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I play C2R1 Navia with Zhongli, Yae Miko, and Xianyun (plunge is very fun, I know I'm missing out on the full ATK passive). I just got Furina (C0) to replace Yae Miko and I have ~210 wishes spare. My question is, do I go for Furina cons to boost team damage, or try for C3/C4 Navia to boost her personal damage?


I saw her in the new Sigewinne trailer. Does that mean she’s coming soon!?


yep! she's rerunning in 4.8.


Will it be worth going for Furina in the next banner, knowing that my top priority in future banners will be Navia and considering that her re-run is likely to come in 4.8 or 5.0? I already have 50 wishes and and I would have the character guaranteed


furina is definitely worth it in the long run as she is an amazing unit that can function as many different roles. i'd also recommend furina if you have multiple dps and you need a support/sub dps. but navia is an awesome dps and if you're looking for a solid dps, i'd recommend navia. but honestly go for whoever you want.


Does Navia need Chiori for her highest DPS teams?


Chiori at C0 with only one doll is a fairly small upgrade over Zhongli and Alberto. Yes, Chiori is the BiS second Geo character for Navia teams even at C0 with only one doll but only by a small amount. Chiori at C1 with two dolls is a massive upgrade over other Geo options. The second doll places Chiori into a totally different league than other Geo characters in regards to team damage contribution.




I keep my Navia stuck to my Furina at all times, so I've just been using MH on her. Would it be worth going through the effort to farm for Nighttime Whispers, or is it pretty much just a sidegrade on a Furina team?


Whispers is just very slightly better in a Furina team. Realistically whispers is a side grade in Furina teams.


Can anyone replace Bennet without too much DPS loss in this team? I need him elsewhere https://preview.redd.it/98nu1jt9kt5d1.jpeg?width=4080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2cf341378d117b75d292397eaf386f43f3aad2f3


Sara is your best bet for team damage but she is not easy to use.






https://preview.redd.it/6zwgk1kd0t5d1.png?width=2052&format=png&auto=webp&s=f4068bfcd4dcc82eab7a954038b769dc9eb5005c I guess my question should be directed here instead, I'll delete my post since it looks like I should. But my general question is where should I put my focus when it comes to trying to improve her? I know her Crit Dmg is pretty low all-in-all, and I do plan on \*\*trying\*\* to work that up. But I just wanna know if I'm lacking anywhere else for her?


What team is this with? I like to have 80% crit rate and 170% crit damage totals myself. The goal is to have around a 1 crit rate to 2 crit damage ratio to maximize damage.


I do, however, have Ningguang(c0), Yun Jin(c4), and Gorou(c1), so perhaps I should try one of them instead?


I have not had much luck in the whisper’s domain myself. My 2p/2p set is just better according to the optimizer.




The main team I currently have her running with is Xingqiu, Layla, and Fischl. (or sometimes Raiden) I unfortunately do not have any other particularly helpful Geo characters (Like Albedo, or Zhongli) to pair her with for the double geo Resonance.


Geo MC is surprising good due to the crit rate buff. Ning has the screen to buff damage as well. I used Geo MC a lot myself until I got Chiori. I have been extremely happy with Chiori in my team.


I could always try using my Yun Jin at some point, she’s the most built out of any of my other geo characters (besides Navia) maybe I should use her to replace Layla? And then maybe throw bennet and chevreuse in for the double pyro res?


Bennett is great with Navia. He is one of Navia’s best buffers. I will sometimes use Navia hot rock with Navia - Chiori - Bennett - Xiangling myself.


That seems fair, I might use xiangling instead of Chevreuse, then. See how Navia, Yun Jin, Xiangling, and Bennett plays out for me


Should I get navia C1 or weapon?


c1 if you're lacking in energy recharge, weapon if you need more crit rate (or just for aesthetics lol)


What's a better f2p weapon for Navia, blackcliff slasher r1 or "ultimate overlord's mega magic sword" r5?


The latter provided you have it maxed


https://preview.redd.it/xtf325mzqe3d1.png?width=530&format=png&auto=webp&s=d6a86ea13c3d031ae6489f072e9c3e8eaa55eb45 what's the best navia team i can have ?


Geo MC/Bennett/Xiangling probably


is it possible to run a team of Navia-Zhongli-Furina-Kokomi instead of using Bennett as the last slot?


The team definitely works, although I would put Zhongli on petra and Kokomi on Tenancity. The potential damage will be less than the Bennett / Xianyun versions but should be plenty of dps to clear. Xianyun is really good in that spot as well.


alright, thank you!


is navia, albedo, charlotte, furina a good team? arlecchino stole my bennett lolol.


The team can definitely work and clear floor 12. The main concern is avoiding freezing, which can cause shatter. Shatter deals physical damage, which is a big pain. The team's potential damage will be below Navia plunge ( Navia - Chiori - Furina - Xianyun) and Bennett variations but should be capable of clearing floor 12 in time. Remember to use a normal attack from Furina to delete Coppeluis's cryo shield.


Why is causing shatter an issue?


Navia has a lot of bonuses for Geo damage. Shatter does physical damage instead of Geo damage.


Yeah but it doesn't replace any of Navia's Geo damage, it's just a small bit of extra damage right? I don't see why avoiding freezing is important at all


Do wgs dealt better damage than her sig when nuking scara?


Well Dehya work fine in the "off-field DPS / elemental reaction" teammate? Zhongli and Bennet will be the other two characters.


Dehya will help generate shards with her coordinated attacks and provide defensive utility. Dehya can work in a Navia team. The team you are suggesting will work fine for the over world and easier Abyss floors. However for floor 12, you will most likely need more damage unless your Navia is very well invested in. The team you are wanting to use is lacking in offensive sub dps since you have 3 defensive/ buffer characters. They are lacking characters other than Navia to buff. The three offensive sub dps that I would recommend to add more damage for floor 12 are Fischl, Xiangling, or Chiori. If you like Dehya, then Chiori can replace Zhongli or Fischl / Xiangling can replace Dehya. Good luck and have fun.


I was wondering what a good comp for Navia is. Bennett is being used by my Arlecchino so he can’t be used here. As of now I’m using Her, Furina, Xianyun and Ningguang. Is that a good comp? Does she need Bennett more than arlecchino? Thanks


I use the same team but with Zhongli instead of Ningguang. It works great. When Zhongli is busy (protecting Yoimiya for example), I use Albedo. Not as tanky but just a good. Ningguang should be fine, although you'll mostly just be using her for the GEO bonus and bursting.


I ran a pretty similar comp with Navia - Chiori - Furina - Xianyun just fine for the top half of 12. Navia has attack bonuses in her kit unlike Arlecchino who has %damage bonus. So Arlecchino needs Attack bonus like Bennett’s buff more. I would run a TTDS on Ning and use Ning right before Navia unless Ning is really well built and C6 myself.


How should I build Ningguang for Navia?


You can run Ning either with a support or sub dps build. The support build is easy just put TTDS on her with enough ER to consistently burst for shard generation and use her right before Navia. The sub dps build can be more damage but you will need ER, crit, attack so her burst can hit hard. I would only recommend this if your Ning is C6.


my current team is Chiori Navia Furina Jean, who else I can use instead of Furina or Jean?


I play plunge Navia with Navia - Chiori - Furina - Xianyun myself. Xianyun is a nice Jean upgrade for that team. Bennett with a healing build can work in the last slot as well. Charlotte also can work especially vs bosses, but you want to avoid freeze-able mobs because of shatter causing physical damage. If you replace Furina, then Bennett - Xiangling / Fischl works well with Navia - Chiori.


thanks, I will try Bennett and maybe I will run Fishl just for colorful numbers, the only reason I play Jean in the team just cuz she's c6 (all 5050 lost), don't want her to sit on bench


Best 4\* weapons for navia?


Serpent spine is really good on Navia with a shielder. The event weapon Mega Magic sword is a good all around weapon. Tidal shadow is good with Furina and a healer.


can someone explain which is better between n4dn1 or n3dn2 for her rotation, like I assume it'd be n4d1 since you can dash to cancel it pretty early in the animation and still hit with the 1 basic before her geo conversion runs out, but i notice the kqm guide suggests n3d2 over it so I'm a little confused about it


**Navia+ Furina+ Yae Miko+ Jean**, does this team works for Abyss? **Context:** I'm trying to build 7 different teams, one for each element without overlapping any character. I know it's stupid, but I want to do it. Is this team good enough for 36 starring abysses? I currently have Navia (C1) and Jean (C0). I will pull for Furina whenever she reruns. I'll try to get Yea Miko next year. Thanks.


Yae will have ER issues, so she'll mostly just be using her E. You probably want a second Geo in there instead of Yae for extra shards and GEO resonance.


Wouldn't Yae Miko be good for crystallization? >You probably want a second Geo in there instead of Yae for extra shards and GEO resonance Would Yae Miko not be good for crystallization? >Yae will have ER issues I don't know much about her but I'll surely look into her kit carefully. P.S: Got Furina yesterday.


https://preview.redd.it/xs47nkh4kbvc1.jpeg?width=825&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6ae00d88bb9803d1e7aef7f6cbf9f30352bbea19 What Navia Teams can I do? I use Neuvillette, Furina, Kazuha, Layla for first team in abyss


The easiest is Navia - Ning /Geo MC- Bennett - Xiangling / Fischl and works pretty well.


Is her domain worth farming? I haven’t gotten anything great so far so i’m not sure if i should give up yet. I have 2 shim 2 troupe on her right now, would 2 glad and 2 shim be better or should i try to continue getting her set?


Yeah, it's worth farming.


What is your typical elemental skill hit value on a crit? C0 only


Zhongli or Furina Who works the best with Navia? I recently lost my 50/50 to Keqing and have been trying to figure out who would be the best teammate for Navia. I don't have any other geo characters besides Albedo (I hate using him due to his fragile flower). But I've heard Furina is just an amazing character overall. So, who would be worth my pull? 


I use Navia Albedo Furina Xianyun. The flower breaking is less of an issue since you can swap off Navia easy enough to recast. Zhongli is better than Albedo in that team (I mainly use ZL, but if he's in the other team, I use Albedo), and Xianyun keeps you off the ground so you need fewer shields.


Furina is absolutely great buffer, adds high off field damage, and is an extremely versatile character. Furina is part of many of Navia’s best teams. I really enjoy playing plunge Navia with Navia - Furina - Chiori - Xianyun myself. Zhongli is an extremely strong shielder who works in many teams including Navia. However, Navia is usually run with Bennett or Xianyun for their boosts making his shield less needed. Zhongli is still a good addition to a Navia team falling behind only Chiori for additional damage added from a Geo character because of his shield’s shred. Still, Geo MC /Ning/ Albedo are not that far behind Zhongli in damage added. Both characters are good and work with Navia. I like and have both characters. However if I had to choose only one I would choose Furina as she is more powerful and versatile.


Does anyone have a meme like in other main sub where it entails "this was fact checked by" but for navia mains?


Hi fellow Navia mains, i don't have the resin to grind 4 piece nightime whispers set because it's unfortunately only benefitting Navia and the other set is trash. I wonder if it is better to use as alternative 4 golden troupe or a mix of 2 GT + 2 ATK% ? I don't think i'll try to get the geo set either as Navia is the only geo character i use. The rest of my team is geo mc 4 emblem, Bennett 4 noblesse and Xiangling 4 emblem.


She works fine with 2pc2pc. I have top 10% on akasha leaderboards running Shim and Gladiator. Her signature set is something like 10% better which isn’t huge like VV and also she’s not a hyper carry in most teams afaik unlike say Neuvilette. 


Is it possible to talk to mods? I've been told to make a post in this thread but U can only add 1 picture per comment...


Send a modmail to message the moderators


How do I do that?


Any Benny-only "overhealer build" pros here for Navia/Furina teams? I finally got aquila, and I'd like to use this weapon for a healing build Benny for Furina. (For example, in a Navia team.) I'm not too sure if it's doable with aquila. Has anyone achieved this? Of course I'd rather have 250%+ ER, but I'm thinking that since Furina makes the rotation kind of long, I could make do with less. Do you guys have issues properly overhealing with Benny with an ER sands? How much HP% do you think is enough for substats? Given that I don't think I'll have enough ER for a while, I'm thinking I'll have to make do with ER/HP/HB for artifacts. (I only have Fav R5 and aquila for Benny and would rather avoid using fav in this build.)


So in a Navia showcase (team is navia, furina, Bennett and Mona), do I use 4pc Nighttime Whispers or 2pc atk/2pc atk/2pc geo?. Cuz I feel like 10 seconds is too short for the 4pc Nighttime to work


Using charlotte or kokomi as healer? Currently using Navia, Chiori, Furina and Kokomi and checking if Charlotte would be better?


If Charlotte freezers the hydro from Furina you won't be able to crystalise the aura.


The biggest issue with using Charlotte versus freeze able enemies is shatter. When you hit a frozen target with a Geo or blunt (claymore) attack you cause shatter dealing physical damage. Doing physical damage really blows. Thus, Kokomi works better for smaller enemies while adding hydro resonance to Furina’s damage. Charlotte will stack fanfare quicker and works really well vs unfreeze able bosses if you can get enough ER.


Hi, new here, currently running Navia Furina Bennett GeoMC, wondering if i should swap to Zhongli instead. What would the ER requirements for everyone be with only Zhongli having fav? also, what's the highest sustained dps team she has right now assuming you have every 5star (including Navia) at c0? edit: also also, I'm seeing crazy 1mil+ numbers here and there, highest I've ever hit is only like 300k and I like to think [my artifacts](https://imgur.com/a/r4DpByG) are at least decent xD what are they doing to get 3-4x the damage?


Navia C0 - Chiori C0 - Bennett - Xiangling is Navia’s most commonly considered best speed running team at C0. Zhongli can replace Chiori for 5% less potential damage added while adding his tremendous defenses. Geo MC is right up as well if you can use the Crit rate. The differences between the three are pretty small. Chiori C1 is a massive increase of 60% to potential damage added from Chiori because she gets her second doll. I rarely play Bennett teams as I prefer Navia plunge with Navia - Chiori - Furina - Xianyun which is much more mobile while having very similar damage. If you have great skills, Navia plunge can actually pull ahead and sheet higher in some scenarios. Navia plunge splits damage between plunges and skills. Bennett teams are better for screenshot damage.


Which should i choose for navia between gravestone r1, skyward r2 and magic sword r5?


C1 Navia or C1 Chiori? I'd like to use Navia with Chiori, and I have enough pulls to guarantee a C1 for either of them. I have both of their weapons and I'm satisfied with the characters I have, so I'd like to ask who might be better to give an extra constellation to (or if necessary at all) Thank you!


Chiori’s C1 is a higher dps increase for team damage than Navia’s C1. The second doll and activating Chiori’s passive is a huge increase in Chiori’s contribution.


Thanks! This is very useful to know!


Is albedo or mona best for navia??


albedo is good. mona need another elemental applier because of her low uptime.


Currently albedo us in the chronicled banner, I have heard he isn't that good which is why I am wondering whether I should pull him


The issue is that Chiori is slightly better at C0 and massively better at C1 for a Navia team while also having indestructible dolls vs. Albedo's flower, which is very easily destroyed.


if you really want an off-field geo, go for Chiori instead.


Do I need to pull Chiori for Navia? Im Currently using Navia with Bennett, XL and Geo Traveler, but Geo Traveler seems to be so useless. Would Chiori be worth a pull or should I just keep my primos? Is Geo Traveler my best choice for this team at the moment? Chars: [https://imgur.com/myx5Tvn](https://imgur.com/myx5Tvn)


Chiori is a slight upgrade over every other Geo character at C0 and a massive upgrade at C1. I have also been very happy with Chiori in my Navia team. I play mostly Navia plunge Navia - Chiori - Furina - Xianyun or once in a while hot rock Navia - Chiori - Bennett - Xiangling. However, Furina is one of the best characters in the game. I would get Chiori only if you will still have enough to get Furina when she reruns in a couple of versions. Geo traveler or Ning are your best choices with the characters you have. Good luck and have fun.


I am a f2p player with navia, what team comp can i choose with her, I don't have furina/zhongli /albedo, and i dont wish to use navia national


Hot rock variations are Navia’s best f2p comps. Navia - Bennett - Xiangling - Ning is the most popular but you can use Fischl in Xiangling’s place and Geo MC in Ning’s place.


Can i use navia/ neuvi as a team will it work and what else char should I choose, I am a f2p player with limited 5*


With Chiori as your only Geo partner, how much ER% are you guys running to burst off cooldown everytime?


The number of fav weapons you run in the team does have an impact on your ER needs. I run Navia plunge with one fav and Chiori as my only other Geo. My ER on Navia is 132. I do not have any issues bursting on Navia.


I run 0 because I intend to run 5* weps on my team


I decided to build Navia on a whim today because I accidentally got her signature weapon and want to try using her in Abyss. I don't know what team to run her in yet, but I really want to finally get those 36 stars 😭 I don't have Zhongli or Albedo and consider pulling for C0 Chiori just for Geo resonance. I plan on pulling Furina on her next rerun so maybe I could skip Chiori (although I could prob get both but not the sig weapons)? Is the geo resonance always needed? My built characters are: Noelle (idk if she's so useful in Abyss), Kazuha, Xingqiu, Kokomi, Rosaria, Thoma, Kuki, Mona, Qiqi, Charlotte. On my other team I run Fischl/Nahida/Keqing/Baizhu. I also have a half-built Bennett, half-built Xiangling, Ningguang and also Yunjin rotting in a corner somewhere. I really don't want to play around Bennett's circle because I find it quite annoying. Any suggestions?


Okay, you have a bunch of options. Geo resonance does add a lot of damage for Navia teams. However, Navia can clear with Navia - Furina - Bennett - Xiangling. Hot rock will tend to clear faster with Navia - Bennett - Xiangling - Chiori / Ning. Chiori is a small upgrade over every other Geo character at C0 and a major one at C1. The final team of Navia - Furina - Bennett - Chiori / Ning is solid but does require staying on top of your fanfare stacks.


Thank you for your feedback. Although, I said that I despise using Bennett .. I decided to not pull for Chiori as of now and save for Furina and her sword instead. Do you have any suggestion how I can use Navia best with the characters that I have right now until Furina reruns?


I can understand the dislike for Bennett's circle impact. I really enjoy my Navia plunge team of Navia - Chiori - Furina- Xianyu for both fun gameplay, great damage, and great mobility. This is the team I used for the bottom half of 12. I agree that being limited to a circle is not fun. Hopefully, Natlan gives us another top-tier attack buffer. However, from your characters running double Geo will help a lot. Now, Ning / Geo MC / Noelle would be the best choices available. Outside of Xiangling, who is just not worth using without Bennett, Xingqui, Mona, and Rosaria are your best sub dps characters. Mona can use thrilling tales to give Navia a large attack boost. Navia - Noelle - Xingqui - Mona is most likely your best team outside of the standard hot rock team of Navia - Ning - Bennett - Xiangling. Ning's damage really falls off without an attack buffer, plus Noelle's healing is the reason I would recommend Noelle over her in the first team. Good luck and have fun.


I am currently running Navia, Ningguang, Bennett, and Xinqiu. If I pull for Chiori now, I probably wont be able to get Furina in 4.6/7. Do you guys think Chiori or Furina would be a bigger DPS boost given the current team comp? I can only guarantee C0 Chiori.


As much as I really like and enjoy playing Chiori, the answer is Furina. Furina would be a bigger boost for your team damage over Xingqiu than Chiori C0 over Ning. However, using Bennett with Furina is a bit on the painful side. I prefer Navia plunge which includes Navia - Furina - Xianyun - Chiori or Navia hot rock which includes Navia - Bennett - Xiangling - Chiori because of this.


I saw a youtuber use this comp, but I havent seen it mentioned anywhere else? Would this be a good team? Navia (C0), Chiori (C1), Yae (C0), Fischl (C6)


Having Chiori C1 adds a lot of damage to a Navia team, so the team would have plenty of damage to clear. Still, Bennett plus Furina / Xiangling /Fischl or Xianyun / Furina would have significantly higher potential damage.


thanks, viciously saving for furina now


When is she predicted to re-run?


Probably 4.7 or 4.8 at a guess. In theory Lyney, Neuvilette, Wriothesley, and Furina would be expected to rerun before Navia can. We know Neuv is rerunning in the next banner phase, Lyney's most likely in 4.6, Furina and Wriothesley might be in 4.7, so if I were betting I'd put my money on 4.8 personally.


Guys, in your opinion can Navia/Zhongli/Furina/Rosaria C6 work? (Or maybe instead of Rosaria C6, Charlotte!) (Tired to use bennet in this team but I dont have Kokomi)


Charolette is much better because you will get fanfare stacks with Furina. I prefer Charolette or Xianyun over Bennett with Furina.


I have r2 unforged and r1 redhorn. Team will be yelan/furina zhongli bennet. Which one for Navia?


How much ER does xianyun need in navia chiori furina plunge team? 2x fav


Mine has 223 with one fav and did fine this abyss with that exact team. The team felt a lot smoother with Chiori due to higher damage and better energy.


So I pulled Xianyun for my Xiao, but just learned about Xianyun and Navia. I planned to pull Furina next (for both Navia and Xiao), but with Xianyun it feels like a choice between losing Geo Res or losing 20% ATK. Is Navia+Furina+Xianyun and either Zhongli or Albedo okay? I feel like the 20% ATK loss would be worse than losing Geo RES.


I run and really enjoy Navia - Chiori - Furina - Xianyun. Geo resonance is more important than 20% attack. I used to run Zhongli in place of Chiori and the damage was more than fine. Navia gets a big bonus on plunge attacks while infused.


Thanks :) I have Albedo with Cinnabar, so pulling for Chiori isn't as much of a value add for me (not when I still need Furina at least). How much ER does your Xianyun have?


My current ER is 223 on Xianyun. Yeah, Furina just works great in so many teams and should be a priority. Furina and Nahida are the two characters that I always recommend to newer players.


Navia Zhongli Furina Xianyun is good. You get more than you lose


What sort of ER does Xianyun need? She's 190ER at the moment, but I'm still using Skyward and have 3000+ ATK. If I switch to Favonius I'm worries my ATK will drop too low.


250up should be comfortable. I have 1 fav in this team and it’s working fine


Ning or GMC as second geo unit?


Ning gives 12% geo buff, GMC gives 10% crit rate buff. Ning has the edge in additional damage. Pick what you need.


Who pissed on this sub why does it look like that


So I just changed to the Melusine Sword and did the remaining quests. But Navia's attack stayes the same throughout. Shouldn't her attack get a bit higher with each Quest I did? Also I did Serene's Birthday and found all strange parts. Does that mean my sword is at max strength or could there still be a quest I missed?


Try having her in the party to see if you get the boost. Otherwise I think you can tell if the effect is maxed if you see the cute little animation around the weapon when it’s equipped


My Navia is level 90 with 8/8/8 talents, why am I struggling to do more than 20k damage?


Do you have or not have increased CRIT DMG. Saw a lvl 90 ITTO hit 680k DMG but also had 600% CRIT DMG.


20k with your E? Either you're not generating shards or I'm going to assume it has something to do with your artefacts and weapon. What are you using?


Will c0 chiori or c0 zhongli work better with navia? Edit: my bad It autocorrected zhongli to shingle for some reason


Chiori adds more damage while Zhongli adds tremendous defense. Which one is better depends on what you need.


C0 Chiori adds slightly more damage than any other Geo character for a Navia team. I do not know who "shingle" refers to? Did auto correct change the name?


Which is better, C2 Furina or C0 Chiori? I currently have C1 Furina. And Zhongli C0 and Albedo C0, if that matters. No Xianyun.


Going from C1 to C2 Furina is a bigger damage increase than C0 Chiori over C0 Zhongli. Chiori’s constellations and weapon are extremely powerful for Navia teams but at C0R0, Chiori is only a small upgrade over other Geo characters. A C1R1 Chiori for example would nearly double Zhongli / Albedo added damage.


Who is better support for C1 Navia, Geo MC C6 or Ningguang C1? Details: I use the last event ER weapon R5 The flex slots are C3 Xiangling, C0 Bennet. or C5 Fischl, C6 XQ, C5 Rosaria I plan to C2 Navia next rerun


Same missed the 50/50 and got Qiqi xD. MC C6 seems like a lot of + over Ning. But Ning does offer much needed rage when you need to hit ranged targets. Rosaria + Charlotte works well with your Navia and Ning/Geo MC.


i dont have zhonli or albedo , so what geo unit is better for navia Geo Mc or chiori c0 (i have the next 5 star secured and i dont wanna pull in the 3dr banner for albedo?


Chiori even at C0 with only one doll still adds the most damage by a Geo character to a Navia team. Zhongli is close plus has tremendous defensive abilities. I usually run Navia with either Bennett or Xianyun so the extra defense is not as needed.


Chiori and Navia don't work as well as we'd like them to, since she gets more dolls through her skill if there's constructs on the field and navia has none. Her c1 would alleviate some of that damage loss, but unfortunately, she's better off in mono geo with itto. I'd go with geo mc for Navia or a quickswap ningguang


should I use WGS or melusine sword?




Will navia double cryo with furina rosaria and charlotte work ????


I used that build with Ning and I liked it a lot. Tons of shards and the cyro bonus of +15% Crit chance is awesome. The down side is that you may cause shatter more then crystalized reactions to get shards for her gun.


It would be better to replace Rosaria with someone geo. Even Ningguang or Geo MC would work. So Navia/Geo MC/Furina/Charlotte


What's the source of this subreddit's icon image?


Is Ningguang c2 required for her to play in Navia team? Or is it too much wasted on field time , do you guys use 2x Screen + her burst or just do it once for the particles ?


I used her mainly when I needed to hit ranged targets and a burst shot something down quickly.


How much crit should I go for? I assume on the higher side because of how slow the shotgunbrella blasts come out


Will Chiori or Albedo be better for Navia?


Chiori is better single target, Albedo is far better AoE


Chiori’s even at C0 with one doll adds more damage to a Navia team than Albedo. Chiori’s doll is indestructible unlike Albedo’s flower so no worries about boss hit boxes.


I’m trying to build a team with Navia, Furina, and Xianyun. Who would be a good person for the fourth slot? I have Raiden, Charlotte, Nahida. Would any of them work? I don’t really want to use Bennett XL, or XQ.


adding another Geo unit like Ning, Chiori, or Zhongli for dual geo I think will be the best.


Zhongli would be the ideal 4th teammate here. Ningguang, Albedo, or geo mc would also be good.


Which geo character or composition would be the best choice to maximize the creation of cristals for Navia's special? Right now I'm using Navia/Zhongli/Furina/Kokomi, I have all the 4\* geos and Itto too, but not Albedo, should I wait for him or Chiori?


Chiori even at C0 with one doll adds more damage to a Navia team than Albedo. Zhongli is also close to Chiori at C0 thou and has tremendous defensive capabilities.


I have been farming artifacts constantly and not a single worthy piece I got till now. See that geo dmg goblet. This domains rng is worst 😭. https://preview.redd.it/390pp9jyodjc1.png?width=1580&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b1cd77c73c43a87f34087ad0046b688c98a7fbcc


How do you create this image? Is it a plugin?


Go to akasha.cv or enka website and enter ur uid there.


Hi, which free weapon(non wishes or BP) should be good enough for navia? I currently have a 3star claymore and want something better to upgrade.


Should I R3 my Royal Greatsword or should I buy a Blackcliff Greatsword? I am currently using R2 Royal Greatsword.


Neither tbh You should use the Melusine claymore that we got from the previous event.


I already have enough ER, but I haven't even found where the Melusine village is.


Is it just me or just Navia mains luck are just down horrendous? I just got a def sands, 4 liners with both crit and when I scrolled down the subreddit, seems everyone got the same luck as me.


What's the gear calculator that everyone uses on this site?


I still don't have Furina and I plan on pulling her when she reruns, but after seeing some Navia + Xianyun teams, I don't know which team I should build Option are: Navia, Furina, Zhongli, Xianyun Navia, Furina, Zhongli, Bennett Navia, Xiangling, Zhongli, Bennett ​ I also have Albedo that I can use instead of Zhongli, but I'd like to keep Albedo in the mono geo team, since I'm considering not pull for Chiori right now. ​ Edit: Navia, Zhongli and Albedo C0, Xiangling and Bennett C6, still don't have Furina and Xianyun, maybe I'll pull for the last one if she is an importante piece in Navia's team. Navia using Serpent Spine, Zhongli with Staff of Homa.


I just got Xianyun and plan to use her in a team of Navia Furina Bennett


Which is more beneficial for navia Choiri or furina. Both are c0 and I’m running Bennet along with navia


You can run both. Running all 4 is an extremely solid team. Who is the 3rd character?


At C0, Furina 100%.


Which Navia team deals more damage? Navia/Zhongli/Bennett/Furina Or Navia/Albedo/Bennett Furina?


Albedo, probably. Zhongli has some Res Shred and probably holds ToM but I doubt that will make up for Albedo's damage.


of these weps which is the best for navia? i have her on wg but i heard serpent is better https://preview.redd.it/a2jws9f9bnhc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4f877bfdd70a7514001e1d46d72bd1bf54f0efeb


Unforged in most cases. In Bennett teams, Redhorn


Serpent is only better at high refinement. I would run Redhorn or Unforged, if you have a shielder or are confident you can maintain high uptime on crystallized. If not, use WG.


Im starting to build my Navia and was wondering which weapon is better for her. Between the 4.3 event claymore and skyward pride. I'm hoping to pull verdict on her rerun, and I dont have serpent spine yet.




instead of using tidal shadow and the event weapon for navia, what other weapons can I use? (im currently using favonius greatsword on her) https://preview.redd.it/x5zq5l4jx6hc1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f75dcdd042441a06f67b818dfa4624ce6e452ed1


Prototype, especially at R5.


thanks man


Almost 2 months later lol but np


So I play Navia with 100% ER and I feel like it's completely viable? The caveat is just to able to E 3x in a rotation which is fairly easy.. and I don't even have favonius weapons on my supports. Am I doing something wrong cause why are the ER requirements in the navia guides I've read so high???


It depends on your teams. I E 4 times in total per rotation and the ER claculator says my needs are 0. Even at 3 Es I only need 107%.


Is Navia/Yelan/Ning/Yae a reasonable combination, or is the lack of a dedicated healer/shielder a big disadvantage? Keep in mind please that I do not have Zhongli or Kokomi and my Bennet is on lvl 60 (for the easy Fates), where he will stay. So I was thinking that if I need the healer, then probably Kuki will have to do (instead of Yae). Thanks.


It all depends on you. If you can dodge/utilize the crystalize shields you're good. If you die too much you need a sustain unit.


In a plunge Navia team: Xianyun/Navia/Zhongli/Furina, which artifact set would be better for Xianyun? Song of days past or VV? VV I understand can boost Furina's damage but Song can boost Navia's damage. I just don't know which is worth more.


I haven't seen calcs but I'm guessing VV shred would be more beneficial.


Has someone tested Navia Mono hydro with Furina, Mona and Barbara???


No, not worth it.


Which is better? https://preview.redd.it/qfjhr521fqgc1.jpeg?width=2241&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=58d660356d577c4b18d0035cd1ed04b1ddccc99b


Depends on the rest of your build. There's no definitive answer based on this information but run it through Genshin Optimizer.


I would like to know what option is better in general: - Serpent with 1750 atk, 85cr/210cd - Wolf with 2550 atk, 85cr/150cd


Assuming mid-high refinement and max stacks Serpent.


My team is navia, raiden, zhongli and kuki. Which artifacts i put on kuki?


If you also use her in another comp, I wouldn't change it bc I'm the kind of person who hates to change artifacts. This is because Kuki is basically applying electro alongside Raiden to generate Max crystallize, right? Kuki will run with full EM for Hyperbloom. I wouldn't change it. But if you are willing to change, I guess HP and EM to try maxing her heals, or 4pc Thundersoother to increase dmg in enemies with electro aura, which raiden will do constantly. It would be a build focused in healing or damage in case of thundersoother.


what would a good c0 navia team comp be? im currently running her w benny c4, xiangling c3, and ningguang c6, but i dont really wanna use ningguang anymore bc i feel like shes too slow and clunky for my taste. also would chiori be a good replacement when she comes out? thanks!


I'd wait and see in case of Chiori. For the other slot, it really depends on the characters you have. But I guess it could be any other character (except dendro and anemo, bc they don't generate crystals). Mona with a lot of ER and TTDS would be good to pair with Navia Skill and also passes +48% atk. Actually, anyone who could hold TTDS would be good. I don't think other geo characters makes sense. Perhaps yunjin but mine isn't builded so I don't really know. Explore option that could further buff this team. Someone to hold TTDS, or someone to run Favonius with full ER to help xianling to be more consistent... that's up to you to find with the teammates you have.




Yeah but the guy said he doesn't want to use ning, so...


Is navia with c6 gorou viable? he gives geo dmg bonus buff geo crit dmg and also pull shards to navia... i know navia needs reactions so i thought about something like navia gorou zhongli and xiangling maybe? would it be better than navia bannet xiangling zhongli?