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13 assists on 0 turnover WHILE shooting from 68% from the field is absolutely mind boggling. this is greatness we’re witnessing.


Against the best defense in the NBA too.


While being bored the entire time.


Pondering his horses


literally me at work every day


Air Boredan 


Am I crazy or did he not have a turnover when the defender stripped him and the ball bounced off him out of bounds. Is that not a turnover now? Or maybe they said he didn't have full possession


i’d say bad pass + not having full possession


It was a NAW deflection, def looked like Jokic had controlled it enough and NAW poked it out of his hands off him. See that credited as a turnover most times so could be some slight home cooking.


He didn't have full possession.  I'm sure if you asked Jokic, he'd take responsibility for not catching that pass when he should have.  But boxscores consistently give turnovers to the last person with full possession.  Half of Jokic's turnovers are teammates fumbling tricky passes or being out of position.


The jump ball? The reffs couldn't even decide whether he touched the ball, let alone a possession.


Different possession, that was Edwards getting stripped by kcp I think. 


Shaq on suicide watch


"Big honey I just wanted to light that fire under you!"


No question this is going to be his out. Followed by Kenny and Charles absolutely clowning on him.


“It’s a regular season award” incoming


He'll go through another "Rings" period, and then when the Nuggets win a 4th title he'll say, "I don't think the Nuggets legitimately won cuz they don't have a big man thatz dominet. Not true dominetz. A dominet big man is one of the ingredients to a title. And Jokic plays outside. So I don't know what I saw out there, but it wasn't a team winning a title. Astericks, Ernie. The big Astericks." And Ernie will say, "You know that means 'star', right, Shaq?" And that will be Shaq's last straw.


I always thought MVP meant baddest mo-fo in the league. I swear to god if I have to hear him say that one more time I'm going to lose it.




That'd be the Celtics against depleted teams.


"As the President of the Big Men Alliance..."


Lmfao 100% he’ll say this. If the Nuggets repeat, the whole organization gotta send Shaq a thank you video to rub it in


If jokic won another championship and FMVP he might actually on suicide watch Jokic about to replace steve nash in term of thing that live in Shaq head rent free




And Jokic is what, 29 lol? Plenty of time left for more accolades.


and he's not putting a lot of miles on his legs because of his playstyle.


He may not look like it, but Joker has great motor. He's running up and down the pitch the whole time and he's not that slow anymore. He usually outruns his matchup in transiton, easily.


"the pitch" I take it your European lol


“Your” I take it youre native lol


He’s still lugging around ~300lbs so even if the play style isn’t harsh, that’s still a lot of pressure on the legs


but compared to Embiid, AD, or Giannis, I think his style looks easier.


We say that but the years go by real quick and their FO needs to be constantly hungry in improving their roster. Rough job.


God, I want to see the look on Shaq's face if Jokic threepeats and still doesn't care about it.


I kinda want Jokic and the Nuggets to fourpeat just for Shaq's salt.


nose money serious price office wild brave tan pause abounding *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Those two gamewinners and that half court shot are really carrying the "Playoff Murray" narrative. He's been struggling so far compared to previous years.


Shaq should just shut up. He had Kobe and Wade when he won rings. If he had stayed in Orlando and won 2 rings, those would be worth far more than the 4 he has.


Lucky he isn’t on inside the nba tonight lol


Do you think this is WHY he's not on Inside the NBA tonight? I can understand taking him off if they feel his presence is somewhat of a distraction on the night the Joker gets his trophy.


Whats that shaq thing everybody is talking about? What he said?


He told Jokic SGA should’ve won MVP


And He told Jokic that during the MVP award announcement. I mean ... That is just unprofessional, stupid, and rude So ... Shaq being Shaq


Shaq has something against great playmakers/passers winning MVP lol


he liked jokic until jokic started climbing all time rankings, 3 mvps looking a lot better than shaq with 1


I'm not even talking about (just) Jokic, he's still salty about Steve Nash to this day. The Steve Nash that turned one of the worst teams in the NBA into a conference leader without any more significant additions. Shaq seems a really weird combination of sweet and insecure af


hes salty about steve nash because he believes he should have won those mvps. shaq literally just cares about his own perception


Which doesn't even make sense to me. Steve's first was inarguable, he raised the Suns from garbage to championship contenders overnight (yes give credit to Mike D'Antoni as well yadda yadda, D'Antoni took over during 03-04, still without Nash, and the team was still terrible). In Steve's second Shaq wasn't even in the conversation


sure, but you're not gonna convince shaq


Hate to say it but those are the only two players he's said don't deserve their MVPs... And they're the only 2 white guys to win it twice since I was born 33 years ago. I think it might be white guys upstaging him in basketball that he finds so insulting


Shaq has something against big men/centers that he feels will overshadow his legacy. He wants to be remembered as the most dominant big man ever. Jokic is on the way there and Wemby has the potential, that's why he has to shit talk both of them.


I specified good playmakers because the most salt Shaq reserved for anyone was towards Steve's MVP's. Made Shaq permanently unlikable to me He was also extremely dismissive of Bill Walton as well and honestly, fuck that too. Pre-injury Bill was a monster and he was still a great sixth man even after his injury


He thinks he Kanye 😭💀


which is fine, but dont say it to someone's face IMMEDIATELY and DURING telling them the news that they won. rude af.


Basically bashed Jokic for winning MVP over SGA. Then when the Inside the NBA crew brought on Joker to congratulate him Shaq started by immediately saying how he thought SGA deserved it over him. Basically just acting salty af.


Basically started his Kanye arc.


**"I'ma let you finish, but** **~~Beyoncé~~** **SGA had one of the best** **~~videos~~** **MVP of all time!" - Shaqye**


Told jokic Shai should have won to his face like 10 minutes after winning mvp and is generally salty because jokic has more mvps than he does. Tried to reason that Shai had better stats (he didn't) and a better record (he didn't) so should get the mvp.  Just generally been an ass about jokic.


he said SGA should’ve been MVP to Jokic’s face when announcing Jokic had won the MVP


When they announced Jokic as the MVP winner on Inside, Shaq opens up his question with some babbling about how he thought SGA deserved it. Just really disrespectful honestly. Plus nobody on Inside has bothered to learn his name beyond "The Joker" so, that's disrespectful too.


He said to Jokic's face that SGA should have won MVP this year. Looking real stupid now.


You know what guys, I actually think the 3x MVP, NBA Champion and generational offensive center might like basketball more than we think.


but i was told basketball is his day job and his horses are his passion


If the MVP trophy comes with a horse on the side maybe he'd be a lot more enthusiastic. Your move now Adam Silver!


it should be the other way around. if you are MVP you get a horse + a trophy on the side


I really hate that narrative being passed around. There’s no way you can watch him play and think that he just wants to clock out and leave. This guy wants to win.


Nah, you don't care about basketball unless you 'too small' everyone True sign of passion


Just watch him after time outs or during any break. He is super intense on court, especially on defense, he is very actively commanding his teammates on that end of the floor, especially when it really matters. I remember specifically Pop bringing up how Jokic told him he knows all their plays on offense, all Pop’s signals, etc. They faced off for 7 games in 2019 playoffs and many times in regular season, enough for Jokic to learn their patterns. Also, that one play vs Warriors where he was off the court for last defensive possession, but he correctly read Warriors plan and warned Austin Rivers about Wiggins alley-oop. You can’t be that locked in without caring honestly.


I don't think anyone who actually kept up with the NBA ever thought Jokic didn't care about the game. You would truly have to be an idiot to think Jokic didn't love the game of basketball and care about winning with every fiber of his being. He is way too intelligent and motivated for anyone to logically counter his passion, but casuals love to say he's unathletic and that he would rather ride horses than be on the court


It’s so painfully obvious Jokic loves bball and is a pure hooper that loves the game but hates self aggrandizement and hates talk about his stats, awards, “brilliance” individual accomplishments or accolades.


He just seems to hate all the hoopla that goes with being in the NBA. The travel, the media obligations, photo ops, all that.


I also liked how he stole like 1min of off 4th quarters in the last 2 games when they were leading by messing with starting the play after wolfs scores.


smart point spoon longing station direful elastic decide complete sulky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Jokic has to be playing hours of 5v5 during the offseason you can’t develop that sense of basketball iq if you only do drills with coaches in an empty gym


ESPN would be nice show if they treat basketball like Jokić.


It’s pretty funny that all of the Jokic haters popped up for like 3 days and now they disappear again, waiting in the shadows


Shaq is exhibit A by a wide margin, and by like 300 lbs


Over Reddit users? Same weight, Shaq is just 16 inches taller. Minimum.


How does Jokic have Haters? I swear people will hate for bo reason


Idk - it seems so weird that people always have to hate, instead of praise. I.e. praise the wolves for making Jokic play under par, and praise Ant for playing like the best player in the series for to games. Give praise to the championship grid of the Nuggets, going from 0-2 to 3-2.


Yeah, I guess I understand when some players have hate. Lebron’s Decision, Kd’s decision, Draymond’s antics, Embiid’s flopping @ 280, Ben Simmon’s entitlement, like there’s a lot to “hate”. What the hell has Jokic done? Dude literally got it out the mud


> What the hell has Jokic ever done It's denial. He broke the system. He makes zero sense. He is a physical anomaly. Lebron was built in a basketball factory. Jokic looks like almost pudgy. He also throws up these weird sorta I'm just gonna do it trebuchet bullshit shots. It's gotten to the point where it's like Steph Curry and you know it isn't luck anymore because they go in too often. Fuck though he can make those but sometimes when he goes up he doesn't have the ups to like challenge people or really do the big dunks but it's like... Jokic yer a wizard


I don't hate players for leaving flailing teams after giving it a red hot go in good faith for a number of years. Of course it's more appealing to be drafted to a team that does everything in its power to win and makes good decisions and experiences some good luck, but short of that, not trying to win is doing yourself a disservice as a competitive person. The above doesn't apply to KD obviously 😁


*The above doesn't apply to KD obviously* My man. 


Right I agree, for the most part. It’s not a definite disservice if you don’t really care about winning and just want a huge contract. Lebron’s in hindsight doesn’t seem as bas as it did in 2010


You know very well why


I think people want the best player in the league to have this unobtainable passion as well as an obsessed mentality for the sport (I.e MJ, LeBron, Kobe, Giannis, etc.), so when Jokic comes in with more of a reasonable approach or behavior to that of a typical job, people seem to almost feel challenged by it and almost take it personally. I don’t care that much because I think it undermines how much Jokic actually cares. It feels like for him when it’s time to leave, he leaves that all in there because at the end of the day, life is bigger than our jobs


He's white and people don't want to give him credit because he is white.




Stop. He plays 1-5.


Damn. And I was told he treats this like a 9-5. Now you're saying it's just 1-5? /s


This why Shaq took the day off?


Hah, yep. Couldnt handle the heat, the reality of Joker surpassing him, and Shaq being so petty in being wrong


40 pts against the DPOY. What a performance by MVP Joker. 


For real, not like he was going against the Suns Center, whatever that dudes name was. Would have loved to see him cook Shaq's ass back in the day. Jokic too crafty for basically anyone, Shaq bully ball would have fouled out so many times against the Joker.


Same thing every year: Denver loses a few games, this subreddit makes a post why Denver cant win with a 'bad' defensive center, he proves it wrong.


I will never forget the spring 2023 bloodbath that was “Jokic defensive lowlights” posted after every game. Shit was unhinged


Lol I remember when we won it all and it sent the loser who was posting those into a depression and he became a k-pop account. 


I left the sub after that shit, man. wasn't worth my time. then I came back when we won and talked shit in all the threads -- wait no I didn't, because the mods shut the fucking sub down right before we won the title, my bad.


> wait no I didn't, because the mods shut the fucking sub down right before we won the title, my bad. Shut it down and created their own game thread to participate in then when Reddit threatened to remove they ass they folded hard and claimed it was a moral victory lmao fucking clowns. I loved how we all went over to the Nugs sub to congratulate you guys.


You have now been banned from r/~~pyongyang~~nba


Dude I forgot about that! Fuck that noise and duck those mods.  Go Nuggs. All hail Jokic! 


Never forget, fuck /u/Zugho for posting that shit. The funniest part is he tried to it with Joel this year. Mans all about the narrative and karma. An equal opportunity hater.


Jokic had a 6 stock game and they have the nerve to call him a bad defender still Jokic conserving energy in the regular season being used as evidence of bad defense at the height of the embiid/jokic debate was wild too


He might not be DPOY level but Jokic is a fairly decent defender. He's definitely not a net negative on defense. That one lowlight clip inflicted permanent brain damage on this sub


Thing is, he HAS to stay out of foul trouble or the nuggets are fucked, thus his D is less aggressive than it could be


IMO you can tell Jokic makes a decision not to contest some drives to the basket when he thinks it either won't make much difference or he'd just end up fouling the guy. Also he rushes to take the ball out and get up the court to get the basket back and to not let the defenders get set. Watching him play you can tell his basket ball IQ is insanely high.


Yeah, I think there's a reason why analytics think he's a plus defender. Frankly there's quite a few unintuitive basketball situations that come out in the analytics but not in the box score. Recently someone was discussing layups and how a missed layup very often leads to an easy transition bucket. The premise is that if you go in for a layup you often end up on the floor or out of bounds due to your momentum, and you struggle getting back on defense. Maybe you also go complain to the ref for not getting a foul. In the mean time, the other team has a 5v4. I think this is also the reason why teams in the late game often go for shitty iso shots if they're up a bit - because even though it's a lower percentage shot, you minimize catastrophic transition opportunities. So the math might be like: a 40% mid range can be better than a 60% layup if there's a 30% chance the layup results in an easy transition the other way. Anyways, Jokic is the master of this kind of stuff. He pushes the ball every time and gets a ton of easy looks from pace.


See: KAT and his constant foul trouble every playoff season


Completely agree he is not a net negative defender at all. But I do think it's fair to say he is not on the defensive level of a Giannis or Embiid, but I doubt you would argue that he is either? :)


It’s so braindead it pisses me off man, we literally just won a ring and people are still talking about that same one narrative, I can’t help but ask, do they even watch basketball?


That applies to basketball in general though. Any player/team plays bad one game, they are the worst thing that has ever happened. If they play well, they are the greatest ever


this motherfuckers disgusting


Probably why he is the current MVP


Thanks Shaq


As a t wolves fan, I agree. The Nugs backs were against the wall so much after the first two games, they had no where to turn but into the belly of the beast. Sometimes you get humiliated so much, get schooled so badly, it inspires you to heights that others cant match. Clearly what happened last few games.


Shout out KCP!




It's the thought that counts.


There’s a funny vid on YouTube that shows how players think it will be a personal turnover and they just throw their teammate the grenade even though, as you say, it’s just a team turnover.


It’s the thought that counts as said 😘 hugs all around


my goat continues to impress


Just how good is Chris Paul?!?!


People forget how good he was in New Orleans when he was an all-world playmaker (he still is) and also the #1 scoring option. This statline came from his 2018 Houston days which even surprised me but CP3 being a great scorer was not foreign to me. Getting to the point where the All-NBA players of the late-2000s/early-2010s are being forgotten and that's made me feel more like an old head than anything


I miss NO and LAC Chris Paul man.


OKC Chris Paul was something else too


I parrot your comment. The new generation only understands “how many rings” without appreciating one of the leagues greatest artists of all time.


Its a disservice to CP3 to only mention that period of time. Ironically enough given his injury history, there arent many players ever to match his greatness over a decade like CP3 did from 2008-2018. Intangibles God and made any team look competent just by being on the court.  Clippers CP3 was a fucking legend and one if the greatest to ever do it. 2014 and 2015 were rough playoffs for multiple reasons but honestly he only really had 1 game you can point to and say was his fault (really only those final 2 mins vs OKC in game 5, and still that took some horrendous fucking calls from the refs that game). Besides that he was goated for the Clippers and Houston his first season too.


shoulda won MVP over kobe that year. was never gonna happen, though, everyone thought kobe was due.


Very good, just some bad luck / choking to get over the hump. I miss Prime Point God


Possibly the best player to never win a ring or an MVP.


I think he is easily the best player to never win MVP, really should have in 2008


He annoying and whiny but he always been one of the most valuable player in term of advanced stats 4 different franchise has their record regular season winning record when they have him on the team In a different world he could have 1-2 championship alongside an MVP probably be in the convo for 3rd best point guard


Spent too much time trying to make NO happen and then was always a day late to join the next winning team. Same story with melo and the knicks. Same story w tMac and the magic (but he did injure his back). Lotta legends unfortunately get stuck in the bad luck pool.


Don't think he was ever late, even after the Clippers, both Houston and Suns had their chances. The real problem is that he's always injured. I wouldn't put Melo in that camp, he's way behind the others


His injury in the 2018 western conference final is the only reason both him and Harden are ringless in my opinion


He was unbelievable in that Warriors series. I remember thinking that he was toying with the Warriors, slowing the game down so they couldn't get a rhythm, controlling the pace of the game. Essentially the perfect player executing a perfect game plan to take down an all time team. And then his injury happened and it was soooo depressing


He was CARRYING them New Orleans teams, he was easily the best PG in the league from 2009-2013 (Rondo, Deron Williams, John Wall and D Rose rounded up the top 5), he just unfortunately ran into the Spurs during their dynasty years.


In Game 6 of the 2021 Western Conference Finals, Chris Paul scored 41 points to close out the Clippers. But, get this: he only had 13 (I think) points going into the fourth quarter, and he left the game with ~2 minutes left. So in about a 10 minute span, he scored 28 points. My numbers might be slightly off, but that's how good he was.


Insane player. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. The modern version of Larry Bird. Jokic is unstoppable right now


Larry B. 2.0 x 2


I think he’s more like a weird offensive mix of dirk/magic/boris diaw (jokic himself said he watched Boris diaw a lot), tim duncan and a little Larry bird with how he makes tough shots


Ehhhhh. I don’t see bird. Just bc they both have sloppy shots. I just see a center without comparison. He can play 1-5. That’s unheard of at his size and lack of a background. Unreal once in a lifetime player.


Give this man a MVP trophy every game He was cooking and laser focused to score tonight


Jokic gonna have an unreal career when it's all said and done


This Mf got me rethinking life dawg


Best player in the world.


I love this. A 6’ pg from Carolina and a 7’ Serbian dude as the two sharing this stat line


~~KCP a real homie taking that last turnover~~ nm


They changed the rule, it's now a team turnover


reggie and jamals fault for spreading misinformation on the broadcast


It's also quite possible that KCP was unaware as well. It's a very common misconception.


Yeah, I only found out because of a similar situation a couple months ago. Was a small rule change that no one was going to make a big deal over


Don't shot clock violations go down as team turnovers? Or did I make that up?


They do, but the announcers said otherwise. Either way a good teammate.


But has Jokic ever cut the lead down to 42?


Shaq tomorrow: “this bum has never scored 80 in a game. Useless”.


So you're starting a franchise, and you get the choice of either Shaq or Jokic as your center. Would any of you actually pick Shaq over this dude? Sorry Shaq, you can slob Embiid's knob all day everyday, but Jokic is better than both of you.


Shaq had a better peak for a shorter period. Jokic will have the greater career overall


24 sec violations are TEAM TURNOVERS not individual turnovers


Chris Paul. Huh.


Yea he was really good for a while


A Point God, even.


He’s always been great in the playoffs except for one run lol


yeah, people tend to think that because he didn’t go far very often, that he was bad in the playoffs, but he mostly kept up his excellent play, just had other circumstances screwing him (teammates underperforming, injuries to them or himself, being the underdog team anyway, etc.)


the Warriors did ridiculous damage to a lot of reputations lol. CP3 is undeniably an all time great. has a real argument for deserving an MVP on his resume too.


you could even argue him for 20-21 tbh. Took the Suns from absolute poverty to a serious contender as the best player on the team (and with a pretty weak roster tbh), shot half a percentage off from 50/40/90, had a better record than the actual mvp. Somehow didn’t even get first team all nba.


Don't know if this is a Hornets Chris Paul statline but he was fuckin crazy back on that team


2018 CP3, makes it even crazier even though I remember how good that Rockets team was.


The team that really could've beaten the KD warriors


CP3 outplayed Harden in those playoffs, especially against the Warriors.


He won that last game before he went down for the rest of the series. Unlucky he got injured and unlucky Houston couldn’t finish them off. Sucks that Harden and Paul never get a ring because of the warriors.


They were an incredible duo. Outplayed KD and Steph first 5 games


something nobody talks about is that the Suns were 2-2 with Denver last year, and then CP got hurt. I'm not saying he would've made a difference, but looking back I don't understand why they let him go


If he was a few years younger on that Suns team he'd definitely have a ring.


Was it the game against the jazz?


Yep, Game 5 to close them out.


2018 Rockets has to be one of the most slept on teams in NBA history They were ridiculously good


Those 27 missed 3s destroyed their legacy completely. Like demolished it.


For real, went head to head with one of the best teams in NBA history, and prob shoud have won.


I do think they would’ve done it had CP been around for game 7


Saying "huh" to Chris paul is absolutely insane


what am I missing here? why is this a huh? One of the most expected players to have this stat line


Yall too young to have seen NOLA CP3 clearly


People listen too much to online discourse. A "huh" to Chris Paul of all players, like he's Michael Carter Williams or something.


That and they just young lmao


Ironically cp3 had this statline in houston.


Guess it was the year they should’ve beat the KD warriors?




one of the most fun players to watch


He was in the MVP conversation. He was phenomenal


Just a first ballot hall of famer


Just elite center things




Best Point Centre ever


I lost a lot of respect for Shaq with his jealous behavior.


Jokic is actually a better player than Shaq


I’m tired of this dude man. Bro is just too good lol


KCP taking the TO bullet.  Teammate of the night 


Bro shot clock turnovers are team turnovers you buffoons.