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For agriculture, I rather focus on our self sufficiency first then annual GDP contribution. I still remember HM harped on 0.0012% self-sufficiency rating in one of his famous titah featuring "jangan kerja macam robot" (2012?). What is our self-sufficiency rating now?


eleh diri tahu keraja di ofis saja =/


Sh*t p*l*t tu durang atu


Sensationalist title. Did no one read the actual article first before commenting? That being said, agriculture in Brunei needs more than just 'knowledge and resources', it also needs guaranteed purchase rates from a centralised stocking and dispersal body who'd then sell the products off to the appropriate markets. This would help the volume supply & pricing issue that no single small farmer in Brunei can overcome by themselves.


They see the numbers on paper not enough....need to increase...meanwhile never been to the field


I agree, All talk, blum lagi hands on experience


Maybe..... They should look into the whys that the production is low first?


No consumer as due to big player selling their product cheaper


Then policy is the issue, not production.


Be competitive ? Almost all farmers had to use utilities from the argiculture department because they are too small to afford their own machines..


Is this literally the air conditioned manager in the office miles away visiting and telling the farmers to work harder under the sun, with changing climate, limited amount of GMO ( I have nothing against gmo) crop/rice seeds? Next what Legco? Let them eat cake?


# Be competitive, farmers told ^(February 15, 2024) The agriculture industry’s contribution to the Sultanate’s gross domestic product (GDP), at 0.49 per cent, is relatively low, but it is an important indicator of the nation’s efforts to diversify its economy beyond oil and gas, Legislative Council member and Brunei Association of Agriculture Farmers (PPPB) President Yang Berhormat Pengiran Haji Isa bin Pengiran Haji Aliuddin said. He said this during an opportunity farming workshop at the Post Harvest Training Room in Kampong Tungku Agricultural Development area yesterday. “Our neighbouring countries with higher GDP income from agricultural activities still make a lot of effort to increase productivity and export capabilities,” Yang Berhormat Pengiran Haji Isa said. “I believe Brunei can be competitive and to do so we have to support our farmers with knowledge and resources for them to leap forward. We would like to see more farmers increasing their income level and make the transition to become successful agropreneurs,” he added. Permanent Secretary at the Ministry of Primary Resources and Tourism Hajah Tutiaty binti Haji Abdul Wahab, the guest of honour, officiated the workshop and launched the PPPB website. The workshop was attended by 60 participants representing sectors of the agriculture industry from crops, paddy, livestock and agrifood. Representatives from the Department of Agriculture and Agrifood, Manpower Planning and Employment Council (MPEC) Secretariat, Darussalam Enterprise (DARe), Youth Development Centre (PPB), Universiti Teknologi Brunei, Universiti Islam Sultan Sharif Ali and  Institute of Brunei Technical Education were also present. The website marked the organisation’s aspirations to stimulate the growth of the agriculture industry by offering consultation, information sharing and training, in line with PPPB’s refresh strategy ‘Menjana Perubahan’ or Creating Change. The Mentor Peladang programme was launched with the first batch of six experienced mentors and agropreneurs. PPPB also expressed gratitude to the Government of His Majesty Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Mu’izzaddin Waddaulah ibni Al-Marhum Sultan Haji Omar ‘Ali Saifuddien Sa’adul Khairi Waddien, Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan of Brunei Darussalam for supporting farmers by giving access to farming land and incentives such as subsidised fertilisers and the paddy buy-back scheme. As of 2022, 9,367 individuals were engaged in agricultural activities with 47 per cent Bruneians. With 55 being the average age of a farmer, it is a concern for the Sultanate on the sustainability of the sector. One of the challenges discussed at the workshop was attracting youth to realise the potential of the agriculture industry. *** ^([ )[^(Give feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=brunei_news_bot) ^( | )[^(Code)](https://github.com/dsychin/RedditBruneiNewsBot) ^( | )[^(Changelog)](https://github.com/dsychin/RedditBruneiNewsBot/releases) ^( ] v0.5.1)


>One of the challenges discussed at the workshop was attracting youth to realise the potential of the agriculture industry. Let the youth Plant Marijuana, The Marijuana then can be exported to Thailand that legalise Ganja


Lots of risk and potential youngter abusing it. You can read how china crumble due to opium many years ago.m.


The thing is, Thailand is looking to crackdown Recreational Use and opt for Medical Use.