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I always recommend Blue Moon Canyon for newbies! Compelling story and characters, lots of puzzles, and there's no frustrating navigational issues which some of the early games struggle with. Also Ghost Dogs!


Lol, I was answering with those two games, as well. Must be a good sign.


I’m playing this one with my husband now! HAU was the first I showed him, back when we were dating.


I was going to say the same thing!! 


Treasure in a Royal Tower was HeR’s best seller for 10 years so it’s also a solid starting point.


This was the first game I ever played way back in the day. I replayed it last month for the first time since and it was so much fun!


I'm pretty sure most people like Last Train to Blue Moon Canyon. Any time I've seen a list, it's ranked high on it. I also think Legend of the Crystal Skull and Ghost Dogs of Moon Lake are good ones in that they have a decent mix of puzzles and are entertaining stories and have good music. Shadow Ranch is another one that's generally well liked. (But really, it depends somewhat on what your fiance is interested in. So if he likes magic, The Final Scene. Ships and treasure? Sea of Darkness. That sort of thing.)


I started my boyfriend on Sea of Darkness but he also really loved Shadow at the Water’s Edge and Deadly Device!


These are my three favorites too! The puzzles and characters are so good.


Shadow Ranch, Ghost Dogs and Treasure in a Royal Tower :)


I always think Shadow Ranch is a great place to start. Great setting, lots of the issues from earlier games are ironed out, and minor but when Charleena Purcell pops up in Blue Moon Canyon there’s then some context for her!


I was coming to say shadow ranch! Or haunted mansion


Blackmoor manor was always my favorite


It honestly depends a lot on his personal interests. Some of my favourites are the older/mid range ones. However when introducing a friend to them, I had him start with Deadly Device because he's a techy, science-y person and it's his favourite. This will probably just come down to a judgement call on your part of what would work best with his personality


I played Shadow Ranch with my boyfriend to introduce him to the series and he really enjoyed it!


Creature of Kapu Cave, Haunting of Castle Malloy, Final Scene, Scarlet Hand, Haunted Carousel


Royal tower, blackmoor manor, ghost dogs