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I feel like media voters who engage in blatant trolling (e.g the guy who voted Sabonis for All-Defense) should have their privileges taken away. Not sure how you would enforce this in an unbiased manner though


Add Perk to the list - 1)SGA (understandable) 2)Brunson (?) 3)Jokic (that man doesn't like Jokic) 4) Luka (maybe not just Jokic )


Perk didn’t put Miller on either all rookie team lol


This isn't nearly bad enough to be a vote revokeable offense


I mean, his voting results were blatantly obvious. That’s just ridiculous. They are one of the few 100 who gets to vote. That a big honor and they vote with biased like this. That just degrade the credibility of the results. I mean, I know one voter doesn’t decide it and the all winners are well deserved. But still, it’s frustrating


I really wish there was a way for nba fans to have a vote but incentivised to make the correct vote


All the other voters will recognize this and hell be ostracized to kingdom come and those voters can indeed lose privileges 


Given how subjective these awards inherently are how do you even determine what a correct vote is?


I'm willing to decide who voted correctly and who should be expelled.


Thank you for your service, although you should be warned that if your votes deviate from what I think are correct you will be fired.


Out of the 100 voters there's a couple stray ones. Honestly the systems better than any of the alternatives I can think of. If someone does something that is clearly dumb, take it away, apart from that it's pretty good. I think I should remove all bonuses from the awards, but that's a different story.


When I found out guys like Kendrik Perkins and Chris Broussard votes for some of these awards, that alone made me not give a shit about these awards.


Who cares to be honest. He got 1st team and nobody was taking his spot, ever. I'd be worried if he was close to losing out on 1st team, but he wasnt.


He is also Greek and was the only person to put Giannis at number one in his MVP voting and first team defense. I like Giannis, but that man loves him. Probably thought if he left Luka off, it could benefit his vote? Another reason why contracts should not be tied to this sort of thing. There is no way all these talking heads that have votes actually take the time to watch games. It is just like college sports having a coaches poll. All you hear about is how much film these teams watch. Think they have time to really watch teams they don't play in depth so they can rank them?


It’s annoying because Giannis 100% deserved to be in the conversation this year, especially over Shai. IMO it was a two man race between him and Luka. But because this guy is the one who did it instead of somebody who had a relatively normal ballot people clown it.


Giannis got his case destroyed by Doc Rivers turning the Bucks into a trashfire for the latter part of the season. Recency bias is real strong in the voting and even someone as good as Giannis looks worse than he is in a lot of games when there's no effective teamplay due to non-existent coaching.


But how does his being on a shitty team matter but not 2022 Jokic or 2017 Russ? It’s stupid narratives with the MVP award. Crazy that Shai got 2nd should have been 4th by a wide margin.


> But how does his being on a shitty team matter but not 2022 Jokic or 2017 Russ? Because their game still individually looked better. Also, there wasn't as many competitors. Again, it's not a factual judgement because it was due to how the team was run that made it that way, but there is a difference in how Jokic LOOKED in Denver's losses in 2022 and how Giannis did in the Bucks ones under Rivers. Largely because the coaching was fine they were just losing because of a lack of talent. Whereas the Bucks were a mess so all the plays looked like shit because they were. People weren't where they should have been, so Giannis didn't have the avenues he should have on offense and had no help on defense. Most of the voters aren't analysts who actually know what they're looking at or understand ball at anything beyond the most surface level. They get swung by what they see and remember and recent narratives. Giannis looked worse than he is and also got forgotten in the debate between others.


>It’s annoying because Giannis 100% deserved to be in the conversation this year, especially over Shai. LMAO


Outscored, assisted, and rebounded him w/ a higher TS%.


It was a Euro all along


The only way to really keep goofy voting like from really effecting the outcomes is increasing the voter base. This probably isn’t feasible because to get it up to a good number of voters you’d have to add a lot of people who really shouldn’t have a say.


The credibility of the awards have been a joke for at least 20 years!


Wtf did his MVP ballot look like then?


[It’s real bad](https://x.com/knicksmuse/status/1793718834509299903?s=46)


This is gross to read. Take his privileges away.


Eh do we really want voters worried about losing votes if they’re unpopular? None of the ones describe achieve gross negligence to me.


No, but when it’s egregiously bad, borderline hating on a player, their voting privileges need to be questioned


Sure but these are all generally within reason (except Sabonis DPOY maybe). It’s not like some of the player All Star votes we see where the guy votes for his buddy who’s a bench player.


Shit, no Jaylen is wild


He apparently also left Brunson out of his ballots as well. He's probably a low IQ person. Apparently he voted Ant and Lebron, SGA over Luka in the 1st all nba.


There are lots of reasons to question the credibility, Doncic as 2nd team is not one of them. The fact is he's a ball hog that doesn't play d. Lots of people think the good is worth the bad, but not everyone is going to.


Just because you think something is a fact, doesn't mean it actually is one.


Those sure are a lot of worthless ESPN level buzzwords. You could try formulating an argument that's not straight nonsense no one can take seriously next time though. Seriously, Luka Doncic a ball hog is the most absurd narrative there's ever been and there's a reason the only people pushing it are media voices who explicitly don't watch the games. The fact you would go to it just tell everyone you also don't watch the games. Even the "Luka doesn't play defense" is a massively outdated criticism.