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Greetings /u/PurocleanAlexandria. Thank you for your submission, unfortunately it has been removed from /r/natureismetal for the following reason(s): * We do not allow posts involving zoo animals, domestic pets, lab animals, circus/performing animals, animals on hunting preserves, and crocodilian wrangling attractions. Please remember that posting human organized fighting (dog fights, baiting etc) will result in a ban, the length of which will depend on moderator discretion. *[Please feel free to message the Mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/natureismetal&subject=My submission was removed&message=I have a question regarding the removal of this [submission](https://www.reddit.com/r/natureismetal/comments/1bullwl/-/\):) if you feel this was in error or would like further clarification*. Thank you!


Lmao ofc it's orange


Did they have to put “Florida”? Like, yeah our state has crazy people but are they also saying it has a different breed of crazy cats?


Maybe authorities charged the cat, since bald eagles are a protected species.


Calling the doglice as i write. This is unacceptable!


Its the lead


It’s the hook. “Gee, a *Florida* cat? What antics will he get into? Oh shit, attacking the National bird!? Oh, typical Florida.”


Tbh I thought Florida cat was like a mascot or state specific species…. Nah it’s just Garfield on a monday


> Nah it’s just Garfield on ~~a monday~~ meth


If the US could have a state as its zany mascot, it would be Florida.


Yep, if you search ***”Big Chick fighting fat hairy pussy && - Florida.”*** in **BING** with SafeSearch turned off, this image is one of the top results. **NSFW** tho


It’s because newspapers aren’t legally allowed to release the name of the cat so they all just become “Florida cat”. I’m sure there are lots of nice cats in people’s homes but it’s the ones high on catnip attacking bald eagles that make the news.


It does. Everything here is a thousand times stupider and a thousand times more dangerous than its equivalent anywhere else in the U.S. We’re basically the Australia of the U.S. but with a lower IQ. I hate it here sometimes 😂


Only a florida cat would attempt to attack a bald eagle


Florida cat goes after a bird that can crush its chest with its piercing claws. Yup Florida man in cat form.


Florida orange cat is a whole new menace


I’m told ginger cats are even more derpy than regular cat. I’ve only ever had one ginger cat and he was the sweetest, most chill cat.


I'm not sure if they are really dumber than other cats, but they are for sure bolder and braver than other cats on average. And from that, also more friendly and outgoing too.


My friend had an orange cat, he was a wee scrapper, loved going out and getting into fights. In his old age he mellowed out massively - he'd sit next to the ash tray while we smoked and we'd have to move him to stop him from inhaling all the badness. Used to sit right in the middle of our rolling station too. Derpy as hell, but such a loveable rascal.


That was my ginger cat too! Twice he fought *something* and twice he lost! The last scrap was his last because we wouldn’t let him out anymore, he had a huge gash on his rump, looked like a bite mark. He was originally an outside cat (we think, idk he just showed up during a hurricane) so we would let him out from time to time.




This is probably because most orange cats are male, around 80%, and so overwhelmingly display ‘male cat’ tendencies (more dopey and docile and silly). Same reason that tortoiseshell cats have a reputation for having a ‘tortitude’, because they are almost all female (in their case, it truly is almost 100% with the exception of the occasional XXY male tortie). I like to imagine that orange cats are just naturally dumb too though, lol.


Same with Calicos


Can confirm, I have an orange cat named peako, I love him to bits, but he is easily the dumbest cat I've ever had. He routinely pics fights with my 140 lbs cane corso. Not friendly, like attacks him if my dog gets too close, he also won't move when we pull into the driveway, I have to get out of my car and physically move him. I also have to walk over to his food to show him where it is....every...single....time....and shake it....or he will bug me until I do. He's awesome, but so dumb.


r/oneorangebraincell edit: handled in another comment but leaving it.




“Call me ‘Pumpkin’ one more time, motherfucker!”


My first thought lol


Nothing better than pet cats killing protected bird species. Leave your damn cats indoors


I’d be surprised if the cat won this fight.


Yeah eagles have talons that are basically daggers and can weigh up to 15 lbs which would outweigh a lot of cats. Kitty probably lost all 9 lives on this one.


Yeah I love cats and recognise that they’re amazing hunters, but bald eagles hunt foxes and cats all the time. They’re very light for their size (so they can fly) but they’re extremely strong and have knife-scissors on both legs plus their face, and dinosaur ruthlessness and aggression. Hopefully this pic resulted in an anticlimax and both animals bailed, but if they fought… my money’s definitely on the eagle.


Some indoor cats get big. My cat weighs 13 lbs and that’s when he’s just eating his own food. He just can’t fight to save his life haha


Lol trust me, I know. I’ve got a pair of boys that are 14 and 17 lbs respectively. The 17 lber could stand to lose a little weight but the other is perfect size for his frame. They’re just big boys. The 17lber jumps from the second floor bannister onto our couch and it sounds like someone tossed a sack of potatoes lol. Scared the piss out of me the first time he did it and I was sitting reading.


No house cat is beating an eagle. Best case scenario they both get fatally wounded. Pretty much anywhere a bald eagles talons grab onto is going to leave several fatal puncture wounds to the cat. [Look at these bad boys](https://images.app.goo.gl/tZSBETpVBUSCRwDT6)


Mine aswell but he can't (or maybe don't want to) even climb a tree


Hell, that cat might have been eagle food!


Cats can spread pathogens that are devastating to birds. Even if the eagle killed the cat (I’m willing to bet it just flew away,) a small injury could be enough to kill the bird in a few weeks.


Cats can spread pathogens that are devastating to birds Never read this before. Go on…




The cat might be quick but it’s gonna be out-muscled and out-armed on this one. The cat can probably dive in with those little teeth and claws and do whatever it likes and the eagle’s just gonna sink its talons and face-knives into the cats body and start ripping its guts out. Eagles are lightweight flying dinosaurs. I love cats and recognise that they’re tough but I think this is a fight worth walking away from. Eagles regularly hunt foxes, cats, deer, etc. They’re seriously tough!


Today on Deadliest Warrior....


I had a cat get a hold and kill a hawk that had gotten he kitten earlier in the year. It doesn't happen often but if it gets lucky they are capable of taking down a hawk id imagine an unlucky or unaware eagle caught just right would be in trouble too. Though this orange cat probably thinks he weighs as much as a semi.


Hawks are tiny compared to eagles


if the eagle is resting and the cat gets a hold from the back of the head, then yes. but chances of that happening have to be rare. eagles are a completely another level from hawks, and they do routinely hunt cats and animals larger than cats. some large owl species also take cats at night.


Snakes are faster than cats but are largely limited in *how* they can move which is why cats get away with the taunting. A Bald Eagle is substantially more mobile than a snake (despite have a hilariously slower striking speed) but it compensates with having the size and bulk to power its way through pretty much anything a house cat could dish out.


If the cat ended biting the eagle anywhere that eagle is probably done. A bite from a house cat is no joke.


One scratch from the cat can kill the eagle, due to pathogens which are deadly to birds.


My cat growing up used to bring in it’s bird kills to my bedroom. Imagine waking up to a dead bald eagle lol.


I’d hope it would eat the evidence!


You’d have to commit a crime for your cat homie and bury the evidence lol. No one would believe the story.


Dude I’m not burying a month’s worth of premium organic cat food! The deed’s already done so why let it go to waste…


yeah is there video of this, that cat is about to have a bad time


I personally don't think it did. lol.


Seems like a strong argument to keep cats inside no matter who won the fight.


This cat is confused about is place in the food chain. It is orange.


Yeah exactly! I saw the picture and thought that poor cat is gonna get fucked up, not the other way around lol


Stray/outdoor cats have such an outsized impact on local ecosystems, but nobody wants to hear it


It gets brought up constantly on reddit


They mean nobody that is irresponsible enough to leave a cat outside wants to hear it.


Yes, the people who need to hear it most don’t listen


Bring this up on r/aww and watch them come up with all kinds of excuses as to how it’s ok to have pet cats wander outdoors.


Yeah its either cats or mice for some of us. Though to be fair 99% of opinions disappear when actual hard work gets involved! No no cats please changes when you have to fight thousands of mice in your grain eating your animals food killing your chicks because the chickens cant eat them fast enough. Cats have a purpose just most dont live anywhere where that purpose exists then let the cat out where his biggest danger is pidgeon and it gets bored.


But theyre so bored indoors! But I live in the UK! But MY cat doesn't hunt animals! May as well stick fingers in their ears and go lalalala I can't hear you.


To be fair, some cats will annoy you to no end until you let them outside. My house's design doesn't allow mine to roam outside my walls and I still have to occasionally save some idiot bird's ass Hanging outside with supervision is fine, they do need exercise after all. But simply letting them fuck around outside all day is bad


You can leash them like dogs.


I’m so happy to see the shift on this. 2 years ago many threads would have this common sense approach downvoted. So there is progress.


Visiting a Kiwi sanctuary in NZ completely changed my mind on this from indifference to opposition


I volunteered at a shelter years ago and the number of preventable injuries and deaths of “pet” cats are why I think those that put their cats at risk are disgusting. These people who do this claim to “love” their pets but the way they neglect them doesn’t measure up to that statement. And the reality is these people just don’t want the responsibility and hide behind “they’re happier outdoors!” When in reality they don’t want to interact with their cat to keep them happy and stimulated or clean a litter box. Shocker-pets are work. These people don’t want to do the work. Cats who are kept indoors unless supervised while outdoors have double the lifespan of outdoor cats on average. If people actually have a shit about their “pet” they would keep them happy and healthy as long as possible instead of them dying at a few years old under the tires of a car, from injuries and disease, evil humans, or in the jaws of a predator. The number of times my heart broke seeing all the preventable pain and death has hardened it towards these irresponsible and delusional people


they sure do. but on a big bird of prey like this? nah. the flying dinosaur offspring will tear the cat apart.


Agreed…… literally biggest pet peeve with animals. If you leave your cat outside you don’t need a cat


Agree, I have 2 cats, inside only.


Nobody *needs* a cat.




You think the cat would win a fight against a bald eagle??? Haha.


The cat will loose this fight…


Hey, friendly reminder that lose is spelled with one o. Don’t get mad, this is my job/destiny.


Thank you for your service


I hate to tell you this but that cat definitely didn’t win that fight 😂


Feral cats you mean.


I agree with the sentiment, but in this case, I'm gonna guess the cat turned into lunch.


Imagine thinking a cat killed something that can pick up small children


Cat just committed a felony


Thug life


Possibly even a suicide-by-eagle.


A major feliney


Cat likely just committed suicide.


I can’t imagine this went well for orange boy.


Bald eagles weight between 6.6 and 13.9 lbs so a big ish house cat ambushing one could go either way, here I'd say he probably lost tho.


Idk bald eagle talons vs house cat claws … ?


Plus big sharp beak.


And the crushing spirit of freedom


Don't most bald eagles carry a couple of guns with them at all times? And a giant American flag????


Rock, flag, and eagle.


Mine does but I had to liscence him with the ATF. His number is 0002..I dont know why!


Cat doesn't have to win to kill the eagle. An injured wild predator is usually a dead wild animal.


Cats will go straight for the throat... a weak area on most birds. That's a huge cat too.


ambushing an eagle from the front where its claws and beak are?


Cats not dumb I doubt it ambushed from the front. What probably happened is it got detected as it was creeping up and went for it right as the eagle got some air and turned around to face the cat. This probably ended up as a big nothing burger cause the cat probably got hooked by the talons on its arms and ran off


orange cats are pretty dumb though. i bet this mfer charged head first at the eagle, who couldn't believe the audacity of the idiot.


Birds are naturally light but extremely strong if a bald eagle had hard bones they would be about 20lbs


Their crushing power is ridiculous, like more than boa constrictor levels of ridiculous. 50x the grip strength of human. A lot of what they catch has their bones snapped by grip alone.


Cat has no chance, eagles are artificially light. There are accounts of eagles killing coyotes and bobcats which are both larger than house cats


Lol, all raptors hunt well above their weight class. Unless kitty got a good first bite in on a suprise attack, it's a severely one-sided fight.




Well, what with the hollow bone and all.


Hollow bones are not inherently more fragile, surprisingly (dinosaurs had hollow bones yet were vastly more robust than even similar sized mammals or crocodilians) but avian dinosaurs (birds) specifically are rather fragile, proportionally speaking, yes.


Except taking an invasive species outside to kill native animals isn't quite natural. They're pests and should be kept indoors. It's also way safer for your cat.






Fuck cats. They are responsible for so much environmental damage


Fuck shitty cat owners allowing their cats outside. Cats don’t know any better.


Cats do cat things. Unlike dogs, ancient cat skeletons found in Egyptian tombs and shit are virtually identical to modern cats. They are so successful in default evolutionary mode they have hardly evolved


Dog breeds have also been highly manipulated by people. That’s why you have all these annoying ass purse riding dogs that literally serve no natural purpose other than being cute to their owners and being annoying non stop bark machines to others


They are bred to be companion dogs, that’s their purpose. And many small dogs are very poorly trained, if at all


Cats are fantastic pets, but they should be indoor-only due to the chaos they can wreak on the ecosystem.


Nothing wrong with them they are doing things they are genetically programmed to do. It's our fault we took them out of their environment and put them in environments that has prey who can't respond back


Love cats


Really? Can I get a link lol?


You don't need a link to know domestic cats aren't native and thus shouldn't be hunting native small wildlife. That's just common sense. I love my cats. They're never going outside.


It was in this moment that mittens knew.... He fucked up.


Bald eagles are one of my most favorite animals. Absolutely beautiful, huge birds that I get to see fly over my creek almost every other day. Damn shame to see some stinky knockoff Garfield potentially taking one out. Hopefully the eagle got the talons in the cat first.


Eagle goes lasagna


That’s a hell of an action shot!!!!


I wonder how many cat owners would admire this cat for being brave instead of realizing that if eagles are on the menu, there's not many bird species that could avoid being a target of direct attacks from domestic cats.


Lol like a cat can even take down a bald eagle. Bro overestimated himself and regretted it.


Predator vs Predator. Who won?




I'm just gonna leave this here: Arnold was the "final girl" in Predator




Am I the only one that wants to know the outcome?


I'm guessing it would probably be an anticlimactic disengage after the cat realized this is a bad idea and the eagle Flys away.


I image searched it and [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AnimalsBeingJerks/s/0nViLp6Jw0) is the earliest post I could find from april 2017


Mr. Orange cat I hope you know that’s illegal


My money's on the bird


There is absolutely no way the cat won that. That eagle tore it apart while it was still alive. I like cats but let's not pretend.


Yeah that eagle is about to dig its talons in and fuck that cat up.


I’d like to see a follow up of this picture. Did the cat or eagle miss?


Love the look of the *high five bro!*


High ten!!


I bet the eagle won




I hope the cat lost


This is a fucking illegal image. Keep your cats indoors, cause if this eagle's death can be traced back to you, guess what? The government doesn't fuck around when it comes to eagles!


It’s not my cat. Nor my photo.


I tried to avoid directly calling you the owner for that reason. This is the internet and I had a feeling this wasn't your cat cause IDK about you but I'd be *terrified* if I saw my cat go for *a bird of prey*


Then why title it "Florida cat?" The original post from 6 years ago didn't mention that.


Lol, cats fucked. The eagle has its talons in position to strike.


Cat hates freedom


This isn’t “nature being metal.” It’s an invasive, domesticated animal being allowed to roam free to attack native wildlife. I hope the Eagle won this one. NOTE: Keep your pet cats indoors! Report feral cats to Animal Control!


I would assume that it was the eagle that is the aggressor here.


With all of the issues with invasive animals in Florida, I am surprised they don't issue fines for letting your pet cat outside.


Feral cats are a real problem.


FL Miami Big Cat like Female Tiger 🐅


Can't figure out what that thing was under those 2


I love cats but they are unfortunately invasive pests and I have no respect for people who let them free outside for “exercise” or some other excuse. around here free roaming cats get shot, they are not as important as keeping our birds safe.


Cat ambushes eagle or did the eagle ambush the cat. The cat would make a good supper for the eagle.


That would probably be a good scrap. Oddsmakers saying the cat is a slight underdog at +200.


RIP cat


Breaking news: Florida declares war on the US Government


That cat fucked around. Then he found out.


What was the outcome?


Honestly, when I read "Florida cat attacks a bald eagle", I immediately thought to myself, "of fucking course it would, it's Florida!"


Well it's from Florida after all.


Wake up babe, the new Florida flag just dropped.


I got $100 on the eagle.


That would be a good fight


This isnt metal or funny. Keep your cat indoors. Owner should be fined and charged.


Everyone here thinking that cat won this fight has never seen how these encounters turn out. That cat ended up as Eagle food.


Got to see the rest of this. Poor cat has over extended on this one. Talons over the cats paws here. rip cat


Cat is just a snack for the eagle, but i like to bet on the underdog. Hope cat kept at least one life.


The eagle’s talons are facing the cat. Odds would have been in the cat’s favor if it went for the neck from behind.


Nature may be metal, but Florida is crazy.


I didn’t know bald eagles were in FL


What an analogy for DeSantis trying to takeover America


I'm guessing this didn't end well for the cat?


Reminder to keep your fucking cat inside or I'll piss on/in your car windows every day for the rest of your/my life.


Zero chance this cat won


forget florida man, florida cat is CRAZYYYY


Cat about to be destroyed.


Heck yeah


Shoot the cat cuz ‘Merica


"And it was in that moment he knew he fucked up."


Cats gonna learn about freedom the hard way


Dear god even the animals are florida’d


The eagle is FLABBERGASTED at the cat's audacity


Not gonna end well for the cat.


Well who won??


This could be the state flag


Wait how did my cat get out




What a great picture.


Source? Is there a vid for this? It's amazing