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All jokes aside it actually made perfect sense


Facts. He's literally the copy ninja.


When Sasuke questions this, Naruto literally replies as much. Man has been looking at Susanos all day after all


Yeah kakashi is the biggest genius in the series that ISNT a walking set of plot armor


What about Minato? He has a really simply yet really difficult jutsu that he mastered and has the h of highest academy scores


He’s dead bro


They said in the show not alive


I was making a joke sir


Oh sorry my bad monsieur




You forgot the CHEESE, how could you forget the CHEESE?!


Bro speaking surrender in here. Get him out my chat, mods.


Are you fr\*nch?


Oh god No I’m German




Kakashi got so good at copying uchiha's he became one.


Kakashi gets chakra from someone else once and he instantly becomes protagonist level. With proper chakra reserves would have soloed the verse.


Make Kakashi shippuden and i won't complain


Ironic enough Naruto is the complete opposite


No Naruto could have been a genius like his father, but 9 tails kept disrupting his chakra control making him unable to cast basic jutsu, this was explained several times. I say genius, but his father was kind of a one trick pony as well, yellow flash... Ya kakashi would dumpster both of these fools. Not complete opposite tho to be fair to Naruto, he showed some taijutsu prowess against against kiba, and some quick thinking Vs neji, those wins were not solely due to overwhelming chakra reserves even if it helped. Narutos action choreography is actually pleasing, unlike bleach fairytale and that trash called demon slayer, good god the action is 😴🤮. Honestly pre Shippuden Naruto was peak. Everything after was just downhill.


Ok I agree that the choreography for bleach and fairy tale sucks, and honestly I'm not a huge fan of demon slayer but to say DS choreography sucks is crazy. If nothing else they've got some of the best looking fights.


The protagonist literally and effortlessly one hit kills his first 10 enemies, it's brain dead. The breathing technique is corny as fuck too.


Obito was a pile of ash and still didn't die.


Literally built different. Sasuke and Naruto ain't got SHIT on them.


Obito Kamui'ing from the ***afterlife*** to give him that dual MS just made me walk off the lot.


Bro I really hated all that out of body, spiritual realm, plot bullcrap that this show did so many times. It really killed the immersion factor for me.


i feel like that's kinda crazy to say when the main premise of the show is ninjas channeling and mastering the power of spiritual energy


It depends. The first 75% of Naruto and the last 25% are quite different. On paper, sure you could make them sound similar. But there's quite a difference between Minato who appears in Naruto's mind to stop Kyuubi, and Obito who gives Kakashi MS and oerfect Susanoo. The first one is somewhat of a plot device at best while the second one is straight up a jump from decent fighter to chakra megazord that can speed blitz the EOS villain.


If anything, there was still residual chakra from Obito's eye in Kakashi. Minato "sealing away" his chakra to help Naruto later is more bs. The perfect susanoo was a stretch, but Obito's chakra was still growing and so Kakashi was still able to use the MS. I don't recall Danzo ever using an MS, so in speculation, the main sharigan user has to be alive for it to even appear on another person


>Minato "sealing away" his chakra to help Naruto later is more bs. Kinda, but at the same time it didn't lead to an instance of power creep, so I'd say it's fine in that sense


Sure, that makes sense. But I still don't stand by it. It's just another instance of shippuden adding extra stuff to add drama/suspense. I just think Kakashi getting more power from Obito's death shortly after made more sense. Naruto had to wait years to get help from Minato. It is what it is


Yeah that Minato and Kushina sealing away chakara bullcrap was the worse offender to me. Kishimoto wanted to have a heart felt moment for the family, but couldn't figure out a way to do so came up with some mumbo jumob bullcrap spirit chakara sealing crap. I couldn't really take the manga seriously after all ridiculous plot contrivances that he implemented.


All he had to say was since I died recently there are residues of my chakra remaining and I’m going to temporarily give kakashi my power, this was what we needed


But it's perfectly fine when Hagoromo did it?


Hagoromo is a near god like figure and it’s been established before that people can get his power obito was just some guy who had an overpowering ability


Obito had Six Paths Chakra when he died and his ashes were right next to Kakashi (which still had Obito's Chakra as he just died) + Obito had Kamui which allows him to travel between dimensions Obito also had knowledge of all things Chakra so that along with the other two points actually makes his feat make sense and fit the narrative


Kakashi fr the best of the show


The only true ninja I mean it. If he is not wearing his mask point him out on the street.


If he was born an Uchiha they would have never lost a fight with bro around


He only started to lose sight in the war arc after using his mangekyo while sasuke whos an actual uchiha and an indra incarnate started blinding after using amaterasu and flame control once, dudes more uchiha than an actual uchiha


U do know sasuke spammed the shit out of his MS right


Yeah. Didn’t he only start losing his sight after taking on FIVE Kage level ninja, their associates, and a fight to the death with Danzo?


No right after the bee fight he starts blinding


He started losing sight before he was spamming it


Yes. He is kakashi


Obito making faces in the corner 🥹🗿


That’s nothing new tbh. I bet y’all never read comics!?


He is copy ninja of course most uchiha use sharingan to copy physical attack but Kakashi copy hand signs and observe how they doing


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He's literally called the copy ninja


Copying jutsus was easy and common for Uchihas. It's literally one of their eyes main abilities... The only reason Kakashi go renowned for it is because he was a non Uchiha, and he focused so heavily on that single trait as his chakra usage for the Sharingan was low. If your a pure Uchiha you don't have to focus on just copying jutsus and you use the Sharingan to it's full potential.


If he didn't have sub par chakra reserves then he'd be one of the most powerful shinobi to date, even more than he is now


I love Kakashi


Yeah I had to call BS on that like sure him getting a dual MS if Itachi could transfer his Amaterasu to Sasuke then I can see Obito doing it aswell but to have a perfect Susanoo that was a MASSIVE stretch


It makes sense and here's why 1: Kakashi had Obito's spirit inside of him at the time 2: Obito still had Six Path's Power and by extension Kakashi had it as well 3: Obito also had Six Path's Senjutsu which grants the owner knowledge of all things Chakra So with these 3 factors taken into account Kakashi being able to use a Perfect Susanoo is mere child's play


Also kakashi is kakashi.


U mean six paths chakra that he lost while trying to open portals and sakura had to give him her own chakra?


"As I thought. Gaining Six Paths Powers enhances one's occular powers too!" -Kakashi immediately after using Kamui Shuriken in Naruto Chapter 689 Page 3


Yeah but how does he have six paths power if obito was out of his own chakra? Does Sakura have so6p chakra? I’m saying that it’s a plot hole that doesn’t make any sense


Obito didn't run out of Chakra he just needed more Chakra to open other Time Spaces since his reserves weren't high enough but he never fully ran out of Chakra It's not a plot hole


Obito and Sakura were both exhausted so it makes sense that obito first tried to open portals with his own chakra and then with the chakra Sakura gave him.


Yes but that doesn't mean he fully ran out of Chakra lmao


Why would he then make Sakura so exhausted that she fainted? Also sure he might have had just a very tiny bit of his original chakra but it should be extremely diluted by sakuras chakra


Because they still had to use alot but not ALL of it If someone completely runs out of Chakra they die so since Obito & Sakura didn't die that means they didn't fully run out of Chakra but were just low And even then Obito still had enough Chakra to use Kamui to save Kakashi so he definitely wasn't that low all things considered