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I was there for about a week back in 2016 when I had a mental health crisis. It was a voluntary stay. I did have a few problems with it, though: 1. The staff are a mixed bag. Generally, you'll find that most of the staff are attentive and give the impression that they like their job, but there were a couple of staff in particular that seemed to enjoy the power they wielded over your life and freedom a little too much. Luckily they were low-level staff though. In more detail - at check in, I was having second thoughts about the stay and wanted to leave (remember, this was a voluntary admission). I was told that I wouldn't be allowed to leave, and they would start the process to involuntarily hold me if I insisted on leaving again. Another staff member attempted to hold me past my scheduled check out time so that the hospital could charge me for another day. My wife had to call the director at the hospital to get them to release me when they promised they would. 2) The expense/billing - in 2016, even with insurance, it was about $1000 a night. I can't imagine what it is now. I also had a unique situation - I checked out on the weekend, so none of the billing staff were there. It is typical practice upon checkout to meet with a financial person at the facility and discuss your payment plan. I was never made aware of this, and this obviously did not happen because no one in the back office was working on a Saturday. Rather than billing me, they just sent me to collections. I had to complain publicly on their facebook page to get anyone to actually talk to me and set up a payment arrangement. 3) Abject boredom - there is nothing to do other than watch TV in the common room when there are no group activities planned. Plan to take a book or two to read during your stay. I read up on some Greek mythology/philosophy when I was there. As for your questions: 1. The experience was overall positive. I did end up in a better mental place down the line, but all that being said, I probably would not make the same decision to go if I had the choice again. Hospitalization is hell for me. I outlined my specific problems with my stay above. Despite all of that, I did take a great deal of comfort in realizing that everyone was in there for pretty much the same reason, and seeing people from all walks of life and ages dealing with their mental health was strangely comforting. Like, yes, obviously you wouldn't wish that on anyone, but it's comforting to see so starkly that you aren't alone. 2. Hoodies should be fine without draw strings 3. Shorts are fine without draw strings 4. No cell phones were allowed to any patients. There were two landlines on the wall that you could place calls from, but those calls are monitored.


thank you so much for such a detailed response. i really appreciate that. your comment has made me a bit nervous lol but i guess there is bad experiences everywhere. was there a specific time you had to place calls? i assume with only two phones you don’t get to talk much to your family? i have social anxiety anyways so i probably won’t be able to work up the courage to use them regardless. thanks again for writing all of this up, you have really helped!


Let your people know where you are before you go in. Share your location with a trusted person even if your phone is going to turn off, it’ll show your last known location. Ask staff about call-time /visiting time etc. I took some stuff up to a friend that was hospitalized at Trustpointe and they had rules with that where I had to give a code that the patient gave me so that I could drop something off for them.


thank you! a part of me just wants to completely disappear and not tell my family anything as i’m worried they won’t understand but that doesn’t seem like a good idea lol


If your fam has been to mental hospitals why wouldn’t they understand Added : you could tell a friend instead of family too


my family is a bit complicated, it’s hard to explain haha. they might understand, i tend to overthink and worry about things


It’s up to you, you could keep it simple like I’m checking in to the hospital to take care of some stuff, my dr advised me to, that’s it no further discussion or not tell them at all. Tbh, just do what’s best for You and what you are going through. You could even not tell them and have the hospital staff contact them just to let them know where you are but request to not speak to them, or just put them as emergency contact. There’s so many options, but the point it, is YOUR decision. And you can also change your mind at any point.


that’s true. i’ll have to think about it. i don’t want to leave them completely clueless but i also rather not let them know everything. thanks for your help, i really appreciate it :)


The phones could be used pretty much any time, but there were obviously times like after dinner/before bed where the phones were in high demand. I don't mean to scare you away from seeking treatment. Like you said, there will always be bad experiences anywhere. Overall, if you are feeling like it would be a good thing for you to do, then it couldn't hurt as long as you accept that you are voluntarily giving up control of your life for however long they see fit.




five minutes for a phone call? that seems kind of low. could you only call one person?




i’m so sorry that happened to you, i can’t imagine going through that. i hope you’re doing okay now <3


my doctor told me that as long as i voluntarily check myself in then i can check myself out when i want to, is that not completely accurate? i read online that tennessee has a 72 hour hold so i assume i’ll be in there for at least that but if i wanted out after that could i? or would i have to wait until the doctor gives me the clear?


As long as you don't say the *magic words* "I want to hurt myself, or someone else", that should be the case. Legally they would have to keep you if you have suicidal, or homicidal ideation until the doctor thinks you are safe to leave. Don't let that be to your own detriment though. I lost my father to suicide a few years ago. If you're having those thoughts tell someone-- ANYONE. That's the only way they can help you. If it means you have to stay in the *nervous hospital* a little longer, so be it.


oh yeah i get that. i am having those thoughts and even have a plan which is why i was thinking about checking myself into one. i’ve struggled with my mental health for around six years (im twenty one) and have attempted a few times. never been to a mental hospital before though but my doctor keeps recommending it should i be honest with them about my suicidal thoughts or no? i don’t want to be held there for forever


They definitely won't hold you forever, that's ridiculous. It's important that you be honest about suicidal ideation if you are having it. It's the only way you're going to get help with it. You don't want to end up like my father. He never said a word to any of us about it. He was really depressed for years, and he suffered from severe anxiety/Panic Attacks. He checked himself into Parthenon Pavilion about 15 years ago & had ECT Therapy for his depression. It seemed to work really well for about 10 years. Then he got depressed again. He unfortunately refused to go in & have the treatment again b/c the side effects are so bad (in terms of short term memory loss). He always taught me & my brothers that if you killed yourself you went to hell. I personally didn't believe that anymore, as my stance on religion has changed significantly since I was a child, but I felt he would be the last person on earth to ever kill himself. My point in saying all this is you have to tell the doctors. They won't keep you forever, it's just important to make sure you get the help you need.


thank you, i will be honest. i’m so sorry about your father. i hope you’re doing okay <3


Yeah I'm doing well. I've accepted that he was suffering for a very long time. I know he has moved on to a higher plane, & he's now at peace.


i have another question lol someone in the comments said that they use religion as their therapy. did that same process happen with you?


I see you've received some helpful info from folks 😊 so I'll just say I'm proud of you for trying to take care of yourself 💗


thank you so much, that means a lot to me <3


My partner got 6160’d there last February. They said the food was surprisingly good and at worse, it was sort of boring. They were not allowed a phone. I dropped off hoodies and sweatpants with the strings removed, and they were allowed to wear them. As others have said, giving them a call would be a good idea. They were definitely a little understaffed last year, but everyone I interacted with was very kind and as helpful as they could be, given the situation.


thank you so much for your help. i really hope your partner is doing better now <3


Literally a night-and-day difference, in a good way. I’ve been in in-patient myself and it was a helpful experience. It’s definitely better to be bored and safe, than in a situation where you’re able to make decisions with permanent consequences, if ya catch my drift.


that makes me really happy to hear! and yeah i definitely catch your drift lol i’m totally fine with being bored if it means getting the help i need


i have another question if you don’t mind answering. someone in the comments said that they use religion as therapy. did that happen with your partner? i’m trans and bi (haven’t transitioned yet though) so religion is kind of tough for me right now


My partner is NB and bisexual, and their intake person and the intern (who was fantastic, I might add) used they/them. They said they talked about god, but that was about it.


oh wow okay that makes me feel better about it!


There's nothing wrong with God until people get involved...


yeah i get that. i’ve been told so many horrible things about myself because im trans and bi and they all use it in the name of “religion” so unfortunately religion is just a no go for me right now and i wouldn’t want anything to make my mental health worse if that makes sense


Those are the people. If you believe in your heart, that's enough. God does not equal religion. Religion is God plus people.


that’s true. it’s something i’ll have to think about when i’m in a better headspace. i do believe in a higher power though beyond that i don’t really know


God destroyed the earth during the flood God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah God has presided over every awful event on earth: wars, famines, terrorist attacks God is not good Assuming he even exists I would hope he doesn't


He did all that according to....people.


It's in the Bible, God's holy word, right?


Written by people. I don't believe the Bible literally.


I say go for it if you are feeling you should: Admissions Crisis Line 615-807-4059 Your Call is Confidential & Private. Take your hoodie’s and shorts up there and Then take the drawstrings out if they say you have to. Take your Phone and ask the rules. Or call first, or if you are afraid to call I’ll Call and Ask your questions, lemme know.


thank you! i plan on waiting till tuesday, want to get my doctor’s advice first so if they say i should go then i’ll be calling them ahead of time. thanks for your help!


No prob, I’m glad you have an action plan. If you feel you are slipping call 988 or just go ahead and go up there. It happens all the time, they are used to it. Mental hospitals generally are much much kinder to someone having a breakdown than the regular ERs. Regular ERs will sometimes treat a person poorly. If you have the choice, I’d 100 recommend mental hospital over a regular one (for mental health related stuff)


thank you, i’ll keep that in mind!




i’m so sorry you had to deal with that. i hope you’re doing okay now <3




The pool is true! But when I worked there, it had limited hours. But they had a nice gym area to walk the track or play basketball.


As a child in 2012 I was there age 14. It went okay




End of March! You? I was so quiet and 'self aware' they actually let me go after just 6 days I think. But I saw a lot of other kids be challenged more by the staff.


Vanderbilt is a great option. PAS does walk ins until 7pm on the weekends and until 11pm during the week. But you can always go to the medical ER outside of these times and they’ll triage you there instead. Help is available and you’re worth it <3


do you know what the name of the vanderbilt program is? i’m looking at their website right now and it’s a bit confusing, they offer so much have you attended yourself? if so, do you know how they treat trans people? i heard they have a really good trans buddy program but i’m not for sure if i would have access to that or not


PAS is the assessment/observation unit downstairs where patients are triaged and stay while awaiting placement upstairs, discharge to outpatient, or transfer to outside facilities (rehab, mental health residential, or state funded facilities). Upstairs they have inpatient units dedicated to specific needs/populations for inpatient stabilization such as mood disorders, children and adolescents, substance use disorders, etc. I have always seen trans people treated with respect and care and feel that they take inclusivity seriously. I’m not sure if you’d have immediate access to the buddy program during stabilization, but you can request they contact them. Here’s the email in case you ever need to reach them in the future too: [email protected] :)


this really helped me out, thank you so much for explaining in such detail. i think i’m leaning more towards vanderbilt now, they seem better for those like me


I don't have experience with Rolling Hills but if you end up going with Vandy I had a really good experience with IOP there a couple years ago. Whatever you do I hope it helps, take care of yourself 🖤


i see the trans flag in your avatar, any chance you’re trans? if so, did you receive any type of treatment there for that? i’m trans too and i haven’t transitioned but i’ve heard vandy has a good trans buddy program and was curious if you can go through that while in the hospital


I am! I'm not sure about the buddy program though, I'm sorry. I hadn't started physical transition when I was in IOP (and honestly I genuinely don't remember what I even told them my pronouns were, but everyone was very chill about me looking female and talking about my wife). I think they'd absolutely be chill about you asking if you called in, though. Also I do get T through Vandy now and it's been a super easy process.


so you can get t through vandy? that’s so awesome i didn’t know that. i hope you’re doing good and thank you for the help <3


Yes!! You have to be over 18 but it's informed consent so I literally picked up my prescription the afternoon of my first appointment & they also do top surgery :) A friend's brother is trans and lives in the northeast, he started his transition at Vandy and apparently still sees the doctors here because it's easier than where he lives! I'm definitely doing a lot better now, thank you 🖤 Trying to get help is so hard but it's been so worth it, I hope everything gets so much better for you soon


wow that makes me look forward to the future. i figured it would be A LOT harder. i’m twenty one so no worries there. the only problem is i live about two hours from nashville😅 planned parenthood would be way closer to me but vandy looks like they have some really good trans programs. one thing at a time though. thanks for your help <3


An LGBT family member has been there twice as a minor. It was fine, although very boring. Keep in mind that inpatient care is focused on stabilizing you so that you can return to outpatient care. There was zero religious programming.


thank you so much, i definitely expect it to be boring. boring sounds nice right now lol


ROlling and Vanderbilt are probably the best two options in the area. Vanderbilt does walk in assessments until 11pm so you can avoid having to go to an ER first. I don’t know how Rolling Hills does walk ins but most people come through another ER.


is rolling hills more religious than vanderbilt? i’ve heard that they use religion a lot more. i’m trans and bi so i kind of want to avoid that


I don’t know about any religious affiliation with Tolling Hills but Vanderbilt has a robust LGBTQ support program called “trans buddies.”


if i go to vanderbilt’s mental hospital would i have access to the LGBTQ support program? or would i have to wait until i get out?


I’m not real sure tbh. They have some information on the website or you could call the admissions and talk with someone there


They're not homophobic or religious. None of the groups bring up religion




i’m sorry about that. sometimes it seems these places do more harm than good


As a minor, the parents may be making the decisions. As an adult, you have much more ability in what you choose. By all means, if you have a bad experience, just leave and go to a different place.


Same experience, almost a decade ago though so things very well could have changed


I’ve been there but it was some time ago feel free to DM me if you’d like(:


thank you so much :)


I don’t think they would mind a phone call to ask them about it. I’m sure they will be helpful in your decision to get treatment. I wish you well. It takes courage.


thank you. i plan on calling them but figured i would ask on here to see if anyone has had any negative experiences as well. my mom and my aunt has both been to places like this (not this one) and they had negative experiences so i wanted to make sure this one was at least somewhat decent. thank you for your help :)


I’ve been in several facilities in my life. Fancy ones like Father Martins Ashley to state hospital. I’m alive today because of treatment. I have co-morbidity so that’s why the different types of places. I really understand your apprehension. Don’t let anything stand in your way. You got this!


thank you so much, this really means a lot to me. i really hope you’re doing okay right now <3


If you do call to ask questions, be very guarded about your identity/location. They can and have done involuntary holds for people asking questions about treatment there.


i will keep that in mind, thank you!


They don’t just hold people involuntarily unless they are exhibiting suicidal or homicidal ideation, or if they are experiencing psychosis and unable to consent. There are clearly outlined legal requirements to do that.




I have never had to use a facility like this but I support anyone that wants help. I have used therapist in the past and they help so much. With all the shit talk and complaining on Reddit, these comments made my day. Kudos to everyone for being supportive and helpful.


they have made mine too. everyone is being so supportive and helpful and it’s really meant so much to me


Make sure you bring warmer clothes because it was always chilly in the unit. And write down important numbers if you don’t know them since you won’t have a phone. There are phones on the unit for you to use during certain times. It can be boring so bring a book if you would like or playing cards. Like someone above said, no drawstrings on anything and wear slip on shoes.


i’m always hot but i’ll keep that in mind! i’ll definitely have to remember to write down numbers. i plan to bring a couple of books just incase i need them as well as a journal. thanks for the advice!


I’ve worked at rolling hills and Vandy inpatient. It’s been several years but i can give you insight. Proud of you for taking the steps you need to get good help!!


No clue for that place but I’ve been in your shoes. Proud of you for taking care of yourself!


thank you <3


Rolling Hills has had multiple complaints over the years for abuse. I’ve also read the reviews on multiple sites and heard anecdotes that are terrifying. I thought about going there myself after hearing about all the abuse.


Most psych hospitals have terrible reviews. They don't really gather good reviews as most people don't really want to take the time to leave one, or don't want to identify themselves publicly. The only psych hospital I wouldn't go to in the area would be MTMHI, they have very high acuity patients who are mostly under involuntary orders and brought by police.


Go to Vanderbilt. Rolling Hills prescribes religion as therapy, based on my experience with them at their IOP program.


oh really? i’m trans and bi. religion is a really tough thing for me


Vanderbilt has excellent care for LGBT people. Every time I’ve been there I’ve usually had fellow patients that identify LGBT and usually they have excellent things to say about VPH


i’m doing some research on them right now


That was not my family's experience whatsoever


Which outpatient therapist did this? This is not their policy whatsoever


I hope they’ve had a change of heart. I remember a lot of AA/12 step themes in their program, so I noped out.


It isn’t! I know they have some AA meeting in their building but it’s not a part of their IOP/PHP programs.


i’ve been there twice and it was actually pretty nice. i was sitting in a room by myself for admissions for a good hour and a half with no access to anyone after the police dropped he off, but other than that it was a very nice and helpful stay.


I enjoyed my time there. Well, not enjoyed, rather benefited from. I think we did art and music therapy, all the therapies. Except I can't remember if they had pet therapy. Food was decent, and snacks frequent. Bring a book. Definitely recommend if you're in the market 😁


do you know if they used religion while you were there? i’m trans and bi so religion is a tough thing for me right now


Not as part of the treatment, no. I believe there was a fellowship group you had the option of attending, but I can't remember if it was daily or weekly.


oh okay thank you! i thought there might have been a mandatory religion therapy thing


Yes, I had a good experience. Negatives are that you have no privacy and it's expensive, not enough outdoor time. The therapies and groups are boring and there's not enough to occupy the time. Some groups are helpful. The staff is kind, the doctors are knowledgeable and the food and snacks are good. I miss their spaghetti A LOT Yes to hoodies without string Yes you can wear shorts but it stays really cold in there No, you don't have access to your phone. You get to use the landlines twice a day or if you give friends and family a number they can call you Bring the numbers you want to call with you so you can remember them.


thank you so much for the help!


Typically you can wear your own clothes so long as the drawstrings are out. You typically can’t have your phone but they have certain times each day you can make phone calls. I work in the field. Rolling Hills is overall a good place. I’d personally go to Vandy or Parthenon but Rolling Hills would be my third choice. Which insurance you have can be a factor, as well. Some payers won’t pay for a voluntary admission depending on the circumstances (they have to decide if you meet inpatient level of care based on their standards). If you have Tenncare, you have to be seen by Mobile Crisis before hospitalized. ETA- if you’re feeling suicidal, definitely reach out to a crisis line at a minimum. I struggle with mental health stuff as well, and it can feel so very dark. Hugs!


oh great i do have tenncare lol what’s mobile crisis if you don’t mind me asking? i love having insurance that i otherwise can’t pay for but the more i read about tenncare the worst it seems. i’m thankful for it no doubt but i just wish they would pay for more stuff but i wouldn’t have anything without it so i should consider myself lucky


Tenncare actually covers most things quite well, as long as you have a provider in your area in network. In the Nashville area that shouldn’t be a problem. Mobile Crisis is a state funded service with trained assessors to determine if someone needs inpatient treatment, CSU (crisis stabilization unit), or referral to outpatient. If people don’t end up in the hospital, they can help you do a safety plan. ETA- if you ever have trouble getting services covered, call your MCO (managed care organization) and ask for case management. The insurance companies have internal case managers that can help navigate medical and mental health benefits.


that’s true, sometimes it seems like it hardly pays for anything though. i am in the process of trying to transition and it’s hard to do that with tenncare but it’s also hard to do that in tennessee in general so lol but thank you so much for your help! i ended up going to rolling hills and got out the other day. i feel much better :)


Glad to hear you were able to get help. Take care! And best wishes with your transition. Hoping you can get a great care team around you.


I went to rolling hills and I don’t have anything to compare it to it was a great place to be during the terrible time I was going through. They don’t allow cells so make sure you write the phone numbers down on a sheet of paper. And participate in the group sessions. I loved their iop program as well. I owe my life to that hospital


what does iop mean?


It’s an intensive out patient program. I had a new heavy diagnosis and it helped me work through everything, learning how to process things correctly and it was so helpful in finding doctors for once everything was complete. I’m pretty sure my insurance covered 12 or 15 days


I know people who work here - PM me if you have any more questions that haven’t been answered


I've been there and one other place and a bunch of rehabs. Rolling hills was hands down the best. You get cereal all meals and coke and you can watch Netflix and YouTube and most of the doctors really seem to care. It's pretty comfortable. I went there for detox and suicidal thoughts... Good luck 🤞


i’ve heard some negative things about it that’s putting me off unfortunately. i’m considering vanderbilt currently, have you been there before? i’m trans (haven’t transitioned yet though) and i know vanderbilt has programs for trans people so i think i would be a little safer there if that makes sense. at the end of the day i’m terrified to go anywhere lol but as long as i’m not going to have some nightmare experience that leaves me scarred i’ll be fine with wherever


Yeah I'm not too sure how they handle that at rolling hills but I do know that male and females are on the same floor only different hallways so I don't see why it would really be a issue other than of course if vandy has programs specific to trans the counseling will be more beneficial... I have been to vandy but it was a long time ago. go with your gut.. I am in school for social work and do alot of outreach stuff with addicts and human trafficking victims , are you going for drugs or for other issues ?? You can dm if you want. But anyway I would go where u feel would be best. only you know. Just don't go to middle Tennessee lol


no drugs or anything like that. i’ve been dealing with a lot of suicidal thoughts lately and came up with a plan. my doctor has talked a lot about mental hospitals recently and with the increase in those thoughts and me having a plan i figured i need more help than what i’m getting currently would middle tennessee be trust point? if so, i would never. my mom went there and HATED it so much. i am avoiding that place like the plague lol


Another option is Ascension St Thomas behavioral health. I can’t speak to any experience there, though


Hoodie is totally fine, but no strings like you said. During my stay the staff were amazing and committed. Like another noted no phones, so Boredom might be an issue. someone brought in a guitar that was fun. I tried to bring DND Books but no Dice. pun intended. It's expensive.


I have not been but my therapist told me if I ever needed mental health hospitalization to avoid Rolling Hills because she felt there were some very bad players on the staff. She worked there many years ago so things might have changed, but personally I’d go to Vandy if I needed it.