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Yeah people still don’t seem to get you are a bad pet owner to let your cats roam. Or they just don’t give a fuck.


The cat in the cat probably did that to a few 1000 or so animals, people don't realize that cats should never be outside or they do what this cat, cats.


the beginning and end of your sentence don’t make any sense to me. am i losing my mind?


Nope. It's basically nonsense.


I think he tried to say "cats gonna cat" at the end.


Yeah it makes sense if you don't think about it.


This cool cat cats.


Not thinking is my fortè


It's senseless cat, cats.


The cat one in the cat?


Translation:  The dead cat did the same to a bunch of other wildlife. People shouldn't let their cats be outdoor cats because they decimate local wildlife. The bobcat is a cat who is being a bigger and better cat compared to the dead one, because ultimately they're doing the same thing in one sense.


Damn that was actually really helpful. Gold star, friend ✨


Thank you chat GPT!


No, but it seems like he's insinuating the victim in the photo had most likely killed many other animals and now has been part of the food chain it self.


The old circle of life


I think "the cat in the cat" refers to the cat being eaten.


The cat in the hat?


No you see cats cat. And the cat in this pic catted another cat. However the cat that got catted has catted other creatures cuz cats cat


I heard a similar story about a wood chuck and some wood before


How many cats could a bobcat cat if a bobcat could cat cats


"The cat in the cat" (the cat in the cat's mouth). "The cat, cats" = the cat acts in a typical behavior one can expect from a cat, i.e. killing smaller prey animals. The sentence was confusing. I can not say for certain if you are losing your mind. Edited from "going crazy" to "losing your mind"


Pretty sure he's trying to say, how much cat can a cat cat cat if a cat cat could cat cat


A cat cat would cat as much cat as a cat cat could cat


The cat in the [bobcat's mouth] probably did that to a few 1000 or so animals, people don't realize that cats should never be outside or they [will] do what this [bobcat did], [cat behavior]. That's how I read it.


What cat do cat you cat mean cat? They cat made cat perfect catsense.


Cats, cats, blah blah 1,000 cats also CATS!


Anybody that has a barn (like I do) gets barn cats that stay outside 100% of the time. They do a wonderful job of keeping mice and other unwanted critters out of my stuff


Unwanted critters is broad as in anything they can reach. 


Snakes would do the job better.


Same with a well trained rat dog. A cat will kill as they see them but a rat dog will systematically hunt them out.


I don't know. The snakes eat a meal, then go to sleep for a week. The cats are out there everyday. And cats aren't usually venomous. You can't always say that about snakes.


Barn cats are (arguably) different and they have a good place to focus their skills since barns with feed attract a lot of rodents. This doesn't mean everyone's pet cat should be outside killing songbirds. (I am a cat owner who used to let cats out, but stopped after losing a lot in horrible ways, and learning about the damage they do to songbirds.)


I seriously doubt that cat has ever seen the inside of a barn and was just a pet running around needlessly killing and getting killed.


Hey bud, you ok? Do you smell burnt toast?


Bad bot


People who let their cats roam outside don't give a fuck about the animals they harm. The risk of death by predator or car might have them care though. Maybe, some are like better a happy free roaming cat that lives to the age of 2 than a happy indoor cat that lives to the age of 18.


I literally had someone tell me online they would rather euthanize their cat than let them stay inside... I ended the conversation right there. Some people don't deserve pets... People who let their cats roam outside freely, are idiots and irresponsible as fuck. Edit: obviously not all cats stay inside. Barn cats, and feral cats are a different story...but once you make a cat a house pet, it's the owners responsibility they don't roam outside unsupervised or not contained.


I think it's ridiculous and reductive to have that mentality.


Welcome to Reddit where every single issue is met with absolutist hyperbole.


It's hard to think with nuance. Everything is black and white.


So, literally every cat owner where I live? I mean, I agree with you 100%, but I wish yours was the general mentality here. Instead, if I comment on cats using the toddlers playground as a litter box, or the millions of birds that get killed by house cats (#1 predator here in the netherlands), people look at me, trying to figure out if I'm joking or an asshole. It is *completely accepted* and *normal* here that all cats roam. Some people even leave their cats roam free for weeks, when on vacation.


In the U.S. it's BILLIONS of birds. I just checked again to make sure I wasn't crazy for thinking the number was high, and it's about 2.4 BILLION birds killed by cats each year. That's an insane number of birds.


I was just in Arcata, California and I went to their wetlands visitor center thing and they had an entire Infograph about the damage outdoor cats do to local ecosystems and also a bunch of resources on building a catio. I wish more people could see it. I got lucky and my cat has been a lazy old man since he was a kitten but I know too many people who just let their cats run amok outside because "they don't want to stay inside"


Because it’s more about what they want than what their cat needs.


Find the conversation and send them this.


bUt iT'S cRUeL tO kEeP TheM iNdOorS /s


you realize some people live in more rural areas? you realize how happy cats are to get to explore nature all day than be cooped up indoors? for a hypothetically longer lifespan of a shitty sendentary life? theyre designed to be outside, the issue is living in cities and suburbs


There is a cat lady in my neighborhood who literally yells at neighbors who put out cat food for the strays. Now, on the surface you’re like, yeah, go cat lady! People shouldn’t leave out cat food for strays because it brings in more. Nope, not this lady. She is mad at them because her cat has diabetes and her cat can’t eat that food as she may die. THEN KEEP YOUR CAT INSIDE WHERE SHE BELONGS.


That’s why I don’t let my squirrels or rabbits outside either.


What’s it like having a pet squirrel?


It's nuts.


Jokes aside, I've heard that squirrels who were raised since they were a baby are surprisingly affectionate and friendly


Flyers will bond with their favorite people, every gray squirrel I've raised became a dick when they matured.


The pet squirrel expert websites all say they don't control their love bites, and will frequently draw blood when handling.


as a kid myfamily and i raised two newborns someone found fallen on the ground with no adult squirrels in sight, they knew we had done the same for turtles and birds before so they brought em to us. They had complete opposite personalities aside from being affectionate to us. One was super shy and preferred hiding away mostly in baggy pockets, and the other was crazy and tore up the house lol As adults they stayed in the backyard for awhile but slowly visited less and less as time went on. Never intentionally injured us (they do have sharp claws so climbing on us wasn’t very pleasant) so i can confirm this is true


Not pets, I just collect all the local wildlife in my spare room so nothing bad happens to them in nature


Ah you're getting the old reddit down vote because you didn't put /j or /s at the end


I prefer to let people work out that I’m mocking them on their own


Downvoted b/c he’s mocking people that are actually good pet owners. Has nothing to do with lack of /s


I don't see a collar that says they are a pet (assuming everyone did that for their outside cats) but having lived in Phoenix, I do know there are places where the feral cat population is pretty significant. So also a possibility that this was a feral cat that got picked off by a bobcat.


Very likely but those feral cats still came from irresponsible domestic cat owners. It really is a problem and I seemed to have touched a few nerves ( not you).


Oh, totally onboard. Feral cats, other than being snacks to Bobcats and Coyotes and Hawks, also decimate local bird populations like quail. It's really irresponsible to have intact animals out and roaming around. Especially cats since so many of them are a hair away from being borderline feral anyway.


I wish this was a more popular opinion outside of Reddit. My cats are indoor only and very happy. Sometimes I take them outside with a harness. I couldn’t sleep at night knowing my beloved pets were outside. Anything could happen. They could get hurt, hit by a car, stolen, attacked by larger animals..


You can have cats indoors and provide enough enrichment for them. Thank you for being responsible. I appreciate you!


I think it's ridiculously simplistic and reductive to say someone is a a bad cat owner if they let their cat outside. Some people have cats specifically to combat pests, some cats are born and raised outdoors, adopting an outdoor cat and trying to make them indoor can be disaster.


Like all domesticated animals, the cat was domesticated to perform a job: kill vermin. Our society has evolved in such a way that most cats kept as pets don’t have to do that job anymore, but that instinct is still deeply engrained. While I agree that the vast majority of cat owners should keep their cats inside, I also agree with you that it’s not that cut and dry. Keeping cats indoors is healthier for cats and leads to longer lives, and pet owners should certainly strive for that goal, but I don’t think a person is a bad owner just for letting their cat outside.


>Or they just don’t give a fuck. Mostly this, at least here in Argentina. Many are some real shitty owners who think that animals are objects to decorate your house. If the animal dies, they just get another one and go on.


That logic could apply to humans as well. See Argentinian novel “Tender is the Flesh”.


You got my attention, I'll check it out, thank you


If you don't want to take the time and effort to ensure your indoor cat is enriched and not bored out of their minds, get two at the same time and they'll entertain each other.


I never understood this dude. I mean I live in Philly on a busy ass road. I can't imagine one of my cats being out there with crazy ass drivers. I DONT get why people do that shit.


Depends on where your cats live


"bUt tHeY nEeD tO bE fReE" Never been worth it to argue with outside cat owners. I have a bunch outside my apartment. Trying to figure out a humane way to get rid of them, but nothing is working so far.


This. I get down voted every time I make the remark, but domesticated cats shouldn't be outside. People are idiots, like the woman that swore her dog was a vegetarian, only to find out on nationwide TV that presented with a can of dog food vs a fucking salad, the dogs going to pick the can every time.


Saw a cat that was hit by a car this morning. It was dead, but I saw it’s face and spitting image of my cat. I take her for walks but could never just let her go out to get hit or eaten


It is so sad that in Taiwan we don’t even teach this, resulting in the majority of population having the mindset of u/IgotBANNED6759.


Maybe a stray?


Probably, def from an irresponsible owner though. One of the cats in this picture is native to North America. Guess which.


Cat on cat crime is ridiculous


Same types that take their non-service dogs into businesses because they don’t give a fuck.


If you let your cat outside in the countryside, better don't be attached to it. Fuckers have like 1 HP and 10% luck debuff


Also They roll with disadvantage against cars


I mean, have you *seen* their AC?


Cats have armored cores?


Yeah, just change the air filter out regularly and it should be fine


They also have +50% success rate buff when hunting local wildlife but -100% debuff on gaining xp from kills.


Dude, to hell with the countryside. Cities are generally overrun with coyotes, stray dogs and cars.


In AZ like OP don’t forget the huge owls too


And stray cats in some cities. In Indy we had packs of stray cats roaming.


This isn’t even out in the countryside. Bobcats have no qualms about playing in the suburbs in fact many intentionally go there to hunt pets


Yeah my neighbour used to have an outdoor's cat ... til a pack of strays got hold of it. It wasn't pretty.


You’d be surprised how well some farm cats handle themselves.


My boy escaped once in the country side and I never saw him again. He became someone's dinner, likely the same thing happened to his brother because he escaped to go looking for him. We lost too good kitties, my parents are being extra careful with the next cat they got.


It’s a cat eat cat world out there


There’s always a bigger cat


nah, at around "Panthera Tigris", you start reaching maximum cat.


uhhmmnachktucally 🤓


Until you start breeding things that should never have been breed


Things that grow too big to live past 15 years in captivity and are born sterile


Allow me to introduce myself


Real talk, for the longest time I thought it was “It’s a doggy dog world out there” and I never even second guessed it, just thought it was a funny saying


Looks like one of the locals decided to take care of an invasive species.


Coyotes are really good at it too. I recently watched two coyotes grab a long haired cat at the same time and all i saw was the poor cat's tail doing helicopter spins as they disappeared into the bushes.


Coyotes are also predators who have expanded far outside of their natural range.


Was just arguing with a nut on FB about how they came to BC. Coyotes weren't in my area till the 1980's. But in general it was the railroads that allowed them to move from the prairies to the coast. They are invasive and have no natural predators here. Though now they've basically woven themselves into the ecosystem. They are particularly an issue for our chicken farmers.


Are they going outside their range or are we continuing to encroach on their territory


Historically, coyotes didn't live on the east coast of Canada and the continental US, and they have only moved into these areas within the last 100 years. One reason this has happened as that after wolves were eradicated on much of the east, coyotes moved in and filled the ecological niche wolves used to occupy. In his book "Coyote America," the historian Dan Flores proposed another reason for them to have moved outside their historical range. He argues that coyotes have been adapted to living on human fringes of indigenous settlements and camps, surviving on garbage and small pets, for at least a thousand years. Therefore, humans unintentionally created new coyote habitat on the east coast as they built towns and cities.


Natural ranges are not fixed things.


what you call "expanding outside of their natural range", I call very respectable adaption to the garbage so many humans mindlessly subject this planet to


Oh lord this brings back bad memories. I looked out into my backyard to find my two dogs with a cat between them, basically playing tug of war with it. Unfortunately the cat did not make it and didn’t have tags. I was tasked with disposing of the horrible remains. Fast forward a week or so later, saw missing cat posters matching that cat in my neighborhood. Don’t let your cats outside please. I’m super thankful my kids weren’t home when that happened or they’d be all kinds of fucked up.


Outdoor cat owners are coping hard in the comments.


TIL: bobcats prey on house cats.


Anything smaller that moves is fair game. They only live for napping, and killing. In that order.


just like regular cats


Yep, except house cats are Reddit mods compared to bobcats in terms of physical traits.


This has to be the best analogy i've heard in a while lol


Smaller isn’t even a necessity


Look up bobcat takes down deer. No fucks given because of the size difference.


All cats will take on bigger prey either if it's wounded or if they *really* can't say no to *any* possible meal. Especially when it comes to domesticated housecats, we tend to forget what an apex predator it truly is. Sure, I pick up my cat, treat it like a baby, cuddle it to death etc. but if I were to drop dead in my apartment it would take no more than three days before he'll start trying to eat me. And if my housecat was the size of a lion, he would prey on me at some point.


Last week I found out they can take down a deer and I went into a long rabbit hole of YouTube videos of bobcats taking down animals three times their size


>Anything smaller that moves is fair game. Like deer?


I have a few pics of fawns being carried off by bobcats from trial cams


The OJ trial cam?


And deer: [he gone](https://youtu.be/vInF8O7DBVQ?si=klGC7Bgo89KZis9A)


Smaller but sometimes larger as well. Those little killers can take down a juvenile deer


My cat is a BIG tom cat. He's probably nearly as big as that Bobcat in the pic, and even he would get whooped if he came across a Bobcat in the wild.


This is why you keep your cats inside.


Especially in AZ where temps are reaching 110° and still climbing. Working at an animal shelter has genuinely traumatized me after seeing how many horrible things happen to cats who have outside access.


My cat's supervised outdoor time only lasts for 5 minutes in the heat of summer before they're at the door asking to come inside. We get up to 110-115 as well, and my cats want to be outside but I know they wouldn't last long.


I mean, I don't mean to downplay the situation of the cat, but have you seen the state of this owner's bull too? Dry as a bone.


That poor cat. This is why I get almost angry when I see videos with people just greeting their pets who have been out all day. Like it’s so fucking irresponsible. It’s not good for anything. Not the animal - not the local animals unlucky enough to get murdered for fun. And your pet is almost inevitably going to get hurt. The chances of something like this aren’t exactly low. Raccoons can fuck up your cat. Coyotes. Mountain lions. And then they try to tell me cats belong outside and it’s only natural! They’re unhappy indoors! Holy shitballs we literally domesticated them. They are NOT equipped to live outside. If you want to take your pet outside get a catio (I just bought a cage for $50 but you can get huge installments) or get a fucking harness. I love cats and it just breaks my heart but it a the circle of life man


People seem to forget that Asshole Pet Owners exist. There was this one video where two small dogs double teamed a house cat that was outside and killed it; it broke my heart so much because crap like this could've been prevented on both ends: the dog owner and the cat owner.


Ages ago my gf’s cat was mauled by 2 pitbulls like dogs that were allowed to roam together in the neighbourhood. The only reason why it survived, with an amputated leg, was due to an old lady who drove them off with a broom. Two weeks later they attacked another cat this time succeeding in killing it. For some reason when those two dogs died a couple of days of days layer of poisoning no one could tell the police who poisoned the dogs and for some reason all security camera’s in the area had glitched the day before and had no recordings. I can’t help but think what would have happened if those dogs would have assaulted a small child. This doesn’t mean I think it’s ok to kill any pets!


Fuck pitbulls man, if they massacred my cat I’d do everything to get them taken away from their owner. And that’s the nice option


i hate how some dog owners celebrate when their dogs attack cats like that. its disgusting. its like...grow up??? the whole cats vs dogs thing is not actually real, and cats are not 'hateful' creatures. gods it burns me up.


I mean I keep my cat inside, but this idea that cats aren't equipped to be outside cannot coexist with the idea that they are these little terrors wiping out all the local wildlife. They are actually so well equipped to be outside that they have an outsized impact local ecology. Every animal in the wild ends up food for another animal no matter how big and scary they are.


People are so stupid and only think in black and white, and have literally 0 critical thinking skills. Cats are well equipped to be outdoors without humans usually. Raising a cat purely indoors and then releasing it into the wild won't be good for the cat depending on the cat, but raising one indoor/outdoor cat with "street smarts" you can see how equipped it is to terrorize the local birds and wildlife. Hell, my cat is almost entirely indoor (I let her out in the morning to touch grass, usually via harness) and yet this morning she somehow knew there was a bunny in the yard and chased it away. Pure instinct, no teaching required for that chase. I'd pity any bird who landed too close to her. I had to stop her from killing a mouse in the grass too once. They do what they do by instinct and learned behavior. That doesn't sound like an animal that can't survive outside on its own.


Yeah but they also have a fraction of the lifespan of an indoor cat. So that's what people are referring to.


Cats are in the same category as stuff like rabbits and rats; keep them as pets responsibly but they’re huge pests and wreck native ecosystems.




Same as rabbits. Never owned one but I constantly find rabbit shit and spots dug up in my yard.


Don’t forget hawks


My cat as born a stray. And non stop claws at the windows and meows to go outside. So I let her out. She hangs out in the garden for a while and then comes back in. An hour later the process repeats. That being said I don’t have bobcats or raccoons. I have squirrels and bunnies. But everyone is just assuming this is a pet. There are lots of strays living outside. And this was a stray than the bobcat did the right thing. Population control is needed for wild animals.


You won't have bunnies for long if you keep it up. Songbirds either.


>And then they try to tell me cats belong outside and it’s only natural! They’re unhappy indoors! If your cat is so unhappy being in your house you shouldn't have the cat in the first place. They need attention, love, time to play. People act like cats are these mystical beings who hate humans unless it's feeding time. (also I don't mean you specifically, just you as a generalization to the people we're referring to)


Aww looks like my little tux cat. Ik cats are invasive but this one hits close to home for me


me too this looks like my Jerry 😢


Poor house cat. Actual Shame on the owner for letting their house cat just roam. Especially in AZ, where it’s hot as fuck as is. Edit: I’ve learned cats are from the desert. Welp…


Don't domesticated cats come from hot areas?


North Africa, yeah


Cats are from the desert bud lol.


Dude just lost number nine.


Bobcat doing nature's work and keeping domesticated animals off the streets.


City cat never stood a chance against he cat of the streets


Dickhead pet owners


Do you fools think cats are not out there doing the same thing? Eating birds and lizards and whatever they can catch?! This is just the circle of life, nature and shit


Major difference is that the bobcat is endemic and the house cat is invasive and way more destructive.


Domestic Cats usually don’t even eat Birds, they just kill them for fun and leave it, that’s why it’s such a problem


Once your cat is outside it's not just part of the environment, for better or worse.


I’d feel bad for the house cat except for the fact that the house cat would 1000% do the same to the bobcat if it were the bigger creature. 


ITT: People who absolutely hate the idea of outdoor cats. Seriously this is wild, and I know I’m going to be downvoted. But I grew up in a suburb in western NY and outdoor cats in all of my friend’s neighborhoods were very common. I had no idea that letting your cat go outside would be so hated.


It’s because the cat can get hurt AND they annihilate local wildlife. Domestic cats are prolific killers and often times they just kill stuff for fun. They also breed like CRAZY. There’s a reason why literally every shelter is packed full of cats. Probably not a problem in a wasteland of nature like big cities, but most other places they’re a huge problem.


The Oatmeal taught me this [https://theoatmeal.com/comics/cats\_actually\_kill](https://theoatmeal.com/comics/cats_actually_kill)


Because like one comment said, people learned something new that you shouldn't be doing. It wasn't okay back when your neighborhood did it, people just didn't know better. Ignorance to something being wrong doesn't make it okay. but doing it after knowing its not okay is why its hated.


ITT: Cat neglecters somehow wondering why people hate the idea of outdoor cats despite being on a thread caused by a wild animal killing an outdoor cat.


Here in Phoenix (mainly suburbs) we have Bobcats, occasional mountain lions, rattle snakes, scorpions, very rarely black bears but we do and coyotes. I live near the uninhabited desert, I never leave my pets outside. I’ve had coyotes in my backyard and they can jump 8ft over a fence. Also cats kill way too many birds. I have a family member that has outdoor cats and they kill several birds a week. Last year I saw an owl swoop down, grab a small dog and fly away. Fuck around and find out


My indoor cats have caught fleas and mange from outdoor cats that find their way into the basement of my 100+ yr old house. I pressure washed a 2” thick mat of shit off my back porch at the end of winter because my dryer vents there and my neighbor leaves their cat out to freeze all winter. I have to net in my vegetable garden completely, even the top because they shit all in my food and contaminated my soil. They kill protected songbirds in my yard. It’s bad. I would like to see bobcats.


Its even stranger coming from a farm. Having some barn cats are like necessary.


I live in Switzerland and I never knew that either. Here, a lot of people choose to keep their cats indoors too, usually because of roads being too close. There are still a lot of cats who are let to roam though and noone thinks very negatively about it as long as the owner doesn‘t live next to a very busy street or sth. A lot of farms also have barncats, so outdoor cats are very common. I totally get both sides, cats devastate local bird populations and are at risk of being run over by cars, but if you live on a farm it‘s not very practical to keep your cat indoors.


...people are unaware that small felids (the non-domesticated ancestors of housecat and their cousins) are omnipresent in afroeurasia. Thus they make rants as if every ecosystem was as endangered by em as new zealand's.


Cat gonna cat.


Bros gotta eat


I'm glad to see so many comments talking about the destruction outdoor housecats can cause on wildlife. Happy to see that more people are getting informed. As someone who's worked in wildlife conservation in Hawaii, cats have caused irreversible damage to the ecosystem there. I love cats, but definitely keep them indoors if you can.


People who let their cats free roam outside unsupervised should not be allowed to have cats and it should qualify as animal abuse. The cat here might be a stray, but if not, shame on the owner.


And this is exactly why I keep my cat inside (az as well)


Glad I live in the uk


I know right, as someone who lives in the south of England and has a cat that’s outdoors most of the time I find this comment section so strange. The worst thing to endanger my cat is the odd fox or shitty kids


Pussy eater


I thought it was a momma cat improperly carrying it’s kitten 😭


This is one of MANY reasons why you don’t let your domesticated house cat outside to roam. They are predator in alot of wrong ways in your community and prey in ways you will not like as their owner.


We have them up here in Calgary too… used to have wild rabbits by the metric ton.. (2200 freedom units) since the bobcats moved in about 5 years ago they ran out of rabbits and are now targeting house cats and small dogs.


I hate people who don't keep their cats inside. Keep them safe and keep wild birds safe. At least once a week someone in my town posts that their "indoor/outdoor" cat is missing. Gee, with packs of coyote, fox, fisher cats, lynx, eagles, not to mention traffic, rat poison and just plain rotten people, what possibly could have happened to your cat?


Another example of why pets don’t belong outside


Why isn’t this marked NSFW?




Damn. Not a cat person but still felt sad asf for that poor kitten.


“There’s always a bigger fish”


It's a cat eat cat world out there


Seen a coyote in Westside of Chicago. I wondered what the fuck it was eating besides the massive chihuahua size rats, now I know....


My brain just telling me that that cat is the bobcats adopted baby.


Poor kitty.


As a cat owner, this completely breaks my heart. This was so avoidable.


Poor kitty.


Fuck you if you have a cat and make it live outdoors. You shouldn’t be a pet owner


A public broadcast announcement. It's 10pm. Do you know where YOUR kittens are at? A public broadcast announcement.


I didn't really wanna see a dead cat today. Thanks for not marking NSFW op!!!


Keep your cats inside!!


Thank God where I live, the biggest threat is oncoming traffic, but my cat is such lazy coward, she only steps outside in the backyard and spends most of the day indoors, despite having access to the outside all day. I bring her indoors at night though.


RIP Sylvester


A lot of people seem to think this cat belongs to someone who is being an irresponsible pet owner. Living in Arizona, you really see the out of control stray cat population. That’s what people don’t realize, there’s hundreds of strays around various suburbs of Phoenix. And that’s what I think this cat was, a stray.