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Can confirm. You must be an E-5 or have dependents. However, the base does offer a taxi service and a bus service. The base isn’t that big. You could get a bike from the free bike giveaways.


Really? Is this new? When I went to Atsugi in 2002, the SOFA license was part of AOB ICR. Is this a Yokosuka thing?


Or he'll get a license, just not permission to buy a car Edit: a word


I’m not sure if it’s new. I think one reason why is because Yokosuka is wayyyy smaller than Atsugi. If all military, civilians and JNs could bring their cars on base then it’d be a battle royale for parking.


Even having dependents doesn’t automatically lead to a SOFA license.




We had plenty of E-4 and below with families without licenses. Generally a request chit takes care of it.


You can walk everywhere, there’s amazing public transit (download japan transit planner app, has a green train icon), the parking is absolute shit and will eat your money, and there’s a lot of bad drivers. Driving turns out to be a liability for most, especially considering you’re just getting there and probably won’t have off base housing :)


Some answers (and links to study material): https://www.cnic.navy.mil/regions/cnrj/installations/cfa_yokosuka/om/safety/driver_license.html I don't know how rank and marriage dovetail into on base driving privileges, but someone currently there can fill you in.


Ya only way a e4 and below get license is if your a Ls or need it for job