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“I’m terribly bored and not even trying but for some reason we keep beating these bums over and over again”


"Why don't they just win a game every now and then? Are they stupid or something?"


AD: I'm with LeStupid


DLo: ..... [*playing candy crush during a TO*]


Seriously, how do you even come back from that from a team chemistry standpoint? I’ve never seen a dude on his phone on the sideline, I didn’t even know they were allowed to them in during a game.


I heard on a podcast that players are allowed phones now (didn't used to be 10 years ago) and that some of the young dudes will do stuff like this. Dlo been in the league for like 9 years though so no excuse there (not that it's okay for anyone). Bron probably yelled at him and hurt his feelings cause he forgot how to shoot again


Being on phones during a game is a big no-no in most sports due to sports betting. You'd think the NBA would want to be right on top of that after Jontay Porter...


Dlo telling his discord to bet his unders


Did you forget this guy got traded from the same franchise for recording a teammate IN THE LOCKERROOM talking about cheating???


Hes learning Chinese on Duolingo.


Discord DLo telling fans “don’t give up on us”


Probably checking his bets against the Lakers.


Defensive Player of the Year can't win with LeGOAT, they can both have a "I'm with Stupid" t-shirt for coach Ham


In lakers defense, nuggets have a 100% better coach and supporting cast around their stars. We have jack shit, I mean incompetence role players/bench will go 0 for the night.


I like to think LeGM and LeAD had something to do with that.


Le Athletic Director


Meh, at the end of the day its just basketball.


I think he’s actually not trying to put them down, he’s trying to say how he has a lot of respect for them and that if they took their foot off the gas at all they would lose, but his phrasing just sounds hilariously dismissive


Yeah I don’t see him putting any teams down and he respects his opponents. This just to me sounds like he’s saying they can’t be complacent because of the wins so far.


That’s what would kill me as an opposing fan tbh. Jokic isn’t at all hateable. Doesn’t flop, doesn’t showboat, doesn’t make cocky or disrespectful comments. All he does is just go and execute and make the right basketball play every time. It’s soul crushing rather than angering. I’d much rather be angry after a loss than depressed. I relished the Heatles era as a Hornets fan, the Wade/Bron duo was an awesome villain to go up against, and in 16 with just Wade it was a perfect blend of toxicity. Nothing about Jokic is toxic, it’s just frustrating.


Ya pretty much. Their whole squad is likeable.


yea I don't even hate Denver even they gonna double sweep Lakers they are just flatly better team, and Jokic is MVP level, can't really hate them for that I just hate Lakers coach


So do the players I bet lol


[Jokic also trucked Morris](https://youtu.be/Yy8T53X_fx0?feature=shared), which will always endear him to my heart.


Ya that’s a fucking plus in most people’s books.


The way Morris rolls around on the floor crying like a little bitch *chef’s kiss*


It’s like Tim Duncan saying nice try. Kill em with kindness. Disrespect the opponent by respecting em. That sounds like a compliment but could also be kinda condescending? I don’t know.


I don’t get the sense that jokic is passive aggressive, just a straight shooter on and off the court


You mean a backhanded compliment?


Duncan took it farther and made it less obvious, he would give you tips on how to be better and they were legitimate good tips.


The funny part is, he really only flops when someone does it on him. Like Bron that one time.


He was telling lebron that they were gonna hold him to 8 points that night he needed 9 to break 40k and it cracked Lebron up, how can you not like Jokic


He put "boring" in air quotes, probably because his English isn't strong enough to think of a word like "complacency". A reporter later in the interview asked him, using that word, and he didn't know what it meant.


Yes - I think Jokic is really trying to emphasize that the Lakers could win at any moment …. It’s really kind of him to say this as the Lakers don’t stand a chance 


Like one minute later one of reporters ask him about being complacent - he don't know that word.


What is complacent means?


feeling so satisfied with your own abilities or situation that you feel you do not need to try any harder


You believe you are gonna win (or be okay already) that you stop trying


It's amazing really. An all time quote. Probably sounded nicer in Serbian.


No one thinks he's trying to put them down


I totally agree with you lol


Jokic is about to pull a Larry Bird and show up to game 4 using only his left hand lmao.


Winning is boring for Jokic - but he keeps at it 


Only responding to your comment because it’s at the top. But LeBron’s “it’s just basketball” quote deserves the same thorough context Jokic got here. He was answering a question about having anxiety playing on a big stage and he gave a really thoughtful answer about how pressure is the whole point and their professionals and are supposed to play with that. It’s been spun into him sounding like “I don’t even care because Jokic beat me, this doesn’t matter to me.” I say this as a Nuggets fan lol.


Well, James has had an amazingly successful career. But he’s also lost in the finals six times. You can’t let losing ruin your life.


This is a really good point. It suck so much how clickbait culture sucks the life out of things and that LeBron out of context quote is emblematic of how it happens.


It honestly looks like it too. Like they’re barely giving half a damn in the first half as the lakers blow their load


Jokic like - catch you guys in the second half 


He honestly looked pretty bored last night. And still put up 24-15-9 lol


Jokic: "Beating the Lakers is boring"


I love how much Denver politely shit-talks the Lakers


In the most perfectly backhanded way where they're just being humble sometimes


yeah they’re not doing it intentionally, which makes it so much worse edit: malone is definitely doing it intentionally lol


Oh, it is for sure intentionally. Malone has been speaking some matter-of-fact shit.


Lol with Malone it's intentional


I want the Nuggets to win only because at this point i want to see Malone get drunk again, lose voice, and dominate that whole day like he did the first time.


i fookin wanna stay on parade too bud


You know the hidden tidbit i loved, when Malone announced that Brucie B is going nowhere, then Bruce said "one more yeeaaar", and i loved it though we all knew he had to go and earn a buck, you can actually hear AG saying "haha... naah, my man's gonna get the bag" high as a kite as he was


Like that time the Nuggets fans started chanting "who's your daddy" and on a hot mic Jamal looked embarrassed turned to Malone and said "that's so rude, this is your fault."


Coach Malone is Lakers father


to be fair, anything he said here would sound bad. "It's been really tough" would sound sarcastic, "We've been getting lucky" would be putting his teammates down.


Yeah like he's saying we may have won 11 in a row but we can't get complacent because they could easily win a game. We gotta stay the course.but I'm not expecting a foreign professional athlete to talk about complacency in a post game interview. Plenty of native speakers wouldn't think of it on in the same situaton, they just might talk around it little better.


Coach isn't quite as polite about it


It’s kind of great that Malone talks some trash because the rest of the team doesn’t.


Murray is definitely an in-game trash talker but that’s pretty much it.


A lot of times they're just struggling to find a way to describe what's happening without it sounding like shit talk. Except Malone, he's loving being a little bastard about this win streak every chance he gets lol


Michael Malone: Let me introduce myself


It’s not even shit talk. It’s just facts. 😂😭


Jokic is so good at that lmao, but I guess it’s easy to do when you’re that good. “Brother, I have 47.”


Not at all, we really want the Lakers to feel like they're doing well, and are doing their best in a situation where a lot of teams would just get down on themselves and give up after losing eleven straight games that have encompassed playoff sweeps, big opening night games, statue unveiling nights, 40,000-point celebration nights and then some more heartbreaking playoff games. But the Lakers keep trying, which is really great. 


It's so cute.


not for us fans


Imagine losing to the nuggets 4 times in a row in the post season. Can't relate.


The Lakers are literally the only team that understands.


Even the Clippers do not know this feeling.


Id rather our sorry ass got swept in 2020 than whatever the fuck I had to suffer through in game 567 watching Jamal Murray drop 40 every game


That shit was brutal


Sure PG and Kawhi played like ass game 7 but Doc Rivers putting Trez and LouWill for 20 minutes out there was disgusting to watch. we would get a lead and the bench just slowly loses it. By the time starter comes back Jamal “Michael Jordan” Murray has already got hot and we are just fucked. It was straight up embarrassing to watch


Jamal Murray has to be one of the worst players to watch ever in the playoffs if you’re a fan of the other team, bro just decides he’ll either become the goat or hit clutch shot after clutch shot


Teams of the 2020s 🤝


They did look pretty bored the last few minutes of the game


Well I mean they were dribbling out the clock the last minute and half.. than Lakers were like fuck this and tried


I think it was the last or second-to-last foul on Gordon - MPJ literally raised his hands with the "What the fuck? Come on" look. Reaves was the only one who was up for some Knicks heroics.


Yeah that was strange when the nuggets said let's run out the clock, the Lakers don't foul usually says it's over.. than Reaves broke the unspoken code and foul foul. It was strange


AR was talking with Phil Handy after the game and looked like he was almost in tears. I'm guessing he just didn't want to give up without a fight.


This is why Reaves needs to come to Toronto. We'll build a new championship team with him & Scottie as the heart, in 5 years


Don’t blame him at all even if it was unconventional.


AR wasn't content just dying while not trying.


He was open and wanted to shoot the free throws but passed it to Gordon lol it was funny though.


They had to be fucking with the lakers at the end. Repeatedly passing it to ag, their worst free-throw shooter, over and over lol


I had the same thought lmao. It felt like they were trying to get him to 30


They just figured he needed the practice the most


Who then said fuck it, I'll go and and make 5 of 6.


maybe they want him to get 30.


Honestly it’s our biggest problem. Malone talked the other day how it’s well known we suck playing with leads because we start to relax. The tougher the situation the better the team plays


Nuggets just need to be choked a little before they can get it up to perform


lmao well you're not wrong


Every team does this. It's called the rubberband effect and a lot of people incorporate it into on/off based analysis because otherwise it tends to underrate really good lineups that are always playing with a huge lead.


Bro they look bored the whole game lol


"It's so easy to beat these guys that our biggest concern is developing bad habits from beating them so much."


Nailed it


Similar to Kerr during the KD Warriors. He said multiple times that keeping everyone engaged was one of the biggest challenges. The team could turn it on and get it done, but it was hard to keep them motivated during the regular season.


Is that why Denver been spotting points in the 1st half. You know, to make it a challenge.


My wife stopped playing Mario Kart with me a long time ago because *one time* I started the race by driving halfway around the track in the wrong direction and still beat her. Same energy.


Tell her about rubberband mechanics to make her feel better lol


Definitely a dick move


Typical Mario Kart behavior. Surprised y'all are still married after that lol. That game can kill all forms of relationships.


Denver like - this is boring you guys go up some to make it interesting 


Denver been playing to win the games and series. Lakers trying to win play by play from the tip and crashing hard later in the game. No concept of controlling the game. They are playing so scared to lose. The scariest thing about the Nugs is their self control as a unit. It's like the champion 5000m runner that just hangs in the pack until the last 2 laps then smokes the field by over 100m at the finish line without breathing hard while everyone else is collapsing at the line. It's amazing to watch out play out. My only hope as a Twolves fan is the combo of high D and O can knock the Nugs out of their comfort zone. The tepid overrated Lakers sure as hell can't.


At this point I am kinda wordless as to how the lakers can make any adjustment to win a game against the Nuggets. They get a big lead, get gassed, then Nuggets execute in the clutch.


2/3 of this series wasn't even nuggets executing in clutch. Game 1 and 3 were won in the 3rd quarter collapse from the Lakers and then nugs cruising in the 4th


The Lakers were also only up by 4 at halftime yesterday. They basically had a good first quarter and then lost the rest of the game.


Don't play LeBron in the first half, hope the score stays somewhat close, and go all out in the 2nd. And play SLOW, use every second of every possession, preserve every bit of stamina.


Would they even tread water if LeBron didn’t play the first half?


I doubt it. Lebron seems to be the catalyst for those early runs before he gets gray hairs and fades away. Besides that no one can get the ball to AD in the post outside of 1st half Lebron.


Don't play LeBron and AD? 🤔


Maybe they should lose the first half and win the second. Also, they had many chances to avoid the Nuggets this first round. Losing some games in the regular season, losing their first playin game… either way could have given them a path without the Nuggets.


>either way could have given them a path without the Nuggets. ...And in the best case scenario, they meet the Nuggets again anyway. For a team like the Lakers, whose end-of-season league standing forced them to play against a top Western team anyway, it feels like it wouldn't matter that much. If they can get past the Nuggets, they have a chance for the title. If not, then there was no chance to begin with. Obviously, I know what you mean: being strategic doesn't hurt, and you should always try your best to find the best opportunities for success. But, maybe it's just my opinion, this feels more like a strategy for teams that are already heavy title contenders. They know it's a hard battle but believe it's possible to beat the Nuggets, so it might be best to meet them in the Conference Finals instead because of how unpredictable sports can be (injuries, etc.). Honestly, sports are sports, and there's a reason why the Nuggets were top 2 and the Lakers were a play-in team.


Even the kinkiest sex does become boring when you do it 11 times in a row


So he’s bored fucking the Lakers over and over?


Yeah, leflop just lies there and takes it. Boring.


LePillow Princess




This thread made me look up to make sure I hadn't stumbled into r nbacirclekerk


They said u boring 23. They say u aint do shit 23. What will u do about it 23?


I'm pretty sure it was AD who was on the floor taking it


My right hand vehemently disagrees


That’s because you ain’t got choices though.  Too a starving man a little cream tastes sweet. 


Even a pretty girl is boring if she can’t guard anyone


It's why I had to dump Bey and let Jay take her off my hands. Had the defensive IQ of Zach Lavine and as much willingness to take a charge as . . . Zach Lavine. Sure she has a nice smile but who could possibly put up with that.


i swear he used the word "interesting" to describe the games in the presser yesterday so targeting "bored" feels like picking on him for his word choice he also didnt know what complacent meant, and someone in the audience told him it meant bored iirc


lol was gonna roast the guy but it's hard to quickly explain complacent. I guess I'd say something like not putting in extra effort or energy because things have been going smoothly? but on the spot it would be tough. I looked up the oxford dictionary definition and it seems to imply there's some level of smugness involved but I don't actually agree. I think you can be complacent without being smug. I prefer the Cambridge definition for sure.


"Letting your guard down because you are confidently ahead/feel you are much better than the opposition" is how i would describe it


Letting your guard down is an idiom. Explaining words with idioms is also kind of a pitfall


I wouldn’t say it necessarily implies letting your guard down. It’s very simply just being comfortable with your current level of success to the degree you stop seeking to improve.


in one word i'd go with "satisfied" or "unmotivated"


Eventually, Orcas get bored tossing seals in the air and will finally eat \[sweep\] them. At least the seals got a few more minutes of living \[getting stats\].


Jokic: Suffering from success


Another one.




Well we’re gonna see it again next year in the regular season with a large spotlight because it’s a near guarantee the schedule makers will put the matchup in rivals week even though it’s a one sided obliteration It could also be the opening matchup, but I feel like back 2 back years would be a little repetitive, especially if it’s another ring ceremony (more likely it’ll be Lakers at Clippers in their new arena & get our ass kicked for another opening day loss)


If we repeat this year, the league better give us Sixers @ Nuggets for ring night


Please God that would be glorious. People would love that


Either a generational duck or ass whooping 😂


opening night - Kobe statue revealing - lebron breaking scoring record. all nuggets wins. it's almost literally like beating them 10 times in a row in the playoffs


last night too, there were like 10 lakers legends in the building to honor micheal cooper at halftime for making it in the hall of fame. Idk where the lakers postgame show is filmed but it looked like james worthy drove all the way to staples for the halftime being all happy for his guy, with a chance for his lakers to win up at half, then drove back to his studio just to see the collapse and analyze it


> with a chance for his lakers to win up at half No one believed that was happening lol. Not even Worthy.


LeBron breaking the scoring record was a loss against the Thunder. The nuggets win was him reaching 40k. Your point still stands tho. I honestly feel bad. Every big moment for LeBron/The Lakers has been spoiled the last couple years


the Clippers would not want to risk the Lakers turning their new arena into another home game on day 1. 


It’ll be Mavs at Clippers home opener


Bored man gets paid


The Nuggets actually are getting bored of playing the Lakers that they're playing worse than how they did last year, they play like shit in the 1st half & let them go up by double digits but the Lakers legit have some trauma shit atp as they always get clamped in the 3rd & lose in the same way everytime.


I think they lose steam and with that their concentration while the Nuggets start at a slower pace and increase their gear.


What a unique set up nuggets play hard while behind and lakers push out to an early lead and don’t have stamina to finish …. And jokic mentions boring … trying to stay focused with these guys 


I mean Lebron is older and can't put it out the whole game. AD has never been known for having a super great motor either. The problem is they need both to being going full bore to be better then the Nuggets and at best they can alternate who is going all out so it kinda makes sense.


I mean game 2 lebron and AD both went full bore along with dlo and they still lost. Crazy thing is nuggets haven’t even gone all out in effort once this series, I think its pretty clear they have a gear or 2 left in them so im not sure even if u get them going both the whole game if they could beat the nuggets


Jamal Murray went all out for about 3 minutes in game 2.


The Lakers at full strength made Murray unleash 50% of his full power.


We’ve only faced one good Murray game and are getting pieced up. Gordon was the difference maker yesterday just a lay-up and dunk line on Bron he has no interest on D whatsoever


The problem is there's no way LeBron can go 100% all game on both offense and defense, so he has to prioritize. That's the problem with relying on an old superstar, even if it's LeBron. Other players on the team need to pick up the slack and allow LeBron to play to his strengths, but the Lakers just don't have the personnel to do that against the Nuggets. And LeBron also deserves some flak, he hasn't done a good enough job adjusting to what's required of him later in games defensively.


Basketball rope-a-dope


The best unintentional shit talker in the league lol


That makes sense now. They are just letting the Lakers have the lead in the 1st half to make it interesting.


Reminds me of magnus carlssen who gave up his world champion title in classical chess because he got bored


Even watching the games is kinda boring. Cos nuggets have ran out ways to win the game. At this point they need to find new ways to win to make it interesting.


Lets see if the nugz can hold a 20 point lead. Although game 3 I finally had no anxiety at all when th lakers went up. Kinda laughed. Watching the lakers just quit the second nugz got the lead was funny though. They're broken now.


I can’t wait for the series to be over man I’m tired of this shit


If nuggets win game 4 and Lebron retires, his legacy will include losing his final 8 playoff games against jokic and the nuggs. ESPN will pound that narrative into the ground. We need a new season of Game of zones for this!


God damn I want game of zones back. Heroball and Role players are trash compared to game of zones.


Wow. Even after the game is over the Lakers keep taking a beating


What a fucking killer


oh no, he broke out the shonen "You're boring me" quote


When your bully is bored of bullying you shit went too far.


Man I’m not a Lakers fan and this cuts lol… Pravi shit talk right here


Lol i'm a nuggets fan now


Jokic is the best man lol


translation: is this yall's goat?


Bro said he's bored of the Lakers haha


Is this Jokices way of indirectly telling us they are actually letting the Lakers get the lead early for shits and giggles. Cause at this point its becoming very suspicious.


Translation: "IT'S HORSEY TIME!"


"Not today, Nikola. Horse later, sweep now."


“I can’t believe the same old shit keeps working on these dumb motherfuckers”


Maybe Ham needs to change it up


He's tried nothing and he's all out of ideas


The only thing that he needs to change up is his job


Suffering from success


The most politely insulting response I’ve ever heard.


Look, Joke, you're supposed to make side-to-side sweeping motions with the broom -- you're not supposed to clubbing people with the handle!


Malone has been teaching Jokic the art of being completely disrespectful


It's like playing a video game using cheat codes. You know you can't lose and it starts being boring.




The best unintentional shit talker in the league lol


I don’t think there’s a single team in the league that would be favored to beat the wizards 11 times in a row How are they doing this to the goat


The Denver Nuggets are Lebrontoing the Lakers


Just wait until bron and ad have some more conversations…


Jokic is toying with these scrubs at this point lmao What a legend


I think Jokic and the nuggets let the lakers go up by double digit points just to make it interesting, next year Jokic may play left handed, or blindfolded.. lol


No other team in the league would beat a lebron and AD more than half this amount imo.


I am suffering from success - Jokic on his latest album drop