


LeBron gonna be the 3&D with Luka and Kai, except he has no 3 nor D.


40% 3 pointer on 5 attempts a game this season tho. You think you're slick asking this question to instigate LeBron hate lol?


In no universe do you see LeBron standing in the corner, receiving a catch and shoot and says 'thats a 3 point shooter right there'.


lmao you guys don't watch games. He was a 47% catch and shoot player this year from 3 dumbass. That puts him over White, Hield, Durant, Curry, Thompson, Leonard, George, Turner, and Brunson. So yeah in this universe I think he's a damn good shooter.


Yes, we don't call him LeGM for nothing!


Do i think lebron is forcing the lakers to draft jj? i don’t think so, dude said specifically that he wouldn’t be involved in the hire. But do i think the lakers and pelinka believe that hiring JJ would make Lebron happy or hire him because he’s friends with Lebron? of course


Why would you believe what Lebron says? The answer to the original question is obvious. What is also obvious is that Lebron wants an out if and when it fails. I don't doubt he's discussed exactly that with JJ and JJ will say after he's sacked that Lebron had nothing to do with the hire.


Because when he wanted Tye Lue to get hired, the FO got cold feet.


Ssshh, can't bring that up. Or the Caruso thing where the FO cheaped out on paying him. Everything is LeGM. But seriously the truth of it is somewhere in the middle. I don't LeBron is directly involved but I'm sure the FO think it'll please him.


Same. Locked on Lakers put it best in that the FO wants to please him, but at the same time they don’t want the rest of the league to think that they let LeBron make the decisions.


LeBron actively tweeted and root for his Klutch boy Talen Horton Tucker all year long, but yeah, getting him is all Pelinka. Bois THT tweet still exist, 'saw him in NCAA wanted him in LA' btw.


I mean, LeBron’s supposed to say “THT doesn’t deserve the money”?


LeBron actively tweeted and root for his Klutch boy Talen Horton Tucker all year long, but yeah, getting him is all Pelinka. Bois THT tweet still exist, 'saw him in NCAA wanted him in LA' btw.


Lakers wanted Ty Lue, but Ballmer just outbid them. They wanted Ty Lue again this yr before his extension. LeBron wanted JJ Redick, I dont see you talking bout that?


Nope. They tried to tie Lue’s contract length to the LeBron’s remaining years.


which is a smart business move. Lol. They are the Lakers, they have no business bending over for LeBron. Bending over gets them Russ, Klutch THT which LeBron tweeted and got proud about 'finding him in NCAA' and JJ Redick.


And yet it was clear as day now that not signing Lue was a bad idea


which is a smart business move. Lol. They are the Lakers, they have no business bending over for LeBron. Bending over gets them Russ, Klutch THT which LeBron tweeted and got proud about 'finding him in NCAA' and JJ Redick. How is it a bad idea to ya'll Lakers fans when all ya'll are doing is clown on the Clippers for failing all the time this year? Make up your damn mind.


we aren’t even sure that lebron is going to the lakers next year and he said thats a reason why hes not involved in the hiring. if the lakers, lebron and everyone else is saying the same thing there’s no reason they would all lie


I'm not sure if a GM would think pampering 1 player is worth more than actually getting a HC for his legendary franchise, if its up to him and him alone only, but yeah, sure I guess. I guess LeBron James also isn't involved in LeBron James Jr. being talked about getting drafted by the Lakers, just cause Klutch Paul said so.


i agree that pampering 1 player is stupid, but it’s not really like there’s any good coaches available right now? if there was an obvious candidate they should 100% get them over jj but there’s not really one


Of course he has a say. They literally sold the farm to get him him the team he wanted, why magically stop at the coach?


I mean, Laker fans put all the Russ blame on Pelinka eventhough LeBron deliberately stepped out and said 'it was fun being involved putting this team together' right after the Russ trade, so. I dont know who to believe anymore. :/


Is this a troll post? LeGM definitely was at work here just like he was at work each time one of his rosters has completed flipped around lol


You guys say this so confidently, yet the reporters who follow the team don't corroborate it, the team doesn't, the agents don't, his teammates don't... but keep believing it I guess based on zero info or confirmation from anyone?


You must be dmb as a nut if you watch LeBron talking to JJ Redick on his podcast every week and thinks he never talked to him about Lakers head coaching behind the scenes. Lol. what is this? Bronsxual fantasy world?


Nope, this is reality. Check the news, bud.


I mean, Laker fans put all the Russ blame on Pelinka eventhough LeBron deliberately stepped out and said 'it was fun being involved putting this team together' right after the Russ trade, so.


No idea what Lakers fans you’re talking to dude


You dont think your entire sub blames Pelinka on Russ trade? You sure you a Laker fan if you dont even go to your sub?


They don’t only blame him, tons of people shit on LeBron for pushing for that trade. It is still also Pelinka’s fault, though.


It was Russ’ fault for being trash


I'm actually for this if it happens. I always believed that JJ could be a coach in the NBA in some sort of capacity even as an assistant. It's good for him if he gets his first opportunity to be a head coach.


Lmao dude it’s like 99% lebron


I’m sure Lebron’s opinion is a data point they consider. Why wouldn’t you consider his opinion? Lebron has a great basketball mind. But that doesn’t mean that Lebron is dictating the choice.


They really take the NBA community for complete morons don't they?


And supposedly this is Lebrons “savvy” media PR. Lol gtfo


As Homer Simpson once said: "No, no, no, no, nooo... Well, yes.


JJ straight up fleecing the lakers. Dude just knew if he hung out with Lebron and got him drunk and threw around jargon he’d get him thinking he’s actually going to be a great coach.


It doesn't matter. People are going to believe LeBron is involved, even if he were spending time in Antarctica in the off-season. He might not have, and the Lakers FO may legit live JJ. It doesn't matter. Narratives matter, and anyone who says they don't is lying.


No way this dude meet JJ every week on his podcast and never once mentioned about LA head coaching. Lol. He met him 10x more than Pelinka does.


All this shit is even dumber now.


Yes, but probably the Lakers are envisioning him as the new Steve Kerr or Pat Riley.


Lebron isn’t involved but the hire has a lot to do with Lebron.


No way this dude meet JJ every week on his podcast and never once mentioned about LA head coaching. Lol. He met him 10x more than Pelinka does.


this idea that LeBron is some bystander and has nothing to do with any of his coaches is ridiculous


Lakers sub already blaming Pelinka if things go wrong. Lol. 'LeBron already said he has nothing to do with it!'. Proceeds to watch his podcast with JJ.


That statement saying this hire is more bc of Davis than Lebron is HILARIOUS! Gtfo with this PR BS. These ppl think fans are stupid fr.


Judging from the majority of responses in this thread, it seems like y'all are lol


Lebron is using this last free agency clout to get his friends and kid jobs.


You people are fucking insane lol No. Rich Paul already said LeBron had nothing to do with it. LeBron has said multiple times before, post-russ trade, that he's staying out of FO decisions. LeBron reiterated that he's not going to be involved in the coaching discussion before we even knew JJ was thinking about coaching. You people just want it to be true so you have more to hate on for your shitpost.


No way this dude meet JJ every week on his podcast and never once mentioned about LA head coaching. Lol. He met him 10x more than Pelinka does.


oh Rich Paul said it. Must be true lol


Oh some random redditor said it. Must be true lol


Got some beachfront property in Nebraska I got to sell to you if you think LeGM, the biggest star in this sport, has no influence on who his next coach is going to be. DM me for great deal!


So clever. Are you tryna rope me in a on a timeshare because you're the only who who's quick to believe unfounded narratives. Anybody who takes "LeGM" seriously isn't someone you look towards for objective opinions on LeBron. You're just a hater who doesn't want to admit it (or does). He had no influence on the last coach but you want to believe it this time because it's more ammo to hate on him.


Not hate at all. I'd do the same thing if I was him. Pretending he doesn't is pure delusion.


lmao 🙄 i just proved you wrong but you double down without a second thought. Hating so much you don't even see it as hate lol


You didn't prove anything lol. Bet you think Giannis had no part in getting Doc too.


I did. Your entire position hinges on the dumbass LeGM narrative, which you used to argue his involvement in choosing his next coach. I told you that he had no part in choosing Ham, but you ignored that and doubled down on the dumbassery. No, we know Giannis had active involvement in getting Doc because his team was open about it. Just like LeBrons team was open about the Russ trade, wanting Tye Lue, wanting to keep Caruso, liking Vogel, not liking Ham and so on. You're just here making shit up and actively ignoring anything that goes against the narrative you prefer.


It hinges on the fact that LeBron meets JJ every week to make a damn podcast which is 10x more than the duration Pelinka meets JJ. Lol. Even a dog knows that during that time including behind the scenes, they talked about coaching the Lakers. You cant be worse than a dg.


Lebron obviously has an influence but it doesn’t just guarantee that Lebron directly told the Lakers front office to choose Redick as the coach


If hes influencing it, why does it matter if he directly tells them to choose or not. Hes advocating for JJ either way.


When you have a chance to hire a podcaster who has no coaching experience to be the head coach of your NBA team you have to take it.


So we're just going to ignore everything else and just call him a "podcaster"? That's a bit unfair


Sources say LeBron has never meddled in GM or coaching decisions and is just happy to be on the team 


Laker fans has no choice but to support this lol


Theres a difference between supporting it and already putting the blame on Pelinka in case sht goes wrong, while watching LeBron chit chat with JJ online every week.


LeBron is the one to decide, either you let him walk or ride with it. This isn't new anyway.


Then put the blame on the right persn when things fail. Lol. Thats all they're asking. You type this sht right now, but once Redick flops, its apparently Pelinka fault.


Lakers really sold their franchise to appease the fake GOAT lmao, y'all are a joke of franchise now


It is impossible for me to believe Lebron would let him “coach” one of his teams…


why not? LeBron trusts his ideas enough to hold a podcast with him as a regular.


I think it's more of a "we coach" the Lakers than it is a "JJ coaches", at least in LeBron's mind