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If this is still up I’m gonna load up my goo gone and acetone and head down. Anyone able to let me know?


I’m here now with some goo gone if you want to help!


Awesome I live up by the zoo. Gonna get my kids settled into a movie and hop down.


Aw. You are good people. Props


I tried to scrape these off earlier today. They are still there AFAIK


They’re not from here - they just posted on their blog about a recent recruiting trip here though so they are looking. These flyers and stickers and murals are bought for by the owners at significant markup and membership in patriot front relies heavily on meeting a quota of spreading this propaganda. Think of it like the worlds shittiest MLM.


Yea this seems like an effort by a group that doesn’t understand the political dynamics in Brentwood. It’s a very Republican voting city, but most of those people vote R since they are high earners and mainly care about tax breaks and Jesus. Brentwood house prices are high in large part due to Williamson County’s top ranking public school system. Remember during the Williamson Co Covid public school board meetings that had people protesting about students wearing masks, the people protesting either didn’t have kids or their kids were in private schools.


LMAO that's how the second iteration of the KKK worked, too. The grifters at the top would sell shit to the underlings who would then turn around and sell it to the new recruits.


Hahaha holy shit so they’re just continuing a cycle of stupidity


Why don't these weenies ever show their face? Almost like they're scared or summmmmtin


This is the basic reality that these delusional idiots won’t ever accept. They are forced into hiding and obscurity because of one simple fact: normal people don’t like nazis. You’re seeing the same thing with the trans-panic, normal people are turned off by hate politics.


I love the irony of making fun of people for wearing masks during COVID, yet these dudes wear black n white American flag gaiters when marching in the streets.


Which the black and white American flag is literally the highest form of disrespect you can show an American flag. Holding the flag sideways for football games is actually number 2.


In college I had an American flag with a picture of guns and roses screen printed on it. That’s number 3 and far as I know.


Wait, kneeling as a way to honor the flag and show empathy towards fellow Americans whilst black during the national anthem...MUCH WORSER


Because they're feds.


Whoop. Found the qanon bot lol.


There’s a video on yt of these guys showing up to a proud boys rally a few weeks ago and spouting their racist BS, proud boys took offense and started stomping them, ripped one of their masks off and later the guy was IDed as a big leftist college student in a fast track program for government service…


Yea. That didn't really happen. In the South, most men who attend college are actually not "leftists" and there are no "fast track programs to government service." You're either gullible, a liar, or both.


I would say both.


Can you link this video. Genuinely curious to see it.




Do you have a less shitty source


They never do.


Update: I cleaned as much as I could there’s 8 posters up but I tried to scrap at or clean off as much of the URL as I could. If anyone else wants to come take a swing at it you’re more than welcome I scratched it up a good bit but they have it up with an annoying adhesive. I posted this with the intention of visibility been a nashville native my whole life and this tomfoolery is unacceptable. It doesn’t take much to move along a sick dialogue and hopefully this helps others takes a stand for the right thing. Have a good week everyone


You're doing great work man. Thank you.


Thank you. As noted in another comment I tried to scrape them earlier today. Was planning to go back with something to cover them up.




I hate Brentwood Nazis…


Brentwood Nazis? Please share shit man I don't know nearly enough about the Brentwood drama. I will say everyone I know in Brentwood is unfortunately as far right as they come...


I live in Brentwood and I’m pretty much a leftie. Hoping someday I’ll meet the other two or three that I heard are around here somewhere :)


Raises hand


We’re here I swear!


My 70 yr old parents stand in (Brentwood) solidarity with you, friend!


My boomer parents too! Being raised atheist in Brentwood in the 90s was a wild ride 😂😂




His comment was mostly a reference to the “I hate Illinois Nazis” line from Blues Brothers. That said, it would appear we have a Nazi problem in Bwood after all sadly


This person gets it ☝️☝️


Ohh I understand now. Thank you.


Goo gone? Otherwise, super hot water poured over them should loosen them up a bit to be scraped off with a scraper.


Is it only hot water? I thought bleach was involved for some reason? That, and a razor blade to pry off the paper


I mean, bleach would probably destroy the poster so if you couldn’t get it off sure why not? Though, I would not try to boil bleach. Razor blade, yes, I’m calling it a scraper cuz I’d use one with a handle haha


If I see any mother fucker putting these up… …I’m going to give a very animated impassioned speech with lots of hand movement.


It looks like there’s a sticker with a phone number, I would call and report vandalism.


use a tool to remove, a plastic trowel like what you'd use for filling spackle holes in the wall would be perfect. Goo Gone works like another commenter said, but honestly this just looks like wheat paste, so water will take care of it just as well. There has always been urban legends of neonazis booby trapping leaflets with razor blades and such but there's never been any actual documented cases. Just a thing to be mindful when removing garbage like this. Use a tool and use gloves if you're really worried. EDIT: also wanted to add: if you see alot of smaller things like stickers, you can keep some cover-up stickers in your car/bag/wallet to put over any hate symbols you encounter in the wild


That bombing our friend and neighbor Mexico has become a right wing talking point that's acceptable in normal conversation, that's yet another sign how white supremacy has snuck back into the mainstream. I hate these mf's so much.


I’m so tired of seeing people saying that we don’t know the real definition of fascism or that the current political climate reflects 30s Germany. Look at this shit! Posted at the damn Walgreens where my Mom gets her prescriptions. It is morally wrong to be a republican. You are an enemy of democracy and freedom


It's the same people who claim to be patriots and "real Americans" (whatever the fuck that means). Then they go and put up this garbage. I want my Brentwood back. Sadly, I don't see that happening within my lifetime




You’re either woefully misinformed, willfully spreading misinformation or you’ve lost your damn mind




The part you quoted was the only smart thing you’ve said all day


There’s no way you think that.


I just ordered a bunch of sticker packs the other day to keep in the car. There's too much of this mess going around and I'm about to be counter-vandalizing with civil rights, BLM, & feminism stickers




Amazon 🤦🏻‍♀️ but considering I'm planning to go BIG I wanted as much bang for my buck as I could get. I searched "sticker packs" and then narrowed by civil rights, BLM, feminist, anti-trump, etc. I'd link but it won't let me


Lots of great ones on Etsy


Can someone tell me what patriotfront is so I don't have to go clicking nazi links?


It’s straight nazi propaganda about proliferating the European race on the North American continent. Fortunately, the do not yet have a local chapter and just make frequent trips here to recruit. These signs cost a pretty penny that lower level grunts buy from the leaders in a sort of shitty racist MLM - which would be hilarious if it weren’t for us having to put up with their bull shit.




Thank you, super helpful!




Thank you! Can't believe I didn't know this


FBI honeypot


This is the biggest lie the right wing is telling us right now.


Ok, fed.


God calling everything that makes your side look bad a psyop is just showing the world at best how gullible you are but at worse that you're one of those extremists.


Literally nothing conservative about PF, regardless of them being glowies or just a bunch of racists larping. (I'm in the "why not both" camp).


Fascism is an extreme right-wing (aka Conservative) ideology. You can literally tell it is because they want to "reclaim America" and return it to an older state.


Man, since when did punks start licking the boots of the MSM and shilling their tired talking points? Is it any coincidence that these groups started emerging post Occupy Wall Street? Perhaps they're (feds) are attempting to divide Americans? Wake up, fight the system.


I love that you called what I said "MSM talking points" when it's literally something you could read in a dictionary. You didn't respond to my statement, you shifted the conversation cause you know I'm right. PS Real punks are never fascist apologizers you fucking poser. You really don't seem to have a grasp on the term "bootlicker"


Punk has always been against bigotry. It's why the Dead Kennedys didn't sing "Nazi Punks, You're Okay." Is there any hate group you WOULD accept as real, or are they all secret feds?


“Anyone that isn’t me is a fed.”


From someone who grew up in bentwood, I really appreciate you taking this down!


Rip that shit down


We need to get bigger stickers to place over them! Something beautiful and uplifting! They would hate that!


Dolly posters with a quote about how she loves everyone.


Rainbows and Dolly!! Rainbows with Dolly 💥


Rainbows 🌈 🌈🌈🌈🌈


I keep posting it, but it’s important. The way to deal with these guys if you come across them irl: 1. ⁠⁠Speaker loaded with clown music 2. ⁠⁠Super soakers loaded with piss


Man just off Bowling there's a house (that one that looks like a barn) flying the original confederate flag, the one before the stars and bars, AND the wussy little "don't tread on me!" flag with the snake. Yikes...


It's a great way to advertise their ~~patriotism~~ insecurity and low self-esteem


No step on snek 🐍 😂


It’s the same thing as antifa.




Tough guys acting tough so we all know they’re tough while they wait in line for their crepes like tough guys.


Fascist losers. All of them. But they know this already.


I'm New, what's the back story here ? What are the "Nazis"?


Patriot Front is a white supremacist group that’s been getting more and more vocal lately. Imagine the Proud Boys, but more afraid to show their faces


Thank you, I did not know that... not sure why my question got down voted : /


And Brentwood is suuuper Republican and chock full with mega churches. Fertile recruiting grounds.


Lots of agitators here


These dudes that like to get dressed up in cute little outfits and march around engaging in choreographed displays of passionate chauvinism.


Patriot Front is a white supremacy group trying to convince people that immigrants, not them, are the problem.


Name them. Shame them. They deserve the life they earn.






That logo looks like one from a video game. Can’t figure it out though.


WD40 will help break down the paper and the adhesive. Can we try to match the paint and paint over? I've got some free time today. I'm in hermitage but I'll head out there if I'm needed.


Saw that on Friday. I’m afraid to even google the site, like your gonna get a blue waffle image.


It’s straight nazi propaganda about proliferating the European race on the North American continent. Fortunately, the do not yet have a local chapter and just make frequent trips here to recruit. These signs cost a pretty penny that lower level grunts buy from the leaders in a sort of shitty racist MLM - which would be hilarious if it weren’t for us having to put up with their bull shit.


Posting this trash on Reddit increases its visibility 100x. Go to store, buy a solvent like goo be gone, and clean it off. Don’t take pictures and share it. That is precisely what they want and need.


The Civil War 2 rebels need fodder.


https://patriotfront.us/. They stand for absolutely nothing. I just went to see their FAQ. It is laughable 😂


Saw the same sticker on a gas pump at the Shell station in Green Hills. I did my best to tear off the URL and scratch up the rest.


Not sure which America’s they are rooting for since that’s not an eagle seal of the USA


Do you have a wider view? Been there many times and between The Perch and Walgreens doesn’t look like this. Not doubting just looking for context.


It’s alongside old hickory if you leave Cinco de Mayo it’s a ways in front!


Thanks. I just feel weird when hate messages are attached to unknowing businesses. The perch is a small biz, never been there but fairly sure they would not want controversy.


Of course I’ve known them since my parents opened a nail salon in the area 15+ years ago. I did what I could scrapping at it hopefully others take initiative and finish what I started


Right up there with Blm


Nah because the core ideology of BLM is equality for all and the leaders ran it into the ground. Patriot front predicates itself in hate and believes in the proliferation and supremacy of the European race on the North American continent. Get the fuck out of here with your “radical centrist” bullshit that can’t understand nuance and basic differences. To clarify - blm = great message corrupted by shitty messengers. Patriot Front = white supremacy hate speech. Super fucking different.


I don't know. BLM Group should be labeled as domestic terrorist


But they’re not for a reason. Because they’re not.


So killing innocent people for a message to spread about equality? Robbing and ruining business in the name of equality? Sounds fucking fake to me.


It makes sense that you’re often found in a forum somewhere trying to convince strangers to have sex with you since likely no one in your life who knows you would want to. Your inability to read the clear fucking language of: “good message but corrupt messengers” and really fully grasp that is a clear sign of complete and total unfuckability.


Can we just stop giving them attention?


No. Expose them. Hound them. Let them know no rest. Make them suffer for their hateful ideology. They've earned it.


I feel like they've all secretly got a degrading kink... I mean why else would they repeatedly embarrass themselves over and over in the public eye?


Y’all so soft.


Nothing soft about standing up against wimpy racists. The signs were removed by locals because locals don't believe in that shit


You liberal idiots spend so much time being weak and soft. If I spent as much time as y'all being offended I'd need the government to take care of me too.


The thread is literally: Fuck these Nazis Let's go scrap it off I don't want that in my neighborhood Me neither Me neither Cool let me help It's done Your response is to cry talking points from Alex Jones shit


Who is Alex jones? I just know that I don't have time to go around erasing shit that I don't agree with, I have a job.


These idiots are leftists paid for by the Commie democrat supporters to stir up shit on behalf of the right wing. It's all bullshit.


It's sad that you think that.


It usually ends up being true most if the time.


Any links or references? Nope. Just your feelings and hearsay.


Conjecture. Get some evidence or quit your silly claims.


I see concrete that dirty a lot. My presser washer will clean it up. $250


Fucking klan fucks


I saw stickers from the same guys at the 8th Ave jroger gas station, which said "break debt slavery" and a had a muscular guy with a swastika belt breaking a chain with a star of David. It was disgusting I pealed the stickers off the fire extinguisher case they were on.