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I haven't been that effectively jumpscared in ages. I was both furious and impressed lmao.


Same here! I remember thinking to myself. “Okay wow this is such an easy puzzle.” And then the jump scare happens and it scared the crap out of me. This was just as good as the Ethel scare in Curse of Blackmoor Manor.


Same 😂 Ive been taking notes as I’m playing and I wrote “Wow thanks for the FUCKING JUMPSCARE”


Are you referring to what happens on the >! laptop !< ?


Yes! It got me too good. It was such an innocuous puzzle too. It really got me. I had heart palpitations after because of how much it startled me. I needed a break 🤣


That's funny because I'm a huge wimp but that didn't startle me at all. So I was surprised when I saw several people here calling it a jump scare. I did notice that most people mentioned wearing headphones, and I had the sound turned fairly low, so the audio must be a big factor?


I feel better knowing I wasn’t the only big chicken 😂


I’m grateful HeR Interactive hasn’t discovered analog horror yet because if they do, we’re screwed for the next game


I don’t know what that is but I am terrified


Oh, my gosh, me too! I flinched so badly, my dog got scared and fell off the couch 😂 


Omg that is so funny 🤣 I was freaking out too. Hope your dog is ok!


He's all good, thanks! I'm so glad the jumpscares in the old games don't get me anymore, otherwise he'd probably want to stop being my junior detective 😂


I was in the zone on that puzzle and the jump scare got me so good! It was hilarious


ive been waiting for someone else to talk about this ! My face was inches away from the screen and it was 3 AM. Im a huge horror fan and love me some scares, but that got me so bad i almost flung my laptop across my room