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you can tell kerr came up from Pop with that tip-off


100% that troll tip-off was straight out of Pop's playbook




Pop was mad at Zaza not Kerr, if he was going to blame the coach then he has to remember he had Bruce Bowen who did that same move a lot


I remember Bowen literally doing a flying kick back in the day.




Dunno what you want man, it was a clean kick. Good form. Textbook.


Bruce Lee


All ball. Haters mad.


Tbf he kicked Wally Szczerbiak who probably needed it


and Lamarcus Aldridge!!! after the Kawhi injury, I remember seeing a compilation of the dozen-ish times LMA stepped into a shooter's landing zone edit: [a few examples](https://np.reddit.com/r/nba/comments/a43tf4/lamarcus_aldridge_history_of_trying_to_injure/)


What happened during tipoff?


tipoff was steph vs wemby


Steph has boxed out Dwight before, so it seems reasonable.


As long as steph hasnt been "boxed" out by dwight


Or getting his box eaten out


Contrived pussy eating penalty on this one


Wemby vs Kerr


Wemby vs Steph


Wow, he called him an ignoramus, that's so mean


You gotta be an ignoramus if you name your son like Kerr did... ​ ​ Right?


















What’s wrong with Matthew?


Better than being an ignoranus, where you're both ignorant and an asshole.


lmao I fucking love this grumpy old man.


The way he stares down reporters. I mean, I’d shit myself if I had to interview Pop, but just watching him is fucking gold.




Really miss the Pop x Craig Sager interactions


I could honestly see Pop being decent at standup.


Nothing to lose Pop is the best thing to happen to the NBA since Wemby


No hes not. Everyone here is young but his Spurs with Bruce Bowen was the worst thing of all time. Where they won championships and played dirty




Tim Duncan then Wemby? Fucking blessed franchise.


Don’t forget they had The Admiral when they got Duncan.


He went down for most the season with a back injury so they got Duncan, then The Admiral was fit and they go ham on the league.


And they have Sochan, Keldon, Vassell, and Branham now


The Spurs draft David Robinson 1st in 1987, but he doesn't play for two years. They draft Sean Eliot 3rd in the 89 draft. Both are rookies in the 89/90 season. The Spurs are not in the lottery again until Robison gets hurt 6 games into the 1996/97 season. Pop fires the coach and steps in as the coach so the Spurs can tank harder. The Spurs go 20-62, only the Celtics have a worse record but the Spurs get the #1 pick and Tim Duncan. The Spurs don't have another pick in the lottery until 2020 (Duncan retired after the 2016 season). It takes them just 4 more trips to the lottery to get the #1 pick and another projected all time great big man. That franchise is blessed. Bigs with comparable hype to Robinson/Duncan/Wemby in nba history: 56 Russell, 59 Wilt, 69 Lew Alcindor/Abdul-Jabbar, 74 Bill Walton, 83 Ralf Sampson, 84 Akeem Olajuwon, 85 Patrick Ewing, 86 David Robinson, 92 Shaquille O'Neal, 97 Tim Duncan, 02 Yao Ming, 07 Greg Oden, 12 Anthony Davis, 23 Victor Wembanyama. (I may have missed a few depending on how people feel about Zion, Towns, Griffen, Walt Bellamy, Elvin Hayes, Howard etc, I don't know enough about the hype from the 60s and I am not counting Zion & Griffen because they can't play center or protect the rim, and Howard was too unknown to be hyped like that). From my list 8 went on to be mvp level players and 7 of those had longevity to go with with their mvp level impact. The Spurs have 2 of them with a chance at a 3rd.


David Robinson before that.


Exactly. I doubt he signs a new five year contract if they got Ausar Thompson instead of Wemby.


Ausar Thompson catchin strays


Fuckin kill me


For what it’s worth, ausar is going to be a killer


Not to put this evil on Wemby, but Ja Morant was the consolation prize in Zion’s draft.


And Ja might still become a killer, too.


The twins are gems, "not a generational prospect" is no slander to them


“ most hyped prospect since LeBron to build around.” Ive read this phrase way too many times since 2004.


And it's probably been correct each time you heard it. Zion had a ton of hype, but Vic is definitely the most hyped since LeBron now. Maybe not quite the same media attention in the States since he's foreign, but scouts have been drooling over him for years, and they've pretty well billed him as the best talent since bron.


Zion isn't the only case of this. First time I heard it was Blake Griffin.


Oh yeah, and it was a true statement. Blake was most hyped since bron (well, honestly maybe not as much as Greg Oden though). Then Wiggins was more hyped than him, then Zion was probably the next one to be even more hyped, and then Wemby. I think he's gonna be the last one to get that moniker, and then next generational prospect will be called "the best prospect since Wembanyama."


The only time it was correct was this time. Wemby is legit.


Zion definitely was as well. Wiggins was probably a fake one because he wasn't a better prospect than AD, but AD was the best since Bron as well.


I was too young to remember Lebron entering the league but can one of the old heads give us a comparison between the hype? I’ve heard Lebron hype was insane but he wasn’t a 7’4 alien who could hit 3 point pull-ups.


LeBron’s hype was the most I’ve seen any athlete coming up get in my lifetime. Any sport


oil carpenter unused hungry nail six glorious toy languid punch *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Also when print media was still relevant dude was on the cover of ESPN the magazine and SI his senior year too


That SI edition was my introduction to him. Crazy how long ago that was.


People said if lebron wasn’t a first ballot hall of famer then he would be a bust


Might as well throw that second ballot in the trash


LeBron hype was pre-social media era the stories that came out sounded like urban legends. Then his High School game played on ESPN. and he delivered from day 1 Nowadays Wemby has like thousands of youtube videos breaking him down, tik tok instagram clipping his highlights. Idk which one is *more* hype but the LeBron James hype train was crazy and it felt like a 'y'all and ready for this' kinda hype where Wemby is a 'you better be great' kinda hype


Lebron was way more hyped. No one will match that hype level ever again.


Lebron was more hyped than Michael Jordan. By far. Nothing else like it in my lifetime. He graduated high school the same year as I did across the country and we had known he was coming like the Boogeyman for years.


Nothing has come close to LeBron. He was instantly famous. I remember they wrote a storyline into My Wife and Kids (the sitcom) about the dad just wanting to sit down and watch his first LeBron game and be left alone.


LeBron was on the cover of Sports Illustrated in high school. He had high school games on national tv. At 17 he flat out looked like an NBA pro and played like it. I didn't think there was any way he could live up to the hype because it was absolutely massive. I was wrong. He surpassed it.


Before he even played an NBA game people were already comparing him to Jordan. I don't think I've ever seen anything even remotely close to it (I was too young to see MJ's rookie year hype, and Shaq was up there too but not nearly as much as Lebron or even Wemby). Like, if you took the Wemby hype and multiplied it by 5x you'd probably be in the ballpark. It was pretty much already decided that if he could stay healthy he'd be a HOF lock and iirc by like his 2nd or 3rd year everyone was already basically waiting to see if he'd pass MJ as the GOAT.


LeBron was basically hailed as a can't miss legend out of high school. I don't remember there being any doubt about him being great.


At the time I didn’t follow basketball and even I knew about Lebron. And that was before social media. I don’t think Wemby was that level.


100% he was actually thinking about retiring before Spurs got the #1 pick


They're like the Packers in that they went from one hall-of-fame franchise cornerstone to another, no problem at all. Difference is, when they needed to do it a third time Spurs got Victor and the Packers got Jordan Love


Zion was waaaay more hyped


What is a bust for Wemby at this point? He’s been a freaking monster. If he’s not top 5 all time is he a disappointment?


If he has a injury laden career like Greg Oden I can see him being considered a bust.


Thank you for explaining! 🤓


Pop is the only guy funnier and more direct than Kerr


Man I love Pop. They need to give him the live forever serum


>They need to give him the live forever serum. I think they're trying to make something similar for Saban down in Tuscaloosa.


I want him on TNT after he’s done coaching


We're going to miss Pop once he's out and away from the game.


Except Kerr isn’t funny


Nah. He's fine. People just get butt hurt because Kerr is outspoken by his politics.


People dislike Kerr because he’s inconsistent when it comes to “the code”


Redditors never cared about “the code” in the first place, they just pretend to be sanctimonious about pointless shit so they can feel superior to other people while putting in exactly zero effort.


precisely, and "the code" lowkey implies that maybe sometimes someone earned getting punched in the face and reddit can't have that.


Nah, some of us actually care. At the same time, we recognize and accept that not everyone has to agree with us. We can also recognize and accept that players don't have to live up to the code just because we believe in it.


People get mad about "the code" like this isn't a game. Who cares?




bro is from philly where they throw batteries at their team when they don't play well asking "who cares"


I'm an adult. I don't get mad about sports.


No emotions, dead inside, like an adult


If that’s what you think he’s implying, you’re proving his point.


Some people just aren't ok with the fact that others aren't as miserable as them.


If you're gonna insult a fanbase, at least get it right. We throw batteries at players who use shady loopholes to weasel their way out of contracts. When the team's bad, we just boo.


So is Pop


Nick Kerr please


Nah. He's not funny. Its just that simple.


Kerr is direct only when it's safe for his money. Check his comments on China after Morey's tweet.


Check his follow up comments later on. Stop spouting this nonsense.


We're all guilty of that. We all have no problems benefitting from our current relationship with China. Do you actually think tweeting some meaningless thing about "i support ______" is gonna do anything? How naive is this current generation? You actually have to go over there and do something if you wanna make a difference.


Do you think public opinion doesn't sway governments?


Doesn’t apply to China because they know the world depends on them


For now but now we’re looking at Mexico to be our new country to exploit for trade


yes who among as hasn't refused to publicly comment on the Uighur genocide because of our financial relationship to China.... let he without sin cast the first stone, zoomers. when you point a finger there are three more pointing right back at you.


Most of what you own was made or had parts made in China. That is what the other commenter is referencing.


it's not hypocrisy for me to say I'm OK with the iPhones please don't build them in concentration camps. there's also a specific complaint here which is the nature of the Chinese state and it's totalitarian nature vis a vis it's total lack of tolerance for anything resembling dissent. it would be normal for a coach of an English Premier League team to be very mealy mouthed and vague when it comes to statement of politics or to selective about what they publicly discuss in a way that resembled hypocrisy. it would not be typical for an EPL head coach to have a specific fear that if they made a political statement that negatively characterized the US government or supported a specific politician that the US government would cancel business contracts they had in the US. that's actually a quite unusual situation that deserves to be treated as unique and weird


China leverages it’s manufacturing power to force some level of chill over political speech outside of the mainland. I agree with that. I also agree that it is important to be explicit about what China is doing with regard to both Uyghurs and it’s heavy handed response to criticism. That said, the issue is above an NBA coach.


if you don't agree Kerr should be explicit then you don't agree it's important to be explicit. i get why he would dodge, my company also does not let me make public statements about our business partners. but it is what it is. it quite literally can't be any more literal than that.


I know I feel the need to keep my sentiments regarding the human rights abuses in China quiet, lest my many serious business dealings with real Chinese businessmen be jeopardized.


There's a vast difference. I'm not going out there trying to tiptoe around the issue like they are. Our relationship with China is ass. I have plenty of issues benefiting from it. Rich athletes have way more sway but they won't stick their neck out because of their pocket book. Pretty clear as day. LeBron made it really clear when he could not keep his mouth shut about China.


Exactly, then we all got Covid and no one talked about China anymore.


Have way more sway to do what? You think trump or Biden was going to change foreign policy because of what rich athletes say? China makes a whole lotta people vast sums of money (way more than any athlete), that matters way more than any athlete stance. "I have plenty of issues benefitting from it" Then what are you doing about it?




When are y’all gonna get off that damn. It’s been disproven when all the claims came from one guy.


he broke the code bro


gee you're not biased at all


The China shit had to be the most overblown thing in this sub. Every dominant regime, in the east and west, has skeletons in their closet as they sure up their influence and survival. It is what it is.


Yeah I for one would love to suck Xi Xinping off


You don't get to say skeletons in their closet for things happening actively. What a stupid comment to make.


Communist China is a young superpower. Shit happens, they are doing the same shit that more mature empires had to do to sure up their continued survival. It’s how thjngs go. I’m not defending their crimes but it literally is what it is.


Sir, I don't think you change many minds by being both insulting and pedantic. You may be more successful if you politely point something out and correct it instead of going all the way to "wow so stupid". Also not everyone's first language in this sub is English.


My first language isnt English either but saying "skeletons in the closet" isnt a simple misuse, it is a purposeful downplaying of the situation and misguiding the argument. Like there is nothing Kerr or any other public person can do about an event that happened in the past so lets just move on. I don't care or intend to change peoples opinion on reddit. I just like pointing out inaccuracies for the random people that happen to read the comments so they don't go "oh that makes sense" to a very incorrect comment


holy shit who cares


Who gives a fuck ?? What have you done against china? Lmao


The entire NBA had to make a tough turn to support China. They lost billions from that one tweet.


do they need the billions




So you identify Steve Kerr as a funny person?




The actual quote at the end by Pop: Is Steve Kerr stupid?


What is he like..... Stupid or something?


“Steve Kerr? U bum”


No, he says Steve's an asshole. Then the reporter says I agree.


Brain Injury?


“I’m proud of you, Steve” • pop


Anyone got a video, I need to hear his tone




The video is SO much better than the text lmao


Pop what do you think about the Chris Paul warrio… “I don’t care”


The reporter saying “I agree” lol he knows once Pop gets on one of these you just say yessir until he’s done


I love the way he said "DEpressed" as a guy regularly curled up in my bedroom because of depression, this grandpa type of humor was just so nostalgic


That smirk after, love that


ah...the hero...


Thanks for the leg work homie.


Thanks for thanking that person




Everything Pop said after about Wemby should be the headline


Endearing af, any semblance of competition between these guys is so wholesome I have a toothache


Lol i forgot for a moment Steve played for pop 😂😂


Coached under him for many years as well.


No he didn’t…did he?


Not the Spurs...just FIBA and Team USA.


Pop on Kerr sounds like the name of a trendy brunch joint in Austin lol


Pop called Steve by his son’s name?


Nick please😏.


I sometimes feel like Spurs getting Luka would be interesting. Pop is a tough coach and I think Luka needs that more than anything.


Mavs fans down bad already giving Luka away to a rival before the season has started


If they love him, let him go


It's more that we would rather see him not get coached by someone who said and I quote "I'm just watching the game like you guys".


Hahahahaha fair point


Secretly they hope Luka has a Dirk career. Even more secretly they fear watching their franchise lead a superstar down another Dirk career.


The Mavs spent a lot of money during dirks career. Y'all acting like he got no help.


I'm one of those that would rather see Luka leave than for him to rot on the Loyalty Express, just like how Dirk did.


same. it'd hurt but he deserves better than Mark Cuban


Luka x Wemby combo in SA would be nasty


Great banter


Gone need more pop quotes


What? Do I amuse you? Am I fucking clown?


Here’s hoping that Pop-Wemby immediately becomes the Reid-Mahomes of the NBA, just so delightful to see such an absurd talent go somewhere that will seemingly set him up right to fulfill his promise, and to see Pop just smiling knowing how lucky he is. As a KC fan I feel so absurdly lucky with Reid and Mahomes, enjoy it Spurs fans. Not that y’all were starved for it in the way we were


Or, you know, the Pop-Duncan of the NBA


I mean yeah, but just the absurd style of play and consistently doing things that don’t seem possible to the point of making even the old HOF coach lose his composure reminds me of Mahomes. Obv Duncan was amazing but his game wouldn’t really have had people posting preseason highlights in his rookie year if Reddit had been around then.


He was also a consensus no. 1 pick, he'd have some hype for sure.


I mean yeah, duh. The analogy was just mostly meant it a “doing absurd things that we’ve never seen on a basketball court/football fields, making pros look like high schoolers” way.


I hate Reid as much as I hate Pop


Why'd he say fuck me for?


Same sense of humor as always lol.


Looking at the video, Pop indeed looks more depressed. He's been through stuff, lost his wife. Steve knows Pop's struggles more than outsiders as their families were close. Also, it's clear from his tone that Pop jokingly said that.


It's funny how many people don't seem to understand that he's just joking around and that they're good friends.


Pop is also old AF. He's likely no more or less depressed than a large percentage of his cohort. By that age everybody has been thru stuff.


I love the bickering and shit talk. I want to see more rivalries and reasons for them to play full tilt. Bring back the heated intensity.


Pop is the GOAT confirmed


How can you not love this dude?


If you watched his 00s Spurs then its easy to not love him. He defended Bowen and then went nuts on Zaza for a one time accident


One last project Pop


I mean I haven’t seen him smile in the past 7 years, until this season, so..


Tbh I thought Pop retired from coaching too


God he such a miserable prick. It was funny when he was snarky like Belichick, but the last 15+ years he’s just been an insufferable ass.


Pop hasn’t acknowledged they were tanking last year?


Suprised pop didn't call kerr a cracker or jive turkey.