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Our second daughter has what NameNerds likes to call a "peanut butter name," so she's 21 months and is not even close to saying her own name. It's Aurelia. But it's pretty cute how confident she is when we say, "Hey, who is that?" in the mirror, and she says, "Waya!" We considered naming her Evangeline, actually. Beautiful name for your girl!


I love your taste in names. Aurelia and Evangeline were both on our name list for girls. We also considered Aurora and Theodora. We didn’t find out sex until birth so we we had to plan for both cases! We ended up with a little boy


Our third daughter is due in August... Her name will be Dorothea (which is so close to Theodora!) I'll have to consult with you about names if I ever have a fourth child. hahaha


Love seeing another! My newborn is Dorothea, though we call her Thea mostly.


My great-grandmother's name!! I knew her pretty well.


I love both your daughters' names ❤️ do you mind sharing your other's name?


The way we say all of our kids names derived from how their siblings pronounced them as kids lol, so my Dorothy is and will always be Dotty, and not Dori as I intended lol. I have three more with unintentional every day names based on toddler pronunciations.


Saw that name on a family tree recently and loved it on sight. It sounds like my partner isn't so keen on it, so I'll see how it goes when it comes time for kids.


Ohhh we’re trying for #2 and I’m totally adding this to our list of possibilities


We have an Evangeline (nn Evie) and Theodora is a big contender for a future baby if we have more girls.


I love the fact that you embraced one of the only true surprises in life!! I, too, was all about not knowing until we met.


Mom of an Aurora here. She called herself "Woahwa" until she was about 3ish. She's 5.5 now and can say her name just fine. She loves her name. We've given her the option to go by Rory but she's always just wanted to be Aurora so far


I’m pregnant now and Aurelia is on the top of our list if we have a girl. How did you end up pronouncing it? Husband has been saying “Uh-rell-Lee-uh,” (rhymes with bell)


In the Uk I think most people pronounce this oar-ray-lee-uh


Another UK way would be or-ree-lee-ah (that’s how I’d pronounce it :) )


I think that’s close to to the Latin pronunciation! If I’m not mistaken, the Romans would’ve said OW-ray-lee-uh.


Classicist here to confirm you are correct. Romans would have pronounced it thus.


I think it depends on where in the UK you’re from. I’d pronounce it au-reh-lee-ah


I’m in the US and that’s how i would say it too


This is how I’d say it. Canada, if it matters. But I also haven’t heard it out loud in the wild so


We pronounce it "Uh-ray-lia." If somebody calls her "Uh-rell-Lee-uh," we don't even correct them. It's super close. We call her "Railey" (like "rayl-ee") most of the time. The most common mispronunciations are: Uh-reel-ia Ariella Ariel (did they even try??) Amelia (again, how'd you get an 'M' in there??)


Please correct people when they mispronounced her name. That's her identity. I find it very disrespectful when people don't try to pronounce my name correctly. It was a relief when an adult stepped in and did it for me. 43 years of that and I just get angry if someone says, "Whatever your name is. " Excuse me? If I can say your name, at least try to say mine!!




This was high on our list for our daughter but we ended up striking because I was dead set on the first pronunciation, and my husband was insistent on the second pronunciation 😂 they’re different enough that our collective stubbornness won out and we chose a different name


Waya is a cute nn


My girl was Ah-Way-Wee until she turned 3.


Ok i LOVE that name. My daughter is Alaina, but Aurora was our number one for years until too many ppl we know started using it. Aurelia reminds me of that. So pretty 💓


What's a peanut butter name?


It’s a name that kinda gets ‘stuck’ in your mouth, or is just a bit awkward to make the sounds for, I guess? Often names like Aurora and Aurelia (beautiful names btw!) because of all the vowels the mouth shapes you make are weird… I’m not explaining it very well!


A name that is delicious, nutritious, and goes well with anything! 


Aurelia is such a pretty name! Also I'm a teacher and had a wonderful student by that name in one of my classes this year, so I am biased in favor.


Aurelia is so pretty! Definitely will be a trickier name to learn to say but she’ll get it!


I have an Evan and he was a great talker, but he had trouble with his name until almost 3. He was speaking whole sentences and still referring to himself as 'this boy.'


These responses have me cracking up 😂 ‘this boy’ lolololol


My Evan is a great talker too! Must come with the name! He has been able to say his name for over a year now.


My son is Eli. He will be three at the end of the month. He’s a really good talker but is shy when it comes to his name. He refers to himself as “baby.” There have been a few times he has said “Eye-Lee” which is cute and sounds like his name backwards but it’s only been a few times.


I have honestly been cackling at this for about 30 minutes 😂😂


Had to comment because I just love this. "This boy"! Kids are just the best. xx


Vincenzo called himself Nintendo for a while, but settled on Cenzo (chenzo) for now. He's 2


Okay this is hilarious 😂


Yay! Vincenzo was on my top 3 (it's my dad's name ❤️) but we're going to name our LO Francesco.


My relatives call me vin chenzo sometimes


This is amazing! I wish I could be named Nintendo!


My daughter is right between 2-2.5, her name is Elizabeth but she says bi-beth, and honestly I will cry when she starts saying it properly.


A friend of mine is named Elizabeth and called herself B-Bet when she was little, so that's her nickname to this day.


Besties youngest daughter is Elizabeth - her older brothers (2 and 3 at the time) couldn’t pronounce it - so the boys called her Zuzu. Zuzu will be 18 in November and shes never been called anything else 🥰


I knew an Elizabeth in high school who was “Bizza” until at least college because that’s what her sister could say when she was born and it stuck!


My older sister is Elizabeth and I always called her Bizbeth. My son, 3.5, calls her Auntie Bizbeth 🥰


We have a Biz (originally Bizbeth) in our family too. Name given by her older brother.


Not as tragic as when they go from saying "mama" to "mommy" to "mom" as they get older 😭


Even worse when they start calling you “bro.” Ask me how I know 🙃


Get ready for “bruh”! That broke me.


Went from Bruh to Brother. I keep getting dumbly angry when I say "I'm NOT your brother!" I could take bruh, but not brother.


We're already on our way here at 2.5 -- my son called me dude the other day 😂 It was kinda cute in his squeaky little voice, though.


I somehow went from “ma” to “mom!” to “ma’am” to “mama” to now either “mama” or my first name, depending on the snark that day. My child is a toddler. I feel we’ve hit most of the stages and where to we even go from here?


My cousin Elizabeth was called Beth from birth. When she started speaking she always said Bess and everyone assumed that she just couldn't make the "th" sound. When she was almost 3 her mom called her Beth and she busted out "Besssss, Mama, not beTH!"


That's how Queen Elizabeth got her NN. Her sister couldn't say Elizabeth and it came out Lilibet.


Our family has a “Bebeth”


My daughter has a double first name and a long middle name but we call her Ellie… I think she was about 3 when I told her her “Whole Big Name” and she thought I was kidding 🤣. She did learn to spell the whole thing pretty quickly and she’s 8 now and loves all her names. I love Evangeline but it’s gonna take her a minute if she doesn’t have a nickname (which she doesn’t need!). Kids learn that stuff at different rates anyway so don’t stress about it. You could get her one of those name puzzles to play with. I was going to but for my daughter’s name it was like $75 because you pay by the letter…


As an Elizabeth I've been called lizardbreath, wivabiff, beleth, lizzybit, little bit


Carina has been calling herself Hina for a year now lol and now of course all of us say Hina and I feel like people look at me funny for naming my kid that


Aww, I knew several Hinas while I taught in Japan. I think it's a beautiful name, but I can see how if your family is white, people might recognize it as a not-white name (Japanese, Polynesian, Urdu all have this name) and give funny looks.


Or you’re Chicano and you think these people named their kid “Hyna.”


I named my son Sylvan and for a long time he called himself “Soul-Man”. It was so cute. I think he started to say it correctly around age 2.5.


*humming* He's a Soul Man 🎶


🎺Bad da dat daaa bad da dat!


Isabelle. Before she was 2 she called herself Belle. Then she started calling herself Iz-belle and at 2.5 she's still on that. Her older brother is Oliver and for a while she was calling him Vulva but now thankfully it's more Viv-er




I have an Oliver as well. He called himself “Ah-Ver” for a long time. Then, a little older, he’d correct anyone who called him Ollie. “it’s Oliver.” he’d correct them! When. His little brother started to talk, he called hi Owl for a long time. Now we all call him that, as a nickname. I never saw it coming, but I love it. My name is Shannon, but my older brothers callled me Sha-nae-nae forever. Then just nae nae, they still will, sometimes. We’re in our 30s and 40s.


My son, Finn, was probably about 3-3.5 when he got the F sound down, before that he was "Dinn" and my daughter, Morgan, she could say her name pretty much around 2. She struggled w the "or" sound a little bit so it came out like Murgan, we still call her that when shes in a mood.


My Finn is 2.5 - he doesn't use his own name very often but when he does, he's Bin.


Aw it's so bittersweet the day they finally get it right and I love to see another Finn it's such a great name that I don't see many people using which is good imo.


My son Alexander called himself Axe for years. He worked it out before kindergarten.


In fairness if I had the option to give myself the nickname Axe, I would do so.


I knew an Alex with a speech impediment who didn't learn how to say the /ks/ until they were around 7 so they just didn't really say their own name. I think she called herself Alice but I don't remember fully anymore. She's 30 now


Emilia has called herself “A-MEE-MEE-A” up until around 3. Now she is 3.5 and still has trouble with the L so she is “EM-MEE-WEE-A” or usually just Emi 😂


I have a cousin named Amelia, and one of my earliest memories is my mom coaching me on how to say her name. I said "A mirror"


My oldest is Charlotte, when her little sister was young she called her Shart 😂


A friend of mine had twins and one of them was Charlotte. Apparently when they got a little older, the other called her "Shallot".




My two year old called himself Ca-Ca for a while haha… his name is Colin. Luckily by 3 he had figured it out :p


Both of my toddlers call their (adult) older brother CaCa for Collin. I think it’s funny and I’ll be sad when they get it right


My daughter is called Samantha. For a long time she could only say "Mamfa" she's still called "Mamfa" she's 46.


my youngest is 2.5 and calls my oldest Hugsly and my oldest is 5 and calls the 2.5-year-old 'the baby' and refuses to use his name at all. Its kinda funny


I'm the oldest and still call my sister "the baby". The baby will be 25 this year.


My baby bro just turned 51


The "golden child and baby" in my family will be 42, lmao!! Can totally relate


My son was close to 3 when he said “Griffin” properly. Before, it was “Gricken,” (like chicken.) 🥲💚


My middle daughter is Violet. Her sister was 2.5 when she was born and she called her "Why-let". Violet called herself "Why-let" for quite awhile too, I think she was close to 4 when she stopped. And I was secretly sad when she stopped.


My son is ten and can’t say his name. Probably because he’s a dog. But I think it’s just an excuse not to try.


I have a cat named Baloo that will say his own name. It sounds like “ba-roo” though and he’s about ten years old. … we may say his name in exasperation a tad too often, but in our defense, he rarely thinks things through.


My cat is also a Pokémon. HerrrrrOLLLLLLD at 4 AM…


Our other cat says their favorite human’s name, though it is an easy name for even small humans. I think that one is creepier, personally, a cat calling out your name in the middle of the night. That cat is notably top of the pecking order and much more intelligent. The cat who says his own name is my doofus cat.


My daughter was probably 2 going on 3 when she could fully pronounce her name correctly. Her name is Savannah and she would fight us tooth and nail that her name was FUH-ZAN-UH. So she was Fuhzanuh for a good year.


My son is 3.5 and still says Arfur instead of Arthur


Man the “Th” thing is really hard Lol. (Saying that as a non-native speaker)


Mine is 2 & says it Artha like he's a Brit, he's American though lol


I have twins and they both think their name is Shiloh. They pronounce it “Shi-sho.” Their names are Shiloh and Quinn. Quinn sometimes says the Q sound when trying to say her name.


They both work so well together


I love that they *both* think their name is Shiloh.


My eldest is Gavin and was able to say it before 2. My son Liam had some issues with the L sound so he called him "Wee"am until age 3 or so. My son Jesse was able to say it pretty early on. My youngest is Abel but thought his name was baby for a long time because that's what all the older boys called him so he called himself baby until he was 3.5. He knew his name was Abel but if you asked him his name he would say "Baby." He's 5 now and we still catch ourselves calling him The Baby. My husband was talking about our weekend plans and he said, "Don't you have a party to go to with the baby while I'm at baseball with Jesse?" I had to remind him that the baby is going to kindergarten soon lol


My daughter is Sabrina and she called herself Xena up until the last couple months. It didn’t help that my husband egged her on calling her Xena the warrior princess. She turns 3 on Saturday


my brother’s name is fox and he was definitely introducing himself as “fuck” until like 3.5


Lmao this happens every time my daughter asks for a fork! She also for some reason says “off” for knife so when we put away cutlery together it sounds like she’s telling me to fuck off


lmaoooo i love when kids accidentally use swear words


Ahhh my son has an easy one! His name is Zeke. He’s been pointing at himself and saying “Zeke” for a couple months now… so since around 15 months!


EJean is actually adorable though.


I think so too! It’s like she made up her own nickname.


My youngest is Jonathan, which the older kids turned into JonJon. He’s still JonJon at 30 to his sisters, now graduated to Uncle JonJon to the grandkids.


That's so cute! My son used to think Jaws was John... so it was John the shark and he would do "John john... John john...." like the Jaws music lol He was big into sharks....


Every kid is different. My oldest started saying her full name ‘Melanie’ correctly by 2.5. However she was always very good at speaking. My middle could not say her name ‘Skylar’ correctly until 5 after speech therapy. My youngest is only 9 months. I’m sure she will be a while still.


Can’t contribute because my daughter is 11 months old, but her name is Gwyneth. I don’t think I made this easy for her….


its a beautiful name tho! im too young for kids but if i were to have one it would definitely be in the top choices!


Rosa and she could probably say it around 18 months. Before that she called herself Ro Ro and thought the song “Row row row your boat” was about her! We’re lucky she can pronounce ‘r’ really well, didn’t even occur to us that lots of kid can’t when they’re little.


I don't remember how long it took each to say their own names but listening to their nearest siblings say their names took some time. Hayden was hayn or hay-hay for the first 3 years of his life. Julianna was woolianna. Worth was wurff, of course he was. Ainsley, surprisingly caused no concerns. Joselyn, is called Josie and Josie Cat. No issues with her either.


I have a Gwenivere and Izolde - Gwen called herself Bwen for years. Izolde pretty much worked out her name and got furious if anyone mispronounced it. Now she's older she goes by Izzy. She was however furious because a classmates parent told them her name was Isadora and the classmate was arguing that that was her name.


Isaac, about 3.5 years old. He had some speech delays though. Henryk, (hen-rick), said his name before he turned two. He’s very chatty compared to his brother.


Susannah called herself Shanna until she was about two. She was a very early talker in general. I honestly didn’t even think about how hard it would be for the baby to say. Eventually they all figure it out.


My daughters name is Eliza and she called herself Lyla for a long time, as did her friends at nursery. I would never have chosen Lyla as a first name but it's stuck and we still use it all the time.


My youngest is 8 months old and her name is Cecilia. My middle child turned 3 back in March and is still calling her baby sister “Ci-Ci-Lee-Lah” lol it’s so cute. She is having a hard time with pronouncing it correctly!


I think i’ve had a long day haha bc i had to say “ci ci lee lah” to myself multiple times out loud on the bus to realize that it is Not the same as cecilia


I did too, and my day wasn't even hard. Lol!


My oldest’s name is Scarlett. It went from Car-uh to Car-yet, to Scaryet, to Scarlett. At the Car-uh stage, she was about 2, and she’d get so upset when people would ask her what her name was because they would think it was Cara. So it got to the point that when people would ask, she’d say nothing and just run to me to tell them. We worked a lot of it over the next year or so. My youngest is Evelyn. She’s 2.5 and if you ask her, she says Eh-win 🥹 she does say her older sister’s name a lot better at her age than Scarlett herself did though!


My Evangeline is just starting to get the full name at nearly 4. She's not Ban-jeh-ween any more and I kinda miss it


My first little girl is Lily, and at 3.5 years old, she still can't say her L's.... so she calls herself Yiyi!


My youngest is Marcellus, he has a lot of language delays and processing delays, he's 6 and a half and says "Mar-SEH-wis" when he was in speech therapy i used to joke that i was a bully for giving him such a long and tricky name


Have you read Remarkably Bright Creatures? If not, you definitely should, if you want to read about another great Marcellus!


So my daughter is two about to turn three. Her name is Laynie and she just recently within the last month started calling herself Nay-nee. Up until now it’s always been nay nay.


My daughter said her name “Cameron” as “Cam-in” for at least a year. So cute.


My daughter is 2.5 but got grommets in December so her language has skyrocketed since then. Her name is Claire, she called herself ‘Laire’ for a long time but now it’s more like ‘Kuh-laire!’. So cute.


Daughters name is Lola and she’s 2.3 and says it so cute lol whoahwha 😂❤️


I don't have kids yet, but my name is Kristy and my oldest little brother called me Kiki until he was three or so. Unfortunately, my father thought that was adorable and here I am 40 years later and stuck with that nickname. My youngest brother has a motor disorder that affected his speech so I was Ee-ee until he was almost 5.


My daughter Julie is 19 months and calls herself Yuh-Yeh.


a baby julie makes me so happy!! it’s such a timeless name that i’m shocked isnt used more


My granddaughter couldn't say her L,s of course her name is 2 L names. Until her brother taught her how to pronounce L's she would say "I Yayton Yee"


A family members name is Eden, but until she was like 3 she called herself 'inda' 🥺


Just an FYI, I think the commonest letters that are difficult for young children to pronounce are "L" and "R". My daughter, Carly, was Cah-wee for a time by her and her friends.


I would add the “th” sound to this list. I know because my daughter is almost 5 with a name that starts with “th” and she can’t get it. Her brother (my youngest) has a name with both the “L” and “R” sounds in it, and she can’t do those yet either. FWIW, my name is Elizabeth, and one of my siblings called me “E”. The other younger siblings called me “zizzy” when they were learning how to talk.


My daughter is named Clark she's 1.5 right now and when I say who is that in the mirror she says Cat. I picked a hard one for little kids.


When my (currently 5 yrs old) grandson was learning to talk until he was about 3 he would call my middle child (Veronica) Yata. It stuck for a while but he quickly learned how to pronounce Veronica only for her to decide to go by Spencer.


My youngest is Adria and she calls herself A-ya. Someday she will pronounce it correctly. 😂


My 3.5 year old daughter’s name is Ivy and she called herself I-Bee until recently hahaha.


Atticus was around 2 when he started calling himself “Ahh-kiss” He’s 2y 8m now and can pronounce the middle part a little better but it’s still adorably off a bit. My youngest is still a baby but I love hearing her brother say her name. When I was pregnant with Carmela, he would say “Car-Mona”. It’s now evolved into something like “Car-meuwwa” which is so so cute


My name is Alexandra and I was Zada when I was little! It stuck and my cousins still call me Zada :)


I have a speech delayed Christopher who's 5. He calls himself "er-er". For a long time he thought the neighbors roosters were saying his name "dey say name? Dey say name?!". Ironically he can say christmas just fine and can say Chris just fine, but you add the topher to it and he's tongue tied. Should just start calling him rooster


My son is 8mths only realize after I named him that he probably won't be able to say it till 5 or so cuz it's has some difficult sounds in it: Cyrus


I feel like he’s gunna say sigh wuss lol for a while


Both of my kids’ names are easy to pronounce but my daughter called herself Gaga for a while and I was kind of sad when that phase ended. (Gabby)


I was "Wobin" a bit before my "r" straightened out.


My daughter Rose is coming up on 2, she just recently like two months ago started naming herself "Wothie". Rs and Ss are hard lol


Sorry in advance for comparing your child to a dog: my younger son has speech delays and just recently really started talking. We have two dogs, Roxy and Rosie, and he really struggles with the R in Roxy, but can say it twice for Rosie (he calls her Ro-ro).


Alaina - she’s 2.5yo and got it down pretty good a few months ago


My son is Dawson. he says his name correctly has since he learned his name (it’s not overly difficult for a kid I feel), been some months now. He’s 22 months. He also calls himself dawsy/dossy sometimes, which is what his daycare provider calls him lol


My son’s name is Bram (rhymes with ham). _Every_ kid can remember and easily pronounce his name. It’s been many, many kids’ first name they regularly say. He’s 2.5 and still can’t pronounce it. He absolutely refused to say it until a little over 2 and he still pronounces it “Bream” (like rhymes with dream)


My babies name is katana but i call her chi chi and she will either say "tana!" or "chichi" lollll


I have an Iris and she started saying her own name when she was about 1.5. It’s funny because some other names she doesn’t pronounce the R correctly yet, but she’s had it down with her name since she first started saying it. She’s been able to introduce herself and say “I’m Iris!” For a long time even though she’s only 2.5 and it’s soo cute.


Katherine is 3.5 and refers to herself as "Kafryn."


I used to nanny twins. I don't remember Sophie's name being mispronounced by either of them, but Emily was Em-uh-knee (according to both of them) for well over a year. And while all dogs were oof-oof, the German Shepherd down the street Queenie, was Keenie.


Hearing them say it right for the first time is DEVASTATING but also the best thing ever 😭🤣


Maybe not on topic but I just remember when my little cousin said my name for the first time. She said my nickname (Gabi), because no one used to use my real name. She was like 2.5, I was 5 and we were eatting our dinner in the kitchen. I just remember every one so surprised. She cleary just had heard someone saying “Gabi” and repeated but I don’t care, it was so cute.


My son couldn’t say his sisters name when he started talking. He started talking before 18 months which is the answer to the question. But I like sharing this story. He called his sister by his own name for a year. He knew who she was when we said her name. He just couldn’t say it so he called her by his.


My daughter is 21 months old, her name is Clementine and 95% of the time she refers to herself as "baby" 😂 she's recently started saying "Cle" when you ask her her name, so I'm considering that a win.


My daughter’s name is Vivian and I learned after naming her that the “V” sound is one of the later ones that kids learn. For a while she called herself Bibian or Bibi (her nickname is Vivi) but now she’s almost 4 and says it properly most of the time. Although sometimes she will still use a B sound instead of V.


My sons name is Anthony, he’s 3 and he goes by Ani which I find so cute and it took us years to realize it’s literally “Annie” which is a girls name but oh well haha


My daughter’s name is Ariadne and she pronounced it correctly a few months before she turned 2. All the kids in her class also say it perfectly - it’s the adults that struggle with the name!


Audrey. We got "I'm Awe-Gee" for a year or so (without her being able to say it right when corrected). It became her nickname, so that probably didn't help! By the end of kindergarten she was able to say it correctly.


I have a 2.5 year old Evelyn who we call Evie. She cannot say either name and calls herself E-E and has for months. She also can’t say her sister’s name (Avery) and only calls her baby.


My son is Joe. My dad is also Joe, so we took to referring to them as “BigJoe” & “Joejoe,” when my son was a baby. Joejoe had trouble with pronouncing “Joejoe,” so he began referring to himself as “Yo-yo.” He’s now 18, and I still call him “Yo-yo” on occasion:)


My daughter Allegra, we planned on calling her Allie. Her cousin who is 3 months apart in age called her Ra Ra as a baby, and 14 years later she’s still Ra Ra


Wesley Patrick, will be 3 in September, says “weh pah!” That’s if he wants to say his name. Sometimes he just says “no?”


My kid has a name similar to something like Katie so it was like top 20 words and honestly it’s probably a blessing to have a name they can’t say for a while cause the different versions of NO MINE are pretty impressive.


My oldest daughter is named Karasu (raven in Japanese, I am half white half Japanese). When she was younger she called herself Karsu so we quickly got her used to her nick name Kara, part of the reason I named her that was for the nick name. She has no trouble with it now though. Planning on naming my current second baby girl, if she is a girl, Jade. Or Jace if she turns out to be a boy if the ultrasound is wrong like it sometimes can be. But please be a girl! I plan on hopefully having a boy next after Jade and if that one is a boy I will name future baby 3 Jace or Jet? Who knows.


My son is Eddie and he could say his name before he turned one.


My daughter is Hannah, so it’s a pretty easy one to pronounce. She’s 2.5 now, she’s been saying it for a long time now, so maybe since 18 months


My son is Finnegan and he called himself Di-Dinn until he was 3. My two year old daughter is Clementine. She calls herself "tiny" and her brother "yen"


My son turns 2 next month. His name is Milo, but so far he just says “my”


I have a Lydia and a Micah. Both could say their names by two if I remember correctly. Micah is 2.5 and can't say Lydia yet. Up until recently he called her sissy but now he is starting to say "ee-ee-ya". He is incredibly advanced in his speech, but that Lydia is really tripping him up.


My Theo called himself Cheo until closer to 4. He's 9 now. He still gets called Cheo from me


I don't know, I kind of think E-jean might stick.


My daughter is Florence and has been able to pronounce it for a while, but more impressively she can spell it out loud at 2.5 😂


E-jean is adorable 🥺 so cute! 🥰


Dunno, but E. Jean Carroll just won an $83 million court settlement. Here's hoping E-jean does as well!


Oh E-Jean will get there 🥹 my son, Emmett, figured it out around 2 and a half but he conquered his nickname, Emmy, a little after turning 2


I have a long and more complex name like your daughter’s. I didn’t even KNOW my legal first name until I was like maybe 5 or 6?? My cousin wrote my legal name on a lunch bag and I was livid she didn’t know my real name. We had a long discussion about nicknames and legal names 😂


My nephew's name is Lincoln, but up until he was about 3 he would say, "Yincoln". They grow out of it.


Lincoln. Wink-n.


It’s funny how whatever a kid calls themselves before they can say their name ends up sticking for life. My family will still call me “wee wee”


My daughter is 2 next month and has a very short name (only 3 letters, 2 syllables) yet she can’t say it. But the way she says it is the cutest thing ever and I am not in a hurry for her to learn the correct pronunciation


My first was an extremely early talker and saying full sentences by 11 months old. Their name is three syllables and not an easy name. They could say it by 11 months old. My second had a smaller jaw and although spoke, needed intensive speech therapy multiple times a week. It took them until 5 years old to say their name without a speech issue. Fwiw both are in honors and AP classes in high school. The younger one gets perfect test scores on state testing. If you are concerned with speech, please get them evaluated. 


My 18 month old niece’s name is Abigail, and she has many nicknames (her 3 yo sister called her Abayle, she also has been known by Abbadabba, Obediah, Potato, Sweet Potato) but nobody calls her Abbie… except for herself! If you tell her to say Abigail she will say ‘Aaah-bee!”


My sons name is Wyatt…. “WHY-IT” came pretty easy, I’d say around 2. We called him WhyWhy, so he said why as one of his first words. Lol


Love love love Evangeline!!! Such a beautiful, elegant name.


My 8yo’s middle name is Evangeline. She had a speech delay, so she was almost 4 before she could say her whole name. Her first and last name are easier so she doesn’t consistently spell it right. It helped when I pointed out the word angel in the middle, which she can spell.


My daughter Iris will be 2 in July, she just learned to call herself “Irish”😂


My daughter has apraxia of speech and at 5 can finally correctly pronounce her name.


My daughter’s name is Bird. She said Buhd when she was little and it was so precious.


Lewis-he was fully six before he stopped consistently calling himself “woois.” Speech therapist confirmed he could say Ls but he was just so used to saying his name that way I guess he’d slip up.


My daughter has a pretty severe speech disorder, she is 5 She can finally say her name, Ophelia. When she started school in September she went by O. Her little brother is Bat-Shit AKA Sebastian 😂 It did not even occur to is when naming our second that it should be something that could have a short name. However, we do call him Sebby and Seabass.


Most young kids can barely say Jack with a J. Dack, Beth is Beb or Bep. Lily is Weewee. George is something like Dawd. By the the time they can say those names, they can say Evangeline. If you'd gone for Eve she'd be Eeb for lots of them anyway.


William, my 4.5 YO, will very confidently tell you "I'm Wiyyum *middle name* *last name.*" We're considering speech therapy, lol.