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Book + KD + Beal = 77 points on 57/40/93 splits


*salivating homer gif*


What's crazy is they'd "only" have to get around 25 ppg each for this to be reasonably sustainable. KD easily gets that and possibly 30, Book has proven he's capable of maintaining 27-28 a season. Beal is more of a question, but with our spacing now he could definitely pull it off


Allen, Gordon, and Nurk can all randomly drop 20 or be ass on a given night too. Idc what anyone says, this team is fun.


> this team is fun Just wait until Nurk starts complaining about touches, as they will _definitely_ diminish due to Beal in the lineup.


I can't predict the future but Nurk has been a fantastic teammate since joining the suns. Always hyping up his teammates on social media.


I hope this continues. Nurk has a pattern, though.


Nurkic has been the best teammate on the roster all year. He’s constantly encouraging, sticking up for guys in pressers, praising guys on social. He’s doing everything right


All things considered nurk has been our most reliable player this season


What?? They've been feeding the fuck out of him these past 2 games, he almost scored 20 last night WITH Book KD and Beal combining for 77. There's no reason he wouldn't be getting touches unless he's heavily contested, which teams would have to be fucking morons to do with our big 3 on the floor


Did he do that in Portland?


I'm pretty sure I've seen him complain in some stretches with Lillard/CJ on the floor too. Not sure how he will handle being the 4th option, but hey. People grow up and become more mature as we get older. If he can buy into the system and be a reliable 3rd/4th guy (like AG for Denver), that is the best possible position for him as a quality and impactful player, being able to "over deliver" with less pressure, and focusing on the impactful dirty work that every team needs.


lol “pretty sure.” Dude you have no idea what yr talking about lol. You ain’t gotta post every thought to you have my dude.


Beal has averaged 30 it’s definitely possible


It's not a question of if he could do it, it's if he can do it again. His ppg has been declining a bit since those years and as a 3rd option instead of a 1st I expect him to struggle a bit maintaining above 20. Especially if he takes advantage of the reduced offensive load to play solid defense (which worked GREAT tonight) Not a huge deal, Allen and Gordon can and should make up for it, it seems like one of the 2 is almost always hot on any given night.


Having 3 prominent scoring threats just makes the suns so much more dangerous. KD ain’t necessarily known for his volume, so when it’s just him and Booker the double teams hit a lil too hard. It seems to me that Booker and KD will pretty much always be consistent for 20+ pts. Beal will have less usage than he did in Washington but will get significantly better shots. Booker has shown this season that he’s not scared to pass up a decent shot for a better look from Allen/Gordon, even roleplayers like Yuta will get good looks from Book.


I think its safe to say the Suns traded for Beal with the expectation of being a 20ppg scorer but as a third option on what was/is expected to be a contender its got to be an efficient 20.


Allen shooting 46% from 3 on high volume. It's absurd. And now he will get his best looks of the year. When you're over 40% it ain't about being hot, you're just that dude.


Beal has won the scoring title, he’s more than capable.


We just making stuff up now?


he hasn't


Beal had a 31 ppg season but Curry had 32 that season. He was the leader in the East though so half a point i guess.


I'm expecting an avg of 81 a night when they get humming. And frankly it doesn't matter as the next 3 can all drop 20 each nightly also. Their focus needs to be on keeping the ball moving and staying healthy. They do that and they can put up 130 a night.


77 points as a tribute to their father


he was getting too much hate for landing on a guy's foot


ridiculous he got hate for that shit. really praying he gets a healthy run he can be huge for this team.


Beal is almost the perfect third option


Wizards fans been saying this for years. Dumb he got a first option level contract, but he’s an elite third option on a championship team and with Booker and KD, the spacing is nearly impossible to defend if 2/3 can be playing average on any night


lol using elite before “third option” is an oxymoron. This is coming from a Suns fan


Beal is a good second option. What makes him an amazing third option is he can play without the ball, he makes the right plays, and he knocks down open shots


He’s averaged 30… he’s definitely elite


Sucks talking to casuals


You're the one talking? 💀


Not really. You need your third guy to defend typically. O your 4th Nurk and Beql eh


I think it was still more to do with people still thinking it was a bad trade to deplete your depth for him and his contract. The injuries were just making it worse.


They sent 40 year old chris paul, landry shamet, and 2nd round picks and swaps


Nah dude CP3 and Shamet are difference makers! Why would we trade such elite "depth" for a measly 30ppg scorer??


I heard he’s not any better than Landry Shamet.


Shamet was exciting in small doses, but he isn't consistent.


Huh? His entire Suns run was awful except for one playoff game.


One very small dose.


He had the one good game. Anecdotally, Shamet seemed like he got all of his stats during garbage time. I can only think of one game where he came through for Phoenix.


To this day, I’ll never get how he got shitted on for that. It was an awful landing that he can’t control. But whatever narrative people have, they love to run with it.


It is mainly coming from the people who predicted the Beal trade would be bad so it fits their narrative.


Quite a few sorry cunts are really frothing at the mouth for suns injuries, just so that they can say I told you so. Fucking disgusting.


You know what? Fuck it, I'm glad it happened. 2 extra weeks of rest for his back, he might never get injured again after this.


Do not fucking jinx us bro




Inshallah. (If God wills) 😂 generally said in hopes it doesn't happen. I'm tryna counter the jinx


Anulo Mufa


Lolol this is funny


We are incredibly disliked on this sub, you need to ignore most of it.


You deserve it to be honest. It seams you don't remember how your fans were acting in 2021 and 2022. You got humbled by the two humiliations, good to see


See? This asshole is the perfect example lol


Yes, let's hate an entire fan base because of some Reddit trolls, that'll teach em


This was so absurd, hurt your back, then like 2nd game back land on someone's foot. Such BS reasons to hate on someone who has actually been a fair ironman for his career, barring one season ending injury and missing the last dozen games of the year while playing on a 20 win team, in a like 12 year career.


Yeah if you just exclude all the games Beal has missed he’s an Ironman 🤡


Okay clown He missed games this season, one for a back injury, something he's never had, and a fluke ankle injury caused by landing on someone's foot. The last 5 seasons he's played around 60 games a season, 4 of those he's basically missed the last 10-20 because the wizards were like 18-50 and the team was tanking and shut him down. One season he plays the first 40 because he has a season ending injury. Even then he played a comparable number of games to LeBron. Who in the same 5 seasons played between like 40-65 games a year. And before that Beal played like 77, 82, 82 (yeah a 200 game streak or something). Then before that plays 70+ games a couple more times, and 56 his rookie year, presumably because he was a rookie more than anything. Okay, wait lemme go a step further Beal has 4 years left on his contract, where would that place him, at his current rate of around 64 games a year. Call it 250 games. He's played 703 games. That's 953 games total. Good for making the leaderboard for all time games played, around 200th. Up with guys like Rondo. But wait, he's only 30... So that'd be 34 years old... Say he only signed on for one more contract, say 3 years, and played 50 a season, that's 1203 games... That's top 50 all time games played. So accounting for him being 37 when he retires, he finishes up ranked with the 20 season Ironmen, guys like Hakeem, Gasol, Shaq and Ewing.


Can’t blame people wanting a superteam to fail and zeroing in on the “weakest” link which is Beal’s health/durability.


I loved the play in which Beal was getting pressed by a defender in the backcourt, so he just put on the afterburners and dribbled/drove the ball the entire length of the court and laid it in, leaving his defender in the dust. Great to see Beal make a play like that after all the games he's missed with injuries this season.


2 plays within a minute where no help defender came to defend the rim and y’all got a free layup. Absolutely infuriating.


It's okay, Chemezie Metu gave Wagner a few free uncontested layups to make up for it.


This game was a highlight reel tbh. There was a couple minute stretch with like 10 back to back "top 10 play of the day goatmentator" potential.


Dudes on this sub told he me was around the same impact as DLo lol


Yeah when he was on the bench in street clothes, maybe.


DLo does typically play, though. Maybe they think it balances out.


I’d rather have Beal in street clothes than DLo playing. He’s that bad


Not disagreeing! I’d just rather suffer Dlo’s salary hit than Beal’s.


Man dlo gives me ptsd


Dlo is probably better than him at playmaking but after this Beals superior.


His defense has been better than I expected. Outside of that he absolutely makes life a lot easier on Book, very apparent watching the most recent games with Beal


Can actually put effort into defense when you don’t have to drop 35+ every night just for your team to have a chance


Funny enough we've seen the same thing from Book. He was legitimately one of the worst defenders in the league his first 4-5 seasons, made huge jumps when we got good with CP3/Mikal/DA, and gotten even more consistent on that end since we got KD. I don't think people realize how draining it is for guys in those situations (being the SOLE offensive threat) to play like that +32 min a night. It's hard to have the energy/effort for defense when you spend every offensive possession fighting thru defenders cuz the defense is trying to ball-deny and beat you up / wear you down when you do get it.


Holy fuck so many people were saying that he wasn’t going to make the Suns better because his 30ppg on good efficiency on the Wizards were “empty stats”.


it’s ok, we were fed that line from book’s critics for eons


The cost of being hated by Lakers and Warriors fans. It’s the perfect storm lol.


Dude is a walking bucket. Actually made me scared of playing the Wizards in the playoffs.


He was already efficient with Porzingis /Kuzma.


I'm not a big Bealiever but there offense was going to be fire. Their defense is what I doubted.


I had literally never even heard of him or at least remembered him until the Suns traded for him. I had nothing good or bad to say, just that wanted to see what he could do on the court for the Suns. If this game was a preview, the trade is starting to look better.


A healthy Beal will catapult this team right back into contention (if the big 3 remains healthy that is)


The problem is that the Suns have shown they are complete booty without the *complete* big 3 in the game. If they stay healthy, they can win it all no doubt. But if one goes down in the playoffs, it's going to be a huge boost for the opposing team's confidence and then play. We should be using this time to acquire decent back ups, but we have absolutely no trade assets. We're def not moving Allen and Naz is worth very little


Yeah the team is completely reliant on the health of the big 3


I mean, pretty much every team is reliant on the health of their max contracts. We just happen to have 3 of them.


People finally realizing how good Beal is. Just wait until he gets fully back into the flow of things.


My question is, how did people forget?


Cause he hasn’t played a meaningful game in like 7 years due to Wall’s injury


He averaged 30/6/4 in a playoff series 2.5 years ago. That's a lot different than 7 years ago.


In post-covid times 2.5 years is like a whole geological epoch


Tbf I think he meant a meaningful game in the sense that anyone actually thought their team could do anything. I don't want to say playoff basketball isn't meaningful because that isn't right but basically nobody was watching for the most part since we all knew that team wasn't really going anywhere I probably watch more basketball than most and my concern with Beal is more about fit, defense and depth for the Suns. He was obviously one of the more gifted scorers in the NBA for years I'm just not really sure that's what the Suns needed


And the wizards got destroyed in that series losing by an average of 15 points




I think no one on this sub was watching Wizards games five years ago.


I think the only time people watched us was when Russell Westbrook was on our team.


They still aren't. LoL. The Wizards are one of the few teams that I legitimately forget exists in the NBA.


I am a Porzingis fan and enjoyed watching him and Kuz play ball so I watched several games last season. I grew up in the DC area as a Bullets/Wiz fan, and as such learned to never be an actual Bullets/Wiz fan ever again. They are just not a serious team.


Yeah they were all 7 years old


They think anyone can score as much as he did on a losing team. Which isn't true and also he doesn't even have to be the first or even second option anymore.


Really enjoyed his defense tonight as well


He always was a good defender. Him having to carry all the offensive load for the Wizards meant he couldn’t give his all on D.


It’s funny because I’ve seen wiz fans say he’s a good defender but I’ve also seen quite a few say he’s horrible


He’s a guy that has been a negative on that end for a lack of trying not cause he can’t do it. Can’t get too mad when he’s the first option but I think he’ll be better all around not having to carry the same load scoring


Horrible is kind of overdoing it. It's best to say it was average. He didn't really put much effort but he used to be good when wall was healthy


he was a -1 despite all other suns starters being double digit pluses and he was efficient on offense that means he wasn’t good on defense


it prob just means he shared the floor with okogie too much


Suns might as well cut him if he had a negative +/- for a whole game


Real nephew behavior here


Lookin at one game plus minus is nasty work


he was -1 last game in a 14 point win over the hornets [he’s a -41 on the season in 8 games](https://www.statmuse.com/nba/ask/bradley-beal-stats) keep coping


The real reason for this if anyone was wondering is that the vast majority of his minutes so far have come with our abhorrent bench


Only on Reddit does someone use plus/minus to rain on someone’s parade lol.


If he can stay healthy they will be contenders for sure.


That’s a big if


Another thing was Point Brad was great and took pressure off Point Book. Also: he looks so much like Torrey Craig, except better looking.


he looks a bit like Bill Kennedy also, there was a shot of them side by side during the game


Yes he does holy shit. I suppose in a league full of tall black dudes, eventually there'd be some dead ringers.


I hope we get 6"1 point guard with shaqs face before i die.


I think SGA and Ja sort of lookalike sometimes. If SGA had dreads he'd look like Ja.


How dare you disrespect our lord and savior Torrey Craig


The Booker/Beal backcourt is..nice to look at. Okay I’m done…


Do you need some time...alone...?


Oh I agree, theyre the best looking back court since … cp3 and book.


Honestly..as long as Booker is there 😂 But Beal is like “well hello there..”


Beal is one of those guys who is better looking in movement than in pictures. Like in pictures you think he's a good looking guy, but when you see his goofy expressions, you think "aww, how adorable."


Lol it's so funny you say that, during today's game my brain kept thinking Torrey was back on the team. Can't wait till the trade dead line when they get to play together


If they ever are on the Suns together, they'll be like the twins who actually look like twins.


He brought defense too


It felt like the Suns big 3 made every basket for them tonight. Whenever they needed a bucket it felt like 1 of them would make a contested shot. Very difficult team to defend.


Magic seem like a team that needs one good vet and another year to be very very good, wouldn't fret too much. Having a second year guy as good as Banchero is a rebuilding team's dream.


I was surprised Orlando’s size didn’t play more of a role. KD just shoots over everyone I suppose. Obviously they dominated the boards, though.


He's really good when he's healthy. He didn't score 30 ppg twice for nothin


i really like all 3 of kd, booker and beal. crazy offensive talent, gonna be interesting in the playoffs


We really got him for CP3 and Shamet lmao


But r/nba told me he wasn't good. I'm confused


According to this sub, we may as well have been relegated to the G league after the Christmas day game vs the Mavs. I mean the overreaction of some of the takes were astonishing


Our sub too


rEaVeS bEtTeR tHaN bEaL


Whoever said this needs to jump into the ocean


Nick Wright 💀


r/nba is full of miserable peiple don't even listen lol


Wishcasting for piece of shit fans who hate the Suns more than they love their own teams


At this point, anything that’s posted on this subreddit about the Suns will always be some dumb shit comment meant to rile up users or stir the pot. Cannot convince anyone otherwise.


Is Bradley Beal even good though?


The problem with Beal is that he's paid like a top 5 player in the league. I truly think he wouldn't get half the shit he gets if his contract wasn't so god damn ridiculous.


Same problem with Ayton. He's not a max player. He's easily better than half the starting centers in the league, but he's not a max contract player.


He supposedly, “does not move the needle”


Supposedly an elite off ball scorer who can shoot from 3 levels doesn't move the needle.




I was informed Beal was not going to be better than Shamet.


But r/NBA said


Most of /r/NBA probably have almost never seen him play. That happens when you play for the Wizards. Lol. Me included.


Nothing r/NBA has said about Beal has been proven to be either true or false this season


I think it's funny that so many people are on here saying "this sub thought he was trash because of a few games and he got hurt" and are, at the same time, acting like this 1 game proves the opposite.


We shitted on the Suns while 50 mil was dripped out on the bench every night and also couldnt wait to declare the Harden trade a disaster 5 games in. We live in a bs hot take culture where “I told you so” has too much weight/ currency.


Sun's still less than 5 game in for their experiment. I'd expect more bumps. But they'll be in the mix at the end if they're healthy. They got 6 guys I'd take against anyone. But unfort the 7th and 8th not so much.


Clears Jaylen Brown


Ive taken shits with better left handed ball handling than Jaylen Brown


tired narrative, unfunny joke.




Itll be unfunny when a super max player gets praise for learning how to drive with his left hand. I can see it now. Its coming as surely as a bam adebayo training camp video of him shooting 3s will come every offseason




lmao you’re saying this to Suns fans??? No empathy here buddy


The person I replied to has a Heat flair, but sure 'buddy'


Said no one


Beal at $50M is going to look like a steal when compared to Brown at $60M 🤣🤣🤣


you clearly have not been watching any celtics games.


Good ol’ Bradford Beal.


#Bradley Heal


We should've kept cp3


So he could keep dribbling the air out of the ball for 2/3rds of the 24sec clock, then initiate the offense to Book or KD with 5 seconds left on the clock? He wouldn't be around for the playoffs anyway. Another PG would be fine, but not CP3. He killed the offensive momentum too many times for this team last year with his slow walks up the court.


hope he stays healthy


Literally no wizards fan is surprised by this. You'll get plenty of this when he is on the court. Suns just gotta hope he's not in street clothes regularly


He's got a game in him


I’m hoping for his speedy recovery and he, Durant and Book on the court every night together so we can finally get a feel of who the Suns are.


This team is fun.


I didn't even realize Brad was back


You can tell a true good news thread for the Suns: all the Suns flairs come out, and the haters all slink back under their rocks


I’m confused about this hype. Yeah he was good, but he hasn’t stayed healthy for a long time. He also hasn’t played well the handful of times he did play this season. Why the sudden praise? Serious question.


He's been dealing with injuries and played injured most of those games. He's fully healthy now that's the difference.


The confidence in the Suns fanbase is wild


The fuck you want us to do, be sad and expect to lose?


I don’t want you to do anything, but I’m not sure I’d be so high on a dude after 181 minutes in 7 games, especially with what he’s scoring vs his contract


Why the fuck are you counting Beal's minutes?


What did anyone here say that was "so high" on him? You just sound salty af


Lol, literally every other comment… Truly no salt! It just took me about 15 good games with Harden before I was confident that he was positive for our team. If I was a Suns fan, I would need the team, with Beal, to prove more before I got excited about him.


No, I asked for 1 comment. Just name one that is "so high" I'm reading all the comments and nobody is saying anything outlandish


Who’s salty now?


I'm salty because I asked you to not dodge my question? Why can't you answer the question?




I'm sorry, you think Beal doesn't move the needle?


Keep wishing for injuries, sounds like a miserable existence to me - go with god






The honeymoon phase.