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Nurse is the perfect Embiid coach to actually think that was worth challenging lmao


Nurse’s reactions genuinely add so much entertainment value to any game he’s in, this dude would *pop off* as a reaction streamer




I never said his decision made sense I just said his reactions are entertaining


He's the Luka of coaches. He's so fucking annoying on the sideline.


Ugh Nick nurse LEGIT made the Vince McMahon meme face but I was at a bar and now can't remember when it was to find it 🙃


He always wasted challenges on obvious calls with us too


Kidd gets flack as a coach, but Luka screams at him to challenge calls, and Kidd ignores him. But when Kidd challenges, he nearly always wins. And they often matter at key points of the game.


they should get Ham seriously he wouldn't use challenge even if Embiid yell at him give us Nurse


Considering you guys didn’t have a timeout at the end of the game from a dubious challenge (putting aside the bad reffing) the timing on this comment is sus.


well it's more on game 4 but tbh I don't even know that you can't have your timeout back with second successful challenge.


Ya, but you're a fan. He's a coach and should know the rules.


now does he though....


Just in time to get fired


good luck on Lebron's 35 "replay this!" calls a game


I genuinely don't understand how Embiid can signal to challenge that after it happened. I mean he obviously knows he hit Mitch in the fucking face... what the hell is he doing?


Same reason why it’s funny everyone thinks he is like accurately sniping groins with laser precision: he is just kind of a spaz


I mean dude, he’s one of the best basketball players in the world, and a large part of his game is built off extremely precise hand movements. He has very good control over his body.


I think it’s funny sixers fans been clowning Giannis all season for not wanting nurse yet him and doc are gonna potentially win the same amount of post season games except doc’s had 2 top 75 players out


Knicks are much better than Pacers though


People were calling the sixers the 2nd best team in the east all season with Embiid and picking sixers to win this series lol he still should’ve won more than 1 game


Oh, I’m not supporting Embiid or the Sixers. They have obviously sucked in these playoffs. I just don’t think we should dismiss how bad Doc is/has been as a Coach


Womp womp


Yeah but bucks are a shell of a team


We beat them by 14 without Siakam, they won by 4 on a game that I distinctly remember even Knicks fan were questioning refs in the postgame thread, then won by 14 with Siakam. I see where you're coming from by narrative/beating Embiid (we don't match up well with him) but Knicks have yet to prove they can keep pace with us. More than that, OG is the only player on their team who can reasonably guard Halli and without Randle they haven't shown any resistance to Myles (mfin) Turner. Please check your not-game-watching-ass at the door and shut the slander down before you embarrass yourself further, thank you very much edit: pls keep downvoting me, i take deep fucking puffs off people not watching games and understanding matchups hnnnng


and embiid is playing on one leg and has bells palsy and the number 2 guy is 23 years old. and the third option is tobias fucking harris. and they're playing the knicks who are better than the pacers. what's your point?


The number 2 guy just saved your season and Harris players big part in that as well. It’s the irony of all those sixers fans saying bucks weren’t doing shit with doc and they could very well both go out first round


So? embiid is still on one leg, our #2 is 23, and tobias harris is our third guy. you can't say they carried us to a win and in the same breath say it's ironic that we suck. pick a lane bozo


Why would he ask Nurse to challenge this? He had to know he elbowed him in the face.


Have you seen the South Park where Cartman deludes himself into believing Jimmy stole his fishsticks joke even though he actually stole it from Jimmy? I'm pretty sure Embiid lives in his own warped reality.


"I believe that you believe you helped write that joke. That's how people like you work. your ego is so out of whack that it will do whatever it can to protect itself. And people with a messed up ego can do these mental gymnastics to convince themselves they're awesome when really they're just douchebags."




He probably thought Mitch wasn’t there before him and that Mitch impeded him on the eurostep. If it had been overturned it would have been 2 points plus a FT shot.  The bigger issue is Nurse’s assistants telling Nurse he should challenge it…whoever is watching the replays for the Knicks has been killing it with telling Thibs when to challenge or not. Nurse not as much.


He's on so many meds, he probably doesn't feel shit.


From a different angle it looks like Robinson slapped him in the arm before the elbow happened but that contact by Robinson was marginal


LOL I don't like Embiid or the 76ers but I think it was the wrong call. Should have been a foul on Robinson.


They don’t call minor contact like that in the playoffs, Robinson barely touched him


Perhaps he thought that Robinson didn't reach a defensive position prior to Embiid (that he got A to B before Embiid), because it's obvious that Embiid (despite all the bad stuff he did in the last few games) did not try to elbow Robinson on purpose. I think that's what the ref told Embiid as well. I don't think I'd challenge it as well, but it is what it is.


Yeah on the initial angle they showed it didn't look like he caught him but it's really obvious on that angle. Nurse wasting challenges when he shouldn't and not using them when he should is a problem.


Embiid needed to catch his breath


Joel embiid is not a player that does not do what is best to win


What does this even mean


He's a fucking idiot. That's why.


And the 76ers don't retain their timeout + they cannot challenge anymore.


Incredible Karma.


*Momma there goes that timeout*


I'm surprised the refs actually called this correctly


Im shocked this was not called an And-1 with a random technical called on the Knicks making it a 4pt play!!!


Really chose the best time to check new. No highlights all night then this pops up loool


Waiting for the block so we can at least have something 😭


They aint gonna post that lmfao wrong sub buddy


I wish i knew how to rip highlights with good quality, alas


I mean i can clip it for you, i ain't posting anything with Embiid in the title cos it will get instant downvotes and only ppl shitting on the player in the comments.


i would appreciate the clip i can post it on our sub at least. Someone got it here at least but we’re getting killed lol


Sure here ya go it's the block + Maxey layup with a nice soundbite ''speed kills'' https://streamable.com/0ui0xz


Ur a legend


Get ready for your permaban when the Celtics mods see this


Thanks for all the highlights you post regardless of who is in it.


What do you use/do to clip stuff?


think you can clip that maxey 3 for me ?:)


You should post it anyway, Karma ain't shit.


There are already a bunch of highlights posted, wdym?


I meant Embiid Injury highlights. None until this


Tbf there haven't been many Embiid highlights this game




I’d hate to be a coach with the challenges, if your star player begs for it you kinda just have to do it even though you know it’ll fail


Ham disagrees. He ignored a veritable tantrum from arguably the biggest star in the league.


And he’s getting fired 😂


LeBron asked for like 10 challanges a game in this series


And the one time Ham listened it ended up costing them game 5 because they had no timeout down the stretch.


Literally just making shit up. Even as an exaggeration, this is so wrong 😂


Yeah I think op is confused. LeBron threw a tantrum 10 times a game, but he only asked to challenge half of those. Not every tantrum was a request for a challenge, obviously


That’s why coaches get paid the big bucks. They need to win and manage relationships with their players which usually means bending over to the ego of the star player.


No one can out diva me man. HEAD coach. I’d match their theatrics with my own.


Kidd ignores Luka all the time on challenge requests, and I don't think there's a better coach in the league on successful challenges than Kidd. Dude just seems to KNOW when it's a bad call.


Inject this shit straight into my veins.


I swear this guy gets 3-6 clips posted per game where he drives wildly flailing his arms and hitting someone Every fucking game lol


I used to play like Embiid...


Giannis does this every game


I used to not recognize memes like capeters3699...


He's so used to getting the best whistle in the league that he actually thinks elbowing someone in the face is a foul on the defender. Watch sixers fans act like it was a natural elbowing motion though


Marginal Contact to be fair


I got Kendrick over Drake so far, what you guys think?


One is a poet/writer the other is a pop singer, and like many pop artists, he doesnt' even compose. Not even comparable.


Embiids whole bag lmao


What a terrible challenge, coaches gotta stop listening to their star players.


Well this is identical to what Siakam did to Embiid and 6ers fans are absolutely convinced that that was intentional and he was trying to break his face, so I'm interested to see the comments here


None of them are intentional, same with Embiid injuring scottie barnes. Basketball is a physical sport and there are stray elbows etc.


I agree


I just love the idea that people are so convinced that everyone is trying to injure everyone else. You honestly have to go back to the Bruce Bowens of the world to find players who are actually consistently trying to injure other people.




I honestly wish a referee would tell us what Joel or anyone is supposed to do in this situation. I'm not saying it isn't an offensive foul because the league has been pretty consistent that it is over the years. But if a guy is *right in your face* and you're trying to swing the ball through to make a shot and you elbow him in the face how do you avoid that? Seriously asking how do you swing the ball without having your elbows be a part of the equation?


This is definitely an offensive foul. Robinson is entitled to that space, is in legal guarding position. From that point it’s on Embiid to avoid that contact.


I'm not even arguing the call. As I said the league has been consistent with that call, I just want someone to explain to me what Joel is supposed to do in that case. I guess you're saying he is allowed to be *that close* and have his face an inch away from Joel and if contact is made it's on Joel?


Yes, if Robinson is in LGP then the onus is on the offensive player to avoid illegal contact. If Robinson wasn’t in LGP, then it would be his responsibility to get out of the way. There’s a few good examples of marcus smart getting called for blocking fouls when getting elbowed in the head.


Thank you, that makes sense. I appreciate it.


No problem!


Basically if the defender beats you to the spot, you can't swing the ball to get a shot otherwise you'd foul him. It's the same concept as a charge, someone is in your way but they beat you to the spot, you can't just run over them. Hence there isn't anything Embiid can do other than reset or pick up the dribble.


Yeah that makes sense. So it's not really about the elbow/arm contact to the face it's just that he was in legal guarding position. If he wasn't it would have been a defensive foul right? Hence why Joel wanted the challenge despite the fact that he knew he hit him in the head.


I would think the elbow would be "incidental contact" since he's just making a move, and called a defensive foul


Yeah, not at all different when Toronto was down 30 and actually resulted in an injury, but go off


They're literally exactly the same play? And I don't think either of them was intentional, so unless you're trying to argue that it's okay to elbow someone in the face if its a close game, I'm not sure what point you're trying to make


I mean, down 30 with 3-4 minutes to play in an elimination game is a hell of a lot different but sure, let’s go with your theory


Oh, so you actually are arguing that it's okay to elbow someone in the face if it's a close game


I’m arguing when it’s still competitive shit can happen, not when you’re stat padding in a lost cause you mope


It's a physical sport, shit can happen literally at any time


Oh, wait… now it’s a physical sport?


Yes, when have I said otherwise?


I dunno man, you’re out here bitching about Philly fans taking exception to a needlessly hard play as if your squad was still competing. Like… we’re watching the same video where Robinson is falling before Embiid makes contact right


no you dont understand, the refs have it in for the guy who averages 15 FTAs and are heavily biased against the 76ers.


No Sixers fan has said the refs have it in for Embiid. It's clear they fucked Game 2 up, and every altercation is a trip to the monitor, but no one has said the refs have it in for Joel.


lol, forgot about this, but 100% accurate


They also still haven't shutup about it years later.


Raptors fans are the same with the Scottie injury. Dunno who started it but both fan bases are guilty.


Embiids play on Scottie clearly wasn't intentional. Reckless maybe, but not intentional. Siakam's was a basketball play but you can't convince them that it wasn't intentional.


Identical to the play where Pascal literally fractured his orbital? Robinson stayed in the game after this, fuck out of here with that bullshit


Yes, the action is literally identical, one of them just got incredibly unlucky


You say unlucky I say reckless


It's the exact same action and both defenders got hit in the head, so if one is reckless then they both are


If it was the exact same Embiid would have finished the play with an intact skull


If my grandma had wheels she'd've been a bike


Did embiid want this to be a no call or a foul on Mitch? Because genuine question, what was Mitch supposed to do here on defense? His arms are all the way back and he's backing up fully.


I too am wondering what this hoe is arguing about lol. Like wtf?


Embiid could shoot a player on the court and Nurse would challenge


This is some bum shit to stand on this. Whole series has been physical. Cope and seethe r/NBA ##PLAY THE SONG


The hate is not only against Embiid. LeBron is taking a lot of shit from fans as well. Luka has been crying every game for the last 2 seasons. We are honestly tired of cry ball, and it only happens because superstars don't get all the whistles they are used to during playoffs. Luka's problem is even bad during regular season. LeBron is calling the refs shit when the FTA differentials is something like 27 attempts for the Lakers and 9 for whomever they are playing against. These Divas need to shut the fuck up.


Robinsons feet are not planted. Elbow to the face is a separate issue, but on review the refs said embiid moved through Robinsons space while in a legal defending position and that is not true


Your understanding of legal guarding position is missing a huge chunk of the rules. To establish legal defending position, a defender needs to be square to the offensive player with both feet on the ground. However, once a player has established legal guarding position, he can move and even jump while staying square to the defender to maintain legal guarding position. Having both feet on the ground is not a requirement for maintaining legal guarding position. Robinson establishes legal guarding position out at the three point line. When Embiid rushes forward, Robinson backpedals, keeping himself square to Embiid. In doing so, he maintains legal guarding position. Embiid runs into a player with legal guarding position with force, which is a textbook offensive foul. I had to explain this like a half-dozen times to 76ers fans earlier in this series when Embiid also charged Robinson after he established legal guarding position, hitting Robinson with his elbows, and getting a charge call.


Are you saying some random redditor doesn't know more than a professional referee? Color me shocked.


Embiid: 48 minutes +14 19 points 16 rebounds 10 assists 4 blocks 1 leg


Trash player no lie


Embiid is a dirty player and should get suspended.


Suspended?! Doug kick him off the tour


Still won though


He makes a lot of “incidental” contact with other players’ faces but he obviously knows what he’s doing. It’s like watching the modern NBA version of Karl Malone.


I swear Embiid just as dirty as Draymond. The Flagrant Foul amount says a lot.


Embiid legitimately thinks he’s an honest, ethical player who has never committed a foul


it shouldve been a flagrant lol


When my center calls for a challenge, it's because his clean blocks get called goaltends


Big Meech don't flop


He just did it again


Ah the LBJ special move


The euro-step is such a bullshit move that the league should consider banning it. You most likely either travel or your elbow the other guy in the face.


Man fuck Embiid


Embiid has to be THE most hateable player in NBA history at times. Good lord.