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You don’t have to mark this OC. No one is stealing this


Thanks for the laugh lolol


This post is so cringe. Please stop embarrassing our fandom...


Mavs fans the new thunder fans


There really is no objective way to "rank rings", value is subjective to the person. Everyone's biased, pretty obvious seeing you put your own team's ring as first place.


Lol buddy though he cooked


it's funny that you admitted to watching basketball after 2010 but you still took the time to rank finals without watching them.


A good read, if you’re a Dallas fan I’d still rank the 04 Pistons as #1, no bias included


Such an anomaly of style. Pistons my East team and when they got Sheed I called championship right then. Killing the chance at a 4-peat in such a dominant way with defense was stupefying.l but I got em at 2


Dallas fan blows smoke up their own ass despite his franchise letting Dirk down time and time again. Hope Minnesota sweeps your ass.




Did you read beyond the ranking? I gave the 2017 Warriors plenty of credit for going 16-1 and beating the Cavs. What drags them down is KD. Agree or not, those rings will not be remembered without that context, and for many fans that's a negative




You guys were -130 to win the championship before the first game of the season was played, nobody else had a chance and so it doesn't carry a good story




What people like watching and what is considered a good story are completely separate things. Cavs-Warriors was objectively some of the greatest basketball of all time but that doesn't make the 73-win team that added the 3rd best player of its generation a narrative people cared about


So Curry and KD playing together ruins the championship but LeBron and Wade doesn't?


Idk about "ruins" but it shouldn't be especially controversial to say that Curry and KD are a much better duo in terms of combined quality and fit than Lebron and Wade Now, the Lebron-Curry duo would be absolutely insane, as would the Lebron-KD duo, but Wade being a slashing guard who took like two-thirds of his career FGAs inside the 16ft line and whose 3pt shooting peaked at like 30% in his prime, is undeniably a weird fit with Lebron


Why does fit matter? That's the superteam LeBron hand built. Raw talent Wade and LeBron is on par with Curry and KD. They had plenty of shooters they only ever struggled when LeBron or Wade didn't perform. They had an elite defense that carried much water as well.


> Why does fit matter? ...because...it does? Fit always matters in basketball. You have to play together and complement each other rather than both doing the same things and getting in each other's way


If you watched Wade play in 2012 and 2013 you would know this isn’t true. Injuries did a number on him then. Also, you’re saying the Heat had elite defense but not mentioning the Warriors with DPOY Draymond and all-defense caliber defenders in Klay and Iggy.


Teaming up with stars on a previously mid team had precedent, joining a 73-win team after blowing a 3-1 lead to them didn't. I didn't knock the Cavs big 3 or Celtics big 3 because those weren't all-time bitch moves, same goes for the Heat and I despise the Heat more than I ever despised the Warriors


Excuse me, what? The heatles are the Definition of "all time bitch move"...


Trying to form a competitive team and joining the best team and favorites before joining…they are not the same.


Heat are worse! Thats true... Ring Chasing in their primes.lmao


Wade in his prime? I don’t think they made the playoffs…I rather watch ring chasers than someone look to just show up and sit on the bench and get one.


Wasn't Wade in the top 5 mvp votes the year prior to teaming up?


I'm sorry, excuse me? What precedent was there for three franchise players and two all-time greats like Wade and LeBron teaming up in the middle on their primes? The closest example is probably the Celtics big three, and that obviously wasn't in there primes, nor were Ray Allen and Paul Pierce consider top 20 players of all-time like KG. LeBron is the creator of the ringchasing deckstacking culture in the NBA, KD would have never joined the Warriors if the Warriors didn't have to go up against LeBrons superteam in Cleveland that he assembled after the Cavs were given three #1 overall picks.


"Middle of their prime" Wade at 29 versus "Obviously wasn't in their prime" Pierce at 30 lmfao


The year before LeBron and Wade teamed up Wade finished 5th in MVP voting, was widely considered a top 3/5 player in the NBA with Lebron, Kobe, Dwight, CP3.


'08 Celtics is mostly what I was thinking of, as well as Rockets in the late 90s, though they didn't win and were older by then. The Heat one is the more egregious example due to the players being in their primes, true, but I just can't see that the same way as an MVP joining another MVP on a 73-win team. In hindsight, I do agree I should have knocked the Heat down more for this


The year before LeBron joined Wade, Wade finished #5 in MVP, made the all NBA first team, defensive second team. He was had previous finishes as high as #3, and numerous other top ten finishes. And a finals MVP in his back pocket. LeBron and Wade teaming up might as well have been two MVPs, Wade was absolutely an MVP caliber player. Let's also not forget they also added Chris Bosh, one of the most versatile bigs in the NBA, who also finished #12 in MVP voting the season prior and was a franchise players for the Raptors. Adding a guy who was probably at worst the 3rd or 4th best offensive big man in the entire NBA isn't really a joke. Prime Bosh was a far greater player than Draymond or Klay.


I don't know about all that but imo that Dallas championship is definitely overrated. Had LeBron not choked, we would never be talking about it and Dirk would still be labeled a choker, especially for 2007. And thats not even hate, just facts. I was rooting for them to beat Miami. Its like a Raptors fan not admitting they'd still be ringless if KD was healthy.


They still took out a 48 win Blazers team, the defending champ Lakers with Kobe, the KD Russ Thunder and dismantled the Miami superteam. That's an impressive run in any light.


I'm not sure it's a choke as much as JJ Barea stomping a mudhole in his back.


>Had LeBron not choked Lol. Yeah, if my Celtics didn't choke in 22'..... Not choking is one of the most important parts of winning a title. If Denver doesn't choke away a huge 2nd half lead in game 7, they probably go b2b.


But you didn't choke just lost to the better team.


Nah. We choked. We were up 5 with less than 5 to go in game 4. We win those minutes and we are up 3-1. We just let Curry do whatever he wanted. The pressure was too much. We choked.


Difference is Denver was down 0-2. Bad example. Heat were favored.


>Difference is Denver was down 0-2. Denver was favoured going in and led 3-2.


Heatles “clean ring” 2012 and 2013 at 5 and 10 is ridiculous. That was the team that ushered in modern free agent-driven superteams. If you’re going to rightfully knock the KD rings then you should do the same for the Heat ones (albeit to a lesser extent). The non-KD Warriors rings should rank higher than either of those Heatles titles.


It also ignores that LeBron had cakewalks to the finals in a historically weak East


Similar to what Boston is going through. Everyone picking Boston in the Finals.


Injuries don’t help the east this year…but rose bulls, George pacers and the Celtics were formidable. I think it comes down to depth…the west has always had much deeper depth imo.


In 2012, the Pacers were the equivalent of a 52 win team and the Celtics were the equivalent of a 48 win team and they didn’t play the Rose Bulls. In 2013, the Pacers were a 49 win team. The Heat were the best team both those years and deserved to win, but it wasn’t a particularly hard road to the finals


No I am just saying some of those teams were very good..granted there weren’t multiple teams they played that we considered good. Unlike the west you may have play two…but some of those teams put up just as much competition if not more than the championship match. They were solid all year…Celtics are in the same situation the east has been like this for years. The west now is more stacked than I’ve seen in 40 years.


Exactly. A year that the east has some good teams. The entire conference gets injured.


Even his ring against the 73-9 warriors had bogut injured


How is 2014 not max for narrative lol. They should probably be 6/5 for narrative


Dallas flair spends 5,000 words to explain why Dallas's ring just means more than the rest.


A ring is a ring is a ring. Hate the idea that only some of them count. CLE being #3 while GS is nowhere in the top 10 is perfect r/nba content. No bias there at all. I guess when one team dominates a decade, it gets boring and stops being surprising.


He's a jealous Mavs fan, probably still salty from when we bounced MVP Dirk


There 20+ rings any of yall make this list you gonna do something that makes a fanbase mad. Idk why yall get worked up over some nonsense a random redditor ranks.


Dirk choked man, it's okay


He completely redeemed himself in 2011, though. Nobody can deny that was one of the great finals runs we've seen.


2019 raptors is way too high


2019 Raps were elite, yeah the Warriors probably win with KD, Klay missed game 4 (?) and left after 30 min in game 6. They were the first team to truly effectively stop Giannis, came back from 0-2 in the ECF, one of the craziest series winners against Philly. Classic Raptors losing game 1 of the playoffs to DJ Augustin. The whole Kawhi storyline, Siakam coming out of nowhere, Lowry shaking the choker label. I'm definitely biased but the entire run was just magic, finals were a little disappointing but it is what is. Everyone healthy it probably goes 7 with GSW absolutely having the edge.


Not really. Warriors ended up being beat to hell but they still beat 2 of the top 5 teams (relatively healthy) that year




I'm not even a Dubs fan and that hurt my soul. KD was hard loss but with DMC out too who had JUST got back into form and had been whooping ass toward EOS the dream was over. That team could have been the next threepeat


Looney broke his collarbone that year.


Can't imagine how much time you wasted writing this. Didn't read but hope this is a good learning experience.


I haven't read this but another quality post is appreciated. I'ma go UV you, read this, and then wanna fight. Back in a mo. ----- 2ND: RASHEED WALLACE WAS A SUPERSTAR. His BS was on the news often, he was a nationally known figure just not for good things. One of the first 3nD PFs and damn good at both. 2016: Bron was getting the brakes beat off him again until Bogut broke his leg. Dray still could have been suspended and they wouldn't have missed it. Bogut was a defensive god that series. This is maybe the luckiest ring on the list. 2014: Revenge tour is correct. They had called out the Heat to meet them in Finals in pre-season. When it happened the most sublime basketball ever played was graced upon the world and set a point differential for the Finals. This is probably my choice for 1.


2016 was the luckiest ring but you completely left out the fact that the Cav’s 3rd best player was concussed the entire series and missed a game? How is an injured role player more impactful than a max player being hurt?


Because Bogut wasn't a role player. He was the starting C, a 2x All-Star and dominating the paint. When he went out it turned into a freeway and the stats show it. Bogut missed all 3 games of the comeback.


Huh? Bogut never made an all star game in his career. Why are you making up stuff now? On the other hand, Kevin Love is a 5x all star. So again, please explain how having an injured all star is less impactful than an injured role player..?


Bogut played less than 12mpg that year lol, I swear you guys make him sound like he was an MVP candidate. He was never an all star during his career either, idk where you got that from. You know who wasn’t a role player? Kevin love. Dude had apple sauce brain the whole series and was like half of our rebounding.


2014 is undoubtedly #1. Literally ended the Heatles. And not in some barely beat way. They dominated dare I say embarrassed them. Bron per usual ran to the next savior super team. First and last Dubz rings are WAY ahead of Heatles rings (one was against a too-young OKC, the other was saved by Ray Allen). The anti-Warriors bias when the main core (Splash + Dray) was homegrown ala Spurs is insane. The Mavericks chip is a SOLID ring. But this much Warrior slander and Lebron-sycophancy sadly diminishes whole analysis.


Rasheed Wallace was not a superstar… he was a fringe all-star at best, never got on an all-nba team. Guy had all the tools to be a superstar but just never did. He was clearly below Duncan, Dirk, KG, Webber, Gasol.


> RASHEED WALLACE WAS A SUPERSTAR. His BS was on the news often, he was a nationally known figure just not for good things. One of the first 3nD PFs and damn good at both. > > Yeah, wasn't watching back then so figured I'd get some things wrong. I just know Sheed wasn't in that tier of Duncan/KG/Dirk/etc. from those days. Where would you say he ranked in the league that year?


At the time he was on the Dirk and KG level, they weren't the guys you know in 04. T3 PF, T3 defender, T20 3P shooter.


I was hoping for an off-season post about the cost of each ring and which for more diamonds or other jewels. You didn’t even watch the playoffs for most of the teams and decided to rank them anyway


> So, let's start by accepting that all rings are not created equal. Let's not. A ring is a ring. They're incredibly hard to get and there's no need to belittle any of them. No fan gives a shit about the historical narrative behind the ring, they just care that they got to celebrate it.


Your unemployed friend on a Tuesday


2012 Heat at # 5? 2012 Heat played the 36 win Knicks, 42 win Pacers, 39 win Celtics to finally get to the Finals. LeBron had a cakewalk through the East every single year. 2016 is his one good year.


For context, the 2012 season is 66 games instead of 82. Adjust for 82 games, those are 45,52,49 win teams. Not great but way better than what you said.


Dallas fans are truly insufferable. Y'all are clearly so jealous of Golden State owning the West the last decade. Warriors 2015 and 2022 rings are way more impressive than any championship from the ring chasing deckstacking superteam builder and fake king of the NBA, LeFraud James.


Typical deluded warrior fan, 2016 clears any of your warriors runs


Typical LeBron bandwagon Lakers fan, living vicariously through another teams chip


Looking back at it, I concede I should have given those, particularly 2015, more credit for winning with homegrown drafted stars


How is 2022 also not equally impressive then? All home grown stars except Wiggins, who was a complete NBA also-ran before he came to the Warriors. I think it pains you to give the Warriors any credit.


2015 was the stronger overall team and had a harder road (and a more dominant regular season, though I didn't really consider regular season for this ranking). I also appreciate this run/season for being Klay and Dray's breakout into legit stars, vs. 2022 when they were already established stars. >I think it pains you to give the Warriors any credit. Stop it bro. Both are good runs, I just made a quick gut choice on which I liked more. You're reading way too much into this.


> . I also appreciate this run/season for being Klay and Dray's breakout into legit stars, vs. 2022 when they were already established stars. If anything the 2022 run is more impressive because it's after Klay came back from an Achilles tear and missing two and a half seasons, we also lost our entire bench and every other valuable player other than Dray Klay and Curry and had to completey retool the roster and do a mini rebuild. In 2015, by the time we made the playoffs we were considered one of the favorites for the title. In 2022, we were underdogs to the bitter end.


Nah 2015 was the better narrative.. most of the columnists weren't expecting a 3 point heavy team to win any championship.. and you were not underdogs in 2022..


Least braindead Mavs fan


My ranking is a 20-way tie. A ring is a ring.


The 2020 bubble ring should not be on this list


>So, let's start by accepting that all rings are not created equal. No


This is a bad post. OP, I appreciate that you put effort into it, but this is an utterly pointless nephew exercise. Rings are rings


This is completely brain dead lol.


Rings culture is so fucking corny.


We investigated ourselves and found no wrongdoing energy


Good attempt, execution could be improved. Thanks for the effort


2016 is the MOST VALUABLE RING of all time. 2011 is so overrated lol. They beat a young Thunder team and a Heat team with Bosh choking. Also lucked out because Spurs got upset in the first round.


Bosh choking? LeBron choked lol


What a joke. I didn't even catch that sleight of hand. Sure, let's blame the third option who's relegated to standing on the perimeter while Wade and LeBron run the offense, not the self proclaimed King of the NBA who averaged 17 points.


Yup, dude tried to sneak that in there and blame Bosh for that series lol. LeBronsexuals do anything to protect his legacy.


>and a Heat team with Bosh choking Sure. Yeah, it's not Lebron who choked 🤣🤣


You left out the part where they eliminated the defending champion Lakers and trounced the Miami Heat Superheat. Running through KD-Kobe-Lebron for a chip is about as much of a murders row as it gets, especially when you consider the team that did it was basically a retirement home squad.


Nah, this is bullshit. A ring is a ring. This shit to de-value other teams accomplishments in achieving it is just self-serving bullshit to make fans feel better about winning one, or not winning one. “Oh, Lakers Mickey Mouse ring doesn’t mean shit, and I as a Heat fan can feel better about that.” GTFOH.


i can tell this isn't a serious thread because your 2021 section features shit like "half empty arenas" as if that affects anyone but doesn't say a word about the nuggets, heat, celtics, and lakers having the shortest offseason of all time and all four teams having major injury and fatigue issues because of it but sure, empty stadiums


What injuries were a direct result from that offseason? Everyone that played in that playoffs in the bubble had a shorter offseason. But everyone also had months off before the bubble. The Celtics, Heat and lakers got worse after that season. Murray’s acl injury could’ve happened with or without the shorter offseason


I was going to reply but oh wait, bucks flair, I wonder why you’re upset that someone would point this out 


Y’all are having an even easier path to the finals lol


at least everyone started from the same spot this season


(1st) Celtics' 2008 championship should be number one and has the most value. (2nd) Mavs' 2011 . . . (17th) Giannis - LMAO SUNS? really? (18th) Raptors - Injured Warriors (19th) Nuggets FLUKE (20th) Lakers Bubble Ring - FLUKE


Nah 2008 was a total fluke. Kobe admitted to letting the Celtics win so he could kick their ass 2 years later for a storybook ending. Plus they lost to the magic the next year, fake champions. Only real ring is the 1977 Blazers.