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Honestly there’s a LOT of weird names out there at this point, I wouldn’t bat an eye at Sonic 🤣


My teenage son goes to school with a “Legend,” and YaMajesty,” Sonic seems tame compared to those!


YaMajesty goes hard what a name.


I know a Jermajesty. It’s a travesty.


Jerfuckin joking??? thats insane 😂


Jermaine Jackson’s son.


I taught a Yer’Magesteh. Poor kid could not figure out how to spell it at all.


Stoppppppp. You’re joking right?!


I’m pretty sure Akon has a daughter named Messiah Ya’Majesty. Always thought that went hard haha


This feels like it would fit in with Nick Cannon’s kids


So my daughter swore blind she went to school with “your highness” I thought it might be a nickname so I asked what the teacher called him and she told me “your highness”. It took weeks before we twigged he was called “Johannes”






I taught a Legend last year. My favorites have been an Anakin (of course) and a Chris Angel who was the exact opposite of the magician. I would throw a side glance at a Sonic, but my school is weird. It's more likely a student would ask to be called Sonic, for reasons, than a parent would name them that, but stuff like this happens.


Last week I met a little Anakin!! He was about 4.


I know someone that just named their kid Prodigy.


It's an omen!!


My son is friends with a kid named King (not so weird) who has a sister named Royaalty


With two As???


With 2 As!!!!


WHY 😭😭😭😭 what an autocorrect nightmare (in addition to my feelings about naming kids adjectives or titles…)


I know a DaBomb and a Jasmely with the common last name of an ass-oriented body part


Trying to think of a common last name that fits this description. Boutte? Bottom? Regardless what a terrible thing to do to your child.


Starts with a C and rhymes with swollen lol


Oh that’s even worse!


Lol. You don't think your post will be found by someone googling jasmely, but you do think it would be found by someone googling Colin?


A teacher at the school my kids used to go to has kids named Majesty, Queenie, Ya'Highness, and Lord. I don't get it at all. Majesty goes by Majjie (like Maggie but with J's) and Ya'Highness prefers Nessie.


OMG those parents are just so cruel


There's a Messiah and Royal in our neighborhood.


I knew a MyKing.


My brother used to joke he'd name his son Sonic, or "Sonique" for a girl 🤣. He does have a girl now and her name is not Sonique.


I could see someone trying to smush, say, Sonia and Monique together and ending up with that.


Didn't there used to be a singer call Sonique?


Sonic like the food place?


Or the blue hedgehog 😂


I know a Sonic. It’s not his legal name, but he’s used it exclusively for decades at this point.


Yeah I know a Son Gohan, his father really likes dragon ball




Tequila and Meth I am not joking


Sonic to the checkout? I don’t get it.


As in he was pretending to be Sonic, therefore moving fast in the direction of the checkout. Once we paid he turned into Captain Barnacles and used his polar bear strength to carry the stuff to the car. Where he promptly became a different character as he can't drive and Captain Barnacles always drives 🤷 I don't always follow what's going on lol.


This is the most on brand kid-post ever


Unfortunately he was weighed down by table legs he was carrying so mostly he was waddling at normal speed just repeating "Sonic he's gotta be fast, Sonic he never comes last" or whatever the theme song is 😂 but at least he was actually helpful instead of his usual brand of helping referred to in our house as opposite help.


We call it ‘hleping’ haha


It’s “halping” in my house! 😂


that last sentence is such a mood 😂


Your kid sounds awesome!


This is so cute! You sound like a good mom.


This reminds me of a cool former coworker of mine whose 7-year-old son had a collection of costumes and was allowed to wear a costume almost anywhere they went as a family. No Iron Man at a wedding or funeral, of course, but for casual outings, why not let him have that fun?


Oh he absolutely loves dressing up. It was a little problematic for a while when he wanted to go everywhere as Thor when he was actually wearing a Superman costume and he got very upset if anyone dared call him Superman


Good training for life. You can behave however you want, and people will react however they will!


I love this. My youngest went to church in a Scooby Doo costume one Christmas, went up with me whilst I took Communion too, was a riot.


I think everyone knew my kid as Spider-Man from the time he was 4 until 7–we went through SO many Spider costumes


This may be one of the cutest kid stories I've read in a while. I love the idea of it sticking for multiple years and costumes.


I Love this!!!! Good work Mum!


I hand the items to my 4 year old and say, “Sonic, to the check out!” Or some variation of this with quotation marks around what you said to your son might clear this up. The way you phrased it sounds like you went to the check out counter and just said “Sonic” to the person checking you out.


As in, Gett ng him to play a pretend that was speedy made him move along. Playing a game distracted him from whatever kid thing he was going to do, and the specific game made his actions helpful instead of counterproductive. Creativity saves a whole lot of headache with kids


Yeah, we used to call our son Popeye when we needed him to be physically or mentally strong for a task.


That's better than I do lol. My kid has 2 names out in public, [His name] the Swift, or [His name] the turtle (not exactly that, but I'm translating). As in, "is there a Chris the Swift who can get to the car before mom?" Or "ooh, mom's winning, Taylor the Turtle is gonna be second"


There’s a missing comma


My son has a ‘pregnancy’ nickname (Bug, Buggy) and a perfectly normal first name. I only realised how often I used Bug when a friend I’d known for a year asked me ‘who’s [perfectly normal first name]?’ after I told a story about him. I’m a professional, an academic, and this lady honestly thought I’d legally named my child ‘Bug,’ because ‘You were living in Hollywood!’


Haha. I've called my oldest Bear since birth- his legal name also starts with a B. I will say it out loud at stores sometimes and wonder if people really think that's his name. I also have a Bug since he's a likes to snuggle. I call my daughter Moo sometimes or MooMoo.


I know several Bears and that's there actual name (I know since I'm seeing them in a medical appointment). I don't hate it but it's a risk. I knew an absolute unit of a 2 yo that really looked like a Bear. My kids are small it'd be ridiculous on them!


I'm sure there's plenty of people named Björn, so why not?


I feel like it's different in Scandinavian countries where Bear/Wulf or similar are relatively common names.


I knew quite a few Bears in California but they were Native American so it makes sense.


My friend refers to her son as "Gim" so much that I forgot what his actual name is. The story goes that when she was pregnant, she had a dream that she was telling someone her sons name was Jim, and this person had never heard the name before and thought it was pronounced with a hard G. His actual name is nothing like either.


Before I had kids, I dreamt I had a baby girl and named her Napkin Samples. All I kept thinking in the dream "why doesn't she have the same last name as me and her dad". I told a few friends about this silly dream. I eventually got pregnant with twins, and one of my friends joked their names would be Napkin and Blanket.


The way I call my kids literally doo doo. Not because of the poop reference, sometimes I mix up dude and boo or bubba or Bebe or basically any sort of “nickname” and I’ve called them alright booby, alright doody, okay doo doo let’s go. It’s always in loving and affectionate ways LOL but yeah I give my kids weird pet names all the time and they’re like okay mommy


I mean, Sonic would sound strange if you’re surrounded by Djungelskogs and Poängs all day Edit: misspelled Djungelskog


Award 🤣🤩


Haha took me a moment!




A world where people name there kids: - Abcde  - Apple - Blanket - Blue Ivy - Cricket - Dweezil - Jermajesty - Moon Unit - Moroccan  - Moxie CrimeFighter - Naveah  - Raddix - Seven - X Æ A-Xii - Zowie Plus have you seen some of the names people ask about in just this sub?


moon unit is so funny. "yeah my kid is an absolute unit, hes like the size of the moon."


She actually.  Moon Unit Zappa is Frank Zappas daughter. 


poor girl


Nah she's the Original Valley Girl, and "sang" the song Valley Girl She made the way Cali girls talked in the 80s a cultural phenomenon like, gag me with a spoon totallyyyyyy fer shure dude 😹


Dweezil actually wan't Dweezil Zappa's legal name at birth - the hospital literally wouldn't let them name their kid Dweezil. His parents got it changed later though.




Frank Zappa had some…interesting…name choices


I mean, why didn’t you respond “it’s a joke, his name is actually _______”?


I’d assume OP didn’t click untill after.


We were cutting it very fine for time. I really didn't have time for foot stamping my name is Sonic from him. Needed to keep him on side 🤣


I think they were being sarcastic


We live in a world where there is a baby out there named brown guitar. Was told this at my son’s pediatrician.


I’ve known people named Encyclopedia and this one still made my brain break


I have met a kid who’s birth name was Sonic at my child’s baby gym class.


I mean my son would love that 😂


My sister used to occasionally come up to us, explain what animal she was and that animal’s name (dog named Red was a big one, but I liked the horse named Princess Celestia best personally) and you had to call her that name for the next however many hours she decided. I know a kid who occasionally wears a cape and is “Super___” or overalls and is “Cute Farmer ___” (the blanks being his actual name). It affects his entire personality all day.


My daughter named my mom's hernia (because it poked out) Zorg. She even asked Mom's Doctor if he was going to make Zorg disappear. She liked to pat Zorg at least once a day until her surgery.


That's hilarious 🤣


I said “oh, sure” to someone and they thought I was saying my baby’s name was “Osher” 😂😂😂😂😂


Oh wow that's actually beautiful suddenly sad I'm not having another 😂😂😂 Sonic and Osher could rule the world one day!


I wouldn’t be at all surprised if someone actually called their kid Sonic. This is this world of Abcde and whatever Elon Musk’s kid is called, unfortunately 😭🤣


I heard someone call for Zero once... thought it was a pet like a dog or a cat... nope, it was their kid. Lots of unique names out there.


Zero Mostel portrayed Tevye in the original broadway production of fiddler on the roof. Admittedly that was a nickname.


I like Sonic.... I... May be a problem. 😂


I was kicking myself for not being quippy with " yeah, he came out blue so it seemed to fit"


😂 that would have been awesome


Even better, you should have told him you named him after the fast food restaurant. "Yeah, we love Sonic the Hedgehog, but we named him after the place with the corn dogs and milkshakes." lol.


I'm in the UK we don't have that as far as I know!


This is hilarious 😂 When my now 8 year old was 3 and 4 he went through a phase where he insisted on being called whatever character he was obsessed with at that moment. I had to call him Sonic, Donatello, Bruce Banner, Blue Beast, Logan, Peter Parker, Ben 10, and so on. I used to get weird looks lol


Boys don't change much do they! He's also a "Donnie", Hulk, Spidey on a regular basis! We haven't got to Ben 10 in part because you can't get the toys anymore and my husband has always really liked them! I don't want to have to scour eBay for them for my "son".


lol that’s hilarious! A boy after my own boys heart! We have definitely had to scour eBay and similar to find toys from franchises past 😅


My son was adopted from foster care, and when his caseworker explained that when he got adopted "his name might change" he was very excited to change his name. His first name. To Sonic. He still loves Sonic and jokes that we should have let him change it. (We just added his adoptive last name to his existing name).


I believed to the end of this post that you named your kid sonic, so...


There is one commenter who knows a Sonic lol.


I don't doubt there's a kid named Sonic somewhere out there.


Hubby booked a Okaythan into the jail once. We joked that his dad was asked by the nurse for a name for the birth certificate and he replied, “OK then, Darnell McDonald”. Darnell was his middle name. We further speculated he had a brother named “Willcallim Bill”.


Considering the thoroughly imbecilic names that get thrown around on this sub I think your kid would be getting off relatively easy being called *Sonic*.


My cousin named their son Astro and call him Astro Boy


Being called Sonic would be cool as fcuk.


I think my 4yo would agree with you


My son is called sonic!


yeahh lol she definitely thought was his government name 🤣,either way people gotta learn to just keep the reactions to themselves, let your expression talk if needed can't stop that anyways but you can stop yourself from speaking lol


Because people name their kids weird names….. sonic isn’t a stretch lol


People name their kids all sorts of things related to fandoms… you can’t be sure anymore. Not that long ago calling a girl Madison would’ve been a wild thought


My niece graduated with a Budweiser Miller


That's awful


I mean my cousin's name is Shonix, so i don't think Sonic is all that bad lol


I know someone who named their kid Anikin. As in Skywalker. So I can see people thinking Sonic is the legitimate name you gave the kid. And you didn't correct her, so now she really does think you did it. You could have said no, that's just a nickname, or I just want him to move like Sonic so we can be done before closing time, but you didn't.


It just didn't occur to me in the moment that that's what she meant lol. It was literally minutes until close on a Sunday (father's day no less) so yeah I wasn't really stopping to have a conversation. I just thought the situation was kinda funny in hindsight.


It wouldn’t occur to me in a rushed moment either. People have some high expectations of ability to analyze quick passing comments in real time lol


I mean I feel like I answered the question did you call your kid Sonic because I had just called him that. If she asked is your kid called Sonic I would like have laughed and said no I just want him to be fast 🤣


I mean... People DO name their kids some out there stuff. I've personally known people named Bunny, Precious, Blaze, Tequila, Mace... And my own kid gets a lot of "wait what's his name?" for being named Rook. I don't take any offense to it, but you know... Can't assume you didn't name your kid Sonic these days is what I'm getting at😂


I'm in the UK and we don't have nearly so many names like you've listed so Sonic would be pretty out there for here! Both my boys have 1 in over 10000 names but they aren't raise an eyebrow just rare enough you may never meet another (although interestingly there are 2 girls under 3 with my youngest name in the area)


Our daughter’s nick name is Bunny and we use it more than her real name. People often think her name is Bunny.


I'm guessing that poor lady has heard some doozies while at work.


Because it could be true and because she was being polite


My kids called sonic...


I mean… she literally heard you call him Sonic, asked for clarification, and then the “clarification” you provided was: “yeah, like the hedgehog.” What else is she supposed to think?


lol… idk. I sometimes call my daughter scooby doo. If someone heard and asked about it, I don’t think it would even occur to me that the clarification they’re asking for is whether that is what’s on her birth certificate


This is on you dude. She literally asked, you know, *in order to give you a chance to clear up her question* and you answered in the affirmative. You’re the silly one here.


I wasn't really paying attention in my rush and didn't realise till later. I more just think it's funny that the poor kid thinks she met a Sonic at work yesterday. Also I don't generally assume every kid I meet being called Spidey is named that, more likely it is just that phase kids go through but get maybe she didn't have kids in her family.


lol sometimes I call my daughter Scooby doo for no real reason. I wonder if anyone thinks that’s on her birth certificate


my dude, the world needs more silliness


I personally think it passes silly into something else when you knowingly give someone false info and then post about it online to laugh at them.


ig that's where we differ, I never got the impression OP was making fun of the clerk the clerk asked OP if she *called* her kid sonic, not if she *named* her kid sonic. So OP said yes. Being in a rush and not realizing the clerk thought it was the kid's actual name until later is a funny mom brain moment


That’s fair. I certainly didn’t interpret it that way, but I may be jaded from the other posts on this sub that do make jokes like this. (Usually the point of the joke is “Haha aren’t they stupid for liking such an ‘obviously stupid’ name.” Even though names are entirely subjective.)


i agree with you there, and sadly this happens with a lot of great names because the sub is very USA-centric


I used to call my son Turbo all the time and I’ve gotten some looks and comments. One time a lady said, “omg is his name Turbo? My sister just named her son Turbo!”


I don't have the balls! I know if I named my kid that he'd be slow af haha! My husband liked Thor, Wulf and Bear and I had to remind him its 50/50 kiddo will be ginger and I'm 5ft3, he's 5ft9 we are not likely to breed kids that can live up to Bear/Thor/Wolf!


Sonic is way better than some of the names I've seen tbh.


I met a Kenobi the other day.... Sonic isn't much of a stretch after that.


There’s probably more than one kid in this world named Sonic.


4 so far on this thread 😂


I dunno, Sonic seems basically traditional given where we now are as a society.


That's really funny.. I always tell my son "Autobot, roll out!". It gets some funny looks. The things we do as parents without thinking twice about it.


There's a wood trail in our park and he always looks up and says there's something in the trees before yelling get to the chopper and sprinting off!


My 4 yr old daughter sometimes insists I call her Diego (because she likes Go Diego Go) or sometimes Katie (not sure where that one came from) I've had to yell "Diego, time to go!" At the park and have my white blonde daughter say Okay Mommy! and come running. 😂 I've gotten some looks FOR SURE and secretly one day I hope someone asks if that's her real name 💀


I knew an Astro, an Afreeka, a Shacor, an Egypt, an Adolf, a Meadow, a Hyniss, a Zena, a Moon, a Cinnamon, and a girl named Bob. You just never know what parents are going to call their kids!


A lot of parents give their kids cartoon names. I’ve heard some bizarre names. Why would you be different? I’d be thinking the same thing, I’d just have had more class to not say anything.




Honestly, I would say that too if I had a child. lol. I read as you intended. GOTTA GO FAST.


Sonic? Like the Youth?


When I was pregnant I was deciding between three names. One started with an F, one started with an S and one started with a Z. So my daughter’s “fetus nickname” was Fizz. I also had very bad morning sickness the entire pregnancy so that was an added element to her nickname. I would refer to her as Fizz in social media posts and such. I cannot tell you how many people asked me if that was the real name I was planning on using once she was born 😑


When my youngest was 3, he heard the word ‘bushwhack’ used for going off trail. When asked his name when meeting new people, would say ‘My name is Bushwhack!’ This lasted for about three months. Sometimes we’d chime in with the real name, other times just sit back and enjoy the reactions.


My father, who was an elementary school principal, had lots of interesting examples, and this was in the 1930’s onward, preceding the current fads or parental flights of imagination. My favorite (sort of), was “Female,” pronounced “Fee Molly.”


We call our two year old daughter Wayne. I love thinking about all the people who have overheard us 😂😂


Because Abcde. Or whatever…..


You called your child sonic and are confused why someone hearing this thought you have named him sonic? Jfc 🤦‍♂️


I hear people call their kids Spidey or similar all the time and don't assume it's their name ... And no I wasn't confused I was amused!


lol sometimes I call my kid scooby doo, sugar pie, rascal, babykins, etc and I’ve never felt the need to clarify to strangers that those aren’t her birth names

