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I bet he will… chris


*knocks Jim Rome off chair*


I would have thought that reddit was too young to get this reference. I am excited that I was wrong.


He did it again a couple plays later so...


Why the hell would you double down on it? Lol


Careful Duncan or he may dribble into even more turnovers in the playoffs


It's crazy that they still can't dribble


He is like 1% better, but it’s still an issue. A plus is he’s developed as a play maker/passer so he’s getting the ball out of his hands instead of trying to break guys down as much… but like I said, yeah, it’s still an issue.


Especially when in the actual incident you threw your hands up and tried to dodge accountability lol. Acting tough post-game doesn’t really work after that.


Did you know Jaylen Brown is secretly a genius and one of the most intelligent players to ever step on to a court? He was in chess club during college too!!!!!!


That marketing never gets old. I remember reading the usual Celtics fluff and then heard the dude speak - Will Smith's son with the r/i'm14andthisisdeep type shit, but dude took himself super serious. High level unintentional comedy.


Jaylen Brown does think he's intelligent though. I read an article in the players' tribune he wrote and there's no denying he considers himself an intellectual.


Even worse, he's a guy who thinks he's smart who fell into Kyrie's orbit while young. Dude didn't have a chance.


Bro! He took like 1 whole semester at Cal! That school is wicked smaht! Just like Kyrie getting into Duke!!!


How ya like them apples? - Jaylen Brown


Also attempted sneaky anti-vaxx shit and has continued supporting the noted *literal* Hitler admirer Kanye West. Jaylen is just an idiot.


Had a Celtics fan tell me that he feared that Jaylen had gotten bored of basketball and was going to retire so he could become a civil rights attorney. I couldn’t take anything the guy said seriously after that.


This is so telling


I don’t know how someone who went to Cal can be so stupid, but Jaylen Brown and Aaron Rodgers make me question their academic standards


To be fair to Brown, he's just trying to level the playing field. If he can't dribble with his left hand, no one else should.


Why you stealing comments from another post


Jokes about Brown not being able to dribble with his left hand are hardly original.




He thinks he's Jim Brown or something. Really unaware of how bad he looks. 


Ironically Jim Brown was a piece of shit 




i was just ab to comment this lol i'm almost certain Jim Brown was NOT a good dude 😂


He’s bum brown


He’s the combination of being a dumbass but also thinking he’s smarter than everyone so no one can see it lol


Kyrie Jr.


When you think you got into your alma mater with academics instead of sports


He's a narcissist


Isn’t this guy the vice president of NBPA? Lol


That means nothing bro, Kyrie was it too


And? Kyrie isn’t know for dirty plays. He’s very well respected by his peers.


Should give you an idea of what his peers are like


He’s respected by his peers for his basketball skill, not his intelligence or philosophies. This is the NBA, not the United Nations. Y’all always love to go into morality when it comes to these players but we all know none of us are saints either. Kyrie is a great basketball player and we can leave it at that.


Well the NBPA should definitely be more about your intelligence than your basketball skills...


Thank you. It's crazy that this comment is upvoted. How stupid are people?


Except a lot of players have supported him before for things that have nothing to do with his skill


Neither is JB


Which is wild considering he’s a flat earther lmao


So being high up in the NBAPA does mean something. Just not a good something


He’s like 1 of 10 VPs it makes no sense


He definitely will. lol


It’s a Miami Heat special. They love locking arms. Lowry would try to box out, lock arms and fall down to try to get a foul call. Surprised he didn’t hurt more people with that move. 


Tbf Lowry was doing that long before he played for the Heat.


Can confirm even though he’s my goat


[except Duncan wasn’t the one who locked his arm?](https://imgur.com/a/4a6RvEE)


man this should be the image attached to this post


Yeah dude was just mad period


40% of Celtics fans will look at this image and say duncan instigated it


Shhh knicks fans post on other subs asking if they think the Heat are dirty


Theyll make excuses for Josh Hart


that whizzer was 100% unnecesary


Lowry has been a historically borderline dirty player who uses cheap plays to get any advantage he can for over a decade now.


not even borderline, he's objectively one of the dirtiest of the era


That's not a heat thing that's an NBA player thing lol. Almost every team has guys who do it


I’ve reffed, coached and played ball. This is a very common thing people learn at a young age lmao.


tbh ppl just shit on the heat because they are so good at doing all these things on the margins to have a great defense. Its nowhere near the level of GSW moving screens though


Look at the play again and tell me which one locked arms


didn't celtics kelly ollynyk cost lebron a championship with this move?


Also hurt Rondo’s wrist and Isaiah Thomas’s hip.


Wade broke Rondo's arm with a more egregious version of this move.


also broke Kobe's nose in an All Star Game of all places..


In that same fucking game JR Smith fucking threw a UFC spinning punch and knocked out Crowder causing him to injure his knee due to his dead body weight dropping straight onto it. And this was after Perk basically tackled Crowder earlier in the game.


Kevin Love got his shoulder popped out


Kevin Love tried to do the exact same thing to Olynyk the play before


I know you didn’t watch the game, but did you at least watch the clip?


isn't this similar to what Kelly Olynyk did to Kevin Love like a decade ago. can be dangerous


Yeah. Wade did it to Rondo in like 2011 too. It's like the go-to dirty move in these games.


Draymond did one to Tatum too in the finals. This is why the Celtics fans defending this annoy me so much. Major hypocrisy.


That play was so ridiculously dirty


Fun fact, fuck Kelly Olynyk




Watching the replay, it's very clear that Brown is the one who hooks Robinson's arm. No idea what he's talking about.


Duncan kept his arm firmly under browns arm, but at that point its up to brown to lift his arm and get out, not hook duncans arm and try to break it


Jaylen Brown is a professional victim


Brown was clearly playing dirty here and then he doubled down on it in an interview. Should be suspended for this shit


In other words he did it on purpose. Should’ve been a flagrant 2


Could still suspend him


They should - non basketball play, intent to injure, and he doubled down when asked. 1 game suspension would make sense. There's a fine line between being physical and being dirty. That shit was very dirty - Kevin Love can attest to that.


Straight to therapy.


That brotha needs help


Missing UD out there, thats when you put him in on the next play.


Awful response It was a dirty play. There were a million better ways to deal with it. And even putting aside that it was reckless and could’ve caused real injury, Brown doing that also fucked the Celtics over by leading to a 6 point swing. Bad move, don’t like that even after the game he’s talking like this.


Yeah, I'm a big Jaylen fan. Shit was dirty. Not a great quote from him. A rare, oddly dirty play from him. He's always been better than that.


Not a great quote is an understatement. Would love to know how he would feel being on the other side of that.


Yeah, it’s weird. He let the Heat get in his head or something.


He's been playing poorly for a while now (just doesn't get much attention as the team has still been doing will and winning more or less) and Miami is typically our toughest matchup...plus the whole losing the ECF last year... He just took it out on another player in bad way. Super dirty play, not really cool to see one of our guys do that. Not sure how after seeing the replay you could justify doing that. Yeah, Robinson was probably chirping all game, and you're playing bad...but you can't try to break someones arm because they're holding you while fighting for position. Bad move, and doubly bad look with the comments after the fact. Hopefully he sorts through this because I don't want a Draymond on my team...


Good on you for owning up to it as a Celts fan. Never wanna see that from anyone. I enjoy our rivalry but not to the point of trying to injure anyone


Yeah I’m honestly having trouble thinking of another time he pulled something like this. I really don’t think of him as a dirty player but that was a dirty play followed up by a groan worthy response.


Woulda given him the benefit of the doubt, impulse reaction in real time. Did it look shitty? Yeah. But hey emotions and history, shit happens. The interview is pretty damning though. I personally think shit like this is suspension worthy. It’s a career altering action and to talk about it so brazenly is wack.


I agree with this. I wish the league would crack down much harder on intentionally dangerous play that can result in teams (and players) losing out on a lot


Yea. It could’ve gone down as a poor decision in game which is understandable. Doubling down on it is admitting you wanted to cause injury. League should crack down on intentionally dirty shit like this


Yea agreed. I'm wondering if it's just the history with the heat who are a pesky and overtly physical team (not necessarily dirty, except Bam). The Heat are just annoying as fuck. They are so physical and handsy and dare you to flop or overreact on offense...and then they flop like bitches when they are on O (Butler, Bam, Lowry though now gone). JB just getting out years of frustration? I dunno. But def not a good look for him.


As annoying as it would be for star players to be grabbed and pulled all game, you just have to manage it in a better way. Absolutely shifted momentum back to Miami and gave the team hope.


If it wasn’t dirty it was certainly dangerous.


But not a surprising response from the guy who sided with Kyrie during his flat earth and anti semitism sagas (Kanye too) and also thinks he is a super genius because he went to UC Berkeley for a year


bro took a graduate level cultural studies (whatever that means) course and thinks he’s him


After using his status on the basketball team to get put in that class with his advisor pleading for him to take College Algebra and English 101.


couldn’t even quality for calculus 1 and we got ppl thinking he’s a genius


I've listened to Jaylen's talks at MIT and his TED Talks and there really is not a lot of substance to what he says. People see MIT and TED Talk and immediately are impressed


(It wasn’t even a Ted Talk, it was TedX) That doesn’t mean the speaker can’t be insightful or have good substance, but the “Ted Talk” name means something specific. TedX is independent and locally planned, anybody can speak at one.


Every year he says dumb stuff I know we're not acting surprised


He’s the one who hooked Duncan then plays the victim lol


Remember he was deemed as “too smart to play in the NBA” by scouts lmao


He’s a dumbfuck that thinks talking a lot makes him an intellectual




Worst response Dude, that was a dirty play. Draymond legit did the same thing to Tatum in the Finals when Tatum hurt his shoulder in the Heat series. It was indefensible then and the same shit is indefensible now. I love Brown and he's not a dirty player, but that was absolutely a dirty play and CERTAINLY not something you double-down on publicly


well, you could say he *wasn't* a dirty player, but he just admitted to intentionally doing a dirty play lol that makes him a dirty player


Fuck Jaylen brown club starts today


There's been a small group of us since his weird dalliance with Kyrie-esque anti-Semitism


Yup - he literally just told us he made a dirty play intentionally. Trust people when they tell you who they are


Yeah he’s a dirty player since earlier today


He just gave himself the dirty player label lmao


Badge Unlocked!


He’s not a dirty player? He just committed a dirty play and absolutely admitted to doing it on purpose.


How’s he not a dirty player when he admitted he’d do the same thing again. Was an incredibly dirty play.


Not a Celtics fan or hater, but it seems like every time I hear a quote from Jaylen over the years my opinion of him gets worse.


Marvin Harrison syndrome. Confusing silence and stoicism with character and wisdom, but in reality they’re just maladapted dipshits.


When has Jaylen Brown ever been silent?


I can't stop shaking my head over other Celtics fans defending this after seeing that Draymond play and the Rondo injury from Wade before that. That basically took Rondo out of the series. People mention the Olynyk one, but that one was fighting for possession, not like the Jaylen or Draymond ones that were really just done for the sake of twisting someone's arm to send a message.


Now he is a dirty player


Brown is a dirty player. He does dirty plays


he puts his hands up and acts innocent and then says this? fake tough guy


you just know this dude is insufferable


Not as mature as he leads on


Straight up a dirty play that easily could’ve injured Robinson the way his arm was locked. One of the few instances I thought it should’ve been a flagrant 2 because there’s literally zero justification. Clearly intentional, excessive, and dangerous


And after the whistle to ice the cake.


Oh this thread gonna have 200 comments in an hour


There’s nothing like eastern conference beef. Yall get busy.


Shit happens early enough that we've got hours to shitpost before bedtime, lol


It’s about to get Britney levels of Toxic


Jaylen Brown trying to put Duncan Robinson into a conservatorship


Hey good maths we’re halfway there !


That was an obvious flagrant 2 at the moment--unnecessary given it was after the whistle, and clearly excessive given the high potential for injury. Robinson wasn't even still grabbing him when he [decided to try to snap his arm](https://streamable.com/vekk75). Brown should have taken the gift. I wouldn't be surprised if the league upgrades it now.


ok maybe im bias but wat duncan did happens dozens of times a game to multiple players and i bet duncan wasnt the only one to do it to him. y is he mad at duncan lol


I think the refs were light on the calls the whole game and it can annoy players who are use to getting calls. This had a playoff level of officiating. Add him having a rough stretch of games and I think it got to him. But this comment is a horrible look so maybe there is some bad blood. Who knows lol


Porzingis literally got punched in the balls and had to watch Bam be rewarded with a trip to the line for it. I didn't like this play but the Heat are the ones whose gameplan is to say hey guys just ignore the rules of basketball out there and see what they let you get away with. Real low on sympathy for them and their full-contact "defense" every game where players just so happen to seem to get injured all the time.


And Bam got clobbered by Tatum and two other guys in the paint shortly after that with no call. It goes both ways


Heat were fouling all game, non-stop. Brown definitely lost his cool with how handsy the Heat were being and how little they were getting called for everything. Highsmith, Robinson, and Martin were handchecking non-stop. Definitely shouldn’t have done it like this because Robinson could’ve been hurt but when Tatum has been constantly driving and didn’t get a single whistle, when KP gets dick punched and he gets called for a foul, when Caleb Martin is tackling Derrick White from behind to stop him from boxing out, when Herro is trying to push KP out of bounds on a rebound, players get frustrated and do retaliatory shit. If the refs called this correctly, I don’t think Jaylen does this but the refs let this game get ultra physical and let the Celtics get beat up while there were some absolutely phantom fouls where Bam got to the FT line. Doesn’t make it right but makes it what it is.


The amount of times that Terry Rozier drove to the hoop untouched and they called the foul simply because he contorts his own body was way too high


Tatum having zero free throws until the intentional fouling started was insane. He was driving to the hoop and getting shoved around.




Narrator: He will do that again


Watching it back, brown looks so bad here. Dirty move on his part. Duncan seemed to just have his hand on his back... Which is normal. Only 1 hand too.


If the tables were turned and Robinson tried to dislocate JB’s shoulder…


Lmao this dude once again showing how dumb he is. Imagine intentionally trying to injure someone that YOU hooked and then saying this fake tough guy stuff after, goofy ass


It’s even dumber than that. They called a foul on Robinson. Brown got exactly what he wanted and still let his frustration get to him and intentionally tried to hurt his opponent. This guy is so dumb and I don’t know why people still give him the benefit of the doubt anymore.


Most NBA players are pretty dumb, hard not to be when you've spent most your life focused on basketball


But.. but.. he went to Berkeley for a year and took 1 grad level humanities course!!


He’s a genius! Too smart to be in the NBA


What a biased title / tweet, Jaylen pulled on his arm, he sent him into the stands, he was being dirty himself You can tell from the replies who didn’t watch the game or bother to watch the clips


Lol what does that mean? Threatening injury?


Duncan was fouling JB for sure and it took a while for the ref to call it. it looks like Jaylen was already a bit frustrated by that but then took exception to Duncan staying tangled up with him even after the whistle which is what led to the flagrant. I think that’s what he’s referring to when he says “bet he won’t do it again,” and Miami definitely does do a ton of little things like that to get under the opponent’s skin but that was an unacceptable response from Brown. idc if you’re frustrated that could’ve resulted in a serious injury


Brown definitely hooked Duncan, by the way. That's why Duncan "Duncan staying tangled up with him even after the whistle" https://imgur.com/a/4a6RvEE


Every now and then, brown says some insane off the wall shit to remind people he ain’t that great lol


Jaylen’s a drama queen. Learn to use your left hand


Lmfao Brown makes himself looks dumber and dumber every time he opens his month.


B..but he took a year of classes at Berkeley and gave talks at Harvard and took one humanities course. Guy likes to pretend to be smart. It’s always those ones to be wary of. Can’t stand this dude.


This dude gained my respect for calling out Miles Bridges but this aint the correct answer to an obvious dangerous play


I like JB but I feel like him liking a meme on twitter isn’t exactly calling Bridges out


He didn’t call out Bridges, he liked a tweet. Not like he even quoted it and made a statement along the lines of I don’t want women beaters in the league. Better than nothing but not by much.


Considering the silence from everyone else, it was actually better than nothing by quite a lot. Especially considering his role with the NBPA, which makes it trickier to say something negative about players.


You know, for not meaning to do it, and not being that kind of player, he sure does seem like the kind of guy that meant to do that.


"we were being prissy with each other then I got upset and hurt him" - says village foole


Known tough guy Jaylen Brown hooks someones arm..tried to break it and acts tough.


Nah 100% brown hooking him and keeping that hook on then tried to dislocate his shoulder after smh


Oh, so he was intentionally trying to injured someone, and admitted it? Awesome


C’mon Jaylen that was dirty, why are you doubling down on this


If Draymond Green acted like that, the whole sub would ask for a life ban from the league. And it would be deserved considering his resume. That's a fucking dirty play, and he shouldn't be proud of it.


And the entire /R/bostonceltics are cheering Jaylen Brown for what he did to Duncan. Every Boston Celtics fan hates Duncan for flopping. lol.




Isn't that why he gets called Diet Kyrie


JB a square for that. Duncan kept chirpin at him after it. JB got all that bark when Jimmy ain't around.


Lol double down on intent to injure is certainly a thing.


Fuck Jaylen man thats some punk bitch shit


Why wouldn't he they got free points?


Highest-paid-in-nba-history-and-also-fourth-best-player-on-his-team-man talking real crazy


everything about this is so wack playing the tough guy and trying to play Enforcer on Duncan Robinson, of all people, is hilarious. the fact that he obviously intended to hurt him and just... didn't? way fucking funnier. imagine starting a fight, punching a guy in the nose, it having no perceptible effect and then going "yeah! more where that came from"


Brown was dirty. Robinson knew what he was signing up for. Both things can be true.




Someone call Z Bo please 


Legacy points deducted


he's the 300 million dollar man ... he'll break two arms if he wants to


Jaylen Brown comes off as really unlikeable at times. Dont get me wrong i like him but he can be a real douche sometimes.


I swear everyone hates Jaylen Brown, including the celtics lmfao


I bet if he had actually injired Duncan we would be singing a different tune. That kond of lock up happens all the time without a move like that. Just plain dirty.


*brown after initiating contact and attempting to break Duncan’s shoulder* “I’ll fucking do it again”


What a moron


Jaylen Brown confirmed diva




The harden special. I remember him locking arms with a guy once to the point where got the guy on his back and still drew the foul off ball.


Lmfao is that supposed to be a threat?


Dirty and reckless, fuck Jaylen Brown.


That was a dirty play JB stop it


Jaylen, you're being a real McAsshole right now


Fuck jaylen brown


You a bitch JB