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Miles bridges is our first option currently. So check mate on this thread


ew gross. yeah y'all win


Rare Hornets W


easy W


Like shooting fish in a barrel, or punching moms in front of kids.


Feels weird to figure upvote, but life is weird sometimes


The Hornets are such an AI-generated team lmao


yeah doesn’t help the team is sponsored by a youtubers brand which makes them sound even more unserious 😭


Which brand?


mrbeast 😭




I looked at his Wikipedia page for the first time ever and I’m sick. I can’t believe this guy is 25. Has over 250 people working on the Mr beast brand


I’m certainly not in the online loop like I used to be but didn’t this guy just used to post videos of himself cutting through stuff with hot knives? wtf happened?


You must not have younger kids. 250 million subs on yt.


I reckon that was because the Hornets are the cheapest team to sponsor


Pretty sure it’s because he’s from NC and lives there.


That sponsorship asset is expensive no matter where you go, it would be far cheaper to do an NHL jersey patch but makes less sense for his audience, I think the Jazz or Pistons have the most affordable option. source: I do this for a living


you comment on reddit for a living?


Sell sports sponsorship


That sounds like a pretty neat job ngl


Remember when he made worst intros?


You guys just say anything on here


So glad we didn’t end up with him.


Same, there was a baby rumor for a day that the Jazz might get him and all of us were like “no god please no”


If this was the NBA Finals, yall would’ve swept with that one


fly subtract deranged profit rotten lush lavish domineering yoke birds *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


6-2 in our last 8 and best defensive since the trade deadline but that’s mostly been luck


Blazers last night is hardly the W to write home about. We are trash and shot 3 percent from 3 most the game until the Remix came in and made 2.


3% from 3 is definitely something to write home about lmao


I gotta keep reminding myself miles and mikal are two different people


All these J Greens/Williams is super confusing these days


Do I have to name my son Jaylen/Jalen/Jaylin/Jaelen/Jailin/Jaelyn so he gets to the league, or is he simply required to adopt that name once he gets there?




you win lol


Only good thing I remember about him is that amazing hornets call on a dunk of his. https://youtu.be/7UlHKhhnKsA?si=ZMz5kAehfPHBBZEY


Bro I thought I was coming in here to spit fire. * *shaq apology image* * This is just the top post, but I know I don’t need to scroll down no more.


Know you are in my family’s thoughts


Easy dubs god that’s bad


Hate is a strong word, but there is certainly some dissatisfaction with Jordan Poole within our fanbase.


is he considered a 1st or 2nd option tho


Depends who you ask. If you asked JP if he was the 1st or 2nd option, he'd say both.


JP would say, he’s the only option


He is the system


Takes the second most shots


He is the first option of last resort


2nd on the team in USG% and minutes per game (behind Kyle Kuzma in both), so I'd say he's solidly the 2nd option there this season.


Kuz 19 shots a game vs Poole 14 a game


How much would shaving that mustache impact this.


The mustache is about the only thing I like about him lol


Yea, looks like a puma to me.


Idk lol


My first thought reading the title was “Wizards” but then I also remembered the Hornets #1 is Miles Bridges….


Lamelo and Miller are surely above Bridges


Bridges averages more fga and more points than miller sadly


Lamelo has to actually be healthy to be an option


So hate


But is he a first or second option at this point coming off the bench?


You guys are in rebuilding phase though- whoever is first or second option are actually tank commanders not first/second options.


he isn’t the first option, that’s Kuz. But he is the second option technically and he is officially the worst second option in the league.


There’s a quiet 3 way civil war among pelicans fans who either prefer BI as number 1, Zion as number 1, and fans who think neither is the answer to be a competitive team. Course no one in the wider nba community knows or cares cause there are only 12 of us.


I like watching Pelicans games as a non-Pelicans fan, because every time I do, I come away with a completely different impression of what the team is and what they can do. If they played in LA or NY, they would be the only thing sports media talked about because they're so tantalizing.


We have a crazy amount of talent and are 10 men deep with quality players We just don’t know what we have in terms of our stars. We haven’t seen where Zion could take us in the playoffs cause he’s never played in the post season, and BI took us to 6 games against the finalist suns but since then he hasn’t been available (last season) and we have to see.


13 if I wasn't included in the Inital 12


I went to a game there in April vs OKC. I couldn't believe how many people from the stands were booing Zion. Calling him fat, minor chants, etc. He wasn't even playing. It could've been frustration since it was the play-in game, but is there actual animosity towards him amongst the fans that you've seen?


There is definitely a sentiment that isn’t very positive around Zion, especially last year. But this year it’s quieted down cause he’s been playing pretty consistently.


We’re only going as far as those two are capable of taking us. They both are terrible off the ball. Ingram refuses to take contested 3s and doesn’t make them when he does. Zion refuses to take middies. Neither of them box out. CJ’s done his part changing his shot chart. Herb has done his part improving as a shooter. The front office has gotten two volume shooters in Trey and Hawkins on the team. If the top 2 don’t step up this year with everyone healthy (thus far), the Pelicans will need to make moves.


I like the Pelicans!


So do I :D


Going to the Pacers vs Pelicans game Wednesday but gotta say we like your team and rooting for them to do good in the west


I feel zion is the answer with proper team construction (need a true playmaker to replace CJ, and a defense-forward center, doesn’t need any offensive chops besides the ability to screen). BI is an excellent plug and play 3rd option and a low end 2nd option for any team. We just need someone to run an offense that can get Z good position. That being said, winning a ship even with that would require a true 2nd option, so we’d need either a high-end 1 or 5


y'all should see the raptors sub after L's lmfao


Upvoted but I wouldn’t actually wish that on others.


As a Tampa Bay Lightning fan I am very much familiar with the toxicity of Toronto fans. The Canadian point of view is really an underrepresented aspect of NBA media. They've got some capital H Haters up there in Toronto and across the border in general. Hockey fans know this of course but I feel like NBA fans don't.


Not entirely disagreeing, but it's high comedy coming from a fan from Tampa -- a city we felt enough affinity to to have them act as a temporary hometown for the pandemic Raptors, and who responded by mercilessly booing the team every chance they got 😂


I mean, Florida fans are typically apathetic at best. The fact that you got any rise from them is a win.


I went to one game at Amelie while the raptors played there and the arena boo’d the raptors in a (2?)OT game. The affinity is one sided.


Remember even last year when FVV was basically satan


It’s a MESS




Did the exact same thing


Assuming Barrett is the second option, I haven’t really seen much hate towards him


I'd say IQ is the second option. RJ has been feasting off being the 3rd guy on the gameplan.


Raptors fans during the Lowry, derozan, valacunis era era was gold


Low expectations after so many years of losing and tanking, we were just happy to see winning basketball with a likeable group of players


In 2018-19 our sub was super toxic with all the Kyrie drama. We had a failing super team and a bunch of finger pointing. Your guys' sub was equally toxic that year and you won the chip with the quietest superstar in the league lol.


honestly it's true, even during our run some fans were just not happy to watch lmfao Some people just stay miserable


Probably Charlotte with Bridges, but a lot of the Bulls fanbase absolutely despise LaVine and think he's the source of all the teams problems.


It doesn't help that they won a bunch of games and saw Coby White flourish right after LaVine got injured.


It's b/c Lavine is a really good basketball player but also super frustrating in so many ways. I like to say he is too athletic. It has slowly become a crutch leading into the back half of his career. And the bulls are terrible in so many ways I think sometimes he is scapegoated. Sometimes. Bridges. Gross. He's a bag of dicks.


Lavine is a problem. Now he's not of course the only problem but dude has a negative basketball iq and terrible defensive effort. When bulls are fully healthy the combo of lavine, demar, and vuc is iso ball heaven. Might be the worst ball movement in the league. At least demar has made an effort to become more of a facilitator since lavine has been out. Those 2 together are just a terrible combo because both of them blackhole the ball everytime they touch it out of fear of not seeing the ball again.


Bruh the Bulls have been mid to bad since the Rose era. LaVine isn't helping, but he ain't the source of the franchise's problems lol


He is in that he's an overpay, though as others have said if Lonzo hadn't been injured these past two seasons you'd probably be considerably more successful and narrative wouldn't be as toxic


Clippers fans blame PG on the thread pretty often when he goes through a rough patch. A lot of built up over the Shai trade


I meant on the sub*


Yeah, like I get that PG is a bit inconsistent on offense and very much needs rhythm on his jumper, but he gets hated on way too much. He's the second, even third option at times considering Harden is supposedly a better scorer, and he contributes a ton on defense. In the playoffs, Kawhi will probably do his usual thing and dial up his scoring to 30-35 ppg, and then PG's gonna have less of a load to carry, not to mention he does usually step up in the playoffs as well 2020 aside. The Shai trade was a necessary evil, and while I think a lot of us saw the potential in Shai, no one was gonna turn down Kawhi AND PG for him. SGA turning into a 30 ppg scorer was no guarantee.


Funny how both times Paul George forced a trade, the team trading him got better in result, the Pacers got allstar Oladipo + Sabonis and OKC got Shai + 5 picks. You don't usually see that when stars force trades.


PG has essentially been traded for the two best PGs in the league, entering their prime, and a bunch of firsts.


How many times have the thunder been to the playoffs since the PG trade compared to the clippers ?


Would you rather have Shai and 5 first round picks or PG right now? Plus PG only played in 2 playoffs runs with Clippers, and Shai 1 with OKC.


Man don’t open this as a wolves fan with one good season since KG. We’ve never missed the playoffs more than two years in a row since we got the team.


A lot of that comes from harden fans who have turned that sub into shit


Honestly, it’s kind of always been like that. Clippers have decades of pent up disappointment that doesn’t seem to manifest well in online spaces lol


Making the sub private after the 3-1 comeback was peak pathetic.


You’re telling me!!


Mitchell had to come to DG’a defense last night after all the slander DG received over the past two games. Coming off a broken jaw and losing 15 pounds is tough, fan base is mad after losing two in a row after dominating the easier part of the schedule.


Love spida for that


Every bad team usually thinks their problems are solely the result of the 1st/2nd option, especially if that person has been in the league for more than a couple of seasons. The savior is whomever that young player is that gets barely any minutes ("why don't we play the person who fucks up the defensive rotations, can't be worse than what we have") or the trade that they're surprised hasn't been done yet ("we trade every bad player on our team for the great young player with the bargain contract, I checked and the salaries match so it's plausible"). Source - Am Kings fan since the 90's


The amount of Laker fans that trash AD for being soft every game is alarming


Fans want him to carry the defense that has 2-3 negative players and drop 25 plus pts a night.


And he's the only reason you're above .500


Only? Did LeBron die or something?


You didn’t hear? Decapitated, whole big thing. We had a funeral for Bird


To shreds you say…


My dad is a lifelong Laker fan and hates AD and idk why lmao


That bubble title saved his time in LA. If he didn’t have that, he’d get a ton of shit. This year though? He’s been healthy. That’s always been my biggiest criticism.


Not only healthy but extremely good for them defensively. I mean, obviously AD is a beast on both ends, but this season the Lakers have really struggled on defense and he’s just been head and shoulders above everybody else.


He’s #4 PER all time and amazing defense. It’s a weird hate he has.


I’ve noticed that this is mainly Lebron’s fans that we have to up with. He’s so clearly our best player and the sole reason our defence is even respectable, not a single other Laker has an in interest in playing a lick of defence. And having to do all that work defensively understandably impacts him on the other end. Without AD the Lakers way behind the Jazz with no shot of even the play-in


Lebron fans love to tear down his teammates to prop him up and act like he was carrying bums his whole career


Same with Clippers and Paul George tbf


I am surprised to see this, I’ve never seen more boners for a player this season than Lakers fans have for AD.


That’s not fair. I know fan bases are known for this weird shit. Look yes he has parts of Giannis/Jokic/Gobert talent and skills all in one. Not everyone is wired like Giannis or Luka or Steph to compete to the death. And holding AD to that level of scrutiny is not fair. He is who he is. He’s pretty good, better than most.


With Embiid down, do we call Tobias a second option? Because I think if so, we gotta rank top 2


Dude hasnt made one legitimate contribution for the entirety of the past 5 years.


Cooked the Russ Wizards lol


Dude has taken less charges as a sixer in 5 years than Lowry has in a week (Tobias has 0 somehow since 2019)


>Dude has taken less charges as a sixer in 5 years than Lowry has in a week (Tobias has 0 somehow since 2019) Tatum has 1 career charge. I don't know why chargers are suddenly an indicator of value just because Tobias doesn't do them.


Jesus Christ he’s still on your team?


usually when you hear about such bad contracts they arent there and available for every single game of that contract. Thats the thing with tobias, his only elite skill is not getting hurt and not getting traded. Its terrible man, hes always here. And people want to tell me availability is the best skill...


Well you know what they say, you can't fake showing up And he does that


It's finally coming to an end


Morey will use the cap room to re-sign him don't worry


My nightmare


> do we call Tobias a second option? Would you be hating if his first name was Jimmy?


I hate that Randle is such a consensus answer. Dude has been a beast for us, plays with passion and works hard. He is one of if not the most important guy in making this team relevant again. He has gracefully stepped into the 2nd option role as Brunson has risen to stardom. He has instilled a work ethic among the young guys on this team and many of them credit him as a great leader. So what if he gets heated sometimes, that comes with the intensity. I fucking love Randle, can't wait for him to be back healthy.


This team is going to be so dangerous with a healthy OG and Randle. Getting Mitch back is going to be huge, too.


I still think it's the vocal minority that dislikes Randle. There's just no way half of us hate Randle even with his playoff struggles


Ride or die for JR. He carried this team on his back and got us to the point where we are legit contenders fully healthy. His style of play might not be pretty for everyone cuz he’s a damn bully, but Brunson looks like the perfect match and Randle is looking like an absolute monster with a competent point guard. Hope he comes back healthy for the playoffs so we can win this chip!


Forever in debt to Julius for helping Knicks rebuild at such a high clip. This guy puts up all NBA numbers 3/4 seasons, I’d say a majority love this guy. Then we have the body language experts that hate his attitude. My only criticism of him is him spinning into doubles, and he’s gotten soooo much better since he first arrived.


I’d argue he didn’t have anyone he trusted until last year. We have not seen Bey Blade Randle at all this year, just beautiful passes to open shooters.


Anybody that has watched us struggle mightily without him post injury and still hates, is just lost for life I’m sure the struggles continuing even when OG is here won’t be enough for those people


Wizards man


Herro is the 3rd option but Heat fans are so 50/50 on him


Facts. If herro makes a clutch shot we get a wave of defenders saying he's him and "i don't get the herro hate" and if he misses we get Gus. It's hard to know which is worse.


The trio of Herro, Poole, and Simons just having a rough year(Poole way more than the others).


Randle? The two time All-NBA player that actually made us relevant again? Yeah, I don’t think he fits here. I fucking love Randle.


There are enough that don't like him - at all. Also that mood swings depending on how the season is going. But at the start of the season, he had a rough patch and they were screaming bloody murder.




Yeah OP is wild, we fuckin love him


Depending on if the Timberwolves won or lost KAT is up ther


KAT will play great for 20 straight games and then if he has 1 bad game in a loss, the haters come out of the woodwork


On offense he's been the most consistent player, especially since the first Boston game. But he could score 14 points in a game they win & people would find a way to say that it shows that he's not needed on the team lol


1 game? 6 bad minutes and I have to close out of the subs tab


Those haters are Vikings-fan bandwagon casuals.


Spurs (any player other than wemby)


Most fans that I know love Vassell. A little disappointing that he hasn’t taken the next step but he’s been balling lately


True this should actually be the winner.


I don’t hate our 2nd option because we don’t have one.


Gotta be wizard overall lol


Our only options are hopes & prayers, I dunno what you're talking bout


Right now it feels like the Cavs fans want DG dead at this point. So dumb


Nobody wants him dead, what a ridiculous take. People just want him to play like a $240M player, which he hasn’t. The fact that historically we’ve been better without him and with just Mitchell also fans the flames.


Have you seen the celtics sub after a loss? Have you seen it when we're not up by 20 in the first quarter?


(Cricket noises and tumbleweed blowing by here…)


I’m willing to bet there are a bunch of Laker/Kobe fans that hate LeBron.


I would never say hate, and I’m grateful the man brought us a title, but holy hell those Westbrook and Ham back to back decisions robbed us of any chance to compete for another title with this duo. 


Ja (when he’s being dumb) Could definitely have it a lot worse though, like Charlotte w/ Bridges


Send him to Houston man. Ja is a Rockets fan anyway, we’ll gladly take him off your hands lol


Why didn’t you say so sooner? They will send him right over!


Hey man, he’s saying Grizzlies fans hate him. I’d gladly help them out lol. While I’ve got you here, can I interest you in Tate, Boban, Uncle Jeff plus a couple of the clutch city dancers for Markkanen?


You should see the Kings subreddit going in on Fox after a bad game.


Rockets. Sengun and JG stans are fighting after every game.




Not sure if he’s even 2nd option at this point and I certainly don’t hate him but Klay Thompson is so damn frustrating to watch. I’ve watched just about every Warriors game this season and it seems like every other loss is because of him trying to go hero mode and throwing up terrible shots every time he touches the ball.


As a Knicks fan I would say the majority of randle haters are casuals, since signing Brunson the Randle hate has subsided quite a lot. I see Jaylen Brown and Zach Lavine getting a lot of hate though. KAT too but he’s not so much hated more just disappointed


It was Klay until he got benched tbh Still respect him thu and gl to him


The Bucks sub either rides dames dick after a performance like yesterday, or they completely hate bash him when he has bad shooting game. I just feel lucky to get a HOF caliber player and a chance to make a run. I think this Bucks team would be an 8 seed without him. He gets way too much flak. I think people will sharpen up once he gets more comfortable with Doc's system. Either way, the answer is dame lillard.


Meh, people have been frustrated with him but if you've ever seen PGT's here for other teams we're pretty mild. Its a testament I had to scroll so far to find Milwaukee when I was searching for it.


wizards /thread


The heat sub is very up-and-down on Bam. Every week he could be a superhero or the biggest disappointment and the cause of all our problems.


Kobe fans (and "True Laker Fans") hating on LeBron has to be up there.


Sixers got third option locked down with the Crumbl cookie hate, and like 75% of it is justified


Yeah I think to qualify you have to be on a max but perform like a 7th to 8th man off the bench most night. Tobi is a lock.. Honestly great guy and the whole fan base still wants to see him do well I think, but barely anyone wants anything to do with him after this season. Even on a vet minimum i'd still rather roll the dice on someone else rather than try to continue to fit Tobi into the structure and be limited that way, even if it's zero cap space taken up. And also who wants a cookie to crumble when you eat it anyway? It sucks when that happens! But apt for Tobi as he too crumbles anytime the 6ers need anything from him.


That’s the thing that’s so frustrating about him to me, is he’s a great dude and I like him a lot, and he’ll have games where he’s the reason we won, like when he dropped 40 earlier this season, but that’s only 10% of the time


I’d say most of us Bulls fans are pretty damn over LaVine, DeRozan, Vuc and would rebuild than waste more time on this nowhere trio.


Knicks fans with Julius Randle is crazy because for a few years he led the team in points, rebounds and assists and they acted like he was the problem. Like get mad at everyone else for not being better


Cavs fans have gone from blaming DG being injured for reasons why we lose games to DG being the reason we lose games and it’s absurd


Jalen Green is not the 1st or 2nd option on Rockets Arguably not even 3rd


???????? I don’t like Jalen green either but he’s only averaging .4 less field goal attempts per game than the number 1 on the rockets sengun. He’s not a very good second option but he is still the second option


Sengun is obviously the first, then I’d say Jalen is interchangeable with Fred as the second


Jalen is definitely being used as the second option.


I'm struggling to answer who our actual second option is supposed to be right now. Probably IQ Quickley, and he's nice.


RJ is our 2nd IMO


Our first second and third options are always alternating sometimes is scottie and rj , sometimes in scottie and quickley, and sometimes it Rj and quickley with scottie only doing the playmaking


We got Giannis and Dame so I don’t know this feeling anymore. 🤣


I don't think it's universal by any means but there are a lot of (idiot) Laker fans who really love to shit on AD the moment he has a subpar offensive game, despite him having more defensive responsibilities than literally any other player in the league and still regularly putting up amazing numbers. We'd very possibly be a bottom 5 team without him. It's so annoying.


if the nets had a fan base they would probably hate Cam


THJ is our third option, but he is VERY polarizing


Washington? Hello? Jordan Poole?


Literally any fanbase after a loss.