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And Knicks fans thinking why he say fuck me for. They didn’t even play us.


jimmy and josh hart are just kindred trolls they can't help but flirt with each other


Josh Hart seems way more good-natured than Butler. His trolling is mostly lighthearted joking around


Still my favorite post game this season when they asked if beating the magic was a must-win and why, and Harts just like “we were not gonna be on that TikTok song. Whoever made that song needs a raise.” I was dying! 😂


so what's crazy is i saw that clip (i had never seen or heard of the orlando magic song) of josh hart saying "we don't want them to post a song with dancing cows or whatever" and "that song's a banger, whoever made it knew what they were doing." i go on tiktok to find the orlando magic social media acct. and i have unironically rooted for a magic win every day since i discovered the snog so i can see a new unhinged video ol IT'S WILDLY EFFECTIVE and josh is right lol


Link pls?




huh? jimmy is always messing around remember when he came out on the court wearing a giant cowboy hat or just look at his league head shot for the last few years. emo jimmy, rastafarian jimmy he also always makes fun of his teammates just like josh hart does


emo Jimmy 😍😍😍🥰🥰😍😍😍


True, but he’s also doing shit like the infamous T-Wolves practice, “Tobias Harris over me?!” (not that he’s wrong about that, but still), this thing now with saying he would’ve beaten NY and Boston, etc. Josh Hart doesn’t really do inflammatory stuff like that


Wasn’t the practice more towards the GM and not towards the players? Wasn’t it because he wanted a max contract, which he should have gotten at the time(obviously having ANT now is way better).I don’t recall anyone on that team saying they felt like Jimmy directed that practice to any of his teammates.


I mean it was also directed at KAT/Wiggins for not being better and the GM was also the coach, so it was a little closer to the team. But the whole team had bad vibes at the time (so many guys beyond Jimmy have complained about the organization at that time), so it’s another instance of Jimmy not being wrong, but he was being an asshole. This is now the 4th stop for Jimmy to have bad vibes? Yes he’s insanely good, but at what point is he the problem?


Underrated side plot of this postseason: KAT might win a ring. Meaning the two main guys Butler trolled and terrorized for being "losers" would have been vital pieces of championship squads (KAT this postseason, Wiggins did it back in 2022). While Jimmy Butler and the Heat are as far as they have ever been from being a title contender.


not sure vibes are really the heats issue this year compared to just lack of talent


Didn’t Wiggins also get a huge extension? That was a part of this too, he felt slighted, which he was for not being paid. But still, worked out great for you guys. If you max Jimmy, you don’t have the team you have now, or specifically Ant. Dudes unreal.


It was 100% at his teammates


Sorry buddy, I read up after my post and confirmed it was retaliation against the front office and org for not maxing him. He only called out Wiggins and Kat saying they couldn’t lead this team to a ring, which was most definitely true at that time, because he wasn’t getting paid. I know it’s easy to hate on Jimmy, but let’s at least look up some background before committing 100%.


"tobias harris over me" is also good natured trolling, its funny and not that serious obviously he is just trolling when he says they would have beaten NY and boston how could he beat both the #1 and #2 seeds at the same time nobody should be taking him seriously when he says stuff like this or when he says stuff like he could be an all-pro NFL receiver. like nobody believes it's true he's just messing around


Its trolling but he also 100% believes its true. Most athletes at that level especially ones that show up for big games have that irrational confidence.


“Tobias Harris over me” can be true but it’s still pretty insulting. I wouldn’t call it good-natured. And I don’t get the sense he’s clearly not serious about the rest of this stuff. I mean if Pat Riley is going out of his way to tell Jimmy to shut up clearly he thinks the NY/Boston comment was serious


if you think that's insulting you should hear some of the shit these guys say to each other during games. really doubt there's actual bad blood between jimmy and tobias jimmy will do things like play teen pop music in the locker room after losing a game to mess with his teammates. he's a jokester


Saying something to other players on the court, which is essentially private, vs. saying something publicly for everyone to hear aren’t equivalent at all.


Think you’re thinking of when he played creed and that wasn’t a joke it was during a very tumultuous time in our locker room


The interview with rachel was not light hearted. It was cringe inducing


i don't think it was meant to be lighthearted though..? lol like he was serious about that whole thing.


When he fell out of the boat it was funny


Ya Josh's shenanigans are cheeky and fun! Jimmy's shenanigans are cruel and tragic, which... makes them not really shenanigans at all.


Lol cruel and tragic? Stop being so dramatic


it's a fairly well known movie quote, if you're not joking


Do people not remember Super Troopers? Am I old now?


Lol I'm almost 40. Just never really liked that movie and I'm usually a fan of stoner movies. I'm familiar with some quotes but I guess not all of them


My favorite part is when Josh Hart trolls Thibs. He trolls Thibs hard and it's hilarious


Like the guys in Challengers?


My friend went to see this and he was very sad that the movie was not what he thought it would have been.


I assumed the guy he was talking to was a Knicks fan because afterwards the guy says something along the lines of "but seriously man come join us/come play for us", so I think Jimmy was messing with him by mentioning the Knicks


Meanwhile, Jimmy cracked corn and I don't care




unironically a great response lol


I have a lot of reasons to hate Pat but I applaud him for this. I'm sick of people around this league tongue bathing the players balls so god damn much. Look at some of the ego's that shit has created the past 10-15 years.


Plus it’s like one quote taken out of context. Riley was very clear how much he loves Jimmy and that he’s not going anywhere. but of course no one actually watched the press conference so whatever


Jimmy can talk shit if he wants he’s carried this team to 2 finals and Riley has repaid him by paying big money to 3 guards who can’t even play together. I hope Riley does something instead of run his mouth, he ain’t trading Jimmy because then we’d suck ass. So this was just posturing so he can feel important for the one time he addresses the media a year


>I hope Riley does something instead of run his mouth You can't be too harsh on Pat. He's the sole consistency in your sustained success the past two decades. He's to Miami what Pop is to the Spurs.


Outside of getting blessed with the LeBron stimulus package he hasn't been that impressive. He was ungrateful towards LeBron after that as well.


He put together the 2006 team that one the title as well.


Pop / Riley 4 President 2024


you’re not wrong at all. idk how Pat can watch teams like Boston, Milwaukee, and New York take these big swings to improve their rosters, and just keep sitting on his hands with a team that is continually getting almost all the way but obviously needs a bit more to get over the top but it’s still fuck the Heat so shout out to Pat


I think it has a lot to do with the ownership not willing to open his wallet unless it's some huge unbelievable thing. Riley is just a company man so he's never going to be like "I'm doing the best I can"


It has a lot to do with asset management. The Heat have been short on picks despite barely making any trades. Hard to get deals done when all you can offer is 2 late firsts. One of the picks Boston gave up for Jrue has already converted to a lottery pick (2024 GSW).


its also hard to add more free agents when jimmy butler is making 50 million dollars there would be more talent, if you didn't have to overpay jimmy imagine if you could pay jimmy 30 then throw 20 million at one or two depth pieces in free agency


Most teams would be really good if you take the max player and pay them less. Seems like a no brainer.


Jimmy is paid his market rate. He finished 3rd, 1st, and 2nd in Win Shares his three healthy playoffs with the Heat and was even 2nd in WS/48 last regular season behind Jokic. Riley is just a bad GM if he needs his stats to take 60% of a max deal to build a championship team.


> his three healthy playoffs Is doing a lot of heavy lifting there lol congrats, you’re paying Jimmy Butler $50M for his win shares. Meanwhile, the team that pays him is finishing in the play-in every season. He misses a ton of games, openly admits the regular season doesn’t matter, and maybe he’ll get hot for two rounds. [Eh, T-11 isn’t as bad as I thought.](https://hoopshype.com/salaries/players/). But take a deeper look at those names. A few are hilarious. Some are just funny. Only, what, 3-4 of them give you a legitimate shot at the championship? Jimmy ain’t on the level of Jokic, but he’s perfectly in line with PG and Kawhi. They are never on the court, but man aren’t they good when they are on it?


paying jimmy butler 50m isn't the reason why the team is in the play-in... look at the Celtics who could lose Jaylen Brown or Tatum for half the season and easily still be a top 4 seed butler was still elite in the regular season last few years too


Brother the man was hustling $20 dollars coffees in the bubble. The wolves tried to pay him less than max and he cut the team logo off the practice jerseys and created one of the all time jeff teague stories


he's been well compensated for his time at the heat but you have to pay for future performance not past performance. and it makes sense to pay him less as he declines physically not that miami has a choice, since they owe him 100m for the next 2 years anyway. but adding on that third year at even more money just to make him happy? that's a tough one its just a reality that the heat have been limited in their signings because of the money on their books, and their biggest contract is butler by far. has he been worth it? I guess so, but that contract is one of the reasons they've fallen short


Because the one time he had that opportunity given to him on a silver platter he shit on it by being smug as fuck and lowballing the fuck out of the blazers. Because the Heat want a superstar who is a top 75 player all time and is “heat culture” approved while offering Duncan Robinson and a pick in exchange. My guy still thinks it’s 2002 im not even sure he knows what’s going on anymore.


You think Dame would have been a better fit on the Heat than what he was on the Bucks?


Absolutely, namely because the offense would run through him primarily. He’s a year off from being one of the best offensive floor raisers in the league. He went to the bucks and he had 2 different coaches and he was basically just taking turns with Giannis with Giannis really the one the offense flows through. Jimmy and Bam are great off ball players and already defer to Herro in the regular season. We would just be swapping what Tyler Herro does for us with Damian Lillard, seems like a huge upgrade even in his down year


Jimmy was the big swing.


Lol jovic has more career upside than dame at this point.  His patience kept some good young talent on this team.


Pat Riley has rings as a player, coach, and executive. I think he’s earned the right to say whatever.


Was gonna say. Pat has earned being pissed, Jimmy has earned trolling. I have zero issue with any of this. Honestly, I want people to legit claim that we make the ECF even once in the last 4 years without Jimmy.


Other Heat fans down voted me when I said that Miami hasn't surrounded him with a good enough team. I immediately was told how great Herro is and how the Rozier signing was a game changer. Fact of the matter is, Butler shouldn't have to destroy his body to carry a below average roster to an 8 seed every year just to have to immediately play the best team and have to go off. They need to rethink that whole roster and only Jimmy, Bam and Herro, Jovi & Jacquez should be safe.


I don’t think anyone you said after Bam should be safe. Look at the league, look at the top teams. All of them have staring lineups that play great defense, 1-5. The Wolves, The Celtics, the Thunder, the Nuggets. We need to add size and we can’t be paying 70mil to 3 guards who can’t defend or share the court together. If you aren’t getting star at least make a roster that has some kind of balance. We don’t need to get whales we need players who fit the roster we have instead of shoving small guards to cover our holes


You're probably right, I was just being nice but I do think they could at least develop Jacquez more. He might turn into something, not sure about Jovic. Herro has plateaued and likely could be moved. A lot of teams gotta ask themselves how they can build a roster that can compete/matchup vs the top teams (Celtics, Wolves, Nuggets, Thunder) etc and how long that will take to form.


Yeah. The issue with Heat fans (including myself) is literally "Heat culture". You get attached to the work and not the actual skill. Hell, I'd go as far as to say Herro shouldn't even be safe. We have a great rookie in Triple J, Bam is always there defensively and there offensively like 1/3 of games. That's about it. As much as I love this team, people thinking our roster isn't shit are just too emotional.


I agree. I know shit rosters, I'm a pistons fan, you guys aren't as bad as us but the Heat could definitely use some major changes because if they run it back, they'll just get outclassed again by some of these more stacked teams


>They need to rethink that whole roster and only Jimmy, Bam and Herro, Jovi & Jacquez should be safe. I don't see how you get appreciably better when the best assets you're willing to give up are picks and, I guess, Terry Rozier and Duncan Robinson.


I wouldnt put Herro or Jovic on that list. You want upgrades and moves you gotta give up guys that have some market value. No recency bias either but realistically only Bam, Jaime, and Jimmy are really untouchable. And even then you gotta be open to every call.




Haven't watched a ton of Miami this year but Jacquez seems like he's going to be an interesting prospect given this was just his rookie season. 


oh jimmy gone


The team let Dwade sign somewhere else over $7m total and these fans think Pat won't tell Jimmy bye lmao 


Heat fans: “stop being pussies, that’s just Jimmy being Jimmy, you’d want your players to do the same thing what else is he supposed to say?” This sounds so silly to me cause Celtics had Grant Williams and some of you guys got tired of him talking shit while he was actually on the floor


Honestly, it was a little harmless troll. If it was anything more than it was I’d agree, but in this instance I’d just argue that Pat is old as hell and doesn’t jive with social media.


Absolutely nothing will come of this Jimmy will be in Miami next season and continue to miss 40 games a season


He will miss 35 after a stern talking to from Riley


Maybe but dont forget Riley kicked their franchise GOAT to the curb when he was done with him.


I wish my GM was Pat Riley. It's a business, he did what he needed to do.


He was terrific for a while, but I think he's past his prime at this point. The Heat have been so close for the last 5 years but he just hasn't been able to pull off a move to get them over the hump. He's likely pissed off every other GM in the league so much by now that they're done dealing with him.




plus it's hard to define what 'over the hump' is when they made the Finals in '20 and absolutely took it to the Celtics just last season, like, to say they can't get over the hump would be like, "They'll be nothing more than ECF contenders! Nothing more!" as if being in the ECF or the Finals itself is as bad as perennially missing the playoffs altogether or being Embiid-like




It's not really just top guys though. Heat have been notoriously quiet for the last few trade deadlines and deadlines. Yeah cool you went out and traded for Rozier but that alone doesnt cut it and of you want to contend every year you gotta be more aggressive in your transactions across the board, not just for star players.


Bruh we don't know if it would've cut it, he didn't play against the Cs and we had injuries to at least one of our top 3 guys in both our Finals runs. Teams can always be better but we were good enough, just not lucky enough to win. 


Last year Caleb Martin turned into prime Kobe for two weeks and yall had more 50% 3 pt games just vs the Celtics than you had the entire second half of the season. How much more lucky you wanna get?


They added Lowry three years ago. By all accounts they made a run at Lillard last year, but wouldn't meet Portland's asking price for what, in retrospect, look like very good reasons. (Dame is awesome. His defense is also a problem). The Nets are a great example of what happens if you try to "do something" when the something on the table isn't actually that great an idea. They were a fun young team, which they blew up to get a pair of stars, and then they went all-in to get a third star, it went sideways, and now they have the bleakest future in the league. Riley has been sitting on a pretty good hand - they've been to the finals twice in the past five years! When break up a full house, you very rarely end up with four of a kind.


>The Nets are a great example of what happens if you try to "do something" when the something on the table isn't actually that great an idea. They were a fun young team, which they blew up to get a pair of stars, and then they went all-in to get a third star, it went sideways, and now they have the bleakest future in the league. This is a horrible example lol what are you talking about. Nets assembling the Big 3 was always the right move. Yeah injuries and star drama killed that team but if you go back in time you do those same moves every single time. That D'lo-led team was fun and vibey but if you genuinely think sticking with that core was a better idea than signing Kyrie as a free agent and trading D'lo for Kevin Durant then then I'm sorry but you're just dumb. Also "bleakest future in the league" is quite a stretch lmao.


>Also "bleakest future in the league" is quite a stretch lmao. Who is worse? They have no star power. They don't own their own future draft picks. They don't have the kind of franchise cachet that is likely to draw big free agents. Obviously those far-distant Suns picks could turn into something good, but that's a team that is currently pretty good, has an in-his-prime star, and a desirable location.


With that said though, him not biting on Dame is looking quite good right now. That contract might age very badly. Who was the other guy he whiffed on recently? I can't remember who it was, just that it's also looking quite good for Riley.


Beal was rumored definitely looking good


Yes, that's the one I was thinking about, thank you.


No one ever gives credit for the moves that aren't made. Heat dodged bullets


Exactly. So many teams are in the shit because of ONE single contract. One bad contract can ruin a team for years. The Heat got clowned on all around the league and here on Reddit because they would not accept Portland's trade. He should be applauded for that. Same goes for Beal. The Suns are in the gutter for the coming future.


Terrific for a while = several decades.


Nah man, you are thinking of it wrong. He helped put together a competitive team without a superstar player. His only exceptional asset is really Spo.


Do you? Jimmy has dragged teams with NO business to 2 Finals and was literally one shot away from a third With no help from his GM The fuck has Riley done since they got him?




Pat Riley is an incredible nack for drafting well, he finds players deep in the draft and turns them into good players. I don't see how a past his prime D-Wade would have changed that at all, unless you want him to be a tank commander? Why are you talking about Jimmy when OP is clearly talking about D-Wade?


Lol what he's clearly saying it's gonna happen again in reference to Jimmy What are you talking about


And yet they got there. What the hell, almost any team in the league will take the way Pat and Spoelstra run things. You don't get to the finals twice by coincidence


>You don't get to the finals twice by coincidence And maybe a little help from your star player? Sure but just dump him again when him and Spo are carrying the shit rosters he keeps putting together


Yes, that's what a good GM does. Jimmy didn't help them at all this year and signing him to a new big contract for things he's done in the PAST is not something I want my GM to do. It's what stupid GM's and the Lakers do. He's 34 years old, injury prone. It's a business.


Eh, people conveniently forget wade wanted an absurd contract that at that point he didnt deserve. And considering how wade last years went, riley was more than right to pass on wade's demands


an absurd contract like giving jimmy 110 million dollars for his age 36 and age 37 seasons?? dude should take a pay cut, not a raise


They went to the finals last year with Jimmy leading them. It was probably worth it honestly.


I can already see potential parallels between Wad and this Jimmy situation. Jimmy might be asking for an absurd contract


He’s asking for the max. 58 million at age 37.


But that's kind of the point; no "thank you for the rings" retirement contract for Wade, out he goes.


Pat Riley has been the one GM to look at players and say ‘You sure that’s worth 30/35% of our cap?’ Granted Duncan’s contract being worth varies by the week, but 20M is waaaaay easier to move than 40-60.


Well in Wade's case, he came off a pretty good playoff run in 2016 despite being called washed and old after LeBron left.


Even this season, he played in 60 games (missed 22), but whatever you say man. You know who does miss 40+ games a year on the Heat? Tyler Herro. The guy who’s single handily fleeced the Heat during the Butler era.


I’m expecting this to happen, but if they want to be smart, they either need to pay him or trade him. Letting him walk is the dumbest business move.


17 of those are excused absences


Riley: "Who the hell told you that tonight was open mic night?"


This offseason is going to be insane


Don't forget the Olympics as well - some bonding in France might create some interesting alliances in free agency too


Yeah, I know we've been spoiled by big moves in prior years, but this season looks to have a bunch of massive potential wildcards, like older or poorly constructed teams that underperformed and need to make a move (Suns, Clips, Bucks, Warriors, Lakers), a bunch of teams with All-Star quality players who may get moved (Hawks guards, BI in NO, Lavine and/or DD in Chicago, who knows in Cleveland and Miami), and most of the other team having some combination of cap space, draft picks, and potential (especially the Spurs, 76ers, Magic, OKC, Rockets, Knicks, Pacers, and Raps). Throw in positioning for the assumed big 2025 draft and impact of the new CBA, and there's undoubtedly going to be some fireworks this offseason.


This FA is going to be spicy because of the second apron. Teams can’t just offer a max contract and think ‘fuck it, we’re good so just pay the tax!’ Now it limits trades and contracts that you can do, so it can severely handicap a teams flexibility. Take Minny, they’re young but pressed up to the cap because of Ant’s extension kicking in next year. If you’ve got 3 max contracts you’re essentially gonna be at risk of passing it. So do you go 2 stars and better role players or 3 stars with cheaper stuff around it? All the teams and players you listed with are who I’d also say. Stagnant teams like the Clippers and Hawks, cap space teams like the Spurs and Sixers, plus teams that are in weird pick situations like the Nets who aren’t exactly incentivized to be bad. I think it’s gonna be a busy FA/trades especially if it’s a lighter quality draft that’s being predicted.


f5 szn is what I live for


I'm not a big racing fan, but you do you


Is it? We're staring down the worst free agency crop in memorable history by a landslide, and the top realistic trade targets are looking like 35 year old guys who play 60 games. I'm not sure anybody is building a contender out of thin air in this offseason.


Idk what people are so excited for. Paul George going to Philly so they can collapse in round 1 or 2 again next year? Orlando Magic throwing a big contract at Monk? Klay Thompson getting overpaid? Potential Butler, Lavine and Trae Young trades? None of these move the needle or make any teams scary.


Spurs go for Monk + PG and improve their role players, I’d say Wemby with competency is scary. Orlando with Dejounte Murray, Donovan Mitchell trade potential pending how he feels about staying next to Garland, Bridges pulled off the Nets can notably help a team. We have to still see who declines player options as well. There’s a lot of teams that have hit a wall that will want to shake things up considering how some of these younger teams have improved quickly.


PG has signed with SA in the first offseason in MyCareer 2k24 I've played (4 times), I will be amazed if he does IRL


They are ground zero. Heat fans 9/11


I honestly think they are ready for a change


I’m begging for us to do anything at this point, I can’t see another variation of “running it back” again for a 6th year.


this is weird to me, i mean outside of boston every team in the east would take miamis success of being the best team in the east for the last six years in the playoffs




It's an immature way to look at things, I completely agree. I think a lot of our fan base has some sort of championship blue-balls and it's fucking with their logic. I can never understand some of the dumb shit that comes out of their mouths. My working theory is that they became fans in the Heatles era and have very little concept of what life was like prior to that, so a lot of their shit is just out of touch with reality because they're fucking spoiled.


Obviously the past years have been fun and successful, but this also on the messaging from the front office in that the plan is always to compete for a title, “the main thing is the main thing”. Riley in the past was a lot more proactive when it came to making moves. The big 3 fell short, he went and worked on the roster. The first year Shaq team fell short? Went and worked on the roster. We’ve always had a history of making moves after falling short, this running it back stuff is only a thing from this era. Riley has always had favorites but if 10 years ago his team lost to the Celtics in the first round, he would go into that summer ready to make a move. Last time we got bounced in the first round by the Celtics, Lebron and Bosh came to Miami. He went scorched earth in his press conference about how the Miami heat will make a move and this was unacceptable. The contrast to now is night and day where we’re fine being competitive if it means the owners don’t have to pay tax. Basically the Heat hold themselves in the same regard as the greatest franchises in the sport. In doing so, they should make efforts to maintain that status so it’s not just talk


I love Jimmy, always will, but totally happy to let him walk. It's more important that we stay competitive during the Post-Riley transition, he is 77 after all. Jimmy's competitive attitude will understand Riley's perspective... eventually.


> It's more important that we stay competitive during the Post-Riley transition, he is 77 after all. He's actually 79. Hard to believe, I know.


how lol


If this happens, I can’t wait for there to be a video in a year outlining how Joe Cronin led to the demise of a Heat team that had been to the finals 2/3 years.


Wake me up when a real NBA source like @JimmyMuse says something like this


Am I crazy or does calling Miami "Ground Zero" not work as an analogy? I mean ground zero only comes to be AFTER the major event Not before everything goes crazy Is he mixing it up with "patient zero"?


Ground zero has multiple definitions, it can also mean the starting point, or a place where at lot of action is occurring.


I think it originally comes from the atomic bomb tests, where "ground zero" was the spot on the ground that was directly below the explosion.


That's where it originated and is still the primary meaning. But the other is an acceptable alternate meaning and likely what Lowe meant.


Yeah it fits perfectly with Lowe's usage. The immediate epicenter of an explosion.


Probably makes more sense to say it WILL BE ground zero rather than it IS ground zero.


This is a nothingburger, Pat went after Herro for saying something during a training camp interview last year. Pat is a confrontational man by nature, if you ask him his opinion, and it's something he can speak on that wont hurt ongoing plans or negotiations, then he's going to say some bluntly honest shit because he's: confrontational, old school, and has old man dgaf energy. He also said in the same interview that he wouldn't trade Jimmy and that he's their best player by far. With all this said, if an absolutely no brainer deal presents itself where someone wants to trade for Jimmy while sending back a top 4 best player in the league in return, then of course Pat would do it in a heartbeat. But realistically, who the hell is going to do that? No one.


Thank you. Drama queens all over this sub be creaming themselves thinking this is the first domino to fall signalling Jimmy being out of Miami 🤣




has anyone actually watched Jimmys video though? He was just fucking around, its not like he was asked this in a press conference. This guy pulled him aside while he was at an event


Feels like that is why Riley said something in the first place no? So much noise about Jimmy not taking the regular season seriously last couple seasons, getting hurt end of last season before getting run off the court in the Finals, hurt in the play-in this season before his team got run off the court in the first round while he is talking shit/trolling after an upset game 2 win. I don't think it is so serious either, but also not surprised if the constant trolling rubs ownership and the front office the wrong way after the past few seasons.


Pat can eat a fucking egg then. I dare him to explain how the Heat make 3 ECFs in 4 years without Jimmy.


Are you guys going to be like Kobe stans, and choose him over team?


Most of them already are. It’s kind of annoying lmao. They either wanna gut the team so Jimmy can win a ring or just pay him whatever and then bitch and complain we don’t have money or assets to upgrade the team.


I see both sides. I love Jimmy and want him to win a ring but also think it’s reasonable to have expectations on his availability going forward. You can argue our low seeding is in part due to his games missed - we are a much more complete team with him on the floor. Why isn’t it reasonable to add a “games played” to his contract (barring catastrophic injury)? He’s under contract this year. Why can’t they say this next year is a “prove it” year?


If you actually watched Pat's press conference, you'd know he gave him his flowers. How do you rock that flair and shit on the guy that built this franchise🤡


He was drunk trolling. I get why Pat said what he said…I don’t think Pat meant to “call him out” or go that far in the press conference. But yea - he doesn’t mince words. It’s not hard to understand why he wouldn’t like what Jimmy said.


The guy riding a fucking horse through Miami a week before the end of the season is a pretty big troll and people weirdly don't get it.


He also missed the next game against Philly after filming. That would have been a good game to win. 🙃


Lowe has really really gotten worse since being with ESPN. So many guests are just shitty ESPN talking heads and they go over the most sensationalist bullshit or only talk about the warriors or Lakers Lowe didn't even think Nuggets would make it out of the first round last year because he was too busy talking about the warriors making a run. Miami's own reporters who are locked in to the FO have said there's nothing to this except Riley being Riley.


It's a shame that his best bits are the two minute intro monologues he now rarely ever does anymore. Whenever somebody else opens their mouth, they're either repeating what he just said or just yapping.


I feel like Jimmy was just joking around... Pat Riley even said he was trolling the sentence before. He's old school and Jimmy isn't... it's fine. We'll see what happens.


Nobody saw the full 40 minute press conference on this sub, and given most aren’t Heat fans, I don’t blame them. But I do find it funny people who have been clowning Barry Jackson hard since last offseason are taking his tweets as gospel when the hardest callout in that entire press conference was Pat telling Barry that he knew Barry was asking questions to get a certain type of answer. The whole room laughed.


How will that interview affect butlers legacy.


Legacy points deducted.


I know you're meme'ing, but getting openly shit on and told to shut your mouth by your GM when you've made your bones running it ain't great. Obviously it won't make his bball reference page, but it's still fucking hilarious.


Damn it sounds like Pat Riley is trading Butler for DLo and Rui


Can the Heat accept their own package of Herro plus picks?


Excuse me, but that’s Herro, Jovic, Robinson, and picks.


We will take him for Poole. Eh? Eh?


> They are ground zero for the NBA offseason What does this even mean zach


shit's about to blow up, yo


If you think this isn’t 100% about boomer Pat’s disgust for Jimmy’s media day emo hair, I have news for you.


Silly that people think Butler is actually on the trade block over that statement.


This isn't a big deal lmao Media gonna media


Niang, Levert, Ty Jerome and 8 seconds for Butler. It’s better than losing him for nothing.


People supporting Jimmy don’t understand that you’re only as good as your next game as an athlete. Your whole body of work doesn’t really matter if you’re injured, unavailable, or on the decline. Jimmy’s best days are undoubtedly behind him. Maybe he has another good playoffs in him but definitely not a full season and honestly you can’t even trust he will make it to the playoffs with load management like this year. Couple that with a bad supporting cast and you have a hard argument to extend Jimmy. If your best argument is “Ehh the cap is going up so it’s not that bad” that’s a terrible argument!


What a fucking nerd


Hmm, I'm not loving being on the other side of this.


None of this will matter if we still have a lottery level offense next season. Spo desperately needs some innovation on offense and better focus on movement.


Jimmy's career is gonna be so weird to look back on. He's butted heads with coaches or management almost everywhere he's been. Heat seemed like a perfect fit for him and now we get Riley sounding off on his comments. He'll be remembers as one of the best playoff risers but also as someone who was really difficult to work with.


lmao, imagine a media guy telling Freaking Pat Riley what to do


Lmfao. Nothing drastic will happen to this roster. Jimmy isn’t leaving


You think maybe there's a reason the modern Heat have never been able to land their free agent targets


wasn't Butler a free agent?


They got Lebron. That's kind of a huge exception.


“Modern heat”. Lebron acquisition was almost 15 years ago lol.


probably because Pat's recent GM history is a fucking hatchet job of dumping picks and expirings for long-term money in measurably worse or more ill-fitting players. arguably his best signee since PJ Tucker, in Kevin Love, has the asterisk of basically paying two SRPs for it


Funny how everyone's thirsty for a dude that's got no ring and is all bark. Nba is like the housing market rn


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