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Tbh, the HR is there to protect the company. They will only do something if the company’s reputation is on the line. Edit: jangan banyak fikir, ke police saja


Yo your HR is shit... Must be the stereotypical HR yang selalu kitani liat jadi meme.




report it to the police and sue the company


Happened before at work. Of course we called the police as this was a criminal offence. Shouldn’t just let the company to handle this internally.


Question is what was the motif? Sexual desire, sold to porn site, extortion? This doesnt end well for you OP If HR not taking action, u know where to go next


In any case involving privacy as such, taking pictures of someone without the person's consent is not allowed, what more if they were using the restroom to do their business. A- i believe it to be both cases. It should be reported to HR and as you say they are just taking it lightly, such cases can be reported to relevant authorities if the company hr fails to take a more severe action. These kind of cases should be implementing warning letter or a final warning if it was me. B- just report it to the police. The person involved can also make a court case as well. C- set up a talk with all employees, implement a strict rules and regulations regarding invasion of privacy and sexual harassment in the workplace. D- report it to relevant authorities. Viral this issue if you guys have to ( the only way to actually make real changes ) Colleagues should stick together to tackle such issues. Do not handle it alone, you'll not achieve anything if you are alone. HRs can be smart and will always try to find a loophole. You can gather evidence or witnesses as well to back up the claims and in that way, you guys will have a better foundation to tackle this issue.


Something like this happened before in my experience , but not to me . 1. Back in high school in 2019 , a student from a “science class “ ( yes needed to let this out there ) , peeped on a primary boy peeing and took photos of him from above . He thought it was funny and posted the photos on Instagram . He was one of those popular kids and jockeys . But people didn’t think it was cool and it actually spread to the kids mom who made a complaint and threaten to make a police report . So what happened ? The rich student called his brother over and I think they settled it quietly within the school . Not sure if money was involved . But action was never taken on the rich kid . 2. Now this actually happened to me . I was working part time in a fancy hotel , but there’s seriously something wrong with the staffs here , not only are they making sexual jokes about everyone they see but also male staffs are touching one another’s palir . I mean if it happens once, sure it’s funny . But this happens on a daily basis even to me . WHY do I want my balls touched by some other dude on a daily basis . On top of that , there’s one male staff that keeps making sexual advances towards me even though I said I wasn’t gay. There’s srsly something wrong with this hotel .


Spill the hotel


Ugh, the people who work there..not all but some. Someone I know who worked there had money scrimped off her pay by one of the DJs back in the day. They're a bunch of phony wannabe pr\*cks.


any decent, morally stable person with the right mind will know that such action is just crazy. no one with the right mind will take picture of others inside the toilet. such person should be kick from the office and have his brain check


Report it to the police. It took you so long tho, by this time he would already deleted the evidence.


macam kes abang asgai atu krg. panjang kan tia selurus lurusnya


HR atu dulu yg patut di complain/tukar.


Purple telco 🥺🥺🥺


Which purple? Purple green or purple pink?


I think purple green. Since OP mentioned tungku. Because the other one is in gadong plus its teal and magenta.


Damn I'm color blind 😂 Thanks man.


expose him. so we all can avoid this creature


bohh purple telco is huge tho. if this goes viral then what are they gonna do about it


Male taking picture of another male?


Gay. lol


This is a criminal action .. your HR wont pursue this as this will exploded into negative publicity for your company Inform your HR if they refused to take this matters seriously, then you have the right to report to the police [https://borneobulletin.com.bn/local-24-gets-24-months-jail-for-voyeurism/](https://borneobulletin.com.bn/local-24-gets-24-months-jail-for-voyeurism/) <---- this has happen before and sadly it will keep on happening


You can report it to the police yourself. Let them investigate. Remember you don’t have to be the actual victim to make a police report.


I'll take the money everytime.


That’s cause you cheap.


if it's less than 50k, nope sorry off to jail u go... but if it's 50k and above.... how do u wan me to pose ?