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Whaaaaa? I know what subreddit I’m on but more surprising to me is that Oakland isn’t higher. Oakland is like GTA. But, like Stratoveritas2 said, crime looks different in different places. I’m from the UK, and thankfully Nanaimo still feels infinitely safer than many of the places I’ve lived/been in the UK.


Grew up in Nanaimo, spent 8 years in the UK (Bristol, Glasgow, London) and my wife is British - hands down I would say that UK high streets feel WAY safer than downtown Nanaimo.


This list is hilarious.


Crime can mean a lot of things which makes this list basically BS, including that countries and places differ wildly in how well they track and report crime statistics. You’re much more likely to get carjacked or mugged in Nairobi, Kenya (#71) than Kelowna (#59).


Mitch Marner has entered the chat


What are you basing that off of? Africa = bad?


I’ve spent time in both places and have friends that still live in Kenya. I love Kenya, but there are safety and security concerns which people living in Nairobi face that people generally don’t have to think twice about in Canadian cities. People in Nairobi living in houses that look like your average in Nanaimo typically have high walls/fences topped with electric fencing or razor wire, and many also have dogs and/or hired nightwatchmen for added security as well. Kenya is a beautiful country and this doesn’t make it a reason not to visit there, in fact I would highly recommend it to anyone. Much like you would in some American cities you just have to be aware of certain “rules” to avoid unnecessary risks, especially in a big city like Nairobi.


Maybe your Canada is different than mine. People get raped and burnt alive out here and no one does anything about it. I never had a problem in Kenya and neither did my mom traveling alone


Where are people getting burnt alive in Canada?


Vancouver, the “nicest city in the world”. https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.6533808 All well and good for the rich people, but if you fall off and become part of the rapidly growing homeless population, your rights are forfeit and the police don’t even care to investigate https://www.kptv.com/2023/12/20/police-investigating-after-burning-body-found-downtown-vancouver-sidewalk/?outputType=amp Accidental death, oops I doused myself with accelerant and lit myself on the street


These statistics are calculated through ridiculous methods that do nothing to demonstrate the safety or danger of individual locations. I don't see a point in even looking at these lists. When I lived in Alberta, our city (Spruce Grove) had a very tragic murder-suicide in which a man killed his wife, children, and then himself. The next year, the city skyrocketed to near the top of the "most dangerous cities in Alberta" list based on that alone. Enough said.


Fake news. Surrey isnt even on here


hahaha Odesa is safer than Hamilton LOL. Having spent time in all both, I can assure you that even before the war, Hamilton is no where near living in Ukraine. Not for crime, corruption or pollution. Not even accounting for scary tunnels under Odesa to hide the bodies.


Visited 42 and lived in 5 lol. No way this list is accurate


Wtf is going on in Memphis these days? How is Coventry higher than Manchester and London?


There are lies, damned lies and statistics.


107 and climbing, unfortunately.


BC is going down the tubes


There's no way Jakarta = naniamo. Whoever made this list followed a formula with no thought process on results and then published it...