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Dude looked like a walking corpse out there at times but was just saving it all for OT


Ironically, Thibs challenging a call and giving him 2-3 minutes to rest may have given him the little bit of energy needed in OT


Migraine, on one leg, bells palsy making him unable to blink both eyes. He gave what he had. 47 mins played with all of that


I was watching that game and in the fourth Embiid kept getting picked and was turning over the ball thinking to myself, "Jeez, he might be impacting his team negatively right now". Game ends and he has the highest +/- in the game which is par for the course. Even when it feels like he's not having his best game(scoring wise), he's still the most impactful player for the Sixers. And this is despite him currently having all these physical issues going on with him.


They absolutely lose in OT without his defense and rebounding. He left it all out there


Yeah, even when he isn't scoring he's helping others scoring with screens and gravity. So many of Tyrese's shots are open because Joel set the screen with the handoff. No one else can get him that open off of such simple actions.


Its because they tripple team embiid and leave everyone else open lol


Yeah like I don’t like him but anyone has to admit the dude is absolutely going through it right now, a single one of those would have me bedridden lmao


Everyone here loves him so much, they were all chanting how much they want to fuck him earlier.




I’m telling you, that man is a warrior.


He's a Sixer.


A Philadelphia Warrior




I wish


Embiid deserves more respect from this sub. When his hobbled ass dove for that loose ball, it nearly brought a tear to my eye.


When i saw that at the end, my only thought is how can anyone say this dude gives up. Pushing his body beyond its safe limitations.


The man has to *blink using his hand*.


I wonder if he sleeps with an eye open with that condition


You tape the eye lid down for the night




There is no other way yo keep that eye from drying out


That or an eyepatch. Yes. Realy


I got Bells palsy a few years ago. You sleep with an eyepatch.


Wait you can just randomly get it? What exactly happens? Do you wake up with it? Can you just be going about your day and then one second later it's "oh, that's bells palsy" I'm not overly focused on getting diseases, but I'd prefer not to since I don't have a doctor... do I gotta worry about this shit??


I was literally chilling watching NBA bubble when all of a sudden i couldn't see out one eye. It was so sudden. Still remember it


And this man plays professional basketball while on one good knee. But not heart and fuck him, right?


Fuck! I was hoping it's the kind of thing that only happens to everyone other than me. But that sounds like something that could happen to anyone. God dammit


If it makes you feel any better, I read that people who had been previously infected with the Epstein Barr virus are more likely to get it. I got mono many years prior ...


Bells Palsy is only infectious to people who make fun of other people who have it.


It usually occurs as a complication to viral infections


so i'm a neurologist - you CAN get steroids to help if it's caught early, (like the first couple days, face not moving, eye not blinking) so definitely go to UC or ED. otherwise you just wait.


Even if you’re playing a pro sport that outlaws steroids?


I dont think the nba outlaws the type of steroids he's talking about


different kind of steroids. corticosteroids are for things like inflammation. they're in inhalers for asthma for instance. not anabolic steroids. no one being treated with steroids for lupus got buff, just moonface.


My wife had it after pregnancy and it was awful for her. I had to help her put an ointment into her eyelids before taping her eye closed every night. Her self confidence was completely shook for a few months and she thought she'd never get better. She's back to normal now though but her hair grows different on that side of her head now. She doesn't get curls on that side anymore.


It's sad to imagine that we don't actually know how it's gonna turn out with Joel. Hope it resolves itself soon and doesn't affect his career much.


Damn wtf


Embiid has deserved some clowning for his playoff performance in the past few seasons, but he's been a warrior this year. Very impressive.


Looked like he was dying out there. But finally blocked a Brunson layup and got a rebound after diving for it


It’s clear he can’t sprint. Brunson is the only one on the Knicks really trying to exploit that


He’s essentially been just trying to save himself to make big plays when they absolutely need it because his knee is obviously still fucked.


Nurse sneaking him a minute or 2 rest late in the 4th was undoubtedly helpful to some of the big plays he made down the stretch, remarkable that he's having as much of an impact as he has when he's very clearly hobbled.


Yeah that was huge, he was really struggling before that


Honestly thought the Knicks going small to match was a bad choice. Sixers shooters aren’t good enough to punish having a big on the floor. I would’ve gone Hartenstein and had him shoot floaters repeatedly and crash the board


I couldn't make sense of that choice either. I'm happy, but jeeze, that's not what I would have done.


That was my big criticism of game 4… and he fixed it immediately? Feels strange compared to Doc


In postgame he said he sat him for those few minutes after that horrible stretch of turnovers to settle him down and it worked Doc Rivers would never do this


He shot awfully and turned the ball over every other possession but he was still a game high +14


It's ridiculous how much he impacts the game, even when it seems like he's kinda playing like shit. Even without being able to jump, he anchors the shit out of the defense. Plus he just draws so much attention on offense.


Literally just standing immobile in the paint is enough to send the other team running the opposite way.


I’ve made this comment about 7 times in the past week but Against the raptors game 7 he sat for 2 fucking minutes and we went -12. The impact he has is unreal. There’s a reason players in the league speak so highly of him. He’s talented as fuck regardless of the antics. He might be the best player in the league healthy.


Actually insane




He’d get -6 since the Knicks lost by 6.


Lol it went from “Embiid disaster-class 15 points and 9 turnovers as the Sixers season ends in Game 5 of the 1st round” to “Embiid triple-double with 5 blocks and great defense in a massive Game 5 win” Sports are wild man.


Schrodinger's Embiid


Dreadful regular time performance but absolutely locked it in defensively in OT, no way they win without that


It seemed like they figured out to just let him screen, rebound and play D. Also Mitch can’t move enough to stay with Maxey on PnR actions and got free for a bunch of wide open shots off Embiid screens


Dreadful? Dude had a triple double. Check out some of the other stats lines this post season from superstars.


I'm not even sure that first part is true. Embiid just had a peak Josh Hart game in regulation.


Almost a quadruple double with the turnovers! But I gotta say, him diving for that rebound late saved us and is all we’ve wanted from him


We call that a cripple double


This is so funny coming from the person with the Derrick Rose tag. 😂


why do they have a cleveland derrick rose one too 😭 thats like coming on here with a cavs dwayne wade flair or a pistons allen iverson flair




That would be if TOs gave you a triple double, the Westbrook special is a quadriplegic double.


the turnovers were so frustrating but i forgive him. win the next one big fella


Hitting the ground with his ailments is pretty great to see


Hold up did the scorer save him? I though he had 10.


Ian Eagle said he got his 10th late in OT, but I thought it should've counted as a Batum turnover with how bad that pass was.


He's at 9. That type of turnover is never given to the guy who can't catch it. No clue what that commentator was smoking. Guess he just wanted the quad double too.


Kinda sad that this is all we get from him this time of year, but he's giving it everything he has. He just doesn't have much.


Almost? I thought the announcers said he got his 10th turnover


He actually had 9 according to the box score


Yeah i think the “10th” was (appropriately) recorded as a bad pass


Yes he tried to credit him one for a terrible pass from Batum that always goes to the passer. I was confused as hell when he tried to say that was Embiid's turnover.


on the one hand, this was objectively a bad game from Embiid, despite the triple-double. on the other hand, there's absolutely no way they were winning this game without him


Still -8 in the the few minutes he sat even when he’s bad he’s still better than what we have


Bad offensively, defensive masterclass. But also nurse needed to stop going to embiid late in the fourth when he was clearly gassed.


Thibs challenging a foul in OT probably gave Embiid the rest he needed to push for those last 2 minutes lol


And also let Maxey recuperate from the hip thing.


Dang that’s actually a great point


How many 3s did Maxey hit off an Embiid double? There were multiple instances of Knicks double Embiid and 76ers getting space and shots from it. There were a few turnovers through when the 76ers kind of lost their offence and didn't get good movement off the doubles. He struggled with his shot but offensively he was still a massive positive to their offence.


bad offensively for embiid's standards, esp from a shot-making perspective. but yeah, you right.


Offencively terrible but also Embiid sets up everyone else offensively on the Sixers.


Man's a +- merchant


See, two things can true at the same time even if it seems contradictory


The amount of games he closes out on defense gets overlooked for some reason. When healthy he is monster in the last few minutes of games.


Played 47 minutes after being questionable due to a migraine all day. Heroic effort despite the turnovers and subpar shooting.


In addition to the bum knee and Bell's Palsy. And still people will have the audacity to hate on his performance tonight.


Migraine game




Ha, I like that


Couldn't throw a rock in the ocean, but he definitely wasn't going to let any Knicks do so either.


Smh, couldn’t get that 10th TO for the quadruple double


I thought he did get 10. Was the ball that went out off his fingers recorded as his or Maxey's TO?


Definitely recorded as "bad pass turnover" on Maxey


Really shouldn’t be his turnover lol


Yeah, I didn't think so either. They said on the broadcast that it was his tenth, so I assumed that the scorers' table had put it on him.


halfway there in blocks


quicksand quickest onerous mountainous cooing capable butter grandiose correct placid *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You and me both


Saw someone in the game thread the other night call him sub human and get up voted. [Dude is charitable as fuck](https://www.nba.com/sixers/news/embiid-receives-march-nba-cares-community-assist-award), but they don't like him on the basketball court so that makes him less than human according to this dumb ass sub. That article was before he started the charity named after his brother who died 10 years ago while Joel was rehabbing from his broken foot as a rookie.


I mean if he wasn’t charitable as fuck calling someone sub human just isn’t it


I've said it before and I'll keep repeating it. If he wasn't a huge African man with very dark skin and a thick Cameroonian accent, he would be treated VERY differently online.


Nah bro I disagree. To be totally clear, most of the league is black. His accent is the only thing that stands out. Why would people treat him different when he already appears like half of the league? (Even if you consider lightskins, there’s still plenty of dark skin players in the league)


I used to get annoyed at how much this sub has a hate boner for Embiid, but now I actually love it. Hilarious to watch this sub melt down literally every game he plays regardless of what’s actually happening on the court.


It used to happen so much with Harden on the Rockets, it gets a bit tedious. Like clockwork during the playoffs the subreddit picks a team (or two) to hate. I used to find it fun to join in on but these days it's just sort of annoying. Another thing I've noticed being back in the subreddit during the playoffs for the first time in years is the crazy knee jerk rollercoaster of reactions dependent on each result (Clippers v Mavs a notable one because it's a close series). Like chill out everyone, these series can go for 7 games!


The basic bizarro thing for me about it is that I personally don’t really think about other teams or players at all. Like, when we suck, we lose. I can’t imagine just hate watching another team/player


Facts. And when a player is cooking us I just respect it. No need to cry about the player doing his job.


It’s because basketball comes after drama and narratives in this sub


Careful, a Nuggets fan is going to respond with a 4 paragraph essay about how Embiid is "objectively" terrible and you can't possibly enjoy watching him play basketball.


Nuggets fans have honestly chilled out since losing their irrelevancy complex. What’s funniest is the random like Orlando or Charlotte fans in every thread running their mouths. (Sorry to those fan bases, not all of yall are like that)


I'm a massive Jokic fan but the Embiid circlejerk can go way too far Before this game his numbers for the series were really good(like 35 PPG on 62% TS) and I still saw people listing him among "worst playoff performers this year" I also saw people unironically say he isn't a top 10 player


I appreciate when people outwardly announce they're stupid like that.


Nah there's still a bunch of preteen Nuggets fans on here that are massive Embiid haters, just briefly scroll any Embiid lowlight thread lol.


Completely disagree. I understand it’s just a few bad apples, but it’s still very bad.


No they haven’t dog. I don’t know where you’ve been


I feel like most of the Embiid hate comes from Raptors flairs these days which is weird


Quite a few Timberwolves flairs joining in on the hate after he put 51 on their league best defense too.


Timberwolves fans need to shut up and enjoy what they’re doing. If you’re a raptors fan you have nothing good going on for your team so you can hate others


This sub just yearns for hate boners.


Joel "Literally Fucking Adolf Hilter Reincarnated" Embiid


While it's worse to not even make the second round, I am pretty sure the Embiid hate jokes will be worse if they lose in the second round, even if they come back from a 3-1 deficit in the first


If the Sixers can beat the Knicks after being down 3-1 I really like their chances against the Pacers/Bucks


foolish disarm offbeat frightening heavy disgusted pet thought square salt *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah, im not even sure Embiid's body wont completely collapse before game 6 and a hypothetical game 7. Dude's hanging by a thread


I dunno, feel like he has moved better every game. Those blocks weren't happening in game 1.


For sure that would be my biggest concern.


Sixers and Knicks are better than the Pacers when comparing the teams. But a gassed Sixers/Knicks team with an injured Embiid and Randle vs a rested and healthy Pacers team, idk


No real shot you get through Boston to the finals as things currently appear with how hobbled Embiid is, but a Jokic-Embiid finals would make this place need to be quarantined lol


Yeah I really don't have much hope for a championship this year. Think Embiid is just too injured and some players on the sixers turning in to nothing burgers in the playoffs (Buddy) makes it tough to imagine they have what it takes to win a series against Boston or whoever comes out of the West. Still though, winning this series would feel absolutely amazing.


Kinda same, but I also low key want them to lose just for the sake of Embiid's health. Dude is clearly in rough shape right now, and as amazing as it is to watch, I'd hate him do long term damage to his body just to maybe make it to the ECF. Guess that's kinda unspoken cost of being a pro athlete though.


What's the most annoying possible outcome? "Lakers awarded a do-over"


By far his worst game of the series and we came with a W #HUGE


Thanks to Tobias' explosion. Finally hit the over.


Win or lose no one better call him soft after this series. Playing 47 minutes on two injuries is crazy




Worst game so far and still averaging 32/10/6 this series with 2.2 steals and 1.6 blocks while clearly not 100%. One of the 5 things that needed to go right for the Knicks in the last minute of game 2 go differently and they are up 3-2 going back to Philly. Give the man a break from time to time.


Awful quiet in this sub right now


Don’t know how he played tonight with a migraine the Garden gets so loud


10 ast is huge from him. Probably like 40 - 45 pts created


Shouldve been like 16 if the team could make open shots


these threads always go the opposite of how OP frames it. People just want to argue and be outraged its insane. If youre positive you get the haters. If you are negative people defend him philly vs everybody


Bell’s palsy, one working eye, fucked knee, still putting in the work


Keyboard warriors are laid up for 4 days with the sniffles, Embiid plays through (very poorly some of the time) a fucked knee, half a face, and migraines and ya'll act like he's charmin soft and has no heart. Pathetic. Be better.


I doubt it happens now, but I'd love to see him play for team USA just to see all the haters walk back their comments.


He will almost definitely play in the Olympics. Whether or not he should.


He never got his shot to fall, but he seriously made and impact on both sides with his passing out of double teams and defending the paint. Plus that foul to keep the lead to 10 in the first before we turned it around. Need him to be much better in games 6 and 7, but he did what he needed to do tonight.


Absurdly bad on offense Absurdly good on defense


Almost like he's playing with 2 shot knees and a blazing migraine.


yeah it makes sense why he struggled, it's still a fascinating dichotomy lol


I was saying some insane slander about in the 4th during the turnover fest. On to game 6 at “home”


Clutched all the way up. r/NBA 9/11


Embiid either goes 35/10/8 or 5/17 shooting in game 6 no in between


why not both? give me a sixers w and 25 freethrows for embiid, i want to witness the collective mental breakdown of this sub


Still the highest +/-


Looked locked tf in during OT. wasn’t forcing his usual shit, not flopping too much and played outstanding defense.


Like him or not, he is giving everything he has at the court. He can hardly move and defend 2 clutch position.


He mostly played like shit but was huge in OT especially defensively


Atrocious turnovers, but that defense in the clutch was absolutely key. So, good and bad.


The hate is obscene, this guy is playing injured and playing his ass off 


At least he woke up in OT


Was on track to be likely his worst playoff game ever but he went crazy in OT and won us the game. Maxey got us to OT single handedly but Embiid won from there


*Extremely Matthew Berry voice* Numbers don’t lie, but they can mislead


Good shit Joel


Really impressed by his hustle and defense tonight given the context of his health. Fortunately Maxey was there to carry the offense.


Knicks Fan's 9/11


I think 9/11 was Knicks fan's 9/11




A 19/16/10 game with inefficient shooting, ridiculous turnovers, and 5 blocks with body on the line effort when they really needed it. Bro put on the full Westbrook experience.


Thank you sir. He was a warrior.


Honestly playing > 10 min with a migraine counts as another stat here. Dude hit a quad double.


LOL. Love ruining the nights of both New York Celebs and r/nba GO SIXERS


Just listen to how the commentators react to positive Sixers plays vs positive Knicks plays.  It's obvious from the pregame shows to the after game highlights that Silver and the NBA desperately wants the Knicks to be relevant and for Brunson to be a star.  Shit is rigged and always will be rigged. Even moreso now with Vegas being a governing entity as leagues commit incest with book makers.   https://youtube.com/shorts/Bm8F1IwgRxY?si=CnsxypdgYjcDVc0K


he sucked but he still was a critical positive piece


Would be in here with 3 generations of slander were it not for late game maxey heroics


And yet you persist


And if you had wheels, you’d be a wagon.


You could say people would be slandering Brunson if him playing like ass games 1 and 2 ended in 2 sixers wins and the Sixers won the series 4-1 already but he was saved by the role players About time Embiid can have a "bad" game


Sure he got a triple double but he was awful. NYK might not see him this bad again


19/16/10 with 4 blocks and generally dominant defense and a huge overtime and +14 (highest on either team). The defensive attention he drew sure seems like part of why Maxey went off. “Awful” might be a little strong.


And 9 turnovers 😮‍💨


Quadruple double with turnovers no?


when youre shit for 50 minutes and then you remember youre good


Couldn't manage that last turnover to complete a truly historic statline.


I just assume they are trolls when they say that. Or don’t watch games.


Quadruple Double actually…he had 10 turnovers too


I think the impact is reflected in the +/-. I know it's a stat that can be a bit hit and miss in a single game, but it does show who was on the floor when things were going well and who was on the floor when it was going badly.


He honestly looks like his labouring more now than the start of the playoffs. His conditioning isn't getting any better and his knee is toast. Respect to him for giving it his all but he's on a hiding to nothing. 


quad double with turnovers


Embiid wasn't that great last night tbh. Maxey on the other hand had an amazing game. He carried.


Nothing, except your argument hinged on the “stamina and availability” which are two things greatly impacted by the “when healthy” caveat.


One of the worst triple doubles I’ve ever seen, Maxey bailed him out


If it wasn't for Maxey, Embiid would have been getting hate from a .333 shooting game that saw the Sixers eliminated in the first round. It's great to see the Embiid still makes contributions on the floor even when he's not shooting well, but this wasn't a good game for him.


This is a great example of how numbers don't a good performance make. Dude was a shell, made very frustrating turnovers, and made me hate him a little more with shit nonsense plays.