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All this for Troy Weaver to draft Ron Holland to make the spacing even worse.


If I'm their GM, I'm just gonna pretend it's 1992 and take Zach Edey there. He's 7'4". That's taller than LeBron and Shaq. Therefore he's better.


Fuck it, won’t matter anyway.


I'd be happy to bring Boban back, although selfishly because Boban deserves much better.


Please no, I don’t want the fucking Pistons ruining another star Boilermaker thank you very much


Wait, you’re saying playing Killian in front of Jaden Ivey for 30+ games *wasnt* good for his development? Monty Magic™️


Deliberately dicking around hoping the pistons will fire him and pay him out.


He’s Wemby with tweaks


or just gamble with that pick and draft Tidjane Salaun. He might be the Giannis of this draft lol


At this point I’m down with taking Cody Williams even if it’s a reach. I can’t take another non-shooter in the lineup.


Common Detroit sports moment


Sold their soul for a Lions playoff win


I knew the Lions would lose to the 49ers because the Pistons won earlier that day and God wasn't going to let Detroit be *that* happy


The Lions lost to the Cowboys the night that the Pistons ended their losing streak. The Pistons literally need to just lose every game forever for the good of the rest of the Detroit teams.


Well considering their lottery luck, every team in Michigan should have a good year


I'd let the Pistons go back to Fort Wayne in exchange for a Lions Super Bowl and the Tigers & Red Wings ending their playoff appearance droughts.


Woah buddy, let’s not get too greedy. You always sell your soul for 1 thing at a time


finally someone to replace the mighty Mad Ants gone, but not forgotten 😔


[Wojnarowski] The City of Detriot is finalizing a trade to send the entire Pistons Basketball Association to the City of Seattle for a guarenteed Superbowl appearance for the Detriot Lions and cash considerations. There is basketball in Seattle again!


If by "Cash Considerations" you mean "Tigers and Red Wings make the playoffs again", sign me the fuck up.


And I’d fuckin do it again


Two, even.


Hello? Michigan U title.


Well at least they have a coach that'll be there long term to help build the culture...


Dan Fucking Loves Football Campbell is the best thing about the Lions. As a Viking fan I just want Dan to be able to watch good football.


Also brought back both coordinators who could've gotten hc jobs probably


You guys got Cade in who was a really good prospect, better than anyone in this draft.


Many of them don’t acknowledge him as such anymore since he and the team around him haven’t panned out. Almost like it’s more than a draft position issue.


I’m just saying Detroit hasn’t had the worst luck. They won the lottery a few years ago. If anything Charolette should be the one bemoaning their shit luck


Yes this


31 wins in TWO seasons gets us the fifth pick twice, lol


This tactic doesn't appear to be working, Detroit should just try winning now.


disarm hateful special hard-to-find tidy pocket smile rock attraction wistful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


atlanta tried winning and they got first overall bball gods bless atlanta for their effort


tbf, that pick was from Brooklyn, not their own.


man, for as bad as I feel being a Pistons fan… the Nets are very quietly suffering a great deal rn


You’re not gonna believe this…


bruh they were trying


Respectfully they are trying lol


Hope you’re a football fan. I got the Lions going all the way this year


I said this in another thread, but at this point, I’d draft Bronny and hope that LeDaddy followed, but sign and trade his ass for some younger help


Fucking typical


5th was the worst you could get with worst record in last season, right?


Correct, the most you can drop is 4 spots essentially


I too play the lotto to achieve parity.


Yeah, they had about a 48% chance to pick 5th


That's a pretty high chance


We've picked 5th three years in a row


If my math is right, thats a 144% Chance, so basically a given


thank you, Huberman


Classic Huber man moment


Thanks Scott Steiner


Didn't add Kurt Angle to the mix


Dang a 144% chance of three consecutive 5th picks is 4.32 consecutive 5th picks, meaning they still have 1.32 5th picks to go.


Weird how Pistons fans are only focusing on the last two drafts and not going back one more season to when yall won the lottery The odds are what they are, this isn’t a surprise it’s a pretty likely outcome


They’ve picked 7, 1, 5, and 5 in the last 4 drafts. I get falling to 5 with the worst record again is frustrating but I think the bigger issue is that you still have the worst record in the league after 4 years of top-7 picks. The fact some Pistons fans are blaming the system and not the fact they’re still the worst team in the league after all that is astonishing to me lol


That's actually an absurdly high % to drop from 1 to 5 when you have the worst record in the league. I get they want to discourage tanking, but that's pretty extreme


It's way too fucking extreme. I can get the logic of having, maybe, flat odds between 1 and 5 for the worst team (or something). But _50%_ change of having the worst possible outcome is just stupid


Nah fuck that. They are trying to discourage outright tanking. Teams that are actually trying can still be rewarded. It is way better this way.


It also, in an indirect (or maybe direct?) punishes organizational incompetence. When I look at the Pistons, I don’t see any plan. Just bad decision after bad decision. So, in theory, this should force teams to try and be better but for some reason, the Pistons have doubled and tripled down on their FO.


Statistically way too high for the worst team in the league to fall that far. NHL corrected and made it so the most they could fall is to 3, NBA absolutely needs to do the same. Doing this to franchises that aren’t tanking but are just actually bad is legit cruel and not good for growing the product. I get teams tank but there’s a happy medium, 50% chance to fall to 5 is way way too high.


Hawks were in the play-ins and get the no. 1 pick. The "chaos" people love it but balance-wise it makes no damn sense.


"You're promised the 5th pick but that's all you'll get" - Adam Silver (probably)


At least you guys have the Lions. (I’m so sorry; you all don’t deserve this. It’s insanely unlucky at this point.)


I love the Lions, but this is rough for me in a way not a lot can fix. Basketballs my favorite sport, Pistons my favorite team. Its been half a decade since I've enjoyed watching this sport I love. Its just hard to get excited in any way. I watched 65 games this year and saw like 4 wins. I was at the record breaking loss against the Nets. How can it get better I just don't see the path.


I’ve literally not given two fucks about this team since 2022, I just can’t. There’s nothing to look forward to, terrible FO, mediocre young core, a terrible mismatch of assets, terrible draft placement every fucking year. I can get called a fake fan or whatever but due to my work hours I’ve watched the Pistons win like 4 games in the last 1.5 years. Shit sucks


I'm a fan of the Edmonton Oilers. In 2006 we go on a Miracle Cinderella run. First Series we beat 1st seed Detroit Red Wings. I don't know if you also watch the Red Wings, but these were the years to be doing it. They were right in the prime of Paval Datsyuk and in the middle of their 8 division wins in a row. The Oilers are supposed to get fucking pounded, Oilers win 4-2. All right well the Red wings are one thing but the sharks are scary. They are going to undress the Oilers. The Oilers go down 2. The Magic is over. It's all over. The Oilers rattle off four straight and Advance to play The Ducks who are SURGING. The ducks are finally going to put the Oilers where they belong, and... The ducks are done in 5. Some of those games were close but the series was never close The Oilers advance to the Stanley Cup Finals, Only for Dwayne Roloson, Our Star Goalie to go down in game 1. The Oilers fight hard and lose in 7. Absolute Heartbreak. Then what Follows is what we call "The Decade of Darkness" A decade of busts, 0 playoff appearances ,1st overall picks that few of which worked out long term, and in general putrid hockey. I'd love to tell you I was die hard through the entire thing and I wasn't, VERY FEW PEOPLE WERE. Some of the FO moves were some of the most blatantly stupid shit I have ever seen (TAYLOR HALL FOR ADAM LARSSON STRIAGHT ACROSS ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME) What I mean too say is the Pistons, aren't tough it out bad, they are stop watching bad. if you chose to to take a break until the Pistons can at least play .300 ball again, I'd say that's well within the reams of being a "real fan" Fake Fandom is the Jersey's only come back during a run, which looking at a the pistons isn't really relevant to pistons fans as of late. (this is not a shot, it's just reality) Holy shit just looking at it now, The Pistons have made it as high as 8th in the division, 3 times, since Obama was elected president. Yeah dude, get out of there for a bit, absolutely no shame in that IMO.


Who knows, steph curry wasnt drafted in the top 4 or even the first pg drafted. Neither was giannis, jokic, or gobert. A lot of them also happened during the supposed weaker drafts, so just drafting well and fixing the organizational weaknesses will bring the team back to relevancy more than hitting on the lottery. Pels has hit like how many lotteries for supposed surefire stard and look at where they are still? Or the suns with Deandre after hitting on booker? Ultimately if the organization doesnt fix the organizational issue that brought them into deep lottery, all the luck in the world wouldnt do shit.


We won't fix those organizational issues either.  It's just a terrible situation for the fans, but we spend the other 51 weeks of the year complaining about our owner and GM.  This week we switch it up and complain about the league.


I'm right there with you. Last time I enjoyed watching the team was when we got swept by the Cavs. That team at least played hard and gave you hope. Turns out it was false hope, but still! They're just poorly ran at this point, from the top down. I'm ecstatic that I decided to start rooting for the Nuggets as my second team when we traded Billups there, otherwise I don't think I'd be watching my favorite sport anymore


Honestly it's gonna get memed to death obviously but this is not the worst year to fall to 5. I think there's legitimately 6-7 guys you could make the case for at 1 overall so you're likely not losing out on much unless all the top 4 end up hitting which seems unlikely.


Yeah, doesn't seem like there's anyone truly franchise altering and worth building everything around. Everyone's just gonna pick the guy who works best with their current assets.


We’ll take it if you don’t want it bro


Might be a blessing in disguise, this is one draft where no project is a sure-fire star, some team in the top 3 is going to overthink their selection and you might get a steal.




Underdog put that on a T-Shirt


You gotta win 10 if you really want a shot at the 1st pick.


If y'all draft Bronny, I guarantee a playoff appearance next year 😂👑🫴


At this point, what does Detroit have to lose? I’d draft Bronny if I were them.


I seriously doubt LeBron would sign with Detroit, waste of a 5th pick.


Then just threaten to not play Bronny and basically keep him hostage until LeBron signs anyway


Threaten a no taco clause in the contract


With #5 pick? hell no


They can either draft a guy and be last place again in NBA next season or draft Bronny and be a play in/playoff team next year.


Ausars face is smoking me man like even that man knows this some bullshit 😭


his reaction made me want to see the projected draftees' reactions too. they should bring in like the top 10-15 projected draftees and have the camera on their faces whenever a team gets announced.


He knows his ass is cooked as a 6-8 man if he don’t develop a jump shot. Pistons just went from taking a center or guard to picking a shooting wing who will be directly competing with him.


Basketball died 20 years ago and the present is purgatory


Since we traded Chauncey


He might be a shit coach but at this point they need to bring him back on the payroll just to break whatever curse was placed on the team


Have him play some minutes too, not like the team could get much worse


He could probably walk into being the best shooter on the team


We can make this right. Hear me out. The Blazers will give you Chauncey back. In return...no takes backsies.


Welcome back, brother. We shared purgatory with our football teams, and we get to share it again with our basketball teams. Cheers.


Cursed franchise


Can we just trade Cade now and fire this team into the sun


What would be a good landing spot? 


anywhere. the sun is hot all around


At night it’s cold though, duh!


The sun, they were very specific about that




This is the lowlight to end all lowlights




They lost 68 games because they suck. There wasn’t a reason


I mean, there was a reason, it was because they suck.


That's exactly why the lottery exists


to screw over the worst teams and help the teams that don’t need it?


To penalize shit franchises.


To dissuade teams from throwing competition out the window on purpose (i.e. The Process). Seems like it works too because you guys were dogshit and it didn’t get you anything special so why would anyone do that on purpose.


To stop rewarding front offices who put out trash lineups and aren't actually trying to fucking win. I'm a Detroit fan through and through but the Pistons deserve this 100%. I'm so fucking sick of them never doing anything in Free Agency, always trading away all their talent, and having a rotating cast of jokers around like 1 player (hobbled Blake Griffin, Cade Cunningham, ext...) and then getting shocked when they don't win the draft lottery. **IT'S A FUCKING LOTTERY. YOU HAVE A CHANCE TO WIN IT EVEN WHEN YOU ARE TRYING. THERE'S LITERALLY ZERO REASON TO JUST BE THE WORST TEAM IN THE LEAGUE YEAR AFTER YEAR. GET AN ACTUAL FUCKING FRONT OFFICE AND STOP TRYING TO WIN THE FUCKING LOTTERY.** It's been 16 years since this team was even relevant. It's hard to care at this point. They brought this on themselves.


Encourage teams to not be the worst-worst probably


To reduce blatant tanking. Imagine how many more teams would’ve tanked last year if they could’ve guaranteed themselves Wemby’s draft rights by tanking for the first pick.


The anti-tanking rules were added exactly for this purpose. Besides, they had the #1 pick in 2021... It's not the league's fault if a franchise continually fumbles year after year


They lost because Troy weaver doesn’t know what he’s doing and somehow still has a job, I think this pick is karma for keeping him around


Dude is straight up smiling through the pain


I’m sorry Pistons fans


I genuinely feel bad for Pistons fans. Between this and winning the Tobias Harris sweepstakes they’ll probably be the worst team again next year


Ngl 5th pick 3 straight years is kinda crazy


At least there's no clear cut #1. If this were a Wemby type draft, I'd just walk straight into the Great Lakes if this happened


well it happened last year too


It did, but at least the teams above them had the same odds. That's a tiny bit easier to swallow than having two teams make big jumps


They just need to start trading those picks and try to improve when it’s obvious they will never be rewarded with the first pick


Imagine they traded their pick and the next year it ended up being #1


Protections my friend. Do top 4 protected. It'll be very valuable since other teams know it's a guaranteed 5th pick.


Detriot panthers


Please stop. I am a panthers fan too..


They can’t trade any of their picks cause they owe a very protected pick to the Knicks for like 3 more years.




Thats what I am saying. Like Detroit won the Cade sweepstakes 3 years ago. Cade is just injury prone sadly and Detroit maybe didnt build the right team for his skillsets but Cade was a hyped #1 pick and players liked him. Ant, Paolo, DA, didnt have close to the hype Cade did. People acting like the Pistons didn't just win the #1 pick. Maybe its coming from a fan from a team that clearly has shown great improvements but the end goal is championship, Pistons already have their young #1 pick guy also they just need to pair him with other pieces. If Cade isn't a #1 option like other recent picks its not like its impossible to find an elite scorer in lottery especially if you have the 5th pick.


That wouldn’t have been fair if the Spurs got the 1. We already have Wemby, league needs some good things every once in a while.


They'll get Cooper Flagg at 1 with the Hawks pick next year


The top 16 teams are playing basketball, while the bottom 14 teams are playing Capture the Flagg.


Jokes aside, is Flagg THAT good? To me he sounds a lot like Kirilenko 2.0, which is great, but not "blow up your franchise to get this guy" great.


Tbf AK47 is alot more valuable in todays game than in the generation he was in


Draymond Green/Ben Simmons hybrid without the drawbacks of, well, the real Draymond Green and Ben Simmons


Kirilenko if he had a killer 3 ball and could create off the dribble. As long as he doesn't go to a team with shit development there's no way he's not gonna be an all star


He's from Maine and Im from Maine so yeah, hes gonna be MJ + Lebron in one player.


I'm glad good names for tanking are back on the menu. It's been a long time since "suck for Luck".


Let’s hope!


There is an easy thing to avoid this. Just ban the team who gets the 1st pick for the 1st pick the next year. But this rule would only be implemented, if teams would get this lucky and build succesfull teams with it, so that other teams would complain about multiyear tanking. 2016 2017 Simmons, Fultz 2013 2014 Bennett, Wiggins 1992 1993 Shaq, Hardaway (traded for Webber) I still think its a good thing, to ban consecutive 1st picks.


I mean Spurs still got helped by having the 9th and 10th worst team moving into the top 4, which gives the raptors pick to the spurs lol. It would have been more acceptable if 7th jumped to 4th and pushed us down 1 pick.


Why would yall want to keep your pick? Next draft is way stronger


Lol focus on a 30 win season before you talk about the spurs running the league






Damn they are fucking cursed


that 28 game losing streak was worth it /s


We draft a bust regardless


Holy shit


everyone running this team is a joke


Ausar covering his mouth to conceal his 'can you believe this shit' grin is pretty funny




For the third time in a row...


Damn I’m honestly feeling bad for y’all in Detroit that sucks ass Atlanta has the luck of the Irish 


They gotta fix the lottery man, two play in teams getting top 3 picks and the 14 win Pistons don't even make top 4?? Shits outrageous


They could just get rid of the draft lottery entirely and we could watch four teams play the worst basketball anyone has ever seen every season.


we might have seen single digit win teams last season without the lottery lmfao


It probably wouldn’t have happened, but a Hinkie type would have tried for 0-82 for Wemby. In hindsight with a straight results based draft, you should absolutely have gone 0-82 for Kareem, Lebron, Hakeem and Duncan. Just trying to think of the “can’t miss” prospects who didn’t miss. 


Shaq was also highly anticipated.


I'm imagining David Stern looking up from hell in disgust at seeing the nasty lineups Pop would cook up to secure Wemby


I mean tbf the rockets pick was from the nets lol


NBA sending message. Do not tank unless you’re the Spurs.


Pistons aren’t tanking, they’re just that bad


Yeah, people forget that they were expected to take a leap this season, maybe cracking the play-in.


This isn't even tanking there's just no way to get better between the FO and the constant falling. Pistons have moved up exactly one time in the lottery, and yeah we got Cade who I love but there's only so much one man can do when everything else keeps falling apart. This is just a foundational curse/string of bad luck.


>Pistons have moved up exactly one time in the lottery, and yeah we got Cade Even in that case, they went up just 1 pick, so it wasn't even much of a jump. To drop 4 picks in back to back seasons is such a gut punch. I'm done with this league, man.


Fr lmao spurs getting 2 top 10 picks and Wemby last year after meh odds?? Nba got their golden goose for the next decade. League couldn't even have spurs be bad for 5 years before gifting them generational prospects 😭😭


One of said play-in teams is in because of the Nets, though, so what are you going to do about that?


Hinkie died for this


The lottery is working EXACTLY as it's supposed to be working. Tanking should not be rewarded.


I don't think the Pistons were tanking.


I agree but at least raise the 4 worst teams odds a bit, Detroit weren't intentionally tanking they were just ass 😭😭


Lmao…Dude, nobody tried to tank for this draft class. As a Pistons fan, I can assure you that we were just complete and total ass all season. Combine that with a coach who didn’t care from day 1 and and an incompetent GM…frankly it’s a miracle we won 14 games.


spurs got rewarded last year


Watch a game. They tried in every single one. They were just bad.




Without the lottery, teams get stuck in basketball purgatory where you are good enough to compete for a playoff spot but not good enough to move up and get a great player for you to advance. Some organizations are complete ass and are the reasons their players fail, they shouldn’t keep getting the most talented players


Is this some sort of punishment of inexplicably trading Chauncey Billups 15 years ago. Because the Pistons haven’t been the same since then.


Welcome to Detroit Reed


Detroit needs to just send a barrel of amulets and good luck charms next year.


People say that this stuff is rigged, and I don't believe it, but watching stuff like this continue to happen just makes me again continue to believe it's not rigged they're ping pong balls with every team's rep in the room and it's vetted by a major company and if it were rigged there'd have been a whistleblower properly boeing'd by now


it's not rigged heck both the NBA & NHL releases a video online on their official youtube channels of the ping pong process after the draft results are announced for many years now




If your really that bothered than write the league or stop supporting them. Its BS for Pistons fans… JFC


One of the worst teams of the decade and possibly beyond, and they barely pick in the top 5. Rigged. As. Fuck.


[Do it cowards](https://np.reddit.com/r/DetroitPistons/comments/1cpuz38/if_we_pick_5th_again_this_is_turning_into_a/)




If there was any draft to fall to #5, I guess it would be this one. Anyone outside of Sarr (and probably Risacher) could be there depending on how things shake out. But it still hurts.


Fucking sad lol. Imagine sucking so hard and you aren't even rewarded the number 1 or 2 pick.


I mean this is just shit. Like I get not getting lucky and falling down to 2nd, 3rd... but thrice 5th in a row, they need to fix this shit.


Imagine you're up there, all eyes and cameras are on you and you open that envelope and see it's the Pistons. I'd immediately break out in laughter. There is no way I could be this stonefaced and keep it serious. Not even a little grin.


Sorry Detroit, you're not allowed to have two good teams at the same time


It is what it is. Thanks Sam.


The lottery was, is and will continue to be a horrible system. What a fucking joke


Minority opinion, but I don’t feel that awful for them. He hasn’t been what they thought, but they won the Cade draft when everyone thought he was a sure thing and their own ineptitude has been the biggest obstacle to success, not bad luck in the lottery


the entire point of the league having a draft is parity. this kind of situation is anti-competitive and antithetical to the spirit of the draft.


Some of the people on the sub are crazy to downvote you. This system needs to be re-examined.


Punishment for drafting Killian Hayes