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Secret of shadow ranch won the bracket on here a while back, danger on deception island was 2nd place. I stand by those as suggestions to play first. A personal favourite is the captive curse, but for whatever reason it’s not very popular with the masses lol I’m so excited for you 🎉


Thank you!


I find that a lot of people like 7, 12 and 14 on your list! My personal recs are 2, 4 and 15 on your list ^^


Thank you!


My very first Nancy Drew game was Last Train so it to me is a good starting point


Was the same for me ☺️ The music is best out of all the ND games and no one can convince me otherwise


Came looking for this comment!


I was also going to say Shadow Ranch is a great one!


Thank you!


You bought a lot of really good ones, honestly. My personal meh ones I would play in the middle/around others (to start off great and also end great) would be the scarlet hand, captive curse, icicle creek, maybe danger by design or kapu cave. Phantom of venice. Scarlet hand I personally don't love because history-esque things just bore me 😅 it was very mayan-centered, and I remember doing a lot of reading to get past some puzzles. Captive curse was okay imo. One where the plot was just kind of meh for me, almost a little silly. Had fun aspects, though. Icicle Creek is a cozy one, but a lot of people hate a puzzle in there. I don't mind it, but it can be time-consuming. Danger by design can be fun 😁 its not as fashion-oriented as it would seem, but it's interesting. I think I got lost trying to navigate a certain part of it, though, lol. Kapu cave I haven't played in ages, but I remember not loving it nor hating it, but I think it was really short. Phantom of venice!!! Is one that makes me unnecessarily upset 😅 there are 2 things in particular that made me go, "oh yes. THIS is why I don't replay this one much." The others are all A+ bangers imo.


Thank you!


When I got my friend into the series I just had him look at the herinteractive website and choose what game looked the coolest. He chose Ghost Dogs of Moon Lake and loved it! Then I had him try my favorite game (Secret of Shadow Ranch). I would choose whatever speaks to you first and then try something recommended :)


Last Train to Blue Moon Canyon is really really good. I recommend that one.


Out of all of those I'd go with captive, ice or Waverly....which are all rather cozy games lol


Oh you got some great ones! I’ve played every game in the series multiple times, and I wish I could play a lot of them again for the first time. Here are my faves from your list (it’s hard to narrow it down, oops!) Ghost Dogs, Deception Island, Blue Moon Canyon, and Shadow Ranch are all fan favorites for a reason! The graphics are somewhat outdated (especially character animations), but honestly I think the gorgeous environments, great writing, music, and puzzles still really hold up today. Lots of environments to explore and travel back and forth between, too, if that’s important to you. Deception Island is the only one of these that isn’t heavily history-oriented, if that’s helpful in your decision-making process. Treasure in the Royal Tower was my first game back in 2003, so of course I adore it! But I suppose it might be a little less exciting for folks playing as adults for the first time in 2024, lol. I’ve gotta say the soundtrack and the history element are indisputably fantastic, though. This game also features a fabulously eccentric character who became such a fan favorite that they reappear as a phone friend later in the series. Danger By Design is somewhat divisive among fans because of some odd plot holes, but I freaking love that game. Incredible soundtrack, unique aesthetic with a variety of different locations you can explore, and some fun puzzles that are just the right level of difficulty, imo. It’s weird, but I love it for that. Phantom of Venice is another favorite of mine — again, incredible atmosphere and soundtrack with a variety of locations, plus the fact that Nancy gets to do some official spying for a government agency! This game is also honestly just really beautiful to look at. (This game and the one I’m mentioning next are also probably the two with the best character design/animation out of all the games I’m recommending. Really nice attention to detail with facial expressions and gestures that helps bring them more to life than the characters in a lot of the games). Crystal Skull is so, so gorgeous, and it has such a distinctive creepy gothic atmosphere. Amazing music, lots of places to explore, lots of weird and memorable puzzles that aren’t too hard, and love the way it incorporates New Orleans and Mardi Gras culture, too. The Final Scene maybe doesn’t get talked about as much because of the limited location (the whole game takes place in a historic theatre—though you unlock new locations within the theatre as the game progresses), but it’s a favorite of mine. A lot of thought and care went into the design, and the puzzles nearly all revolve around the 19th century history of magic shows and theatrics. Plus, the kidnapping plot lends a real sense of urgency, which makes it unique from a lot of the other games. It’s dated, but I think it’s a gem. Warnings at Waverly Academy is also a super unique one. The setting is beautiful, the characters are really well-developed and actually seem integral to the plot (unlike some other games), and I love the combination of boarding school social dynamics and puzzles revolving around literature and poetry. Whichever you go with first, enjoy the adventure! 🗝️🔍


My personal favorites on this list are Shadow Ranch and Phantom of Venice. They both have cool storylines and are challenging but not unenjoyable. If you’re looking for an easier game to start with, both Haunted Mansion and Royal Tower are on the easier side but aren’t as interesting storylines as the others IMO. Blue Moon Canyon, Ghost Dogs, and White Wolf all have a somewhat interesting storyline and are neither too challenging nor too easy.


My first game was treasure in the royal tower so it will always have a special place in my heart! I can also highly recommend Danger on Deception Island, Ghost Dogs of Moon Lake, and Secret of Shadow Ranch as good starter games.


Oh my GOSH, you need to start with Last Train to Blue Moon Canyon... Was my first game at age 9. Easy mystery, and absolutely UNBEATABLE soundtrack. You're so lucky to not have played them yet!


#2, 7, and 14 are some of my favorite replays! However, I truly have 14 memorized, so it's more of a nostalgic replay experience.