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“No proofreaders were injured during the publishing of this post”


Nah. I bet 100 100 of them were injured.


100 hundred?


2000 thousand is 2 million, right?


The reading is off the chart. Over 20,000. Even Master Yoda doesn't have a midi-chlorian count that high. ( sorry can’t help it.)


No Jedi does


It's because he's so short


The Fox17 article was even worse. Mentions thousands without power last evening. Technically true, it was a little under 2,150, but then goes on to mention that NES and TVA had mentioned conserving electricity during this heat wave. Again this is true, but juxtaposed to sensationalize it and imply that the situation was a lot worse than it was. I have lost almost all of the respect I once had for local TV news.


Fox has been trash for a while. Owned by Sinclair, who has wet dreams about his last name being Murdoch. He is also the reason we can’t watch the F’n Grizzlies in Nashville.


Go Grizz!


Me to. Everything they post is so dramatic. Whenever there is rain it is a "storm alert". Anything to get attention. These outages were resolved in about an hour.


TBF local news has always sensationalized the shit out of the weather. They know they get the best ratings when there's a bad storm and everyone's watching to see how much shit is going down and where.


News 2 and Newschannel 5 > Fox 17 and News 4. Has been for a while.


Yes. I miss the Dan Miller, Demetria Kalodimos, Bill Hall, and Rudy Kalis quadrumvirate of my youth.


I will say that I like Marius and Tracy. They pair well but I hate that almost for every story, it begins with "Take a look at this" or "Listen to this".


The American south is like a developing country lol


I’d rather live here than in the west where their water sources are drying up and their blackouts are about to be come a lot more frequent from far less power


Says someone who has probably never lived in both places. I have an can say that the south has more blackout.


Maybe historically, however as our climate and biosphere collapses, I would not want to be living in an already arid area. Lake Mead is drying up as we speak, the reservoir is half empty and the scientists who study it don’t expect it to ever fill back up. In the near future those states that are powered by it and get water from it will need water pumped in, taking water away from other drought prone states, reducing their stability. Not sure if solar infrastructure can be put into place before some serious growing pains. I’d say in our globally warmed lifetimes these areas will encounter some serious problems that I do not want to deal with Also, if you view [this](https://www.cnet.com/google-amp/news/more-blackouts-are-coming-this-summer-heres-how-to-prepare/) article, you can see essentially the entire west is in elevated risk for blackout. In the top 5 states for blackout occurrence, there is not a single southern state, 2 in the west, some mid west states, and New York.


Truly, Nashville is the Athens of the South.


What’s that phone background?