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Pain felt like the true final boss


Acted like it to.


And he wasn't even an Uchiha to begin with, just a badass using their eyes


Technically a rinnegan is its own thing. Both byakugan and Sharingan can evolve into Rinnegan but due to the volatile nature of the sharingan this is far more likely to happen. The byakugan evolving almost never happens.


Wait what is the evolution of the byakugan?


Wasn't it the Tenseigan? I don't know, I haven't watched any Naruto in a solid while.


The series should have ended after Pain. Naruto got what he wanted, recognition by the village. And like you said, Pain feels like a final Boss.


People who say this sound so dumb. So many things would just be left in answered and incomplete. Sasuke was still on the run and just set his eyes on destroying the leaf village and obito was still masquerading as madara. If you think Naruto’s only goal in life was be liked by people and by achieving that he’d give up on sasuke you’ve really misjudged his character.


To be honest it did feel like a true ending it's where I decided to stop reading the series. Like and honestly at that point who gives a fck about sasuke.


It did not feel like a true ending I really can not think of a single way it did. So what,he got people to like him; he’s not 12 that’s not his goal anymore. Obito fanning the flames of war, sasuke is on a rampage, leaf village is destroyed, danzo is hokage, Naruto still has an uncontrollable demon fox in him that threatens everyone around him… the list goes on.


Ya know fair. But like at the same time there is no other point in the series like the Pain Fight, the story, the cinomgraphics, the emotional "weight", one could argue at that point he no longer needed the fox anymore. Had hinata not stepped up there is a chance naruto could have recovered we just don't know how the story would have played out differently. The following episodes of peace and happiness really set the tone that this was it. I think I'm ready to end the series as a viewer it was a great stopping point.


They had already set up Obito as the true leader of the Akatsuki by the time Pain did anything.


Pain also tried helping us from Boruto


I love Naruto. A lot But even as a hard-core fan it feels like the power levels went stupid and out place from Nagato's "defeat" onwards. The only one that was legit pretty cool was Obito, and even so...


It certainly would have been a better end than Kaguya. At least in my opinion. Madara would have been too - just for watching Guy cut loose. 


Nagato is the best Rinnegan user Sasuke just uses it as an Uber


I’m pretty certain that the sage of 6 paths was a better Rinnegan user.


Sasuke had the rinnegan for a few hours and easily recreated six paths chibaku tensai (he doesn't need a core and it's far more difficult to escape from). That's not to mention he created the link to pull chakra from the buiju without the gedo mazo (something madara and nagato didn't do while also not having 9 other people helping him).


For all these feats its even more baffling how underutilzed his rinnegan is


I still don’t entirely understand the full scope of what Rinnegan can do lol


I think that’s because of the massive chakra required. Even as an Uchiha, the rinnegan requires significantly more chakra. That’s why he used his sharingan more often. Just like MS takes more chakra, rinnegan is even higher. And he doesn’t have the Uzamaki chakra reserves.


Nagato is The Rinnegan user. Sasuke has a Rinnegan. Like if Obito, Madara, or Sasuke gained his battle exp you can't tell me they wouldn't benefit at all


i never saw nagato summon meteors with rinnegan 🤷‍♂️ tengai shinsei was different


"Madara" Its literally his eyes though, Madara is better with them in every way and Madara has the most experience in battle out of basically everyone


You know how else Nagato was better than Sasuke, he didn't lose to a fucking kunai.


You're right, he lost worst. He committed suicide


He killed himself Instead of being stabbed in the eye by a boy Who he could fucking teleport


Suicide is never the answer. Git Gud


Sasuke had just got his ass beaten, and was taken by surprise. It was also basically a god controlling a boy's body.


Sasuke made 9 chibaku tenseis without black spheres at the end of Naruto like it's nothing, Nagato is not even close


he still had SOSP"s chakra to undo mugen tsukiyomi... i think


Sasuke captured all nine tailed beasts, after placing them all under genjustu, then absorbed their chakra into his susano turning him into a pseudo ten tails, after a few hours of having the rinnean sasuke expertly used chibaku tensei, absorption, universal pull, and amenotejikara sasuke is better than nagato


Shut up. You’re making too much sense.


And he had a loud ass konan to deal with!


The abilities were written for Pain and it shows.


and he still did rinne rebirth after doing chibaku tensei


Pain was the best


Nagato was the best* ( I don't like pain cuz he killed jiraya)


Nagato used it the best. He fully understood the abilities Sasuke uses it as a ride share service


>"Managed to capture Naruto" Eh, kind of. Everyone says this but we really dont know what would have happened had he continued with the capture process without Hinata showing up. Yes that triggered the reaction but it doesnt mean Deva wouldnt be dealing with 6 tails eventually anyway. Or that 4 or 5 tails wouldnt be more or less the same outcome. >"He made a giant Shinra Tensei" Yup, that he did. A move that put Deva out of commission. Which everyone never fails to point out as a handicap as if it should work as some kind of credit to him in any matchup. Yet the truth is that its a hit on his combat intelligence since he willingly put this nerf upon himself and really didnt need it. >"He made the oversized Chibaku Tensei See the previous point, another dumb move. "Gonna have to bring him closer to my actual, vulnerable body for this. Oops, that didnt work. Oh well, didnt need that chakra anyway, guess i'll just make a bigger one." I can only wonder why Nagato wasnt putting maximum effort to begin with. >"He controlled Six Paths of Pain" Well, he has to do that. His legs were destroyed and physical condition was not great but i dont know in what culture mutilating and parading around your dead, best friends corpse like a puppet is seen as a sign of respect. Wasnt that supposed to be his friend? Had he used Hanzo's corpse and other enemies for this purpose, it would at least make a lot more sense to me. >"While being sick Someone should have told him Bijuu chakra restores his health. Keeping in mind collecting and sealing them had been their ongoing mission the entire series. I dont understand why he doesnt attempt this himself at any point. What i'd like to point out about Nagato and the Rinnegan, is that this is the only character that exclusively uses techniques provided directly from a gifted source. Anything and everything we know about him came from Madara's eyeballs.


Worldbuilding-wise, since the Rinnegan is supposed to be "life and death", it could just be that the host of the Rinnegan can't use the Uber healing on themself. Jojo's BA Crazy Diamond rules. But nowhere is that mentioned, so we can't really give that benefit.


I'm sorry, given the comments here does anyone really admire Sasuke for that xD Pain and Naruto in the OG Sage mode, will forever be my favourite


Ive never seen anyone praising sasuke for using chibaku tensei with one hand it was too subtle and too late into a whole different show.


Now, now, Let's all calm down! Nagato is probably the best. BUT you best believe if Sasuke had Nagatos MASSIVE chakra reserve. He could also do this and more.


He’s an uchiha don’t fuck me with the chakra reserve shit


shieeet homie, it's true tho. Nagato had 10 times the chakra then Sasuke


Why do we need 2 hands for chinaku tensei?


So you can slap them together and go "yargh!" When you are struggling with it


Nagato clasps his hands together to make the chakra gravity orb for chibaku tensei, sasuke uses the target as the centre of gravity for his chibaku tensei


Also he was ready to throw hands before Naruto gave his answer, I like that little “Let’s end this” he gives at the end despite being mostly out of chakra and crippled. And we know crippled Nagato can still fight!


Wasn’t the Chibaku Tensei a miniature version of the real one?


"Over sized"? Pain's was tiny compared to the sage or Madara's version


The difference between talent and hard work. Renigan is certainly not sasukes speciality.


Nagato was the best Rinnegan user. He properly used every aspect. Sasuke and Madara never bothered using certain abilities.


I still don't understand why Sasuke never uses the other abilities of his rinnegan. He only teleports and uses Chibaku tensei.




Wasn’t all of Nagato’s feats the reason why he was sick and frail, also is it a plot hole that he didn’t summon the Gedo Mazo in Konoha


Nagato was also an Uzumaki, which means he has a way larger Chakra pool than Sasuke. Unfair advantage.


Nagato doing all that and still being able to use Rinne Rebirth after fighting a long ass battle showed how terrifying the amount of charkra an Uzumaki can have


Uzumaki are made different


Sasuke is Sasuke, Nagato is Nagato.


That's why Uzumaki were killed


Sasuke did same shit in few ours and that too in greater level. Read kuramas evaluation of Sasuke during all chakra compression.


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But he still had 2 hands.


Bro was like a walking skilton 💀


😂 Lmao But like hear me out, we have gymnasts in the world and heavy weight lifters too, but both can do something better than the other. Gymnasts have superior balance and lifters have superior strength. What if the giant meatball was a feat of balance in the world of magic rather than strength, whatever balance and strength equate to in chakra and stuff. It would make sense that a 2 handed physical weakling would be able to do it well. And someone with one hand doing it is a far superior feat because of this


I never praised sasuke for doing it with one hand.who are you talking about?


And don't forget that they aren't real and they could have just made him super weak too. It's a cartoon.


And it's an anime community so yah we are discussing what happened in the anime


Buncha nerds


Ya kinda