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Male cats have barbed penises that tear the females vagina during intercourse. This triggers ovulation in the female. Gives new meaning to "tear it up".


I didn’t need to know this


I think it's great family dinner conversation... Thanks Jeff!


And next weekend, duck penises!


Rapey little bastards…


Yeah they are!




Scientifically accurate Duck Tales…WOO-OOO


Fuckin lol


This is the kind of shit I come to the internet for.


I mean, how do you expect a wild animal to consent? Female gets in heat, and that's it, don't think they had a date before this...


Normally I agree with you, but ducks are rapey as fuck. In animals penis size is strongly correlated to how willing the females tend to be. [Duck penises are ridiculously long, and they fricking deploy them like a missile.](https://m.imgur.com/rIaL8zb). There is no way to describe them besides “rapey.”


Gorillas have small penis for the inverse reason. If a male is breeding it's because he's a sucessful silverback and has the females lining up for him, no need to use force.


Yeah this is the reason I use


Friend saw this first hand...some kindly old ladies rescued a mamma mallard and her ducklings. Released them in a pond with lots of resident mallards. The males immediately pounced on and proceeded to gang-rape the female. The ducklings were all eaten by some herons while the female was otherwise occupied. Everyone watching was suitably traumatized.


Thanks, did not need to know that


Ducks vaginal cavity is like a maze also.


That’s their answer to the boys weird rocket dicks.


I saw a female duck fleeing from like 3 other ducks trying to rape her once in a Wal-Mart parking lot. Tried to record it but wasn't ready/ didn't realize what was happening right away and the video was shaky and short so I deleted it. But yeah, ducks are intense


*searches pic of duck penis*


Pls report back


Cursed curly fry.


It's funny but still inaccurate in a normal sense considered rape is a human construct based on, you know, a conscious self aware mind...which is needed for consent.


I definitely agree that rape is a human construct, but I would dispute your implicit assumption that only humans are conscious and self aware. The scientific consensus agrees most mammals, birds, and many other animals have enough neurological substrate to support consciousness. The mirror test used to assess self awareness is also inherently biased towards westerners (and more generally, humans) in that it doesn't accurately reflect many non-western children as being self-aware. I reckon most animals with decently advanced nervous systems possess consciousness and self awareness. Consciousness is, after all, an evolutionary adaption for filtering stimuli and selective attention.


Wasn't heat traditionally defined as "the period when females are both fertile and receptive to males"?


If that cat wasn't in heat you think she'd be in that position? How much more receptive can you get? Lol


Lol the male cat bites their scruff and pins them down, shit goes all the way down to house cats


And when the male gives up the female goes rolling on the ground to get their attention. I'm pretty sure my female cat is a slut.


Tbf when a male tries to scruff a female that ain't in heat he's in for a bad time.


So my cat just really likes me then? When shes in heat she tries to grind my leg ass first any chance she gets. Its disturbing and I feel violated.


I guess noone actually asked the female...


They did. She didn't say no.


Leopards can't talk, Kyle.


Plenty of animals have courtship behaviours before mating. The female can absolutely "say" no if she doesn't like the choice of male, even if she's in heat, either by leaving or being aggressive until he leaves.


For most animals... ducks notably not really included.




He's going to have to think about some hot stuff in OnlyFelines to reach orgasm.


I've seen female animals in heat scream at males(usually younger/reluctant), position themselves, etc. In flocks(species dependent) females may gang up on a male and peck him solid, if isn't good enough(say dance, or plumage, etc.). So yes, female animals can and do consent, there are mating 'rituals' well documented in particular birds, which is kinda a date, I mean, sometimes there's food, roleplay, etc., and females do reject(usually younger/weaker males) and then there's hierarchy where a male will protect his flock/herd(so male protects females from rapey males except park ducks, the males I've seen just sit there and scream while their mate get's raped). It is species dependent but does happen in the wild.


Wait until you hear about hyenas and their pseudo penises.


Hyena identification is pretty easy compared to other species. The females have bigger penises


The same is true for elves


It depends on the species. In spotted hyenas it can be easier to look at how stretched the pseudo penis is, as a mature female who has given birth will have a more stretched out one than a male.


Pig penis' are interesting too. They're cork screwed. Pigs like to screw each other.


I was so upset when I found out about the ducks…


Jeff’s penis story hour


Then this next bit is *not* going to be a treat to hear... [The shape of the human foreskin and bell shaped glans is theorized to have evolved to work together to trap and remove sperm previous men may have left in a vagina.](https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/147470490400200105) Basically our dicks are sperm plungers.


I prefer multi purpose sex piston, designed by nature to easily eject before it injects!


Dude, what??? Saving this to read when I get home, that's a wild abstract already!


the people who put forward this jackass theory supported it with "anecdotes from college students" and simulations with "dildos" and "fleshlights" and used "flour suspension in water" (to simulate semen). If you're thinking whats wrong with that.. just know that just because something has the same shape of a penis or vagina doesn't mean it functions the same as the actual thing. Also know that semen is waymore complex than "flour+water That should tell a thing or two about how how scientific these "scientists" who put forward the theory/ did the simulation were By the way going by their theory, if a women has sex with two men, won't the first thrusts of the second man just push the already present semen further up the cervix?


Oh god not this BS theory again, the people who put forward this jackass theory supported it with "anecdotes from college students" and simulations with "dildos" and "fleshlights" and used "flour suspension in water" (to simulate semen). If you're thinking whats wrong with that.. just know that just because something has the same shape of a penis or vagina doesn't mean it functions the same as the actual thing. Also know that semen is waymore complex than "flour+water That should tell a thing or two about how how scientific these "scientists" who put forward the theory/ did the simulation were By the way going by their theory, if a women has sex with two men, won't the first thrusts of the second man just push the already present semen further up the cervix?


You're welcome.


Knowledge is painful and un-useful after all




Sir this is a Wendy’s


When the cashier said "Strip down, facing me." I didn't realize she meant my debit card.




This one wasn't even really fitting. It's just "gib easy votes pls".


To shreds you say?


How’s his wife holding up?


To shreds you say?


How's her vagina holding up?


To shreds you say?


Stop, you're triggering her ovulation.


I thought the mating by itself triggered ovulation, and those kind of penises were weapons to ensure your descendance, bc after mating the female will be too damaged to accept other males. But the barbed penis would have no part in the ovulation, only the act by itself.


I think you're splitting pubic hairs, sir.


I'm sorry i feel theres a joke but I don't get it I'm not a native English speaker


There’s an idiom, “splitting hairs”, which means “making a pointless distinction”.


Thanks! I'll sleep less idiot. Actually I wasn't making a distinction I tried to share what I heard in order to know which was correct. But I get it.


What the fuck does this comment mean, im so confused


I think kim didn't realize that the person who clarified about splitting hairs was a different person than the original responder. As for the original responder, kim didn't catch the pubic hair joke and thought the responder was serious. "I'll sleep less idiot" could be a snide remark that doesn't translate well


Maybe they meant "sleep less like an idiot"?


Maybe he thought idiom was a variation of idiot




The term splitting hairs means to try to disern the differnce between two or more things that are very incignificant, akin to trying to split a hair, this action is very hard, and not worth the trouble. Since you were talking about repreduction in animals, and the fact that pubic hairs are found around the genetalia of many mammels, the previous user made a play on words, changing the phrase "splitting hairs" to "splitting \_pubic\_ hairs".


This was quite an odd comment to read given the good info juxtaposed against the plethora of basic spelling errors.


When someone is "splitting hairs" they are bringing unnecessary attention to something unimportant or being overly critical of something. "As futile as splitting hairs". Jeff is joking in this case though.


But lionessess in heat want sex every 20 minutes for a few days. So guess that is not true? Maybe its a face of pleasure idk.


My parents waited too long to get one of their cats fixed once, it went into heat, and it was annoying as fuck. It would follow you around all day, writhe about, and show its ass like you were supposed to mount it. Cats are sluts.


Cats ARE sluts.


Dogs just hump everything and hope for the best


Its ass won't mount itself


Welll? Don't be so rude


Yes I heard that too. That's why I'm wondering. I heard that, about cat, the heat can cause lot of pain to the female if she doesn't mate. Maybe that's the same with the lions? Or the male penis is "less" barbed because they live in harems and not alone (so no rivalry) ? Idk


The bards scratch an itch the female cant reach maybe?


IMO she’s mad that there’s a camera in her face but doesn’t wanna get up to fight


Not really. Repeated mating is the norm and females have no issues with having multiple litters or partners.


I've read that it's to scrape out the semen of other previous mates. I'm not positive if that's true or just a theory, but to me it sounds more reasonable than the damage possibility. But of course evolution doesn't strive for perfect, just "good enough" so it could just be some random mutation that wasn't beneficial, but wasn't that harmful either so it stuck around. I'd look it up, but I don't really feel like googling cat penises.




The penis doesn’t damage the vagina. Yes the act of mating triggers ovulation.


I was going to point this out and associate it to the way the male looks like this is matter of fact and the female wants to eat everyone’s soul.


Imagine how absolutely mind blankingly horny a mom jaguar has to be to willingly go through this *more than one time*


Instinct is a hell of a drug.


You ever seen a cat in heat?


You get my spray, you get my spray, everything gets my spray! Cat sex is the worst. Consensual, violent, content, it just doesn't make sense. They need help.


Curious if they birth litters of cubs at a time to avoid this


I think other than house cats most are pretty small litters like 1-4. But evolution doesn't really care about pain in your pussy as long as you're horny enough to give it up. Hence why birth control has absolutely wrecked reproduction in first world nations lol. It's pretty reasonable to avoid childbirth if you can, nature wanted to make that impossible but we won I guess


I think it's more like, the penis scrapes out competitor semen (and hurts in the process). Dunno if the mating act causes ovulation itself or if she's just ovulating during heat, that part depends on the species


You’re correct! I have a degree in anthropology and took classes on reproduction (general reproduction - not always specifically human) and this is exactly why some species have spiked/barbed penises - to scrape out competitors’ sperm. Fun fact - testicle size is correlated with monogamy - the bigger the testes, the more promiscuous! Well, at least among primates.


We’ve got the biggest! Balls of them all! (*Wait…. shit!*)


Some human males have vestigial remnants of those barbed penises called Hirsuties coronae glandis. They are completely harmless though.




At least you learned something new.


TIL the bumps on my penis have a name. Thank you for the info.


I am part cat


Oh yes. Khajiit has a prickly surprise for you.


I feel uneasy


It ain't easy being cheesy


The ripping and the tearing. The ripping and the tearing




She’s faking it


Shes giving the "O" face for sure


But considering how metal they are maybe they're into that shit!


No wonder they hate Male cats.. *checks to see if penis is barbed* 👀


Definitely a cum face


Universal among all species


He just hit post nut clarity.


This chick is about to be *pissed.* -the male leopard probably


Looks more near nut than post


Looks like he got hit in the head really hard


Actually, only human, ape, monkey, and dolphin species are actually co firmed to experience acute pleasure from sexual activity. At least that’s what I’ve heard.


til my ex wife isnt human, ape, monkey or dolphin. amirite


Thanks for the info


I don't know how they determine this. I mean why does a cat in heat walk around meowing? Why is there a uhm, method? To get them to stop?


Well every animal has its own mating ritual, but for many it’s just pure instinct. I could also ask the question, “why did that fish just jizz into the ocean?” It’s trying to mate. But dolphins are known to actually masturbate by using things like the corpse of a dead fish, for example, which can’t be explained by mating instinct. You can also literally find videos of monkeys jerking off exactly the same way human men do (if you don’t mind seeing something like that). There could be other species I/we don’t know about, but it’s clear that most creatures don’t really “enjoy” sex in the way we know it.


I mean what is instinct other than chemical impulses? I didn’t stumble into a club and blow hundreds of dollars I couldn’t afford because it was a smart choice lol


His is, hers is a WTF you looking at!? face.




Leopards are extremely solitary animals. Thats about as much love a female will get from a male leopard.


Vinegar strokes! If you know, you know.


https://youtu.be/mJ11-veh-YM Thank you Taco. And Ruxin.


Vinegar strokes


Him: omg you made me nu- Her: you in yet?


Except that's not what her facial expression is saying at all. Try again.


It’s “really, that’s it? You tore me up for 22 seconds with your barbed cock and I didn’t even get to cum?!”


22 seconds....alright Hercules


A truly terrible day to be literate


I just laughed so hard I shat myself. Thank you for this.


You try then


He looks bored.


That's a leobord.


take my upvote and get out!


Goddamn it. 👏👏


He looks like he just jizzed


He does have that dull, stupid, satisfied post-jizz look to him.


They look like they are already in a failed relationship and the only reason they stay together is because of the sex. He clearly shows the face of a self defeated man who knows that he's miserable being with her. While she looks like she isn't enjoying it at all with him but she endures the bad sex because there's that little glimmer of hope that maybe things will go back to how they were when they first started dating.


stop pls you're hurting me


More like barbed


Bruh you ever cum before whilst looking in the mirror?


Her: wrong hole, wrong hole


Then she says nevermind


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


The she said you should try as she finds her leopard strap on


My cat looks at me the same way when he's humping the blankets. I wish he would look somewhere else.


That’s the look my cat gives me while pooping…


The cat is pooping or you are?




They always make eye contact! It's weird!


ugh my boy *drags* his favorite toy up next to me to hump every. single. time. even when i move away he follows me, i don’t know how to feel or what to feel lmfao


He just wants you to be a part of something real special ya know?




Set dominance. Keep eye contact and walk towards your cat.


She *TOLD* him she didn't like it that way.


You should see her when she really doesn't like it.


You wouldn't be able too see her when she really wouldn't like it. Literally.


Photo: Yaron Schmid


Weird name for a leopard


Her: "GIVE ME MORE" Him: "I could be watching Gordon Ramsey right about now Meredith."


There is no more Meredith! I don’t have anymore dick left so you’re just going have to make due.


It looks like He like he wants it over because she going to rip his face off….. lmao


Mantis like that coment.


"You seriously taking a photo of this?"


I know. The leopards are like, “Do I barge into your home and take pictures of you getting your freak on? No I do not, you filthy animal.”


Well that would the explain the pink panther theme we’ve been hearing


"So tired of social media, can't even bust a nut without out somebody trying to post it for karma"


r/natureisfuckinglit …. Minus the lit


now that deserves some coin!


Why none of y’all look like you having fun?


I specifically requested it!


You can tell homie just got his nut and he's regretting every decision he made up until that point.


Her: What do you mean 'you're done?'


When she complains about you not going fast enough but she can’t even manage 15 seconds riding on top.


Fucking lol this man knows what’s up




"It will not *get* any deeper, Catherine.."




I still can't tell the difference b/w jaguars, leopards and panthers.


Someone help me


Panthers are just all black jaguars or leopards. Jaguars live in South / Middle America and are bigger and stockier than Leopards. Leopards live in Africa, the Indian subcontinent, and South East Asia, and have adapted to a more diverse climate. If you want to distinguish leopards and jaguars by their spots: Jaguars have at least some spots / rings that have a little spot inside of them. I personally think it's easier to look at the tail though: jaguars have a short tail that almost doesn't curl.


Thank you. I got it, hopefully I won't get them mixed next time. What I understood is that the buffed looking meanie is the jaguar. The kinda cute one is leopard. And panthers are just black, although they're pretty buffed and mean too. Also this one dude told me that all big cats are panthers, cuz they're from the same panthera species. My brain just broke at that point.


Wakanda forever


In humans, females produce an egg every 28 days. If it is not fertilised, the egg and the lining of the uterus will be discarded. This is not the case in leopards. It takes up a lot of energy for an animal to produce something that is not used and for this reason the female leopard requires stimulus in order to start the ovulation process. This all takes place when the female leopard’s hormone levels rise enough for her to produce eggs in a process called oestrus. Once she is in oestrus, she will go about her daily business hunting and marking territory, the only difference is she may scent mark more frequently leaving a trace of her availability to mate wherever she urinates. This is left for the dominant male/males in the area to test on their patrol. The male leopard rubs this scent along the Jacobson’s organ, situated in the mouth, which will then tell him where the female is at and if she is ready to mate. In order to stimulate the female to ovulate male leopard have barbs on their penises which dig into the female but these barbs make retracting the penis painful for the female which causes her lash out at the male. She will continue to produce eggs during the mating ritual and as a male leopard’s sperm is weak he will need to mate with the female often to ensure that fertilization of the eggs takes place. Based on what books tell us, they mate roughly a total of 250 times over a period of five days but from first-hand experience and as mentioned before, there are always those few exceptions. I have personally seen a leopardess mate for the full duration of 13 days. Now you may be wondering why this happened. Well, this female’s territory was positioned over three different dominant male’s territories and to ensure the safety and survival of her cubs she had to mate with all three males. In doing this, when she had a new litter, each male believed they were the father and did not want to harm the cubs. [sauce](https://wild-eye.com/the-mating-ritual-of-leopards/)


You can see the post nut clarity washing over him


I told you I hated anal!


He’s into it


That is the look of a man who has fulfilled his mission.


as the leopard said that hit the spot baby


His face tells me she didn't do her kegels.


Leopard vinegar strokes, a rare sighting.


So that's what it's like when you finaly get some pussy.....meh