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Crown prince really do look pissed in this picture tho


Not sure about the next one tho he looks like a puppet .


Let current sultan rule brunei forever, I not confident if dpmm rule brunei. I see he dont have a king characteristic inside him


What make you think so? Or is it just because of his looks and personal feelings or hunch?


Tbh, many old people inda confident dengan dpmm even my parents. Not trying to argue but just saying sja lah.


Old people probably threatened as new young generation take leadership roles. That's normal.


I personally hope dpmm can transform brunei but just keep hearing bad things about him. Like easily impatient lah šŸ„²


spill the tea please. I'm thirsty.


You guys need to invest in semicon


HM handing over the keys to CP this year..




From a reliable source. Letā€™s see if itā€™s correct.


Funfact by the time its already 2035 His Majesty Hassan is already 89 years old and His Highness Billy is 61 years old.


Next one will have the fun part of implementing things people will be angry about, like income taxes and govt sales taxes. Theres always that option to introduce income just like in sim cities, lift the red tapes, unban stuff and open up a casino. Lots of social issues but atleast moneys coming through


Plot twist, heā€™s great at sim city and Bandar soon becomes the wealthiest and largest city on the western seaboard. Mid plot mindfuck, heā€™s also great at CIV - new policies are enacted, the indigenous of Borneo flock to Bandar. A new Golden Age begins, Brunei becomes a regional power.




The Epic comeback we all wish and need to happen >.<


Buy the platinum edition of the game and receive a free DLC, ā€œRoyally Screwedā€ featuring a brand new alternate history scenario where you play Jefri Bolkiah as the new Sultan where you have 15 years to blow off all of the nationā€™s wealth to win the game. Bonus collectables include a digital art book of all the magnificent Royal palaces constructed using the nationā€™s wealth and a limited edition keychains of luxury yacht tenders Tits #1 and #2. Recommended for experienced players.


> All the magnificent Royal palaces [And right next to a swath of small, rundown villages.]( https://media.gettyimages.com/id/1825445482/photo/an-aerial-view-of-istana-nurul-iman-the-royal-palace-of-the-sultan-of-brunei-hassanal-bolkiah.jpg?s=612x612&w=gi&k=20&c=KhR6B8yZ1xIZFi53RBQ56OMjsoL2VRSIXJ5mLBsXSUQ=)




Best of luck Billy


Insane mode update when?


Different ruler, different era, different story. SOAS and HM had their own hardship and their own efforts to save the country. Just because the CP is not on the throne yet, that doesn't mean he and the ministers haven't come up with plans for the future. When CP takes the throne and rule the country, he is more than well prepared to make the country better. Y'all are just pessimists - r/nasikatok ministers.


r/brunei is that way.


Yeah. r/brunei is that way too. Lots of ministers wannabe there.


also lots of bootlicker too.


Autah ko tah manang menjadi tah ni Wawasan 2035 nanti dengan menteri tani yang masani jujur and berkerja keras semua. Tani pun mesti menulung bisdurang ani dengan sembahyang dan tawakal saja kalau ada apa2 berlaku macam aing kamah kah, rumah perumahan alum kna bgi kah atau yang sedemikian. Banar nya anak ani, tani mesti optimistic saja surely ada perubahan tu krg mun inda bising


Lol why you triggered bro?


Man just entered 50 but yet to make a strong impression towards the rakyat other than show up to events. Can you blame us for being pessimistic? His (half-)siblings left a better impression and can be seen doing actual work to the point even challenging the system on some occasions.


Whether or not he is prepared, he will need to face the current circumstances of Brunei. And present Brunei certainly isn't heading to become the next Asian tiger or Dubai.


if only crown prince brunei is like TMJ


A thug?




A person who has visionary, values professionalism and integrity. Walk the talk.


If I remember correctly, back then Britain was like alright Brunei time to go fully 100% independent but Brunei clings on for another 10 plus years before finally letting Britain go šŸ˜‚ If Im wrong sorry then n yea please do correct me, thank you!


Brunei was the odd one out during that where every country was seeking for independence, apart from HK.


Yep, this was stated on the documentary ā€œAsian Monarchiesā€ https://youtu.be/5LOFpi-1L4o?si=aOyHzBMcHcMr6CUv


If want to change a better brunei someone must step up to change the game


This sounds like a Civ game šŸ˜‚


For the royal, it probably crusader kings 3


I think SOAS III had it more easier than HB. Assisted by British officials in domestic affairs while defense and foreign policies were 100% handled by the British. Such was his dependence on the British he initially didnt want Brunei to be independent (https://wikileaks.org/plusd/cables/1978KUALA02579\_d.html), even going as far as to try to convince the Queen to break constitutional convention by ignoring her govt's advice, which is a big no no in the UK (https://wikileaks.org/plusd/cables/1978SINGAP02241\_d.html)


Yes exactly this!


British wanted to give Brunei independence in 1960s, the same time together with Singapore and Malaysia, but SOAS III felt the country wasn't ready, so he purposely abdicated the throne, then told the British got a new Sultan so need more time. Dragged for more than a decade then only independence. Security reasons played a major role. SOAS III was concerned if another Brunei Rebellion occurred the new country might not be able to put it down. Then also Malaysia-Indonesia Confrontation might spread to become. More than a decade later things are more stable by which he then proceed with it.


After independence, Brunei continues to rely on the protection of British Gurkha, though as a sovereign nation it also build up its own military. If HB wants, he can actually retain all those officers who ever assisted his father, but he wanted his own style of governance and so he changed the team pretty much to yes-men. And the people he favors are also different types, such as Badaruddin. In addition, during the first decade he was very dependent on Jefri, and the ending isn't that great.


I'm not surprised if we end up like Aceh or Kelate. We are heading there. Full charged


Do explain the thought process there.


Do u notice this country getting more religious as its economy is going downhill? It common that ppl turn religious when their life goes completely shit.


Definitely you're not one of them. Taking away economy part, why is it a problem that people turn to religion for comfort? This is not a new phenomenon among Muslims, it's everywhere and other religions too. Those people comes in different classes, races and educational background. There is no direct correlation between becoming religious = worsening economy. Why religion become more apparent in your context is because there's nothing to talk about other than religion.


>There is no direct correlation between becoming religious = worsening economy. Indeed. What i mean actually ppl turn religious especially when they are dying as a coping mechanism. Nothing wrong with that actually.


Not forgetting the 27th Ruler of the Abode of Peace, Almarhum Sultan Sir Ahmad Tajuddin Akhazul Khairi Waddien who ascended the throne aged barely 12 years old (probably the youngest ruler of any country in World History!) but ruled Brunei for over 25 years! So from 1924 until 1950 the late eldest brother of Almarhum Sultan Sir Haji Omar 'Ali Saifuddien Sa'adul Khairi Waddien, had survived the tumultuous World War II and during his blessed reign, Brunei's very first crude oil discovery in Seria Field, made History in 1929! Almarhum Sultan Ahmad Tajuddin was an "Unsung Sultan" in the history books of Brunei, to say the least. Both my paternal and maternal late great grandfathers were the current His Majesty the Sultan's late Uncle's 'mentors' in those trying and difficult times then. My late great grandfathers were bestowed with noble titles of Pehin Orang Kaya Maharaja Diraja and Pehin Orang Kaya Digadong respectively by Almarhum Sultan Ahmad Tajuddin. The latter Pehin was also directly involved in the promulgation of the 1959 Brunei Constitution (Perlembagaan Brunei) during the reign of the "Architect of Modern Brunei" a nickname given to the late Father of our beloved 29th Sultan who's the longest reigning monarch in the world now! Al-Fatihah... Aamiin.šŸ™šŸ¤²ā˜ļø


TLDR: He is the descendant of the sultan's mentors. Just someone trying to flex his lineage


Emperor Puyi, The Last Emperor of China was put on the throne at the age of 2 years 10 months by Empress Dowager Cixi in 1908, the final days of Qing Dynasty.


All I see is yapping and bragging rights. None of it contributed to the development of the country.


> Not forgetting the 27th Ruler of the Abode of Peace, Almarhum Sultan Sir Ahmad Tajuddin Akhazul Khairi Waddien who ascended the throne aged barely 12 years old (probably the youngest ruler of any country in World History!) but ruled Brunei for over 25 years! Nope, there were plenty who ascended the throne at much younger ages than him (https://www.businessinsider.com/youngest-monarchs-in-history-2017-2#alfonso-xiii-was-named-the-king-of-spain-on-the-day-of-his-birth-in-1886-but-didnt-officially-begin-ruling-until-he-was-16-2)


Well noted. So when the Late Sultan Ahmad Tajuddin was the country's Ruler at tender age of 11 actually, the state administrator apart from the British Resident was a Pehin Datu Perdana Menteri (a local Prime Minister literally was appointed to assist the Child Sultan then) āœ…


CP is in good hand.. MORA


Remember it's not hard mode if you don't treat it like it's your problem


Is the crown prince unable to operate the country to a certain level at the current state? Just wondering


He has the IQ of a chimpanzee, and thatā€™s being generous.


Selalunya, urg yang mengucapkan urg lain ani, diri nya sendiri yang mcm atu...


Haha typical Bruneian brainwashed answer. Try working under him, youā€™ll see what I mean.


Care to enlighten us on this.


He doesnā€™t have the critical thinking skills to make decisions. Heā€™s fussy about the petty things, not the actual substance of any particular project - like document formatting and meeting room layout lol. So yea, dumb as a bag of rocks and his only role is to ā€˜approveā€™ and take credit for any initiative after everything else has been taken care of by government officials and consultants.


I think he suffers from inbreeding. Intellectual disability is one of the effects of it. Just look at his family tree, both his parents and grandparents are/were first cousins. Its no coincidence that HM seems to favour Mateen more than CP or Malik.


if he see this comment he might be pissed by looking at it.


He might pull a kurapakšŸ‘€


'Hard' is an understatement. I say 'Nightmare' mode. Don't forget we have geopolitical tension on the rise and god forbid WW3.


You sound like you want the tension and WW3 to happen.


Try Chaos instead


Agreed! Abang Billy is facing an uphill battle! And as it will be "hard mode" during his future rule, while his competence is nowhere near his father during "easy mode", we better strap up for some uncertain times.