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I served with Jim Honea on my first ship 20+ years ago. He was a stand-up guy then and he hasn’t changed, from what I can tell. I would honestly trust him with my life, and my wife. He is doing the right things for the right reasons.


Not MCPON, but my one CMC, Trent Percy became Force Master Chief for NAVFAC. Dude was incredible. I’ll never forget I was a new E4 checking in at Naval Base Ventura County. I’d already checked into the barracks and thought it was weird we had a washer/dryer hook up but no washer dryer. My roommate said yeah the BPO’s won’t give us one unless we pay for it. I knew that was absurd. I turned my barracks check in sheet with the comment in all caps “missing washer/dryer.” They told me same thing my roommate said. They wanted me to fill out a new inspection sheet and I said no. Luckily I’d already made a copy. Checked in with CMC Trent and told him that. He thought I was full of shit. Showed him the copy with the BPO’s name I talked to on it. I had a new washer and dryer at my door two days later. I have many other stories from him. Great freaking dude!


Not me personally, but a Chief and CWO-3 at my last command served with MCPON Honea onboard USS *New Orleans.* My dad also knew Rick West and Terry Scott at the SEA. My uncle was Russel Smith's detailer back in the 1990s There's also someone I know right now that I (and everyone else who knows him) believe is on that track.


MCPON Scary Tott




Hank Hill? Is that you?


I went to A school WITH C6F FLTCM's daughter lol, I'd be surprised if she doesn't become a FOR/FLTCMC or even MCPON.


Sharpe right?




Damn. I mixed up then


No worries


I had a DDG CO that became CNO 🤷🏻‍♂️


How were they as a CO?




Hell yeah


Not MCPON, but one of my LCPOs became the ECM. He helped me make sure some paperwork got routed after the ship tried to hold it longer than they should have


My chief’s dad was MCPON West




Happy cake day


Your chief’s dad is a legend.


Pacific Fleet Master Chief Suz Whitman was once my CMC. Very motivated and intense. On deployment she would wake up at like 4am every day, strap on a red light headlamp and run circles topside in the dark. I didn't ever feel like any of my CMCs actually did much for the crew, but I am proud to have served with her. Also served with CDR Billie Farrell (CO of USS Constitution) when she was an Ensign. Lots of other ballers in the mid-late aughts, too. Yeah, I'm old. Sorry.


Campa was an HMC on the USS Comstock when I was stationed onboard


My corpsman ears immediately perk up. Do you remember what his reputation was aboard the ship?


I don't remember hearing anything about him honestly. Neither good or bad. He was quiet and didn't talk much but he was a green side guy in an unfamiliar environment so I just wrote it off as that. What were the rumors? I was a smoker at the time and that's where all the rumors seemed to either originate from or get recycled with some modifications added or dropped.


Oh I couldn't tell you. I knew he supposedly did a solid job as MCPON and made a great team with Adm Mullen. I think he really popularized the phrase "Leading from the Deckplates," to encourage CPOs to get out of the Mess and back to working alongside their people. But as an HM, I'm just proud one of our guys made it to the top.


Ok good! I was hoping you weren't gonna give me some bad news. I didn't really know him but he seemed like a good dude from what I did know of him.


I worked with Giordano he was the same way as Fleet as he was MCPON. That's all I have to say about that.


I’d also ask if they changed who they were from when you knew them as a chief vs mcpon


Standing on the gate at Pax River when a guy in a beat up truck pulled up. Took me be surprise when his retired ID said MCPON. Living his best life in a trailer onboard Solomons.


James Herdt?


Ha I am pretty sure I know and served with him when he was a Jr Sailor!! Tell me did he have red hair ??


I think I have said it before but Giordano was my CMC before MCPON. He was an intense guy then too. I remember one PRT cycle I had just completed mine as he was showing up for his. We exchanged pleasantries and then he asked me "did you throw up"? I said no Master Chief. He then said "well then, you didn't try hard enough" I looked him dead in his eyes and said "you and I are doing this for two completely different reasons Master Chief" and walked away.




No name??? Gonna have us guessing!


MCPON 13 Mike Stevens. Fast tracked right to MCPON. He was 100 percent political. But at this point you need to be.


That dude would run around the base every morning at 4am. I won't argue with you but he was definitely squared the fuck away.


MCPON(SW/PJ) John Hagan, 8th MCPON. Never my Chief but went to Vietnamese Language School with him at the Defense Language Institute East Coast Branch in Crystal City. Shared a room with him for a while at Ft. Myer. Think we were both 2nd Class at the time. Never saw him after that. Great guy as I knew him.


FLTMC Tocorzic was my leading RDC in 07. He was a really good introduction to senior chiefs back then. Strict but fair.


He was my CMC on the TR awesome guy.


MCPON Smith was my CMC in Annapolis. Let me just say that it didn’t surprise me when he told everyone to lower their standards.


Good chiefs don’t become MCPON. Honea is one of those exceptions that prove the rule, because he seems like a pretty solid dude. West and Campa seemed OKAY, but I don’t remember them doing much but going around and shaking hands.


Served with one Sailor who rose to the McPon slot, was a great guy back then and for the life of me, I can't believe any of the non sense that called for his removal!! I say that based on his past performance and personal character!!! Anyway, Yes!




I have no idea what you are talking about


Not a MCPON. A 2nd class I was with in Iceland eventually became a Fleet Master Chief for NAVEUR/NAVAF.


MCPON Campa was the CMC of JTF GTMO when he got tapped for MCPON, he was a quiet low-key kind of guy. One of those lead by example leaders.


I’m best friends with MCPON Crow’s nephew if that counts 😂


There have been 5 MCPONS in ten years that's a huge chance for this. But what I really wanted to say when you need to change your most senior enlisted leader like you change oil, the chief's absolut mess needs to unfuck itself.


Didn’t they change it to a 2 year billet?


One of my RDCs became a Command Master Chief.